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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Current state of PvP (1.2)


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My buddy is destroying as a scoundrel healer? *** is everybody on? Jesus christ the QQ is a joke.


I freezing force everyone around my scoundrel healer, commanding awe, etc. YOU NEED TEAMMATES TO STAY ALIVE YOU CAN'T JUST HEAL THROUGH DAMAGE ANY MORE.


Stop the *********** crying.

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I consider myself a good sport. I try to help the team win, but I also try to help bolster the spirits of my team members when it's obvious we're going to lose. It's all about having fun, right?


Well, the changes to the way rewards are calculated has people rage quitting as soon as the enemy scores a single point and I seem to join nothing but half-finished games. I can't score enough commendations to get a decent reward (or sometimes I get no reward at all).


I'm not going to bother trying any more. It's sad that BioWare has developed the least fun PvP model I've ever encountered. It's disappointing that BioWare supports a PvP model that encourages poor sportsmanship and drains the fun from my favorite part of the game.


I don't think I'll be coming back. :cool:

Edited by PigSalad
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Im just tired of War zones. They are the same ones over and over again and that is the best PvP TOR has to offer. I need variety that includes LARGE scale combat. It doesn't look like bio-ware has anything in the near future for that. Large guilds are condensed to 4 to 8 man groups while the rest have to play with pugs. the name "Star Wars" is the only thing keeping this together at the moment. I hope bio-ware pulls through! We need an EPIC announcement followed by an EPIC expansion.
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My buddy is destroying as a scoundrel healer? *** is everybody on? Jesus christ the QQ is a joke.


I freezing force everyone around my scoundrel healer, commanding awe, etc. YOU NEED TEAMMATES TO STAY ALIVE YOU CAN'T JUST HEAL THROUGH DAMAGE ANY MORE.


Stop the *********** crying.


It's not like healers should be able to heal through damage or anything.

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Im just tired of War zones. They are the same ones over and over again and that is the best PvP TOR has to offer. I need variety that includes LARGE scale combat. It doesn't look like bio-ware has anything in the near future for that. Large guilds are condensed to 4 to 8 man groups while the rest have to play with pugs. the name "Star Wars" is the only thing keeping this together at the moment. I hope bio-ware pulls through! We need an EPIC announcement followed by an EPIC expansion.


Nah, Bioware would find some way to screw up the coding.

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My buddy is destroying as a scoundrel healer? *** is everybody on? Jesus christ the QQ is a joke.


I freezing force everyone around my scoundrel healer, commanding awe, etc. YOU NEED TEAMMATES TO STAY ALIVE YOU CAN'T JUST HEAL THROUGH DAMAGE ANY MORE.


Stop the *********** crying.

Healing does not have to be a black or white issue. Yes, healing was too strong before 1.2. There is a lot of evidence to that end, and a lot of people posted extensively about this.


That said, there is no reason to believe that the 1.2 balance of expertise is perfect. Damage might be too high relative to damage reduction and healing. I am glad that it is no longer a 1:1:1 ratio, because healers basically benefited twice from expertise. That said, damage might be too bursty now. This definitely needs to get looked at.


It's not like healers should be able to heal through damage or anything.

A healer and a DPS spec, equally geared, should be in a tight contest for who wins. It should come down to how well they use their abilities, move around, use consumables, etc. Before 1.2, however, healers had it a lot easier in PvP. Expertise damage reduction basically negated any damage bonus by the DPS spec, which gave healers a flat bonus for their healing abilities. This often felt unfair to many players, and it needed to change.

Edited by ktkenshinx
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Holy cow did they screw up bigtime on this. The damage is completely out of control. I'm watching healers get 3 shot...with shields up! I have no idea how this kinda screw up gets through after so much "pts/internal" testing but to sound dramatic...this patch is a game breaker.


- Damage is out of control.

- WH gear grind is fricken stupid. 200K+WZ comms to get all the gear. Its around 15hrs of grinding A PIECE! A PIECE. Im sorry did SWTOR turn into a korean grindfest MMO all of a sudden?


BW needs to do some serious damage control and get this game back on track or its going down. Not even the die hard SW fans could put up with such a shotty job.


Fingers crossed it gets worked out, i really enjoyed this game pre 1.2!


Agree. There is no point to PVP play at the moment unless you are the favored faction on your server....and even then, it isnt fun. Fix the insanity bioware, and give rewards that are worth showing up.

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I absolutely explode Mercs right now to the point where they are basically disabled.


Now I let them sit there and spam tracer missle on me while I type /getdown.


The only thing that "hurts" is HS and Unload which doesn't happen that often.


Unload 3 sec channel effortless to stun / interrupt and HS is on a fairly long CD.



Since Bioware removed Mercs from the game, are they planning to add a new class or maybe a new advance class to Bounty Hunters?

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Same. Unsubbed. I've never unsubbed from an mmo update/patch before. This is a first! Where's my achievement medal?


Gave it a few hours today, but realized this went from one of my favorite mmos to awful in one, swift patch.


Pretty much... no, EXACTLY how I feel. It went from being a ton of fun, even if I was squishy as a wet noodle, to being frustrating and pretty redundant. Damage is out of control, healing is nerfed, not just in class balancing, but also in the way expertise works.


So I unsubbed. Actually a pretty easy decision. I'd love to come back though, if things are ironed out.

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So glad Tera starts on the 19th, God I hope it doesn't suck cause I dont want to have to come back and finish my 6 month sub here.


Trust me ... TERA in BETA is 10 x better than what SWTOR has to offer now!


So dont worry ... you wont come back!

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A healer and a DPS spec, equally geared, should be in a tight contest for who wins. It should come down to how well they use their abilities, move around, use consumables, etc. Before 1.2, however, healers had it a lot easier in PvP. Expertise damage reduction basically negated any damage bonus by the DPS spec, which gave healers a flat bonus for their healing abilities. This often felt unfair to many players, and it needed to change.


No. Just no.


A healer should be able to heal through 1 dps while healing his teammates.

Edited by DweezillKagemand
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Pretty much... no, EXACTLY how I feel. It went from being a ton of fun, even if I was squishy as a wet noodle, to being frustrating and pretty redundant. Damage is out of control, healing is nerfed, not just in class balancing, but also in the way expertise works.


So I unsubbed. Actually a pretty easy decision. I'd love to come back though, if things are ironed out.


It felt really GOOD to unsub. :D

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Lol at this kid claiming to be a marauder, when you know hes a healer, pathetic, the marauder buff to rage was minimal, about 600dps per smash, which has 3second longer cd, so no gain, LOSS actually, and ravage? Sure it was a slight buff (talented) and its the ONLY useful attack in carnage spec with gore up besides massacre, it was needed, and it still bugs out, so dont act like your a mara, or sent, I call b.s without a doubt, your just crying.
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Lol at this kid claiming to be a marauder, when you know hes a healer, pathetic, the marauder buff to rage was minimal, about 600dps per smash, which has 3second longer cd, so no gain, LOSS actually, and ravage? Sure it was a slight buff (talented) and its the ONLY useful attack in carnage spec with gore up besides massacre, it was needed, and it still bugs out, so dont act like your a mara, or sent, I call b.s without a doubt, your just crying.


You're* (The contraction for you are)


I won't touch the rest.

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The only thing I will agree with is that the losers should get more of a reward than what it is currently.


As for heals and such, it may not be perfect right now, but it's a lot better than what it was.


By the way, from what I've noticed good healers can still keep a DPS off them while staying alive. Just what I've noticed from my guildmates.


Feedback from the scoundrel healer is that he drops a lot quicker, needs to be on his toes more now whereas before it was a joke to stay alive.


That's not a bad thing at ALL.

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Healing does not have to be a black or white issue. Yes, healing was too strong before 1.2. There is a lot of evidence to that end, and a lot of people posted extensively about this.


That said, there is no reason to believe that the 1.2 balance of expertise is perfect. Damage might be too high relative to damage reduction and healing. I am glad that it is no longer a 1:1:1 ratio, because healers basically benefited twice from expertise. That said, damage might be too bursty now. This definitely needs to get looked at.


A pug environment is not a good model for assessing healer balance, we are talking about teams where half the dps don't know what they are doing, severely reducing incoming damage and therefore the pressure on the healers.


On the rare occasions where I have been matched against a full team of competent players the damage shot up, making it extremely stressful trying to keep people alive.

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I spent 15 minutes in Alderaan. It was a close game, we lost by 30 points. 30. And despite the fact I had 10 medals, 2nd place on my team and higher than ANYONE on the enemy team...I got 31 coms.


31? Are you serious? What a waste of time that was. The match was fun and even until the very last second, and I get punished with 31 coms because they go the last second win? What malarcky is that? They didn't roll us. They didn't beat us like a bunch of noobs. They barely won.




How can anyone think that what Staalker describes is right? What he describes is a travesty. Please tell me that BioWare was just too overwhelmed with 1.2’s colossal changes, they dropped the ball on this one, and they intend to change it back. Also, if they really think that 1.2 is the game changer that they had to get right, like described in several interviews an postings, then they might want to post and implement the fix a bit quicker than they did for the Ilum debacle.

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Goodbye STWOR I will never forget how awesome you looked pre-launch! Then well launch came and well it's been one let down after another! The PVP Dev team should be fired for such complete lack of awareness! Do they even test out these changes themselves. They clearly do not!
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A pug environment is not a good model for assessing healer balance, we are talking about teams where half the dps don't know what they are doing, severely reducing incoming damage and therefore the pressure on the healers.


On the rare occasions where I have been matched against a full team of competent players the damage shot up, making it extremely stressful trying to keep people alive.

I definitely agree that pug environments are not the best place to test content. But in a game like SWTOR, there are a lot of pugs who get affected by these changes, so balance really matters for them. Also, there really isn't an established venue for "high level" PvP without ranked gameplay. We really are stuck with pug testing, sadly.

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