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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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They should give you another week on top of the free month, for being unprepared :)

So I'm on the phone with SWTOR support, this guy didnt even know there was any sort of promotion going on. Wow....lack of coordination between departments much?
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30 days free for lvl 50 players...great news for them. Too bad for me...I mean I have a 45, 41, 36, 33 and so on...so i like to play a lot of different characters, just my play style. But I am just as a dedicated player as those with 50's.


Not trying to complain too much, but the choice for this reward does not necessarily reward your dedicated players, just those that got to 50....oh well.


Yup. Freebies if you're 50, BOHICA if you're 49.


Nevermind that you may have several characters with a combined total of a few hundred levels.


A somewhat lopsided and narrow minded idea of what 'dedicated' is.

Edited by Valethar
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Great for those who have 50s I guess. Would have been nice to see an additional criterion of either total levels on the account or a time played to qualify for the free month.


Some of us loyal folks who have been here since day 1 have our reasons for not rushing a character to 50 (ex. altoholism, mmo-veteran of the been there-rushed to that-found little end game content near launch, crafting completionists, etc.) I'm somewhere around 200 total character levels across my 8 characters and I'd be willing to bet I've averaged about 20hrs a week of play time since launch. Guess that doesn't equate to "loyalty" in their eyes.




Happy for those that have 50s. Just seems it's a cookie being tossed to the noisy complainers that rushed to get to end-game and have been complaining about how bored they are. Meanwhile those of us happily biding our time in-game exploring the different class stories, etc. and taking our time while still spending decent amounts of time in-game get the cold shoulder in this regard.


Tis the way it seems with MMO development though ... appease one subset of your audience while you torque another subset. If they were so ready to hand out free months to, in their own words, "our most valued players" they should have given the free month to all of those who have stuck with them since launch without letting their subscription drop.

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then dont say its for loyalty and support


Yes, loyalty and support for them despite the fact nearly all of their planned 50 content is bug ridden train wreck.


They really should have clarified it though as such.


I mean honestly, I'm not trolling you alters. If this REALLY isn't why we're all getting a free month for having a 50, then I totally agree with you all and that's messed up.


I honestly believe 50's are getting targeted because THEIR content has been, on the whole, subpar.

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What I find hilarious is I'm sitting at level 48 and would have been level 50 if I hadn't taken a few weeks off to play Mass Effect 3 - another Bioware/EA game. Yet somehow I'm getting punished despite being a loyal Bioware customer.


I don't know of any other MMO that only gives free time based on player level versus how long they've been subscribed. When WOW was having tech difficulties in the first few months, EVERYONE got free time.


Yeah. I've been at the MMOs for a LONG time, and this is definitely a first.

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Your daily product wasn't a train wreck.


The level 50's is. Both PvP and PvE. If you and other alters quit, you're spiting yourselves. You have ZERO to complain about your game product. I know. My one level 50 I did 90% questing. It was great fun.


I'm leveling in 10-49 warzones on my marauder now. Warzones are great! Up until 50.


Warzones are also crap for exp. unless you are farming commendations.

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This is definitely a P.R. failure. My wife and I pre-purchased the game the day it became available. We subscribed for 6 months (each) as soon as we were able to. We have been playing nearly every day since early access began - although only an hour or so at a time, but neither of us have a character at level 50. So, we go unappreciated.


Now I am torn between a game I love and the need to punish Bioware. I will think long and hard about any future Bioware purchases. Good thing I didn't buy Mass Effect, I certainly won't now.


UPDATE: I think next time I need to read the official post and not just the forums. All active subscribers get the pet, not just those at level 50. It is still a mistake to give the free 30 days of play to only the level 50's, but I am not nearly as angry as I was when I thought I didn't get the pet. The 15 bucks isn't a big deal to me, although in principle it still sucks, but I would have been sad to miss out on a special in-game object/pet.

Edited by ElevenEighteen
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I might be missing something here, but from part of what I read above... an account that has at least one lvl 50 char on it by the April 12 gets 30 days of game play for free... and those that doenst have a lvl 50 and may of been playing since the original release day gets nothing ..??

Well played BioWare... well played indeed

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Warzones are also crap for exp. unless you are farming commendations.


Not true, they are fine. Questing was always better, that's working as intended. The differential still isn't that bad. You can essentially make one level in what? 12 warzones? Inculding a couple daily win bonus pvp quests? That's not exactly terrible.


What IS actually bad about 10-49 WZ's, imho, is the lack of money.

Edited by islander
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So, I unsubscribed last night in rage. And resubbed today, do I get 30 days?


Same here, unsubbed 2 hours before the deadline......

Helping out guildies was the only thing that kept me playing ah well.

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I would've been level 50 by now if you'd released the game in Oceania even one week earlier. But no, because you delayed the local release for so long, I haven't had the time to reach 50 yet... and because of that I miss out on a free month?


That hardly seems fair.


You've given us two chances at the tauntaun - both on the 12th and on the 21st - so why can't you do the same for the free game time? You know, to give those of us who are almost there but haven't quite made it due to lack of time / heavy investment in alts / etc a chance to cash in.

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Yes, loyalty and support for them despite the fact nearly all of their planned 50 content is bug ridden train wreck.


They really should have clarified it though as such.


I mean honestly, I'm not trolling you alters. If this REALLY isn't why we're all getting a free month for having a 50, then I totally agree with you all and that's messed up.


I honestly believe 50's are getting targeted because THEIR content has been, on the whole, subpar.


thats their problem for obtaining it so fast.

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How can we appreciate a gesture which doesn't take into account varying types of playstyles?

You can appreciate that they tried to do something nice for people without spending a **** ton of time figuring out who, out of 1.7 million subscribers or so, was "deserving".


Are you seriously saying that those of us who've been actively playing since the first hours of early access and don't have a level 50 because we play the game as we want to are any less "valued" or are not worthy?

That's not at all what I'm saying or suggesting. What I'm saying is that you cannot possibly please everyone all of the time. That it's an extremely time consuming process to determine who's "worthy" in this particular case. And that something for a large section of the population is better then nothing for everyone.

Edited by Vincynt
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So I'm on the phone with SWTOR support, this guy didnt even know there was any sort of promotion going on. Wow....lack of coordination between departments much?


Too funny...lol.. They have great management there...lol... I can see it now..Customer service we are unaware of any free 30 day game time...lol... can you hold please....

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For crying out loud, you are not being punished if you don't have a 50. You are simply not getting something that someone else gets. Bioware is not charging you an extra $14.99, pushing your grandmother down the stairs, and putting hemorrhoid cream in your toothpaste containers. They are not taking anything from you. They are providing what the subscriber and Bioware both contractually agreed to when you signed up per the EULA; they provide a game a servers to play on and you pay them money.


When I go out with my married friend he and I pay the same for food and drinks, but as he is much more handsome than me he gets hit on repeatedly. Do I demand that he turn those fine honeys over to me because it's not fair since he can't take them home anyway? Heck no! I up my game for the next time we go out.

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