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Dont bother speccing as a pyro merc.


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The dmg of dfa and rapid shots is reduced.


Confirmed and powershot also DFA is totally useless now used to get 2.5k crits with it now 1.2k´s :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D really good work BW you made the most useless class in huttball more useless atleast before i could control middle quite nicely.

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It's not that bad OP. Just played few warzones as pyro and was in top 3 80% of them. I don't see dramatic changes. Fusion missile seems to awful now tho O.o I use it only when it's free now a.k.a with Thermal Sensor Override.


Bodyguards seem to be in pretty good spot too. It's not that easy to kill one like people assume. It's easier to kill one then before 1.2 - true, true, but overall not that horrible.

Edited by MelodicSixNine
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In the past I'd kite the hard hitters around doing my 1k per rapid shot. Now its hitting for like 400-600.


I dont care what that guy says, my dfa used to crit for 2.5k+ 2-3 times. Now its hitting for 400-800, rarely going over 1k.

Edited by unclekaula
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"omg why you ninja nerf DFA BW!i do less dmg per hit!was only supposed to be a radius decrese!"


"we did not nerf dmg, you guys just didnt notice the fact that DFA ticks every o.5 secs instead of every 1 sec"


-you guys only got a radius nerf, not a dmg nerf to DFA. the amount of posts about how DFA got a ninja nerf is rediculous.

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If you don't have full expertise gear, there's your problem. Honestly there is no difference.


What stats do you stack? I heard scaling was changed, so I'm wondering if perhaps the people noticing a nerf were stacking large amounts of power or aim and are now seeing a reduction.

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If people are not wearing battlemaster gear or did not receive the expertise buff because they modded it, they will be at a massive disadvantage. A full set of BM gear means the damage bonus % has doubled in 1.2. You should now NOT be wearing pve gear into wz's unless you are a tracer spammer in which case you need two pieces ONLY for the TM crit bonus.


I was previously stacked with 74% surge, 34% crit and 100% accuracy and however much power with what was left. However I reverted my BM set to receive the new buffed expertise and as such I am at the crappy base stats of like 65% surge, 31% crit and bucket loads of power and accuracy, but the plus side is I have double expertise and hit hard in pvp, as I should be.


I haven't yet modded my gear but will now just grind my way to the WH set piece by piece as with the current gear landscape there is now way I'd mod using pve enhancements and lose expertise. NO BM gear has surge on it in 1.2, but the eliminator WH legs do, so they will be bought first.


You should all have your companions at full affection to get the healing, endurance crit, accuracy and surge bonuses too!

Edited by Diddley
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Just to add my experiences (in playing warzones all day since the patch xd), I play Pyro in pvp on my merc, and my dps is actually now insane :)


The damage buff from expertise means I can bring down targets much faster, my thermal detonator rarely hits below 3k (non crit) and my rail shots, rofl GG


(average warzone dps today 400k, ranging up to 600k)

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The op should have titled the thread "don't roll a pyro merc if you're bad"


I only say this because powershot damage did go down but it seems like everything else hits noticeably harder especially sitting at 900ish expertise. The 6 second internal cooldown for the free railshot isn't game breaking one bit. And I've always used cgc. And people cry for seeing smaller numbers from dfa. But fail to have the observational awareness that it ties in more hits for the duration. And from the looks the overall damage of it is roughly the same.


Its still easy to get top damage if not top 3 like I did constantly before. I can just hit harder overall.


Pyro merc ftw!

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Just to add my experiences (in playing warzones all day since the patch xd), I play Pyro in pvp on my merc, and my dps is actually now insane :)


The damage buff from expertise means I can bring down targets much faster, my thermal detonator rarely hits below 3k (non crit) and my rail shots, rofl GG


(average warzone dps today 400k, ranging up to 600k)


I am with you. I can pretty much 1v1 any class and come out on top every time (no way the case before the patch). I lost one 1v1 from full health today, and that was an ops where I played him poorly. I let him vanish without dropping a stealth scan, then he hit me with a second opener (which they have to wait to do now, so when they are getting low on health make sure to drop a scan so they can't get off that opener a second time).


People also have to remember healers are no longer as effective in 1.2. So you can't go by your overall damage. People are dropping like flies which removes the dynamic where you pound on a healer or pound on someone being healed while you are being healed. That always ups overall damage.


Personally I am normally top 3 damage and normally #1 in killing blows (I am now getting around 20 killing blows regularly in warzones which was really tough to do before 1.2).


Although I am seeing more agents topping dps, and often it's snipers. This new setup seems to suit them well (along with ops still being a rather strong 1v1 ganker).

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I played pyro the same way I did yesterday, didn't notice any changes in damage so far, I was still ripping people up. Maybe it's the rotation I use that doesn't interfere with the PPA proc time.


Power shot's damage reduction does suck, I rarely ever use it to begin with, I'll use it if there's nothing else to shoot (like unload, explosive dart, railshot all on cooldown) and that the target isn't near me to cause pushback- even then I'm better off using rapid shots because power shot seems to miss 50% of the time.



Just noticed they reduced the dmg of fusion missle as well.


Edited by Sookster
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