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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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You chose not to take part in the end-game content because it was bad, yet you cry when they choose to show their appreciation to those that did? The only one without a shred of logic here is you, sorry.


But they aren't. You can have made 50 in the first week (a few people on my server made it before the head start was over :-P) canceled in the first week, reupped two days ago for the patch and they'd have gotten the free month; thus, doing the same thing as me, 'choosing not to participate'. Yet because they rushed, and I didn't. They get a pat on the back.


There Is no logic in their statement and reward scheme. I'm sorry you can't see it.

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The cut-off has to be somewhere. Most people who had a 50 did something at least, and enabled them to fix things based on data and feedback. You just played the polished content.


Make it 40 (or 45) and above. Entice people to get excited for the release of the content and get them interested in going. I don't see a note where Test World characters are counted either.

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BioWare: Is there some kind of charity program where players like me can donate a free month to other players, who have developed an inferiority complex, due to these recent events?


I agree.


Cry cry cry cry!!


"WAH I didn't get a free month that they didn't have to give in the first place".


See, they didn't have to give out a free month. I'm level 43 and didn't get one, just get over it and actually enjoy the game instead of loitering around the forums and complain at everything Bioware do. Geez.

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Let's look at this, again, for the dozenth time.




As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.'


It's a reward for having a level 50 character. That 'support and loyalty' stuff is just words to make people feel good.


Believe it or not, most companies don't give you something free simply for being a customer for half a year. I'd hazard a guess and say that no company does. This was BW's promotion, they decided to give something to the 50s for... whatever reason. It's their ball.


This was never about loyalty. It's not some sort of 'loyalty competition'. The way people are complaining, you'd think this was some act of Dickensian malevolence, all the saintly, patient altaholics being evicted to die in the snow. Couldn't be further from the truth. Muttering about being 'insulted' here just cuts no ice with me, I'm afraid.


Words like "loyalty" bring strong connotations, you can't use them in a PR post in such a throw away manner. Being from customer service, I would have thought you'd understand just how powerful words can be when used in the right or wrong way.


As for being rewarded for simply being a customer? NCSoft, of all companies, did exactly that. You could have a level 1 character only and never play it, and if you maintained a subscription to Aion (up until recently, with the switch to F2P) you earned veteran rewards that could be applied to any and all characters made simply by maintaining a subscription. They also used a similar system in CoH, if I'm not mistaken.

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A free month of game time for a Mainstream MMO like this is unheard of. Just when I thought you (BW) were going all corporate on our asses you throw this at us. Very nice gesture :)


Also, to the people complaining about not getting the free month, I get your disappointment but this came out of left field and BW didn't have to do it at all.


WoW gave several free months of game-time out within the first year of its release. However, the reasons for it are fairly different.

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what they should have done is simply give this to everybody. one free month to ALL of our loyal supporters.


Maybe. We can play the should-have-could-have game all day. Here's what DID happen, and I say that taking umbrage over it in the way some have chosen to is undignified, over-sensitive and even selfish.

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To be fair, this seems overkill. Feels like an ultimatum. "Give me a free month, or I quit."


No, not an ultimatum. it is a statement of fact. I financially support companies that appreciate my business. Stayed with the same computer retailer for 20 years because they showed they appreciated the repeat business by doing little things, not charging me the shipping fee when a laptop had to be sent back due to a defective keyboard that started to warp. It was only $20.00, which I would have gladly paid due to the service they provide, but they wrote it off.


I had to restart on new servers to find people to play with due to the servers going dead from people rushing to 50 in the first couple of weeks then quitting because they were bored or upset about unbalanced level 50 content. I was prepared to spend a long time with the guild I am in, which is why I was more then willing to start a pure dps class since they had lots of tanks and healers.


I have submitted several bug reports in my time here to help, I have helped people by answering questions and directing to the forums for answers that the developers had posted. Saying that I am not a valued customer because I do not yet have a level 50, despite never having unsubscribed since launch means exactly that; I am not valued as a customer. So why should I continue to support a company that openly states I do not count?

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Maybe. We can play the should-have-could-have game all day. Here's what DID happen, and I say that taking umbrage over it in the way some have chosen to is undignified, over-sensitive and even selfish.


seeing as how the just did this, it is very possible for them to realize they screwed up and include everybody.

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Forget the moronic loyalty statement they made.


Again , it's simple.


They gave a week free to people who have left to come back , = ok , reasonable idea no one would blink at.


Here's where they screwed up -


We are giving a free month to only a certain subset of our paying customers , and NOTHING to the rest of the paying customers , even though both sets are paying the exact same amount.


Doesn't take a business 101 class to see , well , that's stupid and bound to cause issue among those who are paying the same fees.

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Stop crying about not having a Level 50 people. You have all had plenty of time to finish at least ONE character since release. You only have yourselves to blame for not getting the free month.


I guess making 20 level 10s wasn't a good idea after all eh?




Thanks for the pet and free month!

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So why should I continue to support a company that openly states I do not count?


Perhaps I misread it, but that's how I interpret a lot of these "I'm quitting over it" posts- or at least the ones that keep mentioning the 30 days.


Stop crying about not having a Level 50 people. You have all had plenty of time to finish at least ONE character since release. You only have yourselves to blame for not getting the free month.


I guess making 20 level 10s wasn't a good idea after all eh?




Thanks for the pet and free month!



You don't dictate how I play and how I spend my time. My feedback, payments (retail box, time pre-paid, etc.) is just as valid. :p

Edited by Freyar
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Forget the moronic loyalty statement they made.


Again , it's simple.


They gave a week free to people who have left to come back , = ok , reasonable idea no one would blink at.


Here's where they screwed up -


We are giving a free month to only a certain subset of our paying customers , and NOTHING to the rest of the paying customers , even though both sets are paying the exact same amount.


Doesn't take a business 101 class to see , well , that's stupid and bound to cause issue among those who are paying the same fees.


You get an in-game pet.

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Stop crying about not having a Level 50 people. You have all had plenty of time to finish at least ONE character since release. You only have yourselves to blame for not getting the free month.


I guess making 20 level 10s wasn't a good idea after all eh?




Thanks for the pet and free month!


Dude some poeple have a life out side of this dum game

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I agree.


Cry cry cry cry!!


"WAH I didn't get a free month that they didn't have to give in the first place".


See, they didn't have to give out a free month. I'm level 43 and didn't get one, just get over it and actually enjoy the game instead of loitering around the forums and complain at everything Bioware do. Geez.


Be honest--just like level 50's would have been crying if the "loyal customers" deemed worthy of free play were level 40's and under with at least 3 alts.

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Be honest--just like level 50's would have been crying if the "loyal customers" deemed worthy of free play were level 40's and under with at least 3 alts.


Anyone can be under level 40 and roll 3 alts...

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Where does that say that someone who doesn't have a level 50 isn't valued?


I am sick and tired of hearing this whining crap and misquoting of the PR. BW decided to give 30 free days to level 50. Fair or not. Stop being jealous and grow up.


what they said is that we are not as valued as those that are at 50. it can't be taken any other way.




"As a thanks for being one of our most valued players"


see that? the most valued are at 50. the rest of us, even if we have been subbed a long as they have, been playing as often as they have and been as or more supportive as they have, are not as valued.

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WoW gave several free months of game-time out within the first year of its release. However, the reasons for it are fairly different.


WoW actually gives out a lot of fairly random in-game time for different reasons. I've received free months in wow, several free days, and even a couple of weeks before.

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But they aren't. You can have made 50 in the first week (a few people on my server made it before the head start was over :-P) canceled in the first week, reupped two days ago for the patch and they'd have gotten the free month; thus, doing the same thing as me, 'choosing not to participate'. Yet because they rushed, and I didn't. They get a pat on the back.


There Is no logic in their statement and reward scheme. I'm sorry you can't see it.


I know, I missed the mark by 2 days. Then again, I only got into early access a few days late, I cleared EV the first time before new years though. Like I said though, the cut-off has to be somewhere.



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Be honest--just like level 50's would have been crying if the "loyal customers" deemed worthy of free play were level 40's and under with at least 3 alts.


I wouldn't, I don't really care who Bioware thinks their loyal customers are, or who gets free game time from the company themselves. I certainly wouldn't think any less of them for it, and I wouldn't cancel my sub over it.

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Dude some poeple have a life out side of this dum game



Full time college student brah. I only two level 50's this game has by far the easiest and least painful leveling of any MMO I've played.


Don't get pissy just because you didn't get a free month. Everyone has had plenty of time to make ONE level fifty. If you didn't oh well, get over it. Perks like this aren't at all uncommon in business. People that actually get to Level 50 are the ones that actually help iron out bugs and the like.


Why you ask?


Because they are playing the game at Maximum level. This means that a Level 50's input carries far more weight when it comes to Balance and bug issues.


Get over yourselves.

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Stop crying about not having a Level 50 people. You have all had plenty of time to finish at least ONE character since release. You only have yourselves to blame for not getting the free month.


I guess making 20 level 10s wasn't a good idea after all eh?




Thanks for the pet and free month!


Stop crying about fan reaction to a really foolish PR move. Stop crying about people who don't bend over and take insults, from a company that expects them to pay money.


What is your stake in this? This goes for all the people who show up to complain equally hard, about the people complaining. What do you have to gain by telling people to stop "crying" about this?

You taking all this personally?


Are you bored and so self centered that you simply don't want to see it?


Stop crying about people crying about bad business. Of the two of you, you're complaint is far less valid.

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