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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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That would just have been far, far too sensible an idea!! :rolleyes:


Lol I keep forgetting that 1. common sense aint that common and 2. corporations seem to do the opposite of what makes sense:P I just hope they fix this. I dont intend to unsub over it but no doubt many people will, and I really want this game to suceed

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If you're not level 50 yet, you still have tons of content to explore. A lot of level 50 people burned through said content and were bored. Bioware is giving them incentive to stick around a while longer hoping to keep their business. The promotion makes perfect sense. Why people are so upset about $15 is beyond me. Heck, I've made more money than that sitting here at my desk at work reading through this thread....


I'm a student.. I don't actually have lots of extra cash lying around, thank you.


If it's a redress for broken end-game content they should SAY THAT.

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ok, so the other thread get closed.


so people are complaining about that they are not viewed as "valued players" in bioware eyes to get the free lvl50 month free sub.


so basically:


1. having at least one lvl 50 player is a valued player

2. because you are a valued player, you get a month of free sub


so if BW simply say that "we decided to give accounts with a lvl50 player a free month of sub." thus removing the criteria of "valued player" will be ok then?

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That is not the point.


To me its more like : you get a free month if you play republic. Meaning that instead of giving everyone a free month, they decided to pick a criteria, lvl 50 was the easiest one.


I choose to play at my own pace. I could have rushed through it all, but i prefer to enjoy the multiple facets of the game. To enjoy the content fully. The content BW created.


What do i get out of it? BW says : "hey, you should have not cared about the effort we have putted in the game, instead just rush through everything, and you would have gotten a free month".


What should i make out of this? no idea and it pisses me off.


Looks like someone's Self Entitlement ***** is showing. Seriously people, this is a &*@$ing REWARD for those that worked to get to 50. If you're not lvl 50, you didn't put in the work and thus don't "deserve" the freebies. Common sense people, common sense. Besides, its not a REWARD if everyone gets it. Also, you don't "deserve" it, you pay $15 a month to play a game, that is ALL you deserve. Bioware deciding to give you x if you do a isn't in the Terms of Agreement so they don't HAVE to give you anything at all. That is my opinion.


I for one absolutely love this game and all that is being done for the playerbase.

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While I agree it would be a better format the way you suggest it and encourage BW to implement this instead, you have to admit it's still a pretty sweet deal.


Think of it as the 'Founder' bonus, Bioware.


But not all 'Founder's get the bonus and people who are still on free month and rushed to endgame do? The problem is they didnt give it to the people who have played the longest just those who have 50s some have been here since beta others since last month and wore their spacebar down to hell....

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Someone already said this but it bears repeating: this is a tactic to temporarily inflate subscription and keep the numbers up for the upcoming shareholders call. Nicely done. You know what I really feel bad for? The Bioware and Mythic ppl who have seen their stock options become worthless. All they did was put out a quality product and you fickle gamers are taking away their livelihood. Who will think of the children!
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ah haha, now fanboys say it's your own fault for not be at lvl50 already. Yet i remember at the start fanboys said, it's your own fault rushing through the game.....


Stop sucking Bioware pls.

Edited by Hellmet
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Woot! Thanks for the loyalty gifts and free time, you guys are awesome! :D Grats on the release of 1.2, good job.


Keep up the good work and looking forward to the receiving my Tauntaun, just remember to poke holes in the box so he can breath in the mail!!! L:)L

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can someone please help me? i dont know how to recive my free tauntaun?


I think you only get it if you have a level 50 character. Seriously though, I have no idea as I logged out after about 5 minutes of trying to play after the patch.

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ah haha, now fanboys say it's your own fault for not be at lvl50 already. Yet i remember at the start fanboys said, it's your own fault rushing thrugh the game.....


Stop sucking Bioware pls.




If you've played since day one, it is your fault. My highest level toon is 36. Could I have had him up to level 50? Absolutely. I'm an altaholic though and play multiple toons all the time.



And again, this doesn't bother me. Heck, I hope it works and I hope it gets a bunch of players to keep playing. The game continuing on is way more important to me than $15.

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Looks like someone's Self Entitlement ***** is showing. Seriously people, this is a &*@$ing REWARD for those that worked to get to 50. If you're not lvl 50, you didn't put in the work and thus don't "deserve" the freebies. Common sense people, common sense. Besides, its not a REWARD if everyone gets it. Also, you don't "deserve" it, you pay $15 a month to play a game, that is ALL you deserve. Bioware deciding to give you x if you do a isn't in the Terms of Agreement so they don't HAVE to give you anything at all. That is my opinion.


I for one absolutely love this game and all that is being done for the playerbase.


So your one 50 was more work than my 47, 40, 38, 36, 29, two 17s 11 and whatever I left on my dead server? Whos self entitlement is showing now? Lol honestly I think it should be for length of sub not who rushed to 50. Its not hard to max out in a month with enough free time and smashing that space bar to hell. It would be much much more common sense to give back to the people who have paid $60 in sub fees and $60+ in retail price for the game than just those who hit 50. That is my opinion lol

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ah haha, now fanboys say it's your own fault for not be at lvl50 already. Yet i remember at the start fanboys said, it's your own fault rushing through the game.....


Stop sucking Bioware pls.


The trick is to level with average speed. If you are too fast or too slow, you are doing it wrong. And don't roll alts. That is mistake as well.

Edited by Repefe
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While I understand there had to be some criteria for the 'promo' I just wish it wasn't a '50 :D


That, and I wish I wasn't a lazy altaholic who only managed to get my main to 46 by now !!!

Edited by Eliandal
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Take a month off - see if they send an email saying "We are wrong, you are a valuable customer" cuz we need to get our subscription numbers back up.


The 50s are putting up with a lot and trying to keep them paying for not much to do at 50; not pushing out much to keep them entertained; and really pissing them off; BW has decided that the non-valued customers can carry the cost of trying to get out good stuff for the 50s by the end of 30 days.


Also, BW has introduced a new warzone just by doing this, 50s vs non-50s. I got 30 days and u didn't Warzone (here is there cross-realm warzone to boot; and not just Empire vs Republic but brother vs. brother).

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While I agree it would be a better format the way you suggest it and encourage BW to implement this instead, you have to admit it's still a pretty sweet deal.


Think of it as the 'Founder' bonus, Bioware.


LOL yea it's a sweet deal IF you have a 50 if not you're scr**ed.


I have friends who started last month only and have been playing just on char so they have a 50 and they will get the free month because they are "valuable" for playing 1 month.


Iv'e played since release and even before in beta but i'm not valuable because i like to make alts and don't have a lvl 50.


Like many other Bioware /EA decisions, this was not well thought and many people that stuck with the game from the beginning are been scr**ed.

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If you're not lvl 50, you didn't put in the work and thus don't "deserve" the freebies.


This has to be one of the dumbest posts i have read in a while.

So those of us who were here since early access enjoying the game and playing alts are less deserving than those who rushed and spaced through content, have a 50 and have been subscribed for a month or less for example?


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So, you've played everyday since the game went live, but don't have 50 yet? Not to worry! You get a BRAND NEW BOX OF SCREW YOU!!!!


Have a safe and pleasant stay.


Oh, and having to pay MILLIONS of credits for all that Legacy stuff is just like that xmas morning I opened my present and there was a catalog inside.

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I like how they keep closing threads about the free month and directing people here to the "celebrate update 1.2"


Don't you understand people are not celebrating this poor choice...


I think they might be getting the idea. :)


Actually, it's not a bad thing. Instead of having the grousing scattered all over, the powers that be can just view this one thread.


At least I hope that's how it works out.

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You know, I've played since 4am pst the first day of Early Access (I have two accounts- the older one is now my girlfriend's). I've enjoyed myself. I've taken my time. My highest character is 46. I like alts.


I also have a job, and a life outside of the game. However, I've paid every month just like people who rushed through the content and then spent months complaining. That they are entitled to a free month is enough to make me cancel both accounts I pay for. I know at the end of the day BW doesn't give a **** about my $30 a month so it won't matter. But it's kind of the straw that breaks the camel's back for me in terms of telling me that as a paying customer I am not valued because I play the game differently than others.

Edited by zerosaint
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I like how they keep closing threads about the free month and directing people here to the "celebrate update 1.2"


Don't you understand people are not celebrating this poor choice...


LOL Yes, I've seen more closed threads than ever. It's all about maintaining a perception. Unfortunately for them, I think reality is a 1000 foot tidal wave to their sand castle.

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