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Legacy armor and weapons seem useless.


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Could have already bought empty gear that did not scale with the character. So useless. A waist of time and effort and a huge let down.



Try again and this time make it scale and I just might be willing to spend 100,000s credits to get some of it.



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dailies and legacy perks are time and money sinks, that's all. It's nothing new to the MMO world, if you don't want to pay for the legacy stuff - don't. Nothing in there is game changing, just cosmetic non-critical stuff.


Although I do agree the legacy gear is just dumb and should have scaled with level until a certain point (like level 49 or something as so you get better from dailies and ops). I try not to compare but it was one of the better features of another game that shall not be named





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getting ripped off is not FUN, maybe for you, but not for the rest of us.


100 daily commendations for a lvl 14 Item is just crazy


It's really dumb because 200 daily com's for a piece of armor you can't mod is beyond a rip off... especially when you can buy the same piece for 150K which is nothing for a level 50 hand me down to an alt.

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Don't expect everything to come so easily. Working for it is part of the fun.


I don't generally expect anything to come easily. But I work so that other people pay me, not so that I can pay them...


I get what you'rfe saying, but $100000 for something that is the functional equivalent of a $14500 item is more than a bit ridiculous.

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I don't generally expect anything to come easily. But I work so that other people pay me, not so that I can pay them...


I get what you'rfe saying, but $100000 for something that is the functional equivalent of a $14500 item is more than a bit ridiculous.


I would be inclined to agree with you were it not for the previous explanations for how legacy gear was "Supposed to work." Look Prior to 1.2 Birthright gear was supposed to level up with you (though not to level 50 but still.) That has since then either been bugged or somehow put aside. The Exaulted and other legacy orange items were supposed to come with an Augment slot built into them. Again somehow not in game either bugged or left on wayside till future patch. Hell, We were supposed to be able to learn to craft almost all the orange armors in the game, not just the pvp sets.


All of these things fall into the "Need to be fixed" catagory. That being said 200 daily comendations is not a lot anymore. Not by a long shot. Figure you can pick up nearly 15 on belsavis alone in one day. Lets add 5 on the low end from illum, and another 5 (low end) from black hole. so we're looking at at least 25 daily comendations a day if you are grinding them out so what slightly over a week for the most expensive peice of gear if you HAVE to have it asap?

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Things may need to be fixed but these costs are completely fine. ESPECIALLY since they reduced the repair bills from 80K + to around 30k.


woooh they reduced the repair bills from 80k to 30k... this is relevant how exactly ?


Legacy gear is woefully garbage beyond belief and then its charged at insane prices.


but its totally a bargain price - except you can get social armor or basic oranges from 2k - 20k. Christ even the VIP Collectors armor costs 20k a pop


but we can totally transfer it to other characters - except its class bound so unless you make the exact same class THAT is pointless


but its an orange item - except your most basic crafters can make something better quicker and cheaper


but it looks so pretty - Uh huh, the cosmetic look is abysmal even with Biowares trend to make awful sets this is just beyond even that.


but the blues are totally worth it - Again, crafted items beat it and drops will surpass those blues before you even reach the next level.


Don't expect everything to come so easily. Working for it is part of the fun.


Except everything comes easier than this gear and is better... are you going to continue with your stupidity being displayed here or do you just not getting the issues through your head ?


Maybe you want to spend 1 million on a set of items that look garbage, have weaker stats and have no longevity but I suspect most people would consider the effort being put into acquire things should be equally rewarded. In this situation the cost vs. gain is woefully pathetic.


In their current form these oranges should be sitting at prices equal to existing gear, not 100k per piece.

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I took one look at the prices and concluded that they were not worth even a fraction of what is being asked for them. I can craft or buy on GTN something better for far less. They wasted a huge amount of time on this aspect of the legacy stuff and it is totally worthless.
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The yellow Legacy armor would have been worth it if it levelled up with you in a similar fashion as Heirloom items did in WoW. So a piece with blue quality stats that continues to improve as you level up and providing an xp-boost when worn.


But at present time the yellow Legacy armor is completely worthless in my humble opinion.


Just my thoughts on the matter... ;)


EDIT: Talking about those yellow Legacy Birthright/Inheritance construction things btw, not the empty orange Legacy set shells.

Edited by Danakar
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The yellow Legacy armor would have been worth it if it levelled up with you in a similar fashion as Heirloom items did in WoW. So a piece with blue quality stats that continues to improve as you level up and providing an xp-boost when worn.


But at present time the yellow Legacy armor is completely worthless in my humble opinion.


Just my thoughts on the matter... ;)


Yep. It's just another thing in the list of many that Bioware simply doesn't have the chops to pull off.

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Yea, I have to say was extremely disappointed with how it turned out and how the entire Legacy stuff in general turned out. I wasn't really motivated at all to buy anything. About the only reason I could see buying the legacy gear would be so you could buy Columi Set gear with one character, rip out all the mods, and then potentially transfer all the mods and such over to another character after putting them into an Empty Legacy Orange Armor.


At least there's medium belts and bracers for Sentinel/Marauders now though I guess.

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I couldn't see the point either. The orange gear is too expensive for what they are, though the belts and bracers are stuff I'll buy because on my server those are hard to find and they're easily 2-3X that price on the GTN.


In addition, the construction set stuff seems useless too. It's green, min lvl 14-15. Every class has an orange weapon by then for free, and mods that beat the legacy weps are easy to come by, either crafted or comm vendors. So to take the legacy system seriously, you've got a guy saying "here son, is my lightsaber that I'm passing down to you." "Um, thanks Dad, but I already have one that's much better than that one."

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