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PVP has been ruined


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The point of a PTS is to find out what people want, BW just goes and does the opposite and ruined the pvp all together. so many things wrong with it now that im not gonna even list them. i dont know what they were trying to do with this... but they did it all wrong. please, post the things that u guys think they did wrong with this patch (almost everything) so BW can see there mistake and hopefully correct this. this post will most likely get taken down anyways.
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My only beef is spending 15 minutes in a warzone, pulling 10 medals and getting 31 coms as a reward because the team lost.


I had higher end game stats than the entire enemy team, and was second on my team. Spent the whole mach in the warzone, I didn't come in late.


There are much better things to waste my time on.


But see, this is all related to the fact that only a certain few people got to test PvP at lvl 50, where it really matters, because they only invited certain guilds.


I just can't see the point in playing warzones now. To have a great match, that goes back and forth on Alderaan and lose by 30 points is fun, until you see the insulting rewards you are given because you lost. Takes the fun out of it.


I'm not saying we should be getting thousands of coms per match, but that match they barely won. It wasn't like they walked over us with ease.

Edited by Staalker
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ya, and where my server is republic controlled basically, i rolled the empire, lose pretty much every game, no reward, no point. they really should have just tried to put cross server it, that would have solved SO MANY PROBLEMS, but instead they just created more
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My only beef is spending 15 minutes in a warzone, pulling 10 medals and getting 31 coms as a reward because the team lost.


I had higher end game stats than the entire enemy team, and was second on my team. Spent the whole mach in the warzone, I didn't come in late.


There are much better things to waste my time on.


But see, this is all related to the fact that only a certain few people got to test PvP at lvl 50, where it really matters, because they only invited certain guilds.


I just can't see the point in playing warzones now. To have a great match, that goes back and forth on Alderaan and lose by 30 points if fun, until you see the insulting rewards you are given because you lost. Takes the fun out of it.


I'm not saying we should be getting thousands of coms per match, but that match they barely won. It wasn't like they walked over us with ease.




This is what ticks me off, especially as a "healer" (I use that word ironically after this nerf-patch).


There are games that have been lost where I've healed my *** off, gotten the most kills, helped gain objectives etc... but I still get crappy rewards just because 1 or 2 members of my team happen to be a little slow on the uptake.


The wins are ok, even though some guys get carried - but maybe shift it a little to a performance-based reward system so that players capturing objective, healing, getting kills, etc... all count toward the end reward.

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Stopped reading right...

so many things wrong with it now that im not gonna even list them.

...there. PvP is not ruined, it's just very slightly different. And it will continue to change as bugs are fixed, content is added, and classes are balanced.

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well, just cancelled my subscription in a fit of rage.


that's one less republic player queuing on my server.


-go ahead and given me the "don't let the door hit you on the way out" comments if you want.


No I'm going to give you a sad, sympathetic pat on the back, cause I just did the same thing :(

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Sweet changes. Now we just need a hughe punishing system for leaving warzones and people might actually try to win them.


People like you live in fantasy land-


The exact oposite is going to happen the more you lower the rewards, people will just stop quieing at all, not try harder to win.

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I have to agree, this patch has ruined pvp for me. I feel like all my efforts have been for nothing.


Anyone can get bm gear now, whoopie! Valor has no meaning now except for a title. Great, thanks for making all my hours to achieve my valor rank for nothing.


My 1000 merc comms are worthless, and you want me to trade them 1-1 for wz comms? Hey, Bioware, YOU made them worthless, not me, so let me trade them 3-1 like when I bought them. Why do I have to throw away 2k wz comms?


My 2 bm comms that I was saving for my weapon are now worthless to me. Why can't I still buy gear with them?


Now the pug q's are even worse than before, with kids with 12-14k health filling the group. Totally worthless.


None of the PVP UI elements were taken into acount on their sweeping UI customiztion nonsense, so now my wonderfully customized UI blocks all the pvp stuff. Am I supposed to build my UI around the pvp elements? Did you really not even THINK about the pvp elements when you made the UI customizeable? Super lame, and not very well thought out.


I've gone from excited for the patch yesterday, to not sure if I even want to play any more over night.

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Hmm. I seem to recall alot of people complaining about wins not mattering anymore since the rewards were the same as losing. Now people complain because wins and losses aren't the same reward wise anymore.


Seems theres no pleasing you cry babies. You lost? then you don't deserve as much rewards as someone who won. Sure, is the balance a little out of whack? maybe. Should you get a bit more rewards when you lose? maybe. But throwing a fit because you cant afk through a wz and get your gear in the same amount of time solves nothing.

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Sweet changes. Now we just need a hughe punishing system for leaving warzones and people might actually try to win them.


In a world you thought could get no worse comes... posts so full of win, that you can litterally taste your unsub getting closer with every keystroke...


How about when you lose a Wz you actually DIE!




MORE PLAYER PUNISHMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Edited by VoidJustice
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As a fresh 50(had to reroll on a new server but that is another story) I really see no point in PvPing anymore. 10+ medals and only 43 comms? Seriously? Yeah not gonna /facerolled for a month or two while I try to get a few pieces of gear. PvE only for me now until that becomes too boring then /unsub.
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are they not giving a greater incentive to win as a team?



God some people complain the gear is to easy to get ie recruit gear


And here because the losing team doesnt get much of a reward some of you are ************ that you dont get enough.


I get that the winners get more but the disparity so large now that if you're losing there is no reason to stick around.

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Sigh. Logged on for a quck WZ to see the changes...the other guys got two turrets right off, everyone quit. It was litterally me and one other guy getting killed every respawn. At some point I removed all my armor and began dancing as the speeder landed.
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My only beef is spending 15 minutes in a warzone, pulling 10 medals and getting 31 coms as a reward because the team lost.


I had higher end game stats than the entire enemy team, and was second on my team. Spent the whole mach in the warzone, I didn't come in late.


There are much better things to waste my time on.


But see, this is all related to the fact that only a certain few people got to test PvP at lvl 50, where it really matters, because they only invited certain guilds.


I just can't see the point in playing warzones now. To have a great match, that goes back and forth on Alderaan and lose by 30 points is fun, until you see the insulting rewards you are given because you lost. Takes the fun out of it.


I'm not saying we should be getting thousands of coms per match, but that match they barely won. It wasn't like they walked over us with ease.


try the new warzone --- we stared with only 4 people and fought the whole battle and got 0 (zero) -- no credits,valor or comms

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This is what ticks me off, especially as a "healer" (I use that word ironically after this nerf-patch).


There are games that have been lost where I've healed my *** off, gotten the most kills, helped gain objectives etc... but I still get crappy rewards just because 1 or 2 members of my team happen to be a little slow on the uptake.


The wins are ok, even though some guys get carried - but maybe shift it a little to a performance-based reward system so that players capturing objective, healing, getting kills, etc... all count toward the end reward.


I feel your pain mate


I've never said this before but if something isn't done I might have to /unsub :(

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I have to agree, this patch has ruined pvp for me. I feel like all my efforts have been for nothing.


Anyone can get bm gear now, whoopie! Valor has no meaning now except for a title. Great, thanks for making all my hours to achieve my valor rank for nothing.


My 1000 merc comms are worthless, and you want me to trade them 1-1 for wz comms? Hey, Bioware, YOU made them worthless, not me, so let me trade them 3-1 like when I bought them. Why do I have to throw away 2k wz comms?


My 2 bm comms that I was saving for my weapon are now worthless to me. Why can't I still buy gear with them?


Now the pug q's are even worse than before, with kids with 12-14k health filling the group. Totally worthless.


None of the PVP UI elements were taken into acount on their sweeping UI customiztion nonsense, so now my wonderfully customized UI blocks all the pvp stuff. Am I supposed to build my UI around the pvp elements? Did you really not even THINK about the pvp elements when you made the UI customizeable? Super lame, and not very well thought out.


I've gone from excited for the patch yesterday, to not sure if I even want to play any more over night.


I have to agree went from excited to offended and unable to play what I was anticipating..

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