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1.2 First impressions (Commando)


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Should be worth noting that the rotation there is in a high-damage situation. In lesser damage situations, I click off sooner and resume healing. I am also working in Hammershot and/or Bacta Infusion whenever possible to keep ammo costs down. Ideally, have one of these free abilities as every other GCD to help keep track of my ammo cost (this is a habit I've gotten used to).


I'll pay a little closer attention to my patterns as I go forward.


Yeah, I kind of consider that part basic. Gonna be a lot of free ability usage from now on.

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I've only have played one WZ since 1.2 today (it was actually Nova Coast) so this isn't a scientific evaluation by any means, just a "first thoughts" type post.


I kinda agree with AzKnc:

Gunnery destroyes people, tried it again today and i've seen 5-6k + demos left and right, with 2.5-2.7k full auto ticks, but as soon as someone targets you, you're done. 0 survivability 0 utility. It's good damage wise, but if people actually target you, you need HEAVY baby sitting or you're worse than useless. So it's still a very "meh" spec from where i stand tbh. There's classes doing the same or more damage which also have insane survivability and a wide variety of clownish cds..

However being a pure Gunnery Commando, I already had a ridiculous survivability BEFORE 1.2 (have a full set of champion gear). It's been said a 100 times before in these forums, a Gunnery Commando is a joke 1 on 1. That's no different in open world or in WZs. 1v1 a GC is toast. The GC works best in a group, usually off to the side or above. The GC works even better with a good healer.


As for this patch, it didn't make too much a difference IMO, but I am taking in account I only played ONCE. I'll post results the more I play. The biggest difference I saw was actually not with GR, but MV. I'm not digging the smaller radius, to me it's just a different version of "Hail of Bolts". The damaged being lowered on everything did suck, but FA and Demo were nice. BUT sadly the ammo usage is worse, not epicly bad, but not fun.


I could swallow this patch a little more if they didn't offset EVERYTHING so much, meaning the weakening and slowing of GR and MV, but they bump up FA and Demo, but then they hit you with higher ammo costs. It's like two negatives to every positive.


Even if you called all things equal in this patch (which you can't) just the fact that over all, ALL healers are weaker, we can't even expect help from them now.

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Tried doing EC as a combat medic with a sage as the other healer. Got no real opportunity to practice before hand.


Ammo problems on every trash pull. Best attempt in 90 minutes on Toth/Zorn was 65% and I was absolutely running on fumes just trying to keep the tank up.


Tried story mode with no real improvement. Simply couldn't keep the tank up without running out of ammo.


Went to Karagga's Palace HM for a self-esteem boost. Still had ammo trouble on Sarg/Jorno (Always been ammo-intensive for me, never really sure why), and overall just felt miserable and useless.


Overall I have to be extremely diligent just to keep close to ammo neutral and I've had to adopt triage healing and trust in leaving people not topped off. I hated the entire experience.


Can I get used to it? Sure. Would be a lot easier to reroll sage or scoundrel, though. Or quit.

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Just did EV, and first boss of Story Mode EC. I parsed Annihilator Droid, Gharj, and the council fight. Had some ammo issues at times, and the lower damage on grav round is noticeable, but the buff to demo was very noticeable and CoF procs were definitely up, but I honestly can't say whether or not it all balanced out except to say we killed everything on Hard Mode.



Annihilator Droid


Infernal Council Marauder



Make of those what you will, I'm too tired to do any real analysis but data is data. All I'll note is that I had some ammo issues on the Marauder(used to just pushing it because the guy is just gonna die quick right? Stupid grav round nerf), but otherwise the numbers speak for themselves.

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I play a full Heal specced CM. I have been playing this build from the moment I have hit 50 and have been healing my way through WZ's which have been my mainstay of game play.

I am a Valor 75 CM, with full BM gear and 1104 Expertise.


First off, this is a long post, it has my thoughts on several issues with CM healing, and I appreciate any feedback as well as counter arguments. All I ask is please be civil with your responses


Needless to say, this patch has made me terribly disappointed in the balancing of classes that supposedly is occurring. Pre-1.2, I'd usually get smashed by a well played Marauder or Powertech.


First off, the Marauder, Pre-1.2, any decent marauder worth his salt would know to save his charge against a CM in anticipation of the knock back. An immediate application of Deadly Throw (Healing Debuff), followed by a Crippling Slash (50% movement speed) would already place us in a serious predicament. Their use of Bleeds that bypass armor tore through our HP as it is. In combination with their interrupt, and force choke to bide time for a second interrupt was almost guaranteed to leave us close to death if not long dead.


Now, some may claim that we were tough to kill. Honestly, they should not be confusing "tough" to kill with any legitimate claim to quasi-intelligence on a healer's part. Any healer with an ounce of matter between their ears is constantly on the lookout for a well placed knockback to provide some breathing room. Be it LoS, or down a level (huttball). This breathing room also isn't always possible and ANY CM will know that if you're caught in open ground such as in between nodes in Civil War, Mid in Huttball or from the respawn in voidstar to the doors etc, a Marauder will absolutely rip you to shreds if you do not manage a LoS to safely pop a few heals.


And yet, they have been buffed this patch.


The same applies to Powertechs, with their constant slows from Plasma Cell, Quell (Interrupt) which can be talented to 6 seconds, their 2 stuns (AE and single target), Grapple that can be used offensively or defensively to interrupt as well. We stand no chance if caught on any open terrain.


Yet now, without an army of ever watchful players with constant peels, we are pretty much smooshed by any damage dealer that has an IQ higher than a door knob.


That aside, how can the healing nerfs be justified? In comparison to Sages/Sorcerors, we put out pitiful amounts of healing often outstripped by vast amounts as seen in the end results. The argument of Commandos wear heavy armor is invalid. Do Sages/Sorcerers not have the ability to shield? Any healer will also tell you that is much better to prevent damage than to recover from it. That shield alone is the difference in armor. They have a knockback, fair enough. Yet, they have other escape mechanics.


And now, prior information that Commando healers were due for a buff were proved false. Why? Not because we were overpowered to begin with. Surely that is not a reason. In this patch the Expertise tab shows you exactly the same things. There was a DRAMATIC 10% buff in damage boost on players. Sure, there was a slight boost in reduction, yet 0% increase in Healing Boost during PvP combat. And despite all this, still we were nerfed?


Today alone I have played about 20WZ matches, I can tell you honestly, it is amazing how squishy, underpowered and lackluster the commando heal spec is right now.


Field Triage now reduces cost by 1 instead of 2 was a foolish change. A sage with 600 Force casting Deliverance at 55 Force alone can cast it close to 11 times, not considering force regen which is linear. Medical Probe is 3 ammo, with our whopping 12 ammo, that is 4 casts, and of course we do not regen linearly, it's an EXPONENTIAL decrease as we go. We NEEDED Field Triage to be a reduction of 2 ammo to be even remotely useful. I spent more time today in warzones out of ammo than I did healing, ending up completely reliant on Hammer Shot spam which I need not say is pathetic.


Trauma Probe now costing 2 ammo. Pre-1.2, Admittedly I'd often forget about applying Trauma Probe, it honestly was an underpowered Skill that did not increase survivability by any significant amount to me. And now, with the 2 ammo cost, it has definitely rendered itself superfluous and warranted its immediate removal from my talent tree.


Kolto Bomb... The skill that held so much promise yet yielding constant disappointment. First off, the so called "buff" to hit 4 people is not a buff. Sure it can hit 4 people. But in all honesty you almost NEVER find 4 people stacked within a 8 meter range. That's half a warzone team. And if you did, you can be damn sure that an Orbital Strike/Death from Above/Lightning Storm/Smash was on it's way. And for the amount of damage, Kolto Bomb healed for a miniscule amount.


Nerf to 3% Kolto Residue, another inane talent. 2 talent points for a 3% boost on something that firstly I have to apply, which again is subject to actually having targets there, targets staying within said area, and barring myself getting knocked back. 2 points in Advanced tech increases my base healing by 2% alone and saves me that worry as it is.


Nerf of SCC for only 5% damage reduction. Seriously, our resources are stupidly scarce already with the Field Triage nerf. Now you're going reduce my pathetic damage reduction by a further 5%? Really? How did these nerfs form any semblance of coherent thought?


I love playing my commando, it fits my playstyle and I thoroughly have enjoyed playing it thus far. But this unjustified tweak that has turned us from supposed "frontline" as so proudly stated in the Class description, to the current state of invalid, quadriplegic mewling kittens is a far cry from what we should be.

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Ok, tried a couple warzones today in my brand new 1.2 skills.



Basically I feel like a wet noodle. Yes I got a 5,6k crit off with demo round, but grav round is really bad now. Had it hit for less than 1k on several occasions. and we still have to spam it ;( I used FA whenever it was off CD, but still it just feels like it takes alot longer to bring targets down now. Possibly because they take 5% less damage due to expertisebuff. We however take 5% more so I basically felt alot weaker in comparison.


Also I for some reason seem to run out of ammo alot faster now. Not really sure why that is. Maybe cause i do less damage and thus the fights lasts longer, might be because the critchance got nerfed and I get 10% less ammo back.


The 5 seconds increased CD on conc.charge was also felt surpisingly well, as Im used to spam it whenever its off CD to get a breather from the melees. Now i clicked and clicked but nothing seemed to happened. 15->20sec is a bigger nerf than I thought.


MV.... I like that its faster. But I do less damage, as people have an easier time running out. I also have had occasions I put it down between 3-4 people, used to hitting them all, though I hit noone on both occasions. Thats just beyond frustrating, and this nerf is HUGE.


Overall impression. Less damage, more squishy/less survival, slight ammoissues.


Just to correctify my first post. The fights now DO NOT last longer. This was a first impression based on the belief that my gear was top notch (full BM). However it seems BW decided to gimp all my gear into oblivion (2 full BM sets), due to them being modded (changed alac/acc for power/surge/crit. putting me on a horrid expertise stat disadvantage compared to the other players.


So due to that, even though Im valor 79, Im currenlty geared like a fresh 50 noob. if I were to continue playing this means I would have to grind all my BM gear again starting off from the start, which I obviously dont either have the will or time for, so canceled this farse of a game and preordered D3.

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I play a full Heal specced CM. I have been playing this build from the moment I have hit 50 and have been healing my way through WZ's which have been my mainstay of game play.

I am a Valor 75 CM, with full BM gear and 1104 Expertise.


First off, this is a long post, it has my thoughts on several issues with CM healing, and I appreciate any feedback as well as counter arguments. All I ask is please be civil with your responses


Needless to say, this patch has made me terribly disappointed in the balancing of classes that supposedly is occurring. Pre-1.2, I'd usually get smashed by a well played Marauder or Powertech.


First off, the Marauder, Pre-1.2, any decent marauder worth his salt would know to save his charge against a CM in anticipation of the knock back. An immediate application of Deadly Throw (Healing Debuff), followed by a Crippling Slash (50% movement speed) would already place us in a serious predicament. Their use of Bleeds that bypass armor tore through our HP as it is. In combination with their interrupt, and force choke to bide time for a second interrupt was almost guaranteed to leave us close to death if not long dead.


Now, some may claim that we were tough to kill. Honestly, they should not be confusing "tough" to kill with any legitimate claim to quasi-intelligence on a healer's part. Any healer with an ounce of matter between their ears is constantly on the lookout for a well placed knockback to provide some breathing room. Be it LoS, or down a level (huttball). This breathing room also isn't always possible and ANY CM will know that if you're caught in open ground such as in between nodes in Civil War, Mid in Huttball or from the respawn in voidstar to the doors etc, a Marauder will absolutely rip you to shreds if you do not manage a LoS to safely pop a few heals.


And yet, they have been buffed this patch.


The same applies to Powertechs, with their constant slows from Plasma Cell, Quell (Interrupt) which can be talented to 6 seconds, their 2 stuns (AE and single target), Grapple that can be used offensively or defensively to interrupt as well. We stand no chance if caught on any open terrain.


Yet now, without an army of ever watchful players with constant peels, we are pretty much smooshed by any damage dealer that has an IQ higher than a door knob.


That aside, how can the healing nerfs be justified? In comparison to Sages/Sorcerors, we put out pitiful amounts of healing often outstripped by vast amounts as seen in the end results. The argument of Commandos wear heavy armor is invalid. Do Sages/Sorcerers not have the ability to shield? Any healer will also tell you that is much better to prevent damage than to recover from it. That shield alone is the difference in armor. They have a knockback, fair enough. Yet, they have other escape mechanics.


And now, prior information that Commando healers were due for a buff were proved false. Why? Not because we were overpowered to begin with. Surely that is not a reason. In this patch the Expertise tab shows you exactly the same things. There was a DRAMATIC 10% buff in damage boost on players. Sure, there was a slight boost in reduction, yet 0% increase in Healing Boost during PvP combat. And despite all this, still we were nerfed?


Today alone I have played about 20WZ matches, I can tell you honestly, it is amazing how squishy, underpowered and lackluster the commando heal spec is right now.


Field Triage now reduces cost by 1 instead of 2 was a foolish change. A sage with 600 Force casting Deliverance at 55 Force alone can cast it close to 11 times, not considering force regen which is linear. Medical Probe is 3 ammo, with our whopping 12 ammo, that is 4 casts, and of course we do not regen linearly, it's an EXPONENTIAL decrease as we go. We NEEDED Field Triage to be a reduction of 2 ammo to be even remotely useful. I spent more time today in warzones out of ammo than I did healing, ending up completely reliant on Hammer Shot spam which I need not say is pathetic.


Trauma Probe now costing 2 ammo. Pre-1.2, Admittedly I'd often forget about applying Trauma Probe, it honestly was an underpowered Skill that did not increase survivability by any significant amount to me. And now, with the 2 ammo cost, it has definitely rendered itself superfluous and warranted its immediate removal from my talent tree.


Kolto Bomb... The skill that held so much promise yet yielding constant disappointment. First off, the so called "buff" to hit 4 people is not a buff. Sure it can hit 4 people. But in all honesty you almost NEVER find 4 people stacked within a 8 meter range. That's half a warzone team. And if you did, you can be damn sure that an Orbital Strike/Death from Above/Lightning Storm/Smash was on it's way. And for the amount of damage, Kolto Bomb healed for a miniscule amount.


Nerf to 3% Kolto Residue, another inane talent. 2 talent points for a 3% boost on something that firstly I have to apply, which again is subject to actually having targets there, targets staying within said area, and barring myself getting knocked back. 2 points in Advanced tech increases my base healing by 2% alone and saves me that worry as it is.


Nerf of SCC for only 5% damage reduction. Seriously, our resources are stupidly scarce already with the Field Triage nerf. Now you're going reduce my pathetic damage reduction by a further 5%? Really? How did these nerfs form any semblance of coherent thought?


I love playing my commando, it fits my playstyle and I thoroughly have enjoyed playing it thus far. But this unjustified tweak that has turned us from supposed "frontline" as so proudly stated in the Class description, to the current state of invalid, quadriplegic mewling kittens is a far cry from what we should be.


Couldnt have said it better...


Honestly now in pvp, I spend half the time spamming hammer shot at enemies while waiting for my ammo to regen, hammer shotting allies means I will be dead in the next few seconds, might as well let the stupid DPS die(DPS players were the root of these nerf) and I get my dmg medals.


A big _|_ to all DPS players and BW....

Edited by ImariKurumi
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hmm patch 1.2, 2 days after got my sith inquisitor to 50 but after looking at the talent changes for him and my jedi consular heals they r both being shelved and i', rolling either a bh or op heals thanks bio for ruining the jedi classes :( i understand u probs want more ppl to play the other classes but it is star wars after all and ppl want jedi but wont b long b4 every op is screaming for heals aslong as they arn't jedi rofl not only do u nerf their heals more importantly u basically have made it a choice of 3 heals to throw with nothing ipmacting the decsion apart from amount of heal needed so pretty much jedi r just spam healers now :(
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thanks bio for ruining the jedi classes :(


jedi knights are unbelievably overpowered now.. i mean... it's not even.... no... can't put it to words how ridicoulus it is. (i have a valor 80 commando and a 62 jedi guardian and the commando plays something like my guardians tauntaun minipet in an armor).

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I am frustrated by the Commando changes, but i've felt frustrated with Commando survivability for a while now. It seems that the Assassian, Sorcerer, and Marauder are the favorite classes of Sith players so they are packed in WZ. So in a WZ I spend most of my time being CC'd, perma stunned, force choked. So i'm trying to figure out why this is considered fun. I do have some tools to combat them and keep them off me, once I use the abilities, there are so many of these classes, that the next one just steps in and continues to own me.


Maybe it's just post patch malaise but I'm shelfing my Commando for a while, just tired of the current state of it, and honestly I'm not happy with the current state of PvP in general. Even with a new WZ, I'm sick of WZs being the only source of PvP, Ilum is useless and a joke.


One of my guildmates made a comment that this could be BioWare's attempt at making commando players roll other classes, which is what they've said they want. This seems like a cop out on BW part if it's true. It just gives more time for content development. I honestly love the Trooper, and don't want to be forced into a new class through nerfs, or lack of attention, just to avoid them creating new content.


Sorry for the negativity, just frustrated and questioning staying, even though I love the concept of what the game could be vs what it is now and how the state of a class I loved is currently.

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As a sniper constantly smacked around by grav and unable to deal a decent reply damage back due to heavy armor i have one thingk to say.... hahahahahah


i would like to add hahahahahaha


seriously commandos could not function in a ballanced game and needd a damage nerf, propr to 1.3 commandos would deal over 20% more damage than a sniper and over 30% is played very well, sniper s as you all know are pure DPS and were unable to do that whilst commandos and BH throw out non stop damage

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As a combat medic here, I have a slightly different take after playing a decent amount of PVP last night (10 warzones or so). These are my perceptions.


1) Most of the adept PVP players are the first ones there on day 1 of patch. So, I know that I am playing against well played characters and they are also going to be well geared.


2) Despite that, I did not notice a huge drop in survivability. If they focus fire on me, I am dead. But that is no different than in 1.1.5.


3) Snipers and Mauraders still do massive damage to us. I never researched snipers, so I am not sure, but I do know that I get a target looking icon on my character about every 1 second and watch my health bar go to 100/80/60/40/20/Dead in about 5 seconds. Again, this has not changed from 1.1.5 the same thing happened if I got caught out in the open with a sniper in a group chaotic type setting. 1 on 1 I doubt this would be a problem as I could crygrenade and LOS. Mauraders are just plain difficult, but they already were difficult 1.1.5. I don't notice any difference. I still try and to go to toe to toe with them, just for a fun. They are a good test of skill.


4) There is definitely an issue with ammo management. It isn't huge and perhaps it is somewhat perceived because I am 'looking for it' but I do notice that I need to pop Recharge Cells much more regularly. With that said, people are taking more damage, so perhaps I am just healing more? That might be the case, because the heal numbers are about the same for me, heal wize. I am consistently hitting 350K heals every match and that is with several minutes during the match where I am not able to heal because I am guarding a door or node that is not getting attacked.


5) I am in Full BattleMaster gear. But so are most of my opponents when dealing with Day 1.


6) The Expertise changes had me fooled. I thought Expertise was going to go up in every category evenly. But expertise for damage was increased 100%, for damage reduction was 150% and Healing appears to be left the same or very similar. This means we are affectively taking over a 15% nerf in healing, in additiona to the non-dispellable buff that a class can do to drop our healing even further (30% Trauma + 20% class debuff). This is some serious reduction to our healing. So, yes, when someone said "Battles sure end a lot faster" they are absolutely right.


7) Traum Probe - I have not tested this specifically, but it sure appears to tick more than once every 3 seconds. I noticed in about 15 seconds an entire Trauma Probe was gone. I also noticed that when I casted Trauma Probe on myself, it ticked TWICE immediately. It went from 10 charges to 8 and I couldn't tell if it healed me twice. Was just something I happened to notice.


If you askd me if I happy with the changes - No. But I can live with them and my class is still enjoyable. I received Battle Rez and at least Kolto hits another target.

Edited by Gabe_Grinstead
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Well, it's only been one day, and I'm still not sure what I'm going to do. I'm a BM66 GC (with a BM65 GS alt).


I was ready to rage quit after my first CW WZ where I was 3-shot by a Powertech in <6s, who also killed my Sage running mate. We couldn't touch him. End result of that match was <90k damage and 3 kills. But then, we sucked as a PUG... so maybe not a good indicator.


Next WZ was Huttball, where I had >300k damage and >50 kills. Color me confused.


Here is what I'm seeing: Not only was GR nerfed, but I now have a hard time even getting it off due to constant interrupts. The interrupts make the DR and HiB followups hit and miss due to the difficulty of stacking vortices. 1 v 1 fights are now a thing of the past.


MV is just OK... much more situational now. Great reduction in damage due to reduced radius, but it still scatters a group. Definitely an attention getter now due to the rapid impact.


What does it all mean? Massive changes to strategy and tactics. We have to be on the move at all times, and never alone if you can avoid it.


I still love my commando, and will have a hard time giving it up. Rather, I'm willing to change my style of play to suit the skill sets.


At least until they unlock a Jawa or Ewok that I can make into a saber-wielding tank :D

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level 50, I run a raid medic build 25/16 -

My early feel is this build is no longer a viable pvp build and has limited viability in raid or ops. It has always been the lowest hps of the healers but the damage and debuffs closed the gap. Which is why it was actually a balanced hybrid class. with the reduction in healing ability and increase in cost, all but eliminating the ability to dps you can no longer comfortably add the damage and debuff component.


I think my ammo regen is borked. I don't have any concrete numbers it is just visibly a lot slower.I saw something about crits but i don't know just firing a shot and waiting seems slow.


Grav round outside of the debuff is terrible I actually chuckled when i first saw how week the skill has become, but since it lowers armor by 20% and is tied to every other skill I have. I have no choice but to use it. if I get 2 or 3 shots i need it to be them, might as well make it do base damage and reduce power cost to 1 ammo then increase the damage on charged bolt which is prob how it should be, I should gain 400or so damage by choosing a skill that doesn't add all those benefits.


In closing for pve I have to say as being one of the raid leaders, I would really have to consider if I want anyone who is not a 31 point commando in the raid. And in that case If a sage or a sent or a gs comes along well, there is nothing the commando can do so well that can't be done better. Except with everyone quitting we need anyone breathing or with a sub to fill the op.


I did try pvp I have a half bm set and filled the other half with recruit gear, about 20% out of the 25% cap. My favorite was getting hit by a gs 9.3k crit. But overall I struggled to get 4 medals a match I missed the 2.5k damage per hit medal in all 3 wz's. Healing was useless, In a 2v1 I tested me just healing I couldn't keep them up against a dps classes, if I cant keep up on player damage imagine a boss.


This is the one concept no one ever get's or if they get it the fail at implementing it appropriately. in order for pve to succeed and tier correctly up to hm or nm difficulty healers will need to be able to out heal any 1 player or 2 players dps. Because every boss is going to hit that hard and some. They need to introduce mechanics to reduce that healing in pvp so the healers are still viable in pve. Trust me its a thankless job half the time, call it our reward for being 1 of the only critical classes that you can not survive an op without now you just need to find an extra healer for every op and hope you don't enrage every boss.


Couple things I did notice which was nice

My heals we're slightly better, half as often but slightly better I think thats the legacy impact 1000 affection with Dorn.

Skills seem a bit crisper they go off a bit better

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As a combat medic here, I have a slightly different take after playing a decent amount of PVP last night (10 warzones or so). These are my perceptions.


1) Most of the adept PVP players are the first ones there on day 1 of patch. So, I know that I am playing against well played characters and they are also going to be well geared.


2) Despite that, I did not notice a huge drop in survivability. If they focus fire on me, I am dead. But that is no different than in 1.1.5.


3) Snipers and Mauraders still do massive damage to us. I never researched snipers, so I am not sure, but I do know that I get a target looking icon on my character about every 1 second and watch my health bar go to 100/80/60/40/20/Dead in about 5 seconds. Again, this has not changed from 1.1.5 the same thing happened if I got caught out in the open with a sniper in a group chaotic type setting. 1 on 1 I doubt this would be a problem as I could crygrenade and LOS. Mauraders are just plain difficult, but they already were difficult 1.1.5. I don't notice any difference. I still try and to go to toe to toe with them, just for a fun. They are a good test of skill.


4) There is definitely an issue with ammo management. It isn't huge and perhaps it is somewhat perceived because I am 'looking for it' but I do notice that I need to pop Recharge Cells much more regularly. With that said, people are taking more damage, so perhaps I am just healing more? That might be the case, because the heal numbers are about the same for me, heal wize. I am consistently hitting 350K heals every match and that is with several minutes during the match where I am not able to heal because I am guarding a door or node that is not getting attacked.


5) I am in Full BattleMaster gear. But so are most of my opponents when dealing with Day 1.


6) The Expertise changes had me fooled. I thought Expertise was going to go up in every category evenly. But expertise for damage was increased 100%, for damage reduction was 150% and Healing appears to be left the same or very similar. This means we are affectively taking over a 15% nerf in healing, in additiona to the non-dispellable buff that a class can do to drop our healing even further (30% Trauma + 20% class debuff). This is some serious reduction to our healing. So, yes, when someone said "Battles sure end a lot faster" they are absolutely right.


7) Traum Probe - I have not tested this specifically, but it sure appears to tick more than once every 3 seconds. I noticed in about 15 seconds an entire Trauma Probe was gone. I also noticed that when I casted Trauma Probe on myself, it ticked TWICE immediately. It went from 10 charges to 8 and I couldn't tell if it healed me twice. Was just something I happened to notice.


If you askd me if I happy with the changes - No. But I can live with them and my class is still enjoyable. I received Battle Rez and at least Kolto hits another target.


It's like you played a different game than me. Before 1.2 I could top myself off against 4 people when I had my shield/relic/knockback and SSC ready, I felt definitely too strong against opponents of lower or mediocre skill. at least it made it possible for me to stall the other team so my own could get me some breathing room when my cds were expired.


and in a duel it was actually quite possible to outlast a marauder, even if he played very well. since 1.2 even bad marauders kill me in seconds, because I run out of ammo too quick for the massive damage they do to me. right now there is just no way to get away from them, that's bothering me much more than our healing nerfs. I am quite a seasoned pvp player and resource management can be a fun thing, but only if we had the tools to do our jobs and outplay the enemy. in my opinion we simply don't, we lack the mobility.


I don't mean to offend you, but if you did not notice a difference in your survivability it makes me think you do not play the Combat Medic on an above average level. at least my experience as a healer in warzones differs greatly from yours

Edited by MrDeda
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Ok, tried a couple warzones today in my brand new 1.2 skills.



Basically I feel like a wet noodle...Overall impression. Less damage, more squishy/less survival, slight ammo issues.


Hmm. My subjective impression for my Gunnery spec'd Commando is that in 1.2 I do better, particularly in 1v1. I understood a forum response to say that expertise got buffed, so maybe my kit of Battle Master Eliminator gear is helping.


More likely it's that you are a better player, so the debuff cost you skills that I was not exploiting. :D


Not to be a fanboy, but I'm enjoying the 1.2 upgrade immensely.

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I play an assault commando.

Okay, if you're done laughing, my first impressions are I didn't "feel" nerfed. I did my daily pvp quest, and normally got 8 or 9 medals, I think I got 7 once.

My gear is pretty crappy from a comparitive stand point, just full champion 5 piece set, but I was getting the 2.5 k medal every match with AP, which it didn't always get, my charged bolts feels like it hits the same and in general people seem to die more easily. That might be the healing nerf, though. I even feel like I last longer against inquisitors and marauders. I still usually die, but just not as fast.


Is it possible that grav round now uses ranged calculations instead of tech and the ability to be shielded makes it hit for less?


Also I read long ago that GR was supposed to be used to build and maintain the GV debuff, and then you were supposed to use CB. I know CB doesn't build the shield or charged barrel, but does it hit harder when GV is 5 stacked?

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Yah it is more then 10% alot more. I've done enough dailies on Ilum over the past 2 months to know my dmg well enough. Before patch Grav round crit for 3.1-3.3k, now I am lucky if I see 2.3k. Learn better math or try don't lie to us Bioware. I don't care what anyone says this was a uneeded nerf and anyone thats played the class in 50 PvP with BM gear will tell you the same. 1.2 totally broke this game for alot of people, and they know that ... why else give us a free month? Bad sign very bad. They better get their act together D3 and Guild Wars 2 are right around the corner, think the pop drop was bad before 1.2 just wait.
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The buff to demo was nice, and thanks for the combat rez.


But my experience running dailies yesterday was an exercise in frustration. I never saw a grav crit for more than 2.8K yesterday, which is a HUGE drop in dps for me, not a mere 10%.


Mortar volley is a joke now. For the kind of damage it does now it needs to have its minimum distance removed, cost reduced, and cooldown reduced.



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My first impressions (Gunnery Commando 5/33/3)




Damage output noticably higher. More FA, Bigger demo rounds, -10% from GR barely noticable.


Tried the new HM FP with guildies, was pulling aggro a lot more. Was also taking a little bit more dmg. Not sure if this was directly due to the changed in charged barrier, or a side effect of the overall changes to healing in general (our sage was taking some time adjusting early on).


Basically, the changes played out exactly how I thought they would. I don't notice a difference in ammo usage, even with the immediate -3% to crit from talent changes.


Combat rez.. 'nuff said.


Mortar volley is snappy! Adjusting to the new 5m radius will take some time, fired a few off that would normally take out a whole group on the fringes of my radius, this time... air ball... However, when the tank gets the mobs all clustered up, I like it much better than pre 1.2.


Thanks for the buffs!





Well, the problem in PVP, at least last night, was all the dang marauders and juggs. They got buffed, they know they got buffed, and they know they can take out commandos with ease... so they did.. repeatedly.


Pre-1.2 I might have had more luck either getting away closer to my healer, or actually killing them... now... yeah right... Mommy, it hurts!


That said, I was able to break away, find myself a little spot and pick some ppl off. Again, demo round does hit noticably harder, and overall my dmg seems to have increased. Survivability is a different story. I'm really on the fence now on whether or not the 2 points in charged barrier would be better spent in the first tier of CM to speed up my big heal and reduce the cooldown on my fast heal.. For PVE, this is almost a must now, so I might just make the switch.


Hopefully tonight the marauders and juggs will be over their "Oh look commando, ignore objectives and kill it" mindset and I'll actually get a chance to do something...

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I've been full Rakata/full BM Combat Medic for a while now, and the changes were pretty frustrating. I joined a Civil War and in the first fight in mid, I ran out of ammo in the first 40-50 seconds. This was a pretty normal occurrence for the rest of the night in Warzones.


The guild and I tried HM Novare Coast last night, and I ended up out of ammo on some trash pulls (Though, I can't really compare this to raiding EV/KP since the difficulty is much higher than they are) Overall, I'm kind of disappointed. The AMP -> MP nerf was a bit too much, especially when Bounty Hunters get more ammo than we do.

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