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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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Hey, maybe those were just some of the reasons I DIDN'T have a 50 yesterday (I made it today). I'd left my Juggy at 49 Because there was nothing I wanted to do after finishing her class story line. So instead of complaining, I Moved On. I made other characters.


But, because I was only 49.8. I'm not as loyal as one of the guys who sat around complaining there was nothing to do, and I don't get the nice pat on the back.


Wow. great logical there. BW.


You chose not to take part in the end-game content because it was bad, yet you cry when they choose to show their appreciation to those that did? The only one without a shred of logic here is you, sorry.

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I actually agree, I think cancelling over such a small issue is incredibly childish.


Guess what- I don't go back to restaurants where the waitstaff act like jerks or take forever to bring me my food either.


It's actually a bit more adult to recognize a bad deal and vote with your wallet.


That said, I'm getting ready to roll out of these forums. Been an interesting discussion.

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I actually agree, I think cancelling over such a small issue is incredibly childish.


The game not being that great on top of "such a small issue" helps out people that are on the fence. Continuing to call people childish because they have an opinion different than yours doesn't make you special.

Edited by VIVIsectVI
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The reasons you list are the exact reason I spread my time among 3 alts (Heal alt / Tank alt / Dps alt).


I wanted to wait to see if 1.2 would fix endgame issues. I've been patient waiting for BW to fix their crappy game. Hell BW themselves encouraged this sort of play.


So 'my' loyalty is rewarded with a Taun Taun who looks like he has a mild case of Downs Syndrome (Sorry stole that from my gf)?




You chose not to take part in the end-game content because it was bad, yet you cry when they choose to show their appreciation to those that did, which directly enabled them to identify and fix problems?

Edited by Jandi
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People, just voice your opinions calmly instead of raging and making veiled threats. Then let BioWare decide on their own what to do. And those who aren't affected and/or were already rewarded, you can stop trolling. Thanks. Got work so I'm logging. Keep up the lively debate! lol... Edited by exccw
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You chose not to take part in the end-game content because it was bad, yet you cry when they choose to show their appreciation to those that did? The only one without a shred of logic here is you, sorry.


Naw, see that doesn't make sense either. For someone just waiting for the content but not be lumped in with those that were also waiting who just happened to have 50 next to their name isn't a fair way to apply this judgement.

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Looking forward to my sub running out on Tuesday and they throw another free 30 at me. Huh, thanks. Glad I had a 50 so I could be part of probably the greatest consumer victory in the history of MMOs.


I'd say SWG probably hold that title and will for some time. lolNGE.

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The screaming, and crying, and whining going on in this thread is sad. BioWare goes out of its way to do something nice for everyone (tauntaun) and it gets overlooked because everyone and their grabby hands want what the person next to them got.


I hate the word, but it's so accurate here: entitlement.

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OK, this is just my third forum post ever, and my second was posted previously in this thread.


After giving further thought to all this with no response from BW, I have just deleted my recurring payment account on record here. While I am still subbed till July 17 when my next 6 month sub would have been due, I do not think I will input another payment until such time Bioware/EA pull their heads out of the sand and address things in a more honest format with their end users. (All of them, and not just the "Most Valued")

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Yea it'd be nice to "celebrate" if your **** was working right and i could actually download the patch. "Network error" and half the time i go to reload I get "downloader unavailable". I'm sick of this. Exactly why I'm not resubbing and it's over in 8 days for me. I was hoping to be impressed by 1.2 enough to stick around for another month but seeing as I can't even get on unless i reinstall, redownload repatch... not worth the fricking time. Good bye. SWTOR. Wish EA had given the contract to someone else.


Sonova..... blast you guys. Really. I finally get angry enough to finally post my frustration, check my email and you credited my account.. ok... I'll give it another go, hopefully I can continue to stay away from WoW (I'd never forgive you if i had to go back to it.) My hats off to you. And thank you for listening to my tickets.

Edited by willardwest
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I for 1 Am very pissed i Have been here Before day 1 and dont have a 50 Because i have a life out side video games and they give there most loyal players time.. Just because of how they treated me i might just quit knowing they leave the other worker/players hanging
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Didn't actually see this thread until they closed mine to consolidate so I'll just reiterate my points here.


Soooo.... even though I have been subbed, in good standing, for months I am cut out from the time because I don't have a 50? I'm not loyal enough? Sure I have altitis. But the main "other thing" that got in the way of my leveling grind was Mass Effect. Another Bioware game.


Maybe if you had said dedicated or driven, I would be a bit less annoyed here. But you chose loyal and that somewhat rubs me wrong.


Furthermore, am I to understand that despite months of subbing and having that Founder title tucked away and all; if somebody with a little more time on his or her hands made an account even a week ago, he or she would get that bonus if powerleveled to 50?

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Then what should they have said? 'Here's a gift for all you spacebarring, content-rushing scum'? 'We're just giving this out for no reason'?


If someone gave me this announcement beforehand and asked me, 'Do you think this will insult people?' I'd laugh and tell them they were being silly. Only here could someone take an (empty) compliment intended for someone else and transform it into an insult against them.


What is this? The school Cheerleader squad? The court of Louis XVI? A nihilist poetry recital? I think people need some thicker skins, and maybe a more philosophical attitude.


what they should have done is simply give this to everybody. one free month to ALL of our loyal supporters.

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Then what should they have said? 'Here's a gift for all you spacebarring, content-rushing scum'? 'We're just giving this out for no reason'?


If someone gave me this announcement beforehand and asked me, 'Do you think this will insult people?' I'd laugh and tell them they were being silly. Only here could someone take an (empty) compliment intended for someone else and transform it into an insult against them.


What is this? The school Cheerleader squad? The court of Louis XVI? A nihilist poetry recital? I think people need some thicker skins, and maybe a more philosophical attitude.


MMOs are a social game to begin with. Taking into account all the social influences is something that PR for an MMO needs to do.


"We're sorry we had to drop some content, here's 30 days for all you 50's waiting for it in the meantime. We hope to have it brought back in sometime around [Y]."


It isn't that hard.

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Naw, see that doesn't make sense either. For someone just waiting for the content but not be lumped in with those that were also waiting who just happened to have 50 next to their name isn't a fair way to apply this judgement.


The cut-off has to be somewhere. Most people who had a 50 did something at least, and enabled them to fix things based on data and feedback. You just played the polished content.

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Honestly though, I'm really not surprised.


I'm not surprised Legacy was over-hyped.

I'm not surprised this event pisses off a large chunk of the playerbase.


Bioware seems to have a bad idea quota, that needs to be filled each month. I mean, is this really what they need, while also riding the tidal wave of loathing over their Mass Effect 3 BS.

It's like they can't stop making their fans angry. Stop polarizing us!


Bioware reminds me of Bruce Willis, in the movie Die Hard With a Vengeance. That scene where he's forced by the villain, to walk around Harlem with a racist signboard on. Someone is making him/them do these potentially self harmful things.


I get the feeling that someone is holding a gun to Ray Muzyka's head telling him to do absolutely mindblowingly stupid things to his fans every month. Things only a crazy person would think is acceptable.

Like such decisions are SO bad, and so ill advised, that they have to be forced.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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You're way off here, BW. I understand the point in trying to keep the level 50 players in-game for another month, but using character level to decide who should receive a free month of gameplay is a terrible benchmark. First off, the reason that free game time is even being given is because the game's development staff, some of whom helped destroy the last SW MMO, over-promised and under-delivered on the game from the start, and have again repeated this mistake with patch 1.2.


It isn't just the lack of WZ rankings. The legacy system has promise, but not the way it has been implemented so far. The prices for relatively menial abilities are ridiculous, and so far Legacy just doesn't meet players' expectations. The RE/custom gear system has promise, but the way many people understood what was being advertised is not at all how the system actually works, and the way it does work totally sucks *****.


Character level should not determine whether or not a customer who has paid since launch for the underwhelming product offered thus far should receive the free 30 days. I have a level 50 character, and this still bothers me. If you have endured the bugs, combat problems, and disappointments in the 1st 90 days of this game, and are still here, then you have at least earned your free 30 days.

Edited by KanderRennik
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Today at peak time, only my server and only one side had close to 400 on Fleet alone.


That is ONE server, out of quite a few.


IF we are to count the unique posters in this thread.. and compare the number to the total active unique account subs, we might have a nice surprise.


So, this valid concern scream is just your average storm in the teacup.


If the numbers stay that high for more than a few days maybe it will count for something. I will be quite surprised if they last more than a week or two. I'm hoping they do, but I doubt it.

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I have really tried not to go negative on this - been mostly sarcastic, but the more I think about it the more po'd I become.


Lets talk 'loyalty' EA / Bioware. I played on UO back when it started until 7 yrs out. That WAS your bread and butter. I sat it out all the while my miner was getting virtual ***** on Feluccia because you would not listen to the players. Then Trammel came along and you wondered why PvP took a dive (answer - nothing ruins your day like a virtual gang ****).


I would say I am 'loyal' since I game you about 4 yrs at $10 a month and another 3 @ 15 a month times 4 accounts. So that puts me at about a little over $4,000 in revenue I paid to you, not including 4 version of every release for the first 7 yrs.


Well maybe not 'loyal' because I eventually quit and walked away.


I will be honest, I was hesitant to play here because of the EA part (honestly I boycotted EA games from then until I bought the SWTOR collector's edition). But I gave SWTOR a shot. Been here since like week 2 since launch (had other priorities like diapers for the kids - blast them!). However after your consideration I am not 'loyal', honestly I am feeling like I got duped.


As stated before, I have 8 characters, i believe all past lvl 22 at the minimum (176 lvls combined minimally). I am not a hard core player - family and work tend to cut into my gaming time along with my 2 side businesses and the fact that I am getting 2 addtional grad degrees on top of the one I already have. But I tend to put in about 4 hrs on the weekends per day (Fri thru Sun) and 1 or 2 each weeknight just for some decompression time after the kids go to bed and my studies are done after work. I paid for your overpriced collector's edition because I thougth it'd be cool (Saw Star Wars for my first film in 1977 I believe) and opted to sign a 6 month sub since I wanted to get the IP a shot.


But honestly, I am seeing EA spit up in this like it is going out of style. This is a classic EA MMO move - do somethign dumb, which will take you about 72 hrs to finally come out with a canned answer (which you will admit it was a bad choice of words, yada yada yada, something about how everyone is loyal, yada yada yada) but in the end admit 0 wrongdoing. You will do the same when in a few month you offer something like an advanced character program for $29.95! in which why waste your time levelling when you can just pay for it! and start charging to do character transfers off servers to other servers for $19.95 a piece. FYI - These are not pricing I made up, they are EXACTLY what you charged when you did it on UO.


Honestly, I am not suprised this happened - but I am suprised you were able to last this long before a massive SS like this.



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A free month of game time for a Mainstream MMO like this is unheard of. Just when I thought you (BW) were going all corporate on our asses you throw this at us. Very nice gesture :)


Also, to the people complaining about not getting the free month, I get your disappointment but this came out of left field and BW didn't have to do it at all.

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it is not a misconstrued compliment, it was a value metric that they designed. The rewarded a group for it's loyalty(ironically because they were leaving) and not the group who displayed loyalty. If they had simply worded it differently I am sure most people would have been fine.


They insulted their customers. When customers get insulted, they sometimes leave. Some will just make noise to try to get something free. Most will just use the experience combined with other experiences to help them decide whether or not to return.

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No, they said they weren't the considered one of the most loyal. My 2 friends who started during the free weekend are considered more loyal than me though, i.e. newer players > older players. Care to explain that logic?


As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.




Where does that say that someone who doesn't have a level 50 isn't valued?


I am sick and tired of hearing this whining crap and misquoting of the PR. BW decided to give 30 free days to level 50. Fair or not. Stop being jealous and grow up.

Edited by JerokTalram
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