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Current state of PvP (1.2)


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I have nothing new to add, really. Just hoping that the devs actually read this and take into account our opinion. How things got so fubar really does amaze me. I think things pre-1.2 were pretty good. I liked pvp b/c it was all situational. Granted some classes could have used some minor tweaks, but overall, I enjoyed playing. As it stands, now all I can do is hope to live long enough to maybe kill someone. And with the rewards the way they are now, leaving is very tempting; whereas before even in a losing WZ I would stay because the time and effort put into the match would be reflected at the end. So to sum it up (as i said nothing new) for you devs hopefully reading this:


1. dps in/out, mitigation and healing are all out of control and obvisouly imbalanced.

2. leaving a losing WZ is now to my benefit vs. old system of staying in a losing WZ



get everything back to the way it was and do the small tweaks that were needed.


My main question is: What were they thinking? is there anywhere BW posted "here's what we did and why we did it."

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dmg is out of control as a sage with 1k expertise having force armor talented casted on me is the same as not having it and on top of that the bug with Force choke with full Resolve bar makes things even worse.


Nowdays in my server you dont see any other classes other than juggs/mara's in WZ's with their mirror aswell

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Tbh I have found but a FEW posts here with any credibility at all. This is what I read in this post...Blah Blah Blah! You are all talking about cancelling your subs on a patchday. I say the community will be better off without you!


How on earth you think you know everything within a few hours of patch is shocking. Me and my Guild are loving this patch. Yes burst is a little high and there are still balancing issues to work through but 1 day is barely enough to get to grips with your class changes, let alone perform well. YOU are clearly doing something wrong. But ofc if you get killed lots in the games fault not yours....coz your pro right?


You are all QQing about the gear difference between Recruit, Cent & Champ gear BM gearz...farm BM gearz then, not hard. I personally got the 3 most expensive bits of BM yesterday (about 4.5k WZ comms), and expect to complete my gear today...hell 2 days to gear, "oh no BW I feel so hard done to" QQ. Grow a pair would you and suck it up. If you are not in BM gear right now you are at a disadvantage, yes. But its not hard to obtain. But no people would rather QQ like little children as something has changed and they have to get used to something new. If you can't deal with change don't play MMO's, they are ever evolving!


Seriously think this is mainly a crapola thread. I'm playing an Assault Spec Vanguard, Damage still rocks, getting 13-16 medals average, can now get 100 WZ comms per match. I think its the age old issue of be better, get better gear and play with a Guild. If all you do is solo queue in low gear ofc your gonna die a LOT, especially vs a premade team (Though why you would queue without a full Guild group is beyond me). Engage brain before raging kiddies!


The game is now faster paced, requires quicker reactions and more skill to play well, people who want an easy ride are obviously gonna be miffed coz they actually have to work now. Think these buys should boot up an old classic and bash in IDDQD

Edited by vibenode
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Tbh I have found but a FEW posts here with any credibility at all. This is what I read in this post...Blah Blah Blah! You are all talking about cancelling your subs on a patchday. I say the community will be better off without you!


How on earth you think you know everything within a few hours of patch is shocking. Me and my Guild are loving this patch. Yes burst is a little high and there are still balancing issues to work through but 1 day is barely enough to get to grips with your class changes, let alone perform well. You are clearly doing something wrong.


You are all QQing about the gear difference between Recruit, Cent & Champ gear BM gearz...farm BM gearz then, not hard. I personally got the 3 most expensive bits of BM yesterday (about 4.5k WZ comms). If you are not n BM gear right now you are at a disadvantage, yes. But its not hard to obtain. But no people would rather QQ like little children as something has changed and they have to get used to something new. If you can't deal with change don't play MMO's, they are ever evolving!


Seriously think this is mainly a crapola thread. I'm playing an Assault Spec Vanguard, Damage still rocks, getting 13-16 medals average, can now get 100 WZ comms per match. I think its the age old issue of be better, get better gear and play with a Guild. If all you do is solo queue in low gear ofc your gonna die a LOT. Engage brain before raging kiddies!


So you think the community will be better off without people who, to a large extent, thought out some pretty reasonable posts, but will be just dandy with a guy like you, who roll in like a champ, discrediting everyones experiences with the older-than-dust mantra: "you must just suck"?


This isn't about the gear difference between PvP sets. It's about the direction PvP is moving in, helped along by, amongst other things, how expertise now benefits damage dealers far more than support classes. But yea, if you can't circumvent mechanics, it's probably just QQing, right? Good God...

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I honestly don't know why so many people are complaining about melting so fast. I was running all day yesterday with myself (hybrid tank jug), sorc healer, powertech dps, assassin dps and the game didn't feel all that different. My healer said she had to make adjustments, but it was nothing to QQ about and she was able to keep us all alive just as well as she always had. The ptech said if anything, he felt buffed, not nerfed. Naturally, my jug does more dps now, which is cool because I'm now matching the dps of the assassin tanks. Maybe CC timings and interrupts are more important now and we're seeing a skill gap? I'm not sure but I just do not understand the rampant whining in this forum. This update is a step in the right direction. Just please please please let me que up with 7 of my friends. I don't care if we have to fight 16 pugs to make it even, just let me play with my friends.
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This isn't about the gear difference between PvP sets. It's about the direction PvP is moving in, helped along by, amongst other things, how expertise now benefits damage dealers far more than support classes. But yea, if you can't circumvent mechanics, it's probably just QQing, right? Good God...


We all knew support classes were too strong. I've seen merc / commando healers tanking 5 people, 2 of them on my old server were ball carriers in Huttball just healing each other and inexorably moving to the score line as they physically could not be killed when together. They needing bringing back into balance. But as soon as that balance changes everyone is ready to QQ again. Some people are just never happy. Myself and my Guild feel this is a highly positive patch with some excellent changes. Yes there are still some imbalances that need fixing and maybe some tweaking with the expertise stat, but cancelling your sub on a patch day is a vast over-reaction!

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im full bm got smacked a 7.8k tracer rawfl.


I play on Dalborra server new server for asia pacific players think im one of the only players if not the only player to have full bm due to my guild on the pub side closest person to me having full bm needs a few more pieces and the good imp players who would have been close started rolling alts.


oh im a full tank vanguard as well which i find a joke.

Edited by Didy_Kush
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im full bm got smacked a 7.8k tracer rawfl.


I play on Dalborra server new server for asia pacific players think im one of the only players if not the only player to have full bm due to my guild on the pub side closest person to me having full bm needs a few more pieces and the good imp players who would have been close started rolling alts.


oh im a full tank vanguard as well which i find a joke.


No this is something that needs looking at i'll agree, been seeing tracers doing some silly dmg on their end move. Its not a tracer its the 31pt talent at the end of the tree. As I gather it wasn't stacking a debuff on the enemy as it should. This is now working as intended and it has left this move being VERY potent. Despite what people are saying about BW tho, they ARE listening to their community and it would be much easier for them to make changes if they didnt have to scroll through 79 pages of QQ to get 1 constructive point they could actually use.


Tanky Van's do seem to have been hit the worse of the Tank classes as well. Sin/Shadow still very strong surviv and dmg, and guardians are still sods to kill. Think Van's need their defensive CD's looking at. Compared to every other melee we come off very poorly in that aspect. Sins = force cloak, removes DoT's, can't be dotted, can't be CC'd, huge deflect and resistances....Van/PT 25 % dmg reduction. This is an aspect I believe BW should look at, not gonna cancel my sub over it tho :D

Edited by vibenode
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We all knew support classes were too strong. I've seen merc / commando healers tanking 5 people, 2 of them on my old server were ball carriers in Huttball just healing each other and inexorably moving to the score line as they physically could not be killed when together. They needing bringing back into balance. But as soon as that balance changes everyone is ready to QQ again. Some people are just never happy. Myself and my Guild feel this is a highly positive patch with some excellent changes. Yes there are still some imbalances that need fixing and maybe some tweaking with the expertise stat, but cancelling your sub on a patch day is a vast over-reaction!


Well, at least we see eye to eye on a few things. I do agree that balancing is fine and was needed. I've seen a Merc carry the ball from spawn to goal, just using his own shields and instant heals, as well as Shields and backup-healing from me.


But "balancing" implies NOT pushing things all the way over in a whole new ball-park. BW didn't really achieve much balance with these changes. They changed core mechanics for ACs, and gave a pretty significant advantage, via the expertise changes, to damage dealing classes. Brought together, that just changes the problem to something else than it already was. Can we agree that's a silly way of balancing, if the goal is to even things out?


As for your last sentence, you don't get to determine whether or not people cancelling their own subscriptions, paid for with their own money, is an overreaction. I cancelled last night, because I abhor this new faceroll direction PvP has taken. That doesn't mean I can't change my mind, if things are brought back in line. It just means I have no intention of paying again, if things are kept like that. It's not a over-reaction. It's just a reaction to something I don't feel.

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No this is something that needs looking at i'll agree, been seeing tracers doing some silly dmg on their end move. Its not a tracer its the 31pt talent at the end of the tree. As I gather it wasn't stacking a debuff on the enemy as it should. This is now working as intended and it has left this move being VERY potent. Despite what people are saying about BW tho, they ARE listening to their community and it would be much easier for them to make changes if they didnt have to scroll through 79 pages of QQ to get 1 constructive point they could actually use.


Your post makes me laugh. You must really be looking forward to insalely long WZ queues.

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Well, at least we see eye to eye on a few things. I do agree that balancing is fine and was needed. I've seen a Merc carry the ball from spawn to goal, just using his own shields and instant heals, as well as Shields and backup-healing from me.


But "balancing" implies NOT pushing things all the way over in a whole new ball-park. BW didn't really achieve much balance with these changes. They changed core mechanics for ACs, and gave a pretty significant advantage, via the expertise changes, to damage dealing classes. Brought together, that just changes the problem to something else than it already was. Can we agree that's a silly way of balancing, if the goal is to even things out?


As for your last sentence, you don't get to determine whether or not people cancelling their own subscriptions, paid for with their own money, is an overreaction. I cancelled last night, because I abhor this new faceroll direction PvP has taken. That doesn't mean I can't change my mind, if things are brought back in line. It just means I have no intention of paying again, if things are kept like that. It's not a over-reaction. It's just a reaction to something I don't feel.


Well to be fair your responses have been very rational compared to 99.9% of this thread so kudos for that :p


Your point is very valid that if you really don't like the direction the MMO has evolved in then ofc you will look elsewhere. I strongly feel tho that 1.2 is one of the biggest patches I have ever seen in any game. There are a LOT of changes to get your head around, just gotta play it out a little bit to really get your head around it. Still tho, i'd give it at least a week to 2 weeks before making any decisions if I were not happy with what had changed. 1 Day is not enough in any game let alone an MMO.

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Your post makes me laugh. You must really be looking forward to insalely long WZ queues.


Not really, I re-rolled Rupublic (from Imp) on a high populated server when my Original server died.


This was forward planning as there will always be more imps than pubs, ad when X-Server comes out this will mean MUCH faster queue times. Still tho I must have played 30+ WZ's yesterday, lost 4 I think and never waited for more than 6 mins for a pop. I'm cushty man :D


Tallahassee - Time to nut up or shut up

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I agree with MatAuc on most terms, I'm a Jugg tank and can now solo kill Marauders very quick or if he's skilled it takes 5 seconds longer. It's not all broken tho, it's just completely different now. My opinion on SWTOR always was it's balanced because it's not and now you see what happened. ^^


Tank is still ok in pvp tho, I kinda like it. So less QQ and just play it, post feedback and wait for further changes.


Or go to another MMO at least we have less whiners then. Ty.

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I agree with MatAuc on most terms, I'm a Jugg tank and can now solo kill Marauders very quick or if he's skilled it takes 5 seconds longer. It's not all broken tho, it's just completely different now. My opinion on SWTOR always was it's balanced because it's not and now you see what happened. ^^


Tank is still ok in pvp tho, I kinda like it. So less QQ and just play it, post feedback and wait for further changes.


Or go to another MMO at least we have less whiners then. Ty.


Someone who get's MMO's +1 bro

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This is my first MMO. So I know I'm not a top player or an expert on this situation. My main is a sorc who was heals spec, full BM geared and averaged 350-550k heals in a WZ, depending on the teamwork. I completely agree that healing had to be tweaked in some way. HOWEVER, the tweaks were over calculated. First off, the force bending exploit had to be fixed, as I could heal ~11-13k with 2x dark infusion with the bending glitch. That's quite a bit considering it took 2.6 seconds to cast. They did NOT need to remove the mechanic of how to keep my resource up! The free comsumption was NEEDED in order to keep your force in a fight. If you forgot about it, you ran out of force, and someone died. Now, you heal a few times and SORRY GUYS I'M OUT OF FORCE, SUCKS TO BE YOU. Fix that ffs. Bring it back or at least make it consume 15% of your health for 15% force back. Something along those lines! Make it WORTH IT for us to use it. Secondly, fix the resolve system. Good way to do that would be to add ROOTING to it. Oh, and to fix those times where your resolve is full but can still be stunned for another 15 seconds in a row. Had that happen to me 9 times today, one which included me dying 4 feet in front of the goal line while there were 3 people healing me (one which was myself, as a healing sorc.) I was rooted for 24 seconds. TWENTY FOUR. I timed it, as I knew it usually chains till I die. Fix your broken game, then I'll come back. Show us the Bioware that made KOTOR, the Bioware that I told people about, then I'll re subscribe.
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I agree with MatAuc on most terms, I'm a Jugg tank and can now solo kill Marauders very quick or if he's skilled it takes 5 seconds longer. It's not all broken tho, it's just completely different now. My opinion on SWTOR always was it's balanced because it's not and now you see what happened. ^^

Strangely enough, you take 1vs1 as an example... learn to play and stop teaching the others how to play while you don't know anything of the real gameplay?


Even my sucky Immortal Juggernaut rolled over similarly stuffed sentinels each morning pre-patch, nothing has changed here except now he does win the 2k5 medal without effort whereas it was exceptional before, with armor debuff stacks and stim up. Thanks for the free respec allowing me to drop shield spec for damage boost, thanks for the stupid expertise damage boost...


1.2 takes the route to Counter Strike, and that's just the wrong one.

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I did notice some moderate differences in gameplay last night.


1. There is definitely an Expertise gulf in gear. I think some peeps really overlooked some of the 1.2 changes and aren't gearing correctly. It's really important to get your BM gear now. There used to only be a thin margin between Champ and BM gear, and Champ gear is pretty much obsolete. There is now a pretty wide gap between Recruit and BM gear. The thin margin of difference is now between BM and WH gear.


However, BM gear is stupid easy to get now. So getting the Expertise peeps need won't be that difficult. But they definitely do need to make a concerted effort to gear up properly.


2. Healing is definitely down, but it is still effective. Additionally, squishy healers, particularly Sages and Sawbones, really have to be protected. This means Guarded and protected by Taunts. The Taunt debuff that Tanks possess has never been more valuable than now.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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Well to be fair your responses have been very rational compared to 99.9% of this thread so kudos for that :p


Your point is very valid that if you really don't like the direction the MMO has evolved in then ofc you will look elsewhere. I strongly feel tho that 1.2 is one of the biggest patches I have ever seen in any game. There are a LOT of changes to get your head around, just gotta play it out a little bit to really get your head around it. Still tho, i'd give it at least a week to 2 weeks before making any decisions if I were not happy with what had changed. 1 Day is not enough in any game let alone an MMO.


That's part of the problem though. I strongly believe class balancing should be done in small increments over a longer period of time. It's gives the developer a much stronger data-set to work with, and they prevent themselves from breaking classes in half. That would be balancing.


Sweeping changes to multiple classes all at the same time very rarely, if EVER, achieve the same results, because there's just no way to predict exactly how it's going to play out when different group set-ups meet other group set-ups, when most classes see significant changes to how they work. 1.2 is an excellent example of that.


Let the big content updates be JUST that. New content. Keep working on balance on a daily basis aside from all that.

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Old news. You knew that was coming in 1.2 weeks ago. QQ about getting gear easier won't get you anywhere.


This is about PvP Combat, an actually important matter.


I did know about the patch, but the patch notes only talked of removing the valor req on battlemaster earpieces and implants. And the final patch notes still say that.

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I did know about the patch, but the patch notes only talked of removing the valor req on battlemaster earpieces and implants. And the final patch notes still say that.
I would go back to school if I were you.
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Sadly, what we thought had balance issues before the patch, is now referred to as "the good old days of swtor"




Assuming they want to stay in business there will be a patch shortly, this is obviously not whatever they intended. No reason to freak out yet, hopefully they will quickly make a statement with a plan to correct the mess.

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Anarchy Online had one of the most, if not THE most, rocky starts in MMO history, and that game lasted 11 years and counting.


I don't care what company it is, it is still staffed by real live people, and there is no way they could ever be fully prepared for something as massive as the launch of an MMO. It may take months, maybe even a year or more, to get the game to a reasonably balanced and coherent state. I'm sure it will still be here years from now.


I'm not ready to give up on it yet. But Bioware does have a lot to learn.

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Anarchy Online had one of the most, if not THE most, rocky starts in MMO history, and that game lasted 11 years and counting.


I don't care what company it is, it is still staffed by real live people, and there is no way they could ever be fully prepared for something as massive as the launch of an MMO. It may take months, maybe even a year or more, to get the game to a reasonably balanced and coherent state. I'm sure it will still be here years from now.


I'm not ready to give up on it yet. But Bioware does have a lot to learn.


I honestly hope they pick up their game soon, I really do. I WANT this game to succeed so damn hard. But even I am to the point where after my 6 month sub is up....... odds are good I will drop it, then MAYBE come back half a year later or more and see where they are at. Cause at the pace they are provides patches/updates/balancing issues..... its gonna be a year or more before things even start to level off balance wise.



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Anarchy Online had one of the most, if not THE most, rocky starts in MMO history, and that game lasted 11 years and counting.


I don't care what company it is, it is still staffed by real live people, and there is no way they could ever be fully prepared for something as massive as the launch of an MMO. It may take months, maybe even a year or more, to get the game to a reasonably balanced and coherent state. I'm sure it will still be here years from now.


I'm not ready to give up on it yet. But Bioware does have a lot to learn.


True...but with Mists of Pandaria, Guild Wars 2, The Secret World coming out...major screw ups like this cannot be afforded. I'm not saying everything must be perfect, polished and without a bug. But come on...what type of company lets a clusterfk like this happen?


They have all this good will and a fanbase wanting to keep this game alive and flourish but every patch has been a slap in the face.


Somethings gotta give.

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