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im just glad the devs take these nerf herd threads with a grain of salt, if the data doent support it they wont nerf it bottom line. I can attest with 100% accuracy i have never been hit with a 10k ravage even when i pvp'd in green gear, now that i have BM you dont even notice it.


Hits no harder than when a pt sets you on fire and you cook to death.....

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It is truly a unique and interesting ability.


Disregard that bads will simply stand there and take the damage. Now, just assume we're talking about skilled players:


Ravage is a nice ability to use when you want to make someone move. You can use it to force a player out of position, such as when people are crowding a node or door, or when a ball carrier is standing in front of a fire pit waiting for the fire to subside, or a Sniper/Gunslinger who's behind cover. It also works against other melee to throw off their "rotation." The best use in this case is for peeling someone off a healer, nothing says, "Quit hitting this guy" like a good Ravage.


Best of all though, it is a great tool to use when you want to force someone to burn a CC. You can throw a lot of peoples' metagame off by forcing them to use a CC early in a fight, so they can't use it later to kite you. Perhaps that wasted CC will fill your Resolve bar, allowing you to stick to a ball carrier or healer.


Sometimes though, it's just a great damage ability when you catch someone stunned.


I think we actually need more abilities in this game that require you to adjust your metagame on the fly. I'm rather jealous of Knights/Warriors for having such a nice ability.

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doesn't seem OP


does it scale better?


I run anni and when I pop all my cds my tooltip reads something like 5500-7500, non-crit. My crits do +70% damage. I have full augmented BM with aug WH mainhand.


10-14k dps in 3 seconds??? You sir are a moron, gore 1k GCD, ravage 3second CAST 6.5k, GCD, scream (if proced) 3.5k more like 2.7k, how the hell is that 3 seconds, quit postin when you know nothing about the class


Wrong. The GCD for Ravage occurs at the start of the channel, not the end. So unless your ravage was interrupted (i.e. KB) less than 1.5 sec into the channel, you do not have to wait before activating another ability.

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How about you l2p and start reading your ravage-tooltip? It doesn't work like that.




Performs a series of lightsaber attacks that deals 1026 - 1162 weapon damage over 3 seconds. Standard and weak enemies are additionally stunned for the duration of the effect. Strikes with both weapons if dual wielding. Cannot be interrupted.


I did read it, I was incorrect on the stun concerning players, however it is still broken as it is indeed interpretable, and the stun does not even work on NPC's. so it is in fact broken.

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lols mara/sents can't do 10-14k damage in a 3 second span... really, not in any spec. Please ****.


Combat/Carnage can do around 12k~13k damage within a 8~9 second span, though. I've put down Ops or Sorcs at full HP within the span of one attack rotation.


Ofcourse, that only happens at U50 WZs, requires a Carnage/Combat build, requires adrenal+relic, and also requires the enemy to be clueless newbies, but still, it is possible. I actually remember doing a 3.2k final hit on Master Strike in a WZ when I was only lv 37.

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Combat/Carnage can do around 12k~13k damage within a 8~9 second span, though. I've put down Ops or Sorcs at full HP within the span of one attack rotation.


Ofcourse, that only happens at U50 WZs, requires a Carnage/Combat build, requires adrenal+relic, and also requires the enemy to be clueless newbies, but still, it is possible. I actually remember doing a 3.2k final hit on Master Strike in a WZ when I was only lv 37.


The amount of time in question was 3 seconds :p

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Ravage is situational at best, and any Maurader that relies on it isn't very good. It's on a 27-30 sec CD... you know how many people I kill in 30 seconds?


I have a 50 Maurader and 50 Sorc, and on my Sorc, I have NEVER eaten an entire Ravage, EVER.

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Ravage is situational at best, and any Maurader that relies on it isn't very good. It's on a 27-30 sec CD... you know how many people I kill in 30 seconds?


I have a 50 Maurader and 50 Sorc, and on my Sorc, I have NEVER eaten an entire Ravage, EVER.


you dont need to eat an entire ravage, just the 1st hit is already good enough to turn a close fight around.


ravage is a great skill and it was dumb when it was interrupted. it should be ininterrupted but also tuned down due to the positional lag in swtor.


ravage OPness will also cause great distress in rateds because good teams will time stun + ravage. once i was choked by a jugg and ravaged by a mara at the same time. trinket down. gg.

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ravage OPness will also cause great distress in rateds because good teams will time stun + ravage. once i was choked by a jugg and ravaged by a mara at the same time. trinket down. gg.


...which proves not that Ravage/Master Strike is OP, but rather your team mates were fools. With a good team, you'd probably been receiving support to help you survive. In a similar situation the first thing I do to help my teammate would be to stun or KB the mara/sent.

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ravage OPness will also cause great distress in rateds because good teams will time stun + ravage. once i was choked by a jugg and ravaged by a mara at the same time. trinket down. gg.


I love getting that great opportunity to pop ravage on someone!

Edited by Xerain
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you dont need to eat an entire ravage, just the 1st hit is already good enough to turn a close fight around.


ravage is a great skill and it was dumb when it was interrupted. it should be ininterrupted but also tuned down due to the positional lag in swtor.


ravage OPness will also cause great distress in rateds because good teams will time stun + ravage. once i was choked by a jugg and ravaged by a mara at the same time. trinket down. gg.



In Rated Wz's Mauraders on good teams will be specced Rage, and coordinating guaranteed crit 12k Smashes.


It's amazing how overrated Ravage is on these forums. The DPS over 3 secs isn't that impressive, especially if it doesn't crit.

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Ravage can be avoided by walking far enough away (it tracks to something like 6-8m before breaking), and since the last hit which does half of the damage doesn't kick in until 3s, you have a lot of time to interrupt it. You probably aren't stopping the first two hits, but that's only half of the damage. Ravage does hit very hard, but I think by itself it's not overpowered. Now in the hands of Marauders who has all kinds of other stuff it can be overpowered, but that's a class issue. I don't feel Juggernauts doing Ravage as particularly threatening as long as I stopped the last hit.
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range is retarded far on it. doesn't seem to need to face target either


yes you do


run towards and through the marauder if he hits you with it, will stop it


given the marauder is too dumb to turn with you because server lag and all that could screw you over there, but it can work :p

Edited by Xerain
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Actually, Master Strike/Ravage can be very difficult to walk out of range from. Although we don't have any solid data, empirical evidence seem to suggest the last hit is around 10m in range (like Blade Storm).


The thing is, the very first, basic "technique" a Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior learns for PvP is using Master Strike/Ravage during heat of battle. In the lower levels, the only viable attack Guardians and Juggs have is Master Strike/Ravage, and most people quite easily learn how to apply slow => move to zero-range => activate attack. In this case, without any speed boost, at default movement speed ( = debuffed by 50% through slow) it is impossible to walk out of Master Strike/Ravage range.


Also, 10m can be quite long in distance. Even without any speed debuffs, if you start reacting AFTER the first Master Strike/Ravage hit lands, you might be too late to move out of range depending on the relative distance the enemy activated the attack. Human reflexes take time to react, and if you weren't anticipating it, the chances are, by the time you realize that you're in danger and start to move, the 3rd attack will be in motion, and it will hit you.


Ofcourse, without a stun or KB, you're screwed if you're fighting a Combat/Carnage sentinel/marauder.

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yes you do


run towards and through the marauder if he hits you with it, will stop it


given the marauder is too dumb to turn with you because server lag and all that could screw you over there, but it can work :p


Master Strike/Ravage only requires you face the enemy during initial activation. After that, no matter what the bearing, as long as in range the attack lands.

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yes you do


run towards and through the marauder if he hits you with it, will stop it


given the marauder is too dumb to turn with you because server lag and all that could screw you over there, but it can work :p


wrong. thanks for playing, keep defending your insanley *********** OP class...irony is, this class was the single best dps class even before 1.2....post, its just *********** dumb.

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AH this is so funny.


I just went up against someone who was about to use Ravage on me.

I tried to interrupt it but couldn't.


When it finished...my health was DEVASTATED to the point of a one hit kill.

I'm a Trooper.


This was a bit of an eye-opener.

I had to see if it was just me...and low and behold...


Seriously, this is a bit cheap.


- DH


You can do better than that, move away.

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You can do better than that, move away.


You have to move instantly (and not be snared at all) if you want even a chance of escape the THIRD hit of it. It reaches out like 10 meters to get you once activated, and the first two strikes are more or less immediate; you simply cannot dodge the majority of the damage.

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100% Armor Penetration

x3 Roots off Resolve


All in one build!


How many knock backs do you have? I only have one and it increases Resolve, next root I CC and Resolve full, 3rd root you Gore me and enjoy 100% armor penetration on Light armor! If I am still up you Massacre+Force Scream then execute time!


Its down right pathetic game design...Just pathetic.


Gut the tree, remove it, you still really don't change the bulk of Maras. They play WM/Ani.

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