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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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I would've been level 50 by now if you'd released the game in Oceania even one week earlier. But no, because you delayed the local release for so long, I haven't had the time to reach 50 yet... and because of that I miss out on a free month?


That hardly seems fair.


You've given us two chances at the tauntaun - both on the 12th and on the 21st - so why can't you do the same for the free game time? You know, to give those of us who are almost there but haven't quite made it due to lack of time / heavy investment in alts / etc a chance to cash in.


Like so many others, you're not getting it.


I will quote a post earlier in this thread that I think sums it up:


You're kinda missing the point as to WHY they are doing it, I think.


- Broken PvP end game

- perceived bait and switch with ranked warzones

- A lot of broken end game PvE ops



Really, the leveling process is fantastic. Warzones in and of themselves are fine.


People are level 50 and have been for some time now and have been waiting patiently for end-game PvP, ranked warzones and end-game PvE. This doesn't really apply to anyone who isn't level 50 yet. People playing level 50's are bored because they have cleared all end-game content and have full Battlemaster gear. There is nothing else to do in the game. And yes, we have multiple 50's already.

Edited by nToxiK
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Wow... This is completely unexpepected and un-EA like.. Their subs must be dropping at an incredible rate. o.o;

ooorrrr....they might be actually TRYING to get better at customer relations. What if EA came to a revelation that they have to be nicer. That being bossy doesn't get them anymore anymore. They do have new ceos and cfos...

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It takes maybe 200 hours if you do it slow and 'casual'. I know, because I did with my first guy. Took about 8 days played and change.


When you say 8 days played, I hope you mean 8 days of play time, played over the course of several weeks.

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So, a father of 4 kids who works 10 hours a day but who has been a paid subscriber since day 1, and has managed to play fairly consistently but for only short periods of time, is not a valued customer just because he has only managed to make it to level 48?


I guess I'm glad I already pre-ordered Diablo 3. Maybe they'll value me.

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All they are doing is padding their subscription base before the next quarter report (comes out in 2 weeks i think). It is not generous on their part so much as it is pure desperation. I don't think they covered the cost of advertising this game alone, NOT counting the 200 million to create the game.
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Day one 2nd wave early access Collectors edition 6 month sub player here, had a lvl 45 toon on a dead server that was "full" during EA. Rerolled on a new server but no lvl 50 here. I work 6 days a week - 10 hours a day, have a new home im remodeling, a 3 year old and a 4 month old....so yeah i dont have hours upon hours to play atm and just feel a bit screwed TBH.


I've never really said anything negative about the game, defended BW through and through, i've been in MMO's for going on 10 years now so i know most of the negativity is overblown QQ'ing by noobs....but im kinda miffed about this decision.

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The money I've spent since early access and on digital deluxe is the same money that someone with a 50 has spent.


I was a happy customer until this news. Why insult so many paying customers this way?


Way to completely ruin 1.2 for me Bioware. I'm a poor guy saving nickles for gamecards.



Wow. Just wow.

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Thank you Bioware for this awesome offer. I still can't believe people are complaining that they won't get it. It's really not the companies fault that you didn't take time out to level to 50. It's as simple as that.
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Forgive me for being blunt, but why only people with level 50s? I am an altoholic with multiple toons near 50, but apparently my buddy who has just one character that is 50 deserves a free month while I, with about 12 characters doesnt. I love this game I do but can someone please help me make sense of this? Why shouldn't I also get a free month for exploring more of the game than one character??
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So because I am leveling with my wife and do not always have the time to play together we are not level 50 even though we have been playing since early access. So because of our taking out time and having a family life we are screwed out of a free month. BioWare is penalizing us for going to my daughters games and not playing, for having a family dinner and not playing while eating, for watching movies with my wife instead of playing. I guess the message BioWare is sending us is that we should of been playing the game and leveled to level 50 instead of spending family time. I did not realize that this game is a race and that I had to get a chr to level 50 ASAP!!!! I do have alts but was trying to not get ahead of my main (That I play with my wife) in planets so we could discover them together . I thought BioWare wanted this to be a social game that is why they put in social points for doing quests together and not a race to the top. I am sadly disappointed and so is my wife we will be taking a serious look at if we want to take the slap in the face and keep playing or look for somewhere else to spend our money.


It doesn't penalize you. It does nothing to you but exempts players who have played a character to lvl 50 from paying $15 dollars. Whether you got to that point or not is not our problem. So if you didn't make it that far don't complain about it because it is simply a reward for players who have met the prequisites. Find something else to complain about?

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It doesn't penalize you. It does nothing to you but exempts players who have played a character to lvl 50 from paying $15 dollars. Whether you got to that point or not is not our problem. So if you didn't make it that far don't complain about it because it is simply a reward for players who have met the prequisites. Find something else to complain about?


Why would ppl complain when they can just unsub.

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Thank you Bioware for this awesome offer. I still can't believe people are complaining that they won't get it. It's really not the companies fault that you didn't take time out to level to 50. It's as simple as that.


It's called having a life and responsibilities, you know that stuff adults have to do to feed their kids, pay the bills etc.

Edited by BEVINCE
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30 days free for lvl 50 players...great news for them. Too bad for me...I mean I have a 45, 41, 36, 33 and so on...so i like to play a lot of different characters, just my play style. But I am just as a dedicated player as those with 50's.


Not trying to complain too much, but the choice for this reward does not necessarily reward your dedicated players, just those that got to 50....oh well.



What this guy said. I think I've logged in every day since open beta and have no character slots left...just spend time exploring, crafting, etc.


Guess it's tethered swimming for me.

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they are trying to make amends to all the level 50 pvp'ers they just pissed off with what we perceived as a bait and switch in regards to the ranked wz's.


I have a feeling this is what they're trying to do

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No, they arent saying anything like that... they are trying to make amends to all the level 50 pvp'ers they just pissed off with what we perceived as a bait and switch in regards to the ranked wz's.


No, they aren't saying that, and yes, it's to make amends for yanking ranked war zones at the last minute. But, they were unwise in their wording. In fact, simply removing the word "most" would have made the announcement more palatable to those not receiving the free time.





As a thanks for being one of our valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.




Does that not sound better, not insulting?

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You can appreciate that they tried to do something nice for people without spending a **** ton of time figuring out who, out of 1.7 million subscribers or so, was "deserving".



That's not at all what I'm saying or suggesting. What I'm saying is that you cannot possibly please everyone all of the time. That it's an extremely time consuming process to determine who's "worthy" in this particular case. And that something for a large section of the population is better then nothing for everyone.


Yes, cause it would have taken a **** ton of time to figure out that "loyal" should mean those that have had active subs since launch or within that first month like um, every other MMO does!


Based on your logic maybe you should work for BioWare. Sounds like you'd fit right in!


Scratch that, maybe I should work for BioWare. Perhaps things would go a lot smoother!

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Lol, free time for level 50's? haha Bioware, yet another all time low.


So beta testers and preorder noobs get the finger i see. Lol, all these consumers that made your game no1 in sales.


Can't say i got big hopes for Mass Effect 3's RE:ending DLC...

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After a brief pause from the game, I logged on today, patched (which took about two hours), at which point I put in my 60day timecard. I then log on and discover people talking about free pets and 30 days of free gametime for having a 50 (I have a 50), but because I renewed my sub about 117 minutes late, I will not get the free 30days. I might also not qualify for the pet, even though I would have gotten that by logging in for free on the 13th ... colour me a bit boggled at this point.


Then I tried calling customer service. spent 14min on hold, then was told by a person I could barely understand (bad phone connection on their side) that bioware servers are not working and please call back in an hour.


So now, I have gone from rather excited about being back in the game, to being a bit frustrated that I missed two special offers by less than two hours, and a chance at the free pet because I actually paid for the gametime instead of waiting a day to log in for free.


Perhaps in the future, Bioward might consider sending players an email a week or so in advance about these kinds of offers. I for one, would have redeemed my 60day timecard yesterday had I known.


Sighs, hopefully someone in Bioward will offer some clarification on these issues.



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