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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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I'm having a hard time trying to find out why I'm supposed to care what you feel. You and your ilk have made several baseless accusations throughout this thread.


you must care somewhat or you wouldn't be continuing the conversation. but its bioware that should care how we feel.

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Because Namco-Bandai so far is the only business that has legitimately listened to petitions? Sure ME3's getting an "epilogue" of sorts.. but that was less from the petition and just general posting.


PS: Jedi are so boring! You can guess what they'll do from a mile away. Always light-side. :p


Bioware, EA will listen to a petition if they want to. If you put enough signatures on a petition, I guarrantee they will take it seriously. They may still say no but they will consider it.

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If there's one lesson that should be taken from this, it's that listening to the forum never results in something good.


Acttly, the leson is that the internet is, in genral, dumb. Then again, thats ALWAYS the leson....

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this doesn't need a petition. It's a matter of numbers. If they lose more than they gain then they will listen. In my opinion they are doing the first smart thing in a while by being quiet and figuring out where this is headed before reacting.


Time will tell if they even react at all or pretend it wasn't offensive.

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you must care somewhat or you wouldn't be continuing the conversation. but its bioware that should care how we feel.


He's just trolling. The issue obviously doesn't affect him, as he's likely one of the lvl 50 group and has his rewards, so he just wants to taunt those who have obviously stuck with the game the entire time but simply don't have a lvl 50.

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Dear Folks at Bioware,


I'm sorry that I'm not a valued customer. I tried. I signed up for the beta as soon as possible. I pre-ordered the CE the day it went on sale, and I have been a playing/paying subscriber continuously from launch. I've been taking my time playing the game. Creating alts, exploring planets, socializing. I realize now that I should have been concentrating on leveling at least one character to 50.


As a result of my shame for not being one of your most valued customers, and because my loyalty and support are apparently lacking I have unsubscribed. I will leave the game to your more valued customers.

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Apparantly some of us are just not valued customers...


I have taken my sweet time with this game, ive leveled several alts and my highest alt is lvl 44, but im guessing im just not a valued customer since i dont have a lvl 50 toon yet.


i guess its just to keep those "theres no endgame" customers from unsubbing until they can placate them...

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I just love the whole "You've had 4 months, why aren't you 50 yet" crowd... I mean the 'most loyal SWTOR players'. I leveled 2 lvl 50s within 2 weeks of launch and deleted them because, while fun to run around destroying vehicles and stuff on Illum; there wasn't very much to do at lvl 50... Almost 4 months later; there still isn't much to do at lvl 50 besides mind-numbing dailies so I didn't bother to rush *another* char to 50.


Heck, most of my friends don't play this game anymore even with their 6 month subs because they have absolutely nothing to do at lvl 50 and they don't like rolling alts to pass the time.


So Bioware screwed up again with their 'biggest free patch released in MMORPGs' and people with lvl 50s are again shafted; big surprise there. So their knee-jerk reaction is to give people with a lvl 50 character, their 'most loyal players', free 30 days while ignoring the rest of their player-base that might not have a lvl 50 char yet (after encouraging people not to rush to lvl 50 all this time)... I'd not just call that a 'slap in the face'; that's more of a 'spit on you while you're on the ground' after hoping this latest patch would some how save this game...

Edited by bigfeef
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this doesn't need a petition. It's a matter of numbers. If they lose more than they gain then they will listen. In my opinion they are doing the first smart thing in a while by being quiet and figuring out where this is headed before reacting.


Time will tell if they even react at all or pretend it wasn't offensive.


Implying you whiners aren't just an incredibly small minority of forum posters.

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You do realize you're just making BioWare's PR nightmare worse by taunting everyone right?


For the most part, I'm indifferent about the whole thing. I'm a CE Pre-Order(er), I've been involved with SWTOR since August/September 2011, with 6 months left on the clock. I don't have a 50 because I play slowly, yet I'm still paying up front anyway. The phrasing of the press release is frustrating, and I can't help but feel a bit disappointed by their presentation.


At the same time, I know that in the end I still have time to play through anyway, so all it would do is tack on another 30 days to my 6 months I have stacked up.


I didn't think a reasonable response existed on the forums.


It's only reasonable because it patronizes you, right?

Edited by Freyar
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I am happy for the people with level 50s getting a discount on their play, regardless of how long they've been loyally supporting this game. They've been playing without much content and I think they might not have much incentive to stay subscribed after having "won" the game. They definitely deserve a thank-you for sticking with it.


I feel like playing through beta, pre-ordering, playing early launch, and staying subscribed all along should mark me as a loyal supporter, too. I feel like spending my time experiencing the content on multiple characters, helping lower levels in lieu of finishing my own quests or warzoning, tradeskilling, running and attending roleplay events, and administering a guild should mark me as a valued player, too. But because I don't have a level 50, I'm not a valued or a loyal supporter. Okay.


A free month would have been nice, but hell, I've got game time cards I haven't used yet and $15 just isn't that much. I don't feel like I'm being screwed over or cheated or robbed or even that it's not fair, but the whole not being recognized as a valued customer simply because I don't have a level 50 does not sit well with me. So I had a very nice (if long) call with Bioware CS tonight and cancelled my account. Peace out, so long and thanks for all the fish, happy gaming, friends.

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My only point is that Kotaku is ****.


I never debated that generalized point. I only stated that they had truth in a paragraph of one of their articles. Or are you attempting to assert the claim that stereotypes are completely valid? In that case, suit yourself; I rest my case.

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Implying you whiners aren't just an incredibly small minority of forum posters.


can you re-word that please? I am sure it's something worth understanding and unfortunately I simply can't make sense of it. I apologize if it's my fault, I might be tired.

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Implying you whiners aren't just an incredibly small minority of forum posters.


109 pages in 6 hours of people who feel rather alienated doesn't scream 'Minority' to me. It screams 'valid concern'.


Anyway, whatever. Bury your head in the sand and may the force be with you.

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109 pages in 6 hours of people who feel rather alienated doesn't scream 'Minority' to me. It screams 'valid concern'.


Anyway, whatever. Bury your head in the sand and may the force be with you.


Forum posters as a whole are a minority of the community. It holds true for almost any online game regardless of it's design.

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A very disappointing move by a company I've respected for so long. The worst part is, as someone said earlier, this should be an opportunity for everyone to be excited and looking forward to the new content, not feeling gut-punched by a silly decision. It shouldn't have taken more than five minutes of discussion for Bioware to realize just how poorly their choice to reward a portion of its playerbase based on an arbitrary measure was. Heck, lvl 50s aren't even a yardstick for how much time one has put into the game-- it's can be just as time consuming to work on several mid-level toons.


So many missteps, so many opportunities wasted. I hope this gets fixed and I further hope they think these decisions through more completely in the future.

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Dear Folks at Bioware,


I'm sorry that I'm not a valued customer. I tried. I signed up for the beta as soon as possible. I pre-ordered the CE the day it went on sale, and I have been a playing/paying subscriber continuously from launch. I've been taking my time playing the game. Creating alts, exploring planets, socializing. I realize now that I should have been concentrating on leveling at least one character to 50.


As a result of my shame for not being one of your most valued customers, and because my loyalty and support are apparently lacking I have unsubscribed. I will leave the game to your more valued customers.


yeah pretty much how i feel too. was in the beta worked my *** off to help find bugs. then had a comp die on me, so that set me back. enjoyed alts.. and get pissed on by bioware.. gee thanks.

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