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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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Nope, just your level.


That really makes no sense to me.


I'm not saying your wrong. Don't misinterpret my comments - I'm not trolling. This time :)


It's just my immediate thought when I saw this was that Bioware was trying to make it up to all of us who got to level 50, and dealt with nothing but broken content for weeks/months.

It was so bad most of us stopped playing our 50s

Edited by islander
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One is priceless (or will be).


But that's still ignoring the thought behind the gesture of gift-giving. All you're saying is "my gift isn't worth as much as his gift" When you should be saying "Thank you for giving me a gift at all!"


That's assuming that the same rules of gift-giving and receiving apply when dealing with a business-customer relationship.

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I signed up as soon as possible to get a chance to get into the closed beta, but never got invited.


I got invited into the Thanksgiving weekend open beta, and jumped at the chance, as well as the following weekend's beta, and filled out a number of bug reports and comments on issues I felt were wrong with the game.


I pre-ordered the game mid-December so I could get into early access. I got in that Friday, December 16th 2011.


On my old server, I had leveled up 5 characters to levels 35, 31, 19, 19, and 17, not counting those under level 10.


When my server reached such a low population that I couldn't even find players to group with, instead of raging and threatening and so forth I just took the option of re-rolling to another server where I had already rolled a few starter characters, that still happened to have a good population.


On my "new" home server, beginning in early March, up until today I had been able to level up a level 12 there, and had rolled a 20 and my highest, a 38, that I was grinding as much as possible to try and reach 50 prior to 1.2 coming out so that I could get a few of the speeders that were going to disappear.


So with 8 characters (over level 10) with a combined 191 levels, 38, 35, 31, 20, 19, 19, 17, and 12, having pre-ordered and subscribed every month since, I am informed today that I am not one of the most valued players.


It isn't even the free game time, or the poorly worded email. I could have understood if this was just a mistaken issue with a poor writer who didn't know what the **** was up with marketing and customer relations techniques.


It is that they meant it.


This was not some lightly arrived-at decision. Don't tell me some lackey decided to throw out a free 30 days' subscription to a portion of the player base without multiple levels of approval all the way to the top. This was discussed, planned, and executed without anyone stepping up and apparently saying "This is completely wrong", or if they DID do so, the people in charge obviously didn't have the brains to listen.


That's the real slight here. $15 is nothing. I spent that at the friggin' convenience store the other day. I earned that much money in 10 minutes earlier today troubleshooting an online reservation system on a client's web site.


It's the fact that all of these people up the chain and to the top of this organization just bought on to this crap without realizing what a god-awful decision it was.


To those of you within BioWare who stood up to object to this travesty, I applaud your efforts, and I thank you humbly for caring about your customers.


To all of you within BioWare who didn't listen to those people, get a friggin' clue.

Edited by Kubernetic
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(Moved post from locked thread.)


Dear Bioware,


I've been an ardent supporter and dedicated customer of your work since the release of Baldur's Gate. Having purchased almost every one of your games between then and now.


I pre-ordered and subsequently purchased my copy of the swtor collectors edition on release day *knowing* full well in advance that the computer I was using at the time would be unable to play the game. So, one month and $1400 dollars later in a rough economy I built a new machine that runs your game in full detail easily.


Now, I've been a subscriber ever since, having earned my founders title and all, and yet because I have 5+ lvl 25-35 characters, I am not considered to be one of your "most valued players".


I'm giving you, (Bioware) the benefit of the doubt here, because I have faith that the company I've given fifteen years of patronage to will do what they do best, listen. I'm not going to rage quit, or threaten to cancel my subscription or go on a childish tirade about how this isn't fair.


I will ask however, that you re-examine your your definition of "most valued players".


Thank you for your time.



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I never said it was. My reply was only a response to your PTS comment. It's not just operations that were bugged, like I said earlier. Your "most", like usual "most"s when people complain, is exaggerated or the "most" includes 10 people or less.


Once again though, the cut off had to be somewhere and to include MOSTLY those that have dredged through the problems, the most sensible cut-off is at 50.


The only thing in this world that applies to EVERYONE is birth and dying, and people are working their behinds off to make it just birth. It's a foolish notion to argue with.


What about early access? The cut-offs had to be somewhere. I got in on the 3rd day, no biggie. Should I have complained and said "So, because I bought the game 1minut later than that guy, he gets to play more?! UNFAIR, I UNSUBZ!". No, that would be childish.


So you got in a day later than I did.


Would you feel cheated if the cut off was "played since December 14th" and you got in on the 15th?


And this isn't getting to play 1 or 2 days early, this is getting to play for a month, for free. and the reason is "you are more of a loyal customer than I am," which is not a measure of xp. Because, as I stated, anyone can make 50; you can afk your way to 50. Loyalty implies something that can't be quantified numerically, so any sort of 'sensible cut off' is purely arbitrary and should be called as such. And trying to tell people on the other side of the arbitrary cut off that they shouldn't feel insulted or cheated, because they lost out on 30 days of free time is baffling. You would fee wronged if it were you. At the very least you would be disappointed. Whether or not you would voice it is up to you.


I chose to voice my disappointment. I'm not rage quitting, I'm not giving ultimatums. I'm not calling the people that got the reward selfish or greedy. I'm raising the issue of my disappointment and feelings of insult on the only forum (literally) that the company that did so has given me. Sorry if it gets in the way of your reading.

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That really makes no sense to me.


I'm not saying your wrong. Don't misinterpret my comments - I'm not trolling. This time :)


It's just my immediate thought when I saw this was that Bioware was trying to make it up to all of us who got to level 50, and dealt with nothing but broken content for weeks/months.

It was so bad most of us stopped playing our 50s


That's the thing, it doesn't make any sense. I was being truthful when I said "nope, just your level" because that's literally all they looked at (other than when you hit level 50).

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I want the free month, but if bioware doesn't change the stipulations of their reward, I wont be unsubing...


however, I do believe the "under 50" loyal population deserves a well written apology from whoever green lighted their, shall we say, poorly worded post.


Maybe a video of some begging for forgiveness... on their knees, of course.

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Has it not occurred to anyone that this gesture could be related to their recent admission of failure with Illum? Or that they were forced to pull ranked warzones at the last minute? Both major features of the game that 50s heavily rely on...
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I didn't realize there were rules beyond "be thankful"...


when we are told that, becasue we are not at level 50, we area not as valued, that gets thrown right the f out. this is a business, and if they want to keep their customers, they should try not inuslting them.

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Has it not occurred to anyone that this gesture could be related to their recent admission of failure with Illum? Or that they were forced to pull ranked warzones at the last minute? Both major features of the game that 50s heavily rely on...


do you have to be level 50 to be disappointed by a failed/pulled feature that you were looking forward to?

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Has it not occurred to anyone that this gesture could be related to their recent admission of failure with Illum? Or that they were forced to pull ranked warzones at the last minute? Both major features of the game that 50s heavily rely on...


Oh it certainly could be, but as with anything from a company the message has to be carefully constructed (and that's assuming what you say is true).


It wasn't...not by a long shot.


Bioware goofed on that, and thus deserve the response they are getting.

Edited by Berethos
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Has it not occurred to anyone that this gesture could be related to their recent admission of failure with Illum? Or that they were forced to pull ranked warzones at the last minute? Both major features of the game that 50s heavily rely on...


Then they should have said that.

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Has it not occurred to anyone that this gesture could be related to their recent admission of failure with Illum? Or that they were forced to pull ranked warzones at the last minute? Both major features of the game that 50s heavily rely on...


The game was bugged?




I only wrote about 200 feedbacks in closed beta on the issues and have seen them all spread widely over the web BEFORE LAUNCH!


So you get free because you didnt do your homework on product you bought is your excuse #497?


Yeah, you still havent made a single valid reasoning for this


We all knew end game was broken before launch!

Edited by Kalfear
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do you have to be level 50 to be disappointed by a failed/pulled feature that you were looking forward to?


Of course not, which is why I included the qualifier that 50s rely on certain aspects of the game for their gameplay. Illum was a disaster and was "scrapped" by the team. Ranked warzones were supposed to provide a new and exciting way to grind through PvP, but that got pulled at the last minute.


Personally, I don't care about either. I got my first toon to 50 then promptly rolled alts. I'm a roleplayer. But I can certainly see why 50s could use some incentive to stick around with this game.

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I want the free month, but if bioware doesn't change the stipulations of their reward, I wont be unsubing...


however, I do believe the "under 50" loyal population deserves a well written apology from whoever green lighted their, shall we say, poorly worded post.


Maybe a video of some begging for forgiveness... on their knees, of course.


I agree, whoever green lighted this should be tarred and feathered. right after they do the same for Gabe A. who is the head of PvP in this game. What a mess. The disappointment of no ranked warzones - combined with dead open world pvp, has once again struck my guild.


I'm now guildmaster of my guild. Sigh.

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Has it not occurred to anyone that this gesture could be related to their recent admission of failure with Illum? Or that they were forced to pull ranked warzones at the last minute? Both major features of the game that 50s heavily rely on...


It's occurred to many people. In fact, it's been brought up so many times, the birds are starting to imitate the phrase.

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I think it's sad that because people value one gift more than other (something about a gift horse and its mouth), it's been completely forgotten that they're giving everyone a free pet--which is likely an exclusive item for those of us playing right now at the launch of 1.2.


But no, I don't want that free thing! I want the free thing he has!

-- Yeah I can see why you're confused. A totally meaningless bundle of polygons vs. what is effectively a $15 voucher. Yeah. Totally the same value. You must be a business major with that keen economic sense. Either that or a Bioware viral marketer desperately trying to downplay this.

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Has it not occurred to anyone that this gesture could be related to their recent admission of failure with Illum? Or that they were forced to pull ranked warzones at the last minute? Both major features of the game that 50s heavily rely on...


Then they should have had the courage to say so, instead of kicking so many loyal users in the teeth to avoid admitting to whatever it was they were afraid of admitting.

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