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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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Do you even realize how pointless your argument is? All the suggestions made here would in some way or other reward people who have not been contributing or punish people who have been contributing. It's not like they can review millions of accounts for time played, numbers of alts leveled, levels reached, time subscribed etc. And even then people who wouldn't get it would complain, because they missed it by one day, one alt, one level... because they have family, were sick, busy with job... whatever.


Hell, even if *everyone* got it as a reward, people would probably want to feel special and complain that the one who subscribed 5 days ago has done nothing to deserve it.


They can check the number of months someone has subscribed and also include them in the bonus.

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Do you even realize how pointless your argument is? All the suggestions made here would in some way or other reward people who have not been contributing or punish people who have been contributing. It's not like they can review millions of accounts for time played, numbers of alts leveled, levels reached, time subscribed etc. And even then people who wouldn't get it would complain, because they missed it by one day, one alt, one level... because they have family, were sick, busy with job... whatever.


Hell, even if *everyone* got it as a reward, people would probably want to feel special and complain that the one who subscribed 5 days ago has done nothing to deserve it.


It would be just as easy for them to check subscription date and if that subscription had been ended or not.


its not like they went through all the accounts manually looking for lvl 50 characters...

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I do not take requests based on the quality of your graphics card or your opinion. Thanks.


Graphics card?


you mean my eyes right?


A graphics card is not going to make any difference when it comes to the colour and quality of text on a forum.



but thank you for displaying your level of intelligence.



also, the colour and size of my text is just especially for you.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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They can check the number of months someone has subscribed and also include them in the bonus.


Yes, they could tie boni to all those parameters, and I predict that there would still be whining because it's unfair, because people missed the margin by 1 of whatever.


My main point is: imo THIS IS NOT A REWARD. So any thoughts about a reward system are moot.

Edited by KyaniteD
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No, they arent saying anything like that... they are trying to make amends to all the level 50 pvp'ers they just pissed off with what we perceived as a bait and switch in regards to the ranked wz's.


They sure has heck didn't stipulate it as exactly that either. That's what you choose to read into.


They offered a free month of game play with the only criterion being you have a level 50.

NOT level 50 and tried PvP

NOT level 50 with x amount of PvP rewards/points/etc.

NOT level 50 and never unsubbed

NOT level 50 and have been playing for at least 30 days.


JUST level 50.


And then have that group labeled as their "most valued customers"


Especially when you look at the amount of crap being posted on the forums by those that rushed to 50 and complain about lack of X, Y & Z to do.


I could understand if the criterion were different ... say had a 50 by end of January and hadn't unsubbed. Especially if instead of calling them their most valued customers they simply said appreciate your loyalty and patience while we worked to get more content to you.


But a scenario like that is NOT what happened nor is it how they worded it.

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It's actually a gesture from Bioware to a large number of now-former customers. Performed with the middle finger.


I think it's nice play on V sign. Some ppl see it from one side as Victory, others see it from opposite side which has the same meaning as finger.

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Dear BioWare,


I’m offended.




I couldn't say it better. Someone has even a combination of the examples above (i.e. school/work AND waiting friends).


I'm not going to stop playing, but of course not having a free month only because I haven't a level 50 character (but I've been paying until now as everyone else) it's a tad disappointing. I hope you reconsider your criteria, there are here in this same thread real examples of valuable costumers.

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Anyone consider the fact that the greater reason this patch is going in is because there isn't enough end game content? I feel like the level 50 reward is an apology to all those who made level 50 and found out there two only two raid/op dungeons, and your time had to be either devoted to pvp or running the same few dungeons over and over again just to be able to see them. A lot of the things in the patch, from the crew skills, to the new FPs, and costly global unlocks are very very tailored to those who hit the ceiling and wanted to keep going up.
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Do you even realize how pointless your argument is? All the suggestions made here would in some way or other reward people who have not been contributing or punish people who have been contributing. It's not like they can review millions of accounts for time played, numbers of alts leveled, levels reached, time subscribed etc. And even then people who wouldn't get it would complain, because they missed it by one day, one alt, one level... because they have family, were sick, busy with job... whatever.


Hell, even if *everyone* got it as a reward, people would probably want to feel special and complain that the one who subscribed 5 days ago has done nothing to deserve it.


Very well said. I see the rationality of everyone thinks they deserve the 30 free days of Game Time, but with that being said i have a lvl 42 JK and 5 alts all in levels ranging around 25. I do not blame anyone for not recieving that free month whether it was family probs, or work etc. LOL but i think honestly the message saying who is a loyal consumer of your product was a slap in the face. The point is though just as mentioned above people will complain about anything, and yes even about how someone feels more deserving than the person who signed up 5 days ago comment. take it with a grain of salt.


The reward here is new content and some major fixes. not everyone is perfect and deserving


Jedi Out

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Yes, they could tie boni to all those parameters, and I predict that there would still be whining because it's unfair, because people missed the margin by 1 of whatever.


My main point is: imo THIS IS NOT A REWARD. So any thoughts about a reward system are moot.


Yep. Lots of people confusing "gift" and "reward" in here.

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Anyone consider the fact that the greater reason this patch is going in is because there isn't enough end game content? I feel like the level 50 reward is an apology to all those who made level 50 and found out there two only two raid/op dungeons, and your time had to be either devoted to pvp or running the same few dungeons over and over again just to be able to see them. A lot of the things in the patch, from the crew skills, to the new FPs, and costly global unlocks are very very tailored to those who hit the ceiling and wanted to keep going up.


Your post makes sense and shows that you have the same understanding as Bioware. The issue is not why the patch was needed or even that they should try to retain the level 50's. They simply insulted a large(not majority, I'm sure) portion of their customers and that is what most of these 200 pages are full of comments on.

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It's also possible to have leveled to 50 before January, unsubbed, resubbed for 1.2, unsub again, and be more valued than players that have given money each month.


Tell me, how did players that left 3 months ago contribute to the content that 1.2 provides (or was supposed to anyway)? Hell by this logic does that mean if everyone left after getting a 50 that Bioware would give us all a free month to try out the content that they apparently produced without any revenue coming in?


People are discontent with level 50 content overall and the delay of rated warzones. If you left and resubbed or have stayed subbed the whole time its' sort of a non-issue, a player that they have subbed now at level 50 will benefit because they are the people who have been actually effected by the content that is sub-par. They are trying to make up for things, I give them credit for the moves they've made recently despite all the flames on these forums.


If you're playing the story/leveling part of this game still four months after launch, your simply not contributing to anything "end game" and have not been effected. It's the best part of the game, they're content and taking time leveling and that's okay but they're still the minority of casual people who are enjoying content that most people who more seriously play have already wrapped up in Janaury and repeated multiple times already.

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If they had did this and rewarded people without a lvl 50 and given them 30 days and left the lvl 50 players out there forums and this thread would be 10x longer and alot more angry.The only ones saying suck it up and it's not a big deal are those same lvl 50 hardcore nerds who were complaining months ago after spacebarring through content that they had nothing left to do.
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this is just wrong. There are people with many characters who have been subscribed since day one (Australians included on the Asia Pacific servers when they came online) who have been playing and leveled there characters greatly but not to level 50. Nice to show who truly matters to Bio Ware and EA
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OK, so I'm 41 & my son is 17 & we are both new to MMO's. I pay for both accounts, His & Mine. To tell the truth, this is the FIRST game I have EVER paid monthly subscription's to. Why? Just never saw a game worth the monthly fee. Tell SWTOR came along. We both loved KOTOR & are both BIG SW fans. So when we found out about SWTOR, We followed through the beginning when the first video “Deceived” came out. Pre-ordered & been playing since the early game access.

I rolled 6 chars so far ranging from level 11 to 38. Why so many? I like to mix it up trying different classes, there story's, & there ability's. I even deleted & started a few over. Also, like I said earlier I am new to MMO's & was not sure what class I would like best.

I play on average 3-4 hours a day, 3-4 times a week. With the occasional Saturday or Sunday at 6-8 hours. ;) Not as much as some cuz, & here is the biggie, I HAVE A LIFE & a WIFE :) outside of SWTOR.


I was excited to see the new content in the 1.2: Legacy update coming to the game. Even bragging it up to some buddies who still pay but don't PLAY as much. Hoping to get them back in the game. I see the little creature I will get & wonder what it does if nothing more then be cute. :p




I see that because I have a LIFE & didn't get at least 1 of my chars to level 50 I get skipped on the free 30 days because I am NOT LOYAL?!?!?! :mad:

So... Let me get this straight... I get a “Founder” pin that gives me a “Title”.

Level 50 players get 30 days free?? (And for me, paying TWO subscriptions = $30 a month.)


Will I stop playing because of this? Not at this time. Why? Cuz the game still plays great & I still like the new content.


But... I am NOT happy at all about this.


So, hear is a thought... Give the 30 days free to all those you gave a founder pin to. If you REALY want to reward those who have been loyal from the the beginning you will do this.


If not, then this is nothing more than a gimmick/ploy to try & re-populate the servers. We are not idiots, PLEASE don't treat us like we are.

Edited by Marcus_Sateda
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Yep. Lots of people confusing "gift" and "reward" in here.


So those with level 50s JUST HAPPEN to be 'the most valued players' and Bioware JUST HAPPENS to show their appreciation for their 'support and loyalty' with a gift. I can't imagine why anyone would think of it as a reward for getting to 50...

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Dear BioWare,


I’m offended.


You have defined your ‘most valued players’ as those who have a Level 50 character. I puzzled over this, as I am one of the many who do not have a level 50 character, but would have defined myself as a loyal player (read: customer).


Perhaps I don’t understand ‘valuable’? I pondered over that definition awhile, and came up with several possibilities of what a valuable customer – all without a level 50 character –would be, in my opinion:




Quoted for thruth.


I think that either BioWare should give all players now the free 30 days regardless of highest level toon, or make it a general rule that any account that levels a toon to level 50 in the future also gets 30 days free.


And even more important, change the offending announcement "most valued players" indeed.:(

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Its funny how much people actually complain about whaa i didnt get what she got or whaa he got more than i did makes me wonder if this game really is filled with adults or just adults that are still children. i think ill go with my second answer:rolleyes:
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Shelved a 48 about a month ago and decided to reroll another class. Have been a loyal paying customer since launch. Pretty sure I could have hit 50 by now.


Instead of just arbitrarily saying "let's give it to all 50s", why don't you do some actual research on your player base to determine who your true loyal customers are. Perhaps those that have had a sub since day 1?


Hurumph to your horrible decision! And yes, I'll continue paying and playing but once another game comes out that's on par with your quality, I'm gone! Especially after this little decision.

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