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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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I think you only get it if you have a level 50 character. Seriously though, I have no idea as I logged out after about 5 minutes of trying to play after the patch.


thanks i believe the fourms say u just have to have an active acount and the free 30 days is extra for level 50 players:confused:. hum idk either but thanks far answering me!! :D

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Well, since my thread on this specific topic was closed I guess I'll complain here.


I think it's extremely lame that I don't get 30 free days just because I'm a slow player and don't have a level 50 character yet. I've been a subscriber for three billing cycles and my main char is almost level 45. I guess I should have logged off in rest zones.


Very lame. :mad:

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Im very dissapointed, i have been playing the game since early acces. I dont like playing 1 character, i like to play few simultaneously. I dont get a free month becasue i chose different way of playing. Now im noy saying " **** you bioware" etc. I just dont feel appreciated. I was a loyal customer, but after i saw the news, i dont feel like playing this game anymore. Edited by Pawlas
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So let me get this straight. For those of us who realized that being a new mmo there might not be a great amount of content at lvl 50 and took our time leveling our mains. We get a big fat nothing?

Even though many of them, like I probably preordered months inadvance, subbed and have been paying customers since day 1. That means nothing?

A preorder I got nothing for I might add because EB Games screwed up and didn't bother to tell I had to register before the game went live.

Wonderful. You really know how to make a customer feel valued Bioware.

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Shouldn't you reward those that continued to pay their subscription fees while being stuck on a dead server? I guess the players that got to enjoy the game as it was meant to be played are more deserving of free game time.
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You know, I've played since 4am pst the first day of Early Access (I have two accounts- the older one is now my girlfriend's). I've enjoyed myself. I've taken my time. My highest character is 46. I like alts.


I also have a job, and a life outside of the game. However, I've paid every month just like people who rushed through the content and then spent months complaining. That they are entitled to a free month is enough to make me cancel both accounts I pay for. I know at the end of the day BW doesn't give a **** about my $30 a month so it won't matter. But it's kind of the straw that breaks the camel's back for me in terms of telling me that as a paying customer I am not valued because I play the game differently than others.


Honestly, I think the issue here is the word "most". Had they left that little word out, I think this would be a much lesser dust-up than it is currently. After all, calling those with level 50s "valued" would be absolute truth, and none could argue with the characterization. However, they preceded the word with "most" valued, thereby implying that those without level 50s are "less" valuable.


Is that what they meant? Certainly not. But, their PR department should have looked over the memo a little more closely before releasing that announcement, because now its become a major PR incident. All from the use of a four-letter word.

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Im very dissapointed, i have playing the game since early acces. I dont like playing 1 character, i like to play few simultaneously. I dont get a free month becasue i chose different way of playing. Now im noy saying " **** you bioware" etc. I just dont feel appreciated. I was a loyal customer, but after i saw the news, i dont feel like playing this game anymore.


My thoughts exactly.

I still can't believe this how they treat those of us who have been here BEFORE day 1 basically.

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I think this is ridiculous.


I bought the game as a pre-order. I bought the game. I bought the digital deluxe ánd after a month I bought the Collecter's Edition. I like the game but I'm a busy person, so I can't play as much as I would like to. Next to that I prefer Story over Leveling so even thought I have been playing from the very beginning, I haven't made it to level 50 yet. Give me one good reason why I wouldn't deserve 30 days of extra game time.


If you want your costumers to stay, I say you give everyone the 30 days. Alot of people that already reached level 50 are getting bored and will probably quit playing in a few months. Those who haven't reached level 50 because they enjoy the game because of it's Story are bound to stay much longer.


Thusfar I appreciated everything you guys did, but this is ********.

Edited by gEddeh
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Been here since early access...got a stable full of alts.....mostly in thier 30's.

Highest is level 47. And I get the big finger from EA/Bioware.


You encourage people to take thier time,enjoy the story,make alts...then tell people they are only valued if they are level 50....



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I bought 2 copies at launch and my wife and I have been slowly playing since some time in Jan. I guess we're not 'most valued' players...


Which is ironic because we've been paying the fees but couldn't care less if they introduce any more content because we haven't seen it all yet. So we're much cheaper to cater for.


So I guess 'most valued' is code for 'most likely to leave' and FU to everyone else.

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I didn't finish leveling a character to 50 because the population issues made it impossible to do any of the flashpoints that i wanted to experience while leveling. I wanted to level the way the game was meant to be played. I was active during beta providing feedback and improving the game which made me not want to reroll and have to go through some of the same zones for the 4th or 5th time. The population issues are due to their poor planning and mis-management so I think it is their fault. I'm not raging mad or anything because 1.2 did absolutely nothing to fix the problems I'm having with the game and I still wouldn't play even if I had a free subscription.


You can still level without the flashpoints. There is no "meant to be played" mindset, it's called opinion. But if you were AT 50 complaining about population issues then yes I would agree to a certain extent. Also if you don't enjoy it, then quit. Most of us are tired of seeing posts that complain like this but we're satisfied with the game.

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i agree w most everyone ,shuld be free 30 days for all active players across the bord. i baught the delux and then the moth subscript and thats a 100 bucs in the hole.. *** im not level 50 but ive been subscribed for 3 months .. ur gona give me an unrideable tauntaun?? yawn!:eek::mad:
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I'm glad that SWtoR made this gesture. However I am disappointed by the fact that those who only have a level 50 character gets free game time. It kind of slaps a lot of players in the face that have been playing since launch that have multiple characters however none at level 50. I know it's hard to please everyone however I think a different approach would have been better.
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Wow, posts are being deleted pretty fast. Not all that shocked to be honest but kinda sad. People are voicing their opinion and those opinions are getting removed.


I don't really understand how people are saying "suck it up" to people who are obvious fans getting upset about being labeled as not loyal.


Fun times, fun times..

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I think this is ridiculous.


I bought the game as a pre-order. I bought the game. I bought the digital deluxe ánd after a month I bought the Collecter's Edition. I like the game but I'm a busy person, so I can't play as much as I would like to. Next to that I prefer Story over Leveling so even thought I have been playing from the very beginning, I haven't made it to level 50 yet. Give me one good reason why I wouldn't deserve 30 days of extra game time.


Thusfar I appreciated everything you guys did, but this is ********.


exactly how i feal!!

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What the HELL?! So even though I've been playing almost daily since launch, because I've been playing alts rather than ramming one through to 50 I don't get 30 days free? That is bull####! I wasn't even considering cancelling my account any time soon, but I have to say if you guys continue to favor level 50s like this then I've seriously got to rethink things.
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Shouldn't you reward those that continued to pay their subscription fees while being stuck on a dead server? I guess the players that got to enjoy the game as it was meant to be played are more deserving of free game time.



Is something stopping you from rerolling? It's obviously not a level 50 character, so you playing on a dead server is your own fault. I leveled a Guardian up to around 35-36 a month or more ago, the server was always "light", so I rerolled a Vanguard on a heavy server. He's now lvl 36 and I've had a blast the whole way. What's stopping you?

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I'm more than a little unhappy about the decision to give all level 50 characters a free month, however I won't be quitting a game over something I never had to begin with. I think it is a nice gesture but that it excludes parts of the community who have been experimenting with different classes/faction/servers or who just don't have enough time in their busy schedules to play enough to get to 50. My personal pass time in many an MMO has been PvP, and given the excellent bolster mechanic I haven't felt the need to raise any of my level 20 or 30 characters to 50 with any sense of haste.


In conclusion: not very happy, about the exclusionary criteria for the free month

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Sucks if you don't get a free thing. I do see the point, though. Those who have gotten to 50 and aren't really into alts and had nothing to do yet are still here, those are the ones that BW is trying to reward. They're the ones hanging on in hope and living on promises. They're the 'most loyal' in the sense that their loyalty has been tested the most, but they're still supporting the game even though there's not a lot here for them any more.
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