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  1. So, by this theory, the fact that it may take 2 or 3 healers to take down one dps holding an objective means that dps is broken as well ? Please. DPS is not the magic whacking stick. Not everything should die by 1 dps'r. Good luck taking out most tanks with a single dps. Ah, but wait, that's different.. cause.. why ? A tank is designed to withstand and endure damage ? Well, a healer is designed to heal and GIVES UP DEALING DAMAGE TO HEAL. The fact that they can heal at the same level as someone gives it out, should not, therefore, be a shocker. a healer holding out against 2 or 3 people can happen, jst in the same way as I have seen tanks demolish 2 or 3 dps's, or I have seen a BH merc total a couple of ops. It's ~exceptional~ .. I surely can't remember surviving in any WZ when 2 dps's targetted me. Heck, 1 good tank and I am toast.
  2. No. I can't agree more with this premise. This never had a lvl 50 pvp match with a sorc/sage healer on the PTS. I guess I am jst as guilty as everyone of not jumping onto the PTS server, but, by the time I knew of the changes.. way too late. Would they have listened to the one sorc anyway ? probably not. lone voice in the wilderness and all that. It seems that the "vox populi" want mass carnage+respawns, that's awesome - for them. That's not my idea of 'fun' at all, and if everyone will respawn in like 20s or less, then why be a healer at all when you can jst dps ?
  3. I almost pvp'd the entire game.. so.. I understand where you are coming from, and all I can say is.. the person in this thread who says unsub or re-roll is correct. sucks but.. yeah. What get's me is, 1vs1 - I didn't go down in PvP, same as most tanks with champ/bm gear. However, when I had 2 or 3 people focusing DPS/Melee on me, I went down. Which is ~exactly~ what they do for Tanks. Yet for some reason, healers were OP but nobody thinks that tanks are OP. I don't understand why that is at all.. but.. another of lifes mysteries I guess.
  4. sadly.. yes. I agree with you in that, I wish they would jst roll back the consumption stuff.. but.. that's not going to happen Build a man a fire, and he is warm for a day; set a man on fire, and he is warm for the rest of his life. I think I am jst going to vote with my $$$. I find it hard to be 'polite' when they have effectively killed about 100+ hours of my time building upto lvl 50, grinding through pvp to get champ gear and then basically listening to others about how 'OP' we are... without actually ~talking~ to the sage/sorcs about this. I also don't ~want~ to play an alt. I was the healer in my pvp and ops group. I liked it. I really did. It was what I enjoyed. Keeping people alive. Crazy, I know. So, what do I say to them now ? 'sorry guys/gals, I am going to be a tank from now on!' .. yeah.. my position is safe in the group then. If someone can offer me guidance on how to PvP with these changes, I will gladly take them. 'die and respawn' is NOT advice btw, if I wanted to do that, I wouldn't be a healer I don't think many people disagreed with the change regarding the double healing bug. That's a bug, so, sure. fix it. No biggie. However, the consumption/noble sac changes are awful. I have heard maybe (maybe) 1-2 sorc/sage healers say its a good idea, and every other sorc/sage say it's pretty terrible. This is, as someone pointed out, day 1 of the change. I don't think waiting and seeing if the anger/frustration dies down is a prudent move but, I am not a dev so... *shrug*
  5. Absolutely agree with this. I have never posted to the forums before today, so I maybe crazy but, I Have been asking people exactly ~how~ we were OP, and the basic answer I get is 'cause you can heal through my damage' ... guess what .. we are a HEALING spec. We ~should~ be able to heal through 1vs1 (except for if your gear sucks and they are BM or.. whatever). The double heal proc/crit bug needed fixing, no doubt about that in my mind. Everything else was jst overkill, mostly because a mara or jugg couldn't take out the healers 1vs1. Now they can ... and pvp is a respawn fest. jst roll back the consumption/noble sacrifice "fixes". I can't believe any sorc/sage on the PTS thought 'yes, these changes are awesome for PvP' .. maybe PvE they are 'okay' (although I doubt that in ops) but .. if you played the class, you would know in 15s how badly this breaks it. honestly. and yes.. before today, I never posted once. I am SO annoyed that they (quite literally) killed my main character. It's unplayable!!
  6. Actually, that's the funny/hysterical thing. It's NOT pvp's fault! The patches were because people were claiming that Sage/Sorc healers (as well as BH I guess) were OP mainly because on 1vs1 they couldn't be killed. It's the classic case of the squeaky wheel getting the oil. I know. A healer healing themselves and not dying. What's the world coming to *sighs* For PvP, this patch is ~deeply~ rage inducing. With bubble up, a single good mara or jugg can drop my champ+cent geared lvl 50 in about 4s. The only way I may stand a chance of lasting longer than 4s is by popping an armor stim .. even then that jst delays by a couple of seconds. The real thing is to roll back the consumption 'fix'. There, I said it. Feel free to flame me or whatever.
  7. I play normally as a Sorc Inq (pure corruption spec), and I feel your pain (said without dark side steepling of fingers, I assure you . Normally, in a good/fun WZ, the fights would go on and on. Healers would heal dps/tanks, get targetted, self heal a bit, run off, get a bigger friend to hide behind and the cycle would go on. I never targetted nor 'ratted out' the other teams healers, as that then meant they got focused. I maybe dark side, but I like to think there is still 'honour' in the WZ. I know, I know. Stupid but. The sign of a good WZ was (in my books) dmg would equal heals and deaths would be relatively low. I found these types of matches a LOT more enjoyable. Now, they are turning into frag-fests. The dmg MAY equal the heals, but the death count ? I died 22 times in one WZ, and the other healer quit after 20. That's without being targetted!! It's disappointing, as I shared the same sense of excitement. Running home from work to pvp with the guys/gals. Now ? it's dead to me. If they do fix the healing nerfs (far more than a nerf imo) then it will be at least a month or so. I would say 'join the dark side' but.. really.. we are jst as bad right now :\
  8. Ah! Yes, I agree that the double cast thing was a bug. That should have been fixed way before 1.2 (imo). Hopefully there is some more reasons than simple a single bug as to why some people say that sage/sorcs were OP. I hope.
  9. MW3 ?? There is no need for swearing on this forum :p
  10. So, I have to ask (again, assuming not a troll) HOW was the sorc/sage OP ? I honestly want to know
  11. I haven't played an op as a healer, only BH and Sorc, so, if I mis-step .. feel free to correct me The sorc bubble is all about damage mitigation. It doesn't factor into heals in a WZ, I guess if it did, then yes, sorcs on average would probably heal for more. However, the real kicker with a sorc healer is.. they are largely static (channeled heals, long cast times, etc). I assume (assuming here) that ops can cast on the run ? There is probably some tradeoffs going on. However, in a good WZ, I get 'closed down' a fair bit. I am used to that. It's part of the sorc healer deal. You have to find a good guard, or place to hunker down, and heal. If someone spots you, you heal yourself up a bit, then run for cover, someone with heavy armour Now ? well.. you can't even self heal a little to get the chance to run. Someone spots you and .. bam. dead. It's literally that quick and rage inducing
  12. more than that, I am willing to wager a cookie (I know, big spender that not one of the 4 toons listed is a healer
  13. Ops and BH healers are every bit as capable, that's what my original point was. Healer classes were all 'fairly even'. Now they are all evenly bad. I don't see how that helps healers play 'better' but.. okay Assuming for a moment, that the a-typical sorc healer does 620k in voidstar, doesn't that jst back up my stance that healers should be doing the same amount of heals as there is damage in a good WZ match ? (assuming 600k is a-typical for dps/melee) respawn slugfests are not my thing, but if they are yours, then you will be happy
  14. I assume that this is not a troll.. so.. here's your response; I normally used to get around 260k-330k in heals, and about 17k-34k in damage. How much do the DPS/Melee peeps get in damage per match ? The high ones I mean ? 600k ? More ? Do you not see how the two numbers should, I don't know, sort of 'balance each other out' in a good WZ ? (ps. I think I have been top in WZ with 260-330k twice. Usually it's a BH Healer at the top, or an Op)
  15. Yup. I cancelled as well. I wonder how long it will take before they notice healers are all leaving ? BH healers got hit pretty hard as well from what I understand.
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