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Sooo... solo queue is broken! After queuing in about 6-7 warzones I have realized I am probably done with STWOR. There is completely no reason to solo queue because 90% of the time people don't stay through a whole match or they quit right after you start to lose. Now Bioware thought it was a grand Idea to screw everyone over who doesn't win. I lost roughly 4-5 matches out of those 6-7 and I fulfilled the minimum 8 medals and still got 0 credits and barely 40 comms? Really? All because I lost? I worked my butt off and healed for 600K as a sage and still get hardly any credit? I have lost all faith in Bioware. Thank God GW2 is around the corner!
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Yes WZ's are they stand now are broken. I got 8 medals in a WZ match, lost and got 35 comms and 0 credits. WZ's are my sole income. Now they are completely worthless. Why waste 15 minutes of my time in a losing WZ. I don't leave WZ's but I definitely will be now.
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And here I thought the ragers were just complaining to complain. But I did 3 WZs and got 66 commendations and one them I got zero. I went form getting anywhere from 70 to 90 commendations a WZ to nothing. There is now no doubt they have really bonkered the WZs.
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Yes WZ's are they stand now are broken. I got 8 medals in a WZ match, lost and got 35 comms and 0 credits. WZ's are my sole income. Now they are completely worthless. Why waste 15 minutes of my time in a losing WZ. I don't leave WZ's but I definitely will be now.


This is what I'm going to be doing... the minute a WZ looks like a loss... not gonna be wasting my time. It's a shame it's come to this... at least previously the WZ would shutdown or even though I lost there was a little gained... but now with nothing, forget it...


The mismanagement of this game is now at record levels... seriously, I think they have surpassed both Conan and Warhammer... completely and epically failed BW!

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This is what I'm going to be doing... the minute a WZ looks like a loss... not gonna be wasting my time. It's a shame it's come to this... at least previously the WZ would shutdown or even though I lost there was a little gained... but now with nothing, forget it...


The mismanagement of this game is now at record levels... seriously, I think they have surpassed both Conan and Warhammer... completely and epically failed BW!


Same here, really easy to just leave. Also do this whenever I see a premade. It isn't even worth the risk of a loss anymore.

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no doubt about this crap... I mean, come on.. .really ? Maybe no creds. Gotta give people a reason to want to win. But jesus h christ on a crutch - barely any Commendations? are you freakn serious ? Why don't you just create even more of a gap on unbalanced servers. What bonehead thought this was a good idea ? :/ what a freakn joke.
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The way I look at it the devs just smacked the whole PvP community in the face, which isn't smart. Of all the groups that play the game the hardcore PvPers are the snobbiest and most self obsessed group ( i know im one :-D ) to chose to piss off that group was a bad move, of all the groups these are the most likely to actually follow through and never play this game again.
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Don't you people have crafting skills?


How do you pay to craft? People love pvp and thats all the do so they should have equal compensation as pve players do. If al i did was pve then id make 200k a day in dailies. Why doesnt pvp have equal dailies tht pay. First off if we had pvp ailies in tatoine or another zone that wll go nameless where we could make 200k and have an oppurtunity to fight other the wpvp wuld be fixed aswell.


If you pvp 40 hours a week then u should make the same as if u pve 40 hours a week.

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Pretty much everything I was looking forward to this patch got ripped out and everything I was loathe to got added. Wah, wah. I haven't had a chance to play yet so I'm hoping the QQ is overblown. But seems to me that this patch:


- Reinforced me having to fight premades as a soloquer

- Reinforced me having to play with bads in pugs

- Increased the punishment for staying and losing

- Added incentive to leave a WZ if you're losing


Did I miss anything? How the hell am I supposed to get a good WZ now?

Edited by Scoobings
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Pretty much everything I was looking forward to this patch got ripped out and everything I was loathe to got added. Wah, wah. I haven't had a chance to play yet so I'm hoping the QQ is overblown.


Its not at all, it is terrible.

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Devs also fail to realize pvp keeps a game going not pve. Raiders only play until they clear the content. Pvpers will play the same wzs forever as long as the game is good. A pvper grinds to 50 like a pver and then unlike a pver who stops once they are geared until new content comes out a pvper will get the best gear then thats when the game starts for them.


Its no secret why tbc made wow the best game ever because arena also came out and even to this day since 2004 when i started wow i log in for arena every week and rated bgs. No raier logs in every week to clear the previous teirs of content. Pvpers still que for the wzs they had when wow launched.


Pvp is what brings people out. Pve is what people do until they kill a boss. Pvp is what they have tournments for. Evry week across the world people pvp in touneys whether its a starcraft, wow arena hell even pokemon.


Pvp make or breaks games and its proven that in ever game with ad without a succesful pvp system.


When will developers learn

Edited by Masturomenos
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Devs also fail to realize pvp keeps a game going not pve. Raiders only play until they clear the content. Pvpers will play the same wzs forever as long as the game is good. A pvper grinds to 50 like a pver and then unlike a pver who stops once they are geared until new content comes out a pvper will get the best gear then thats when the game starts for them.


Its no secret why tbc made wow the best game ever because arena also came out and even to this day since 2004 when i started wow i log in for arena every week and rated bgs. No raier logs in every week to clear the previous teirs of content. Pvpers still que for the wzs they had when wow launched.


Pvp is what brings people out. Pve is what people do until they kill a boss. Pvp is what they have tournments for. Evry week across the world people pvp in touneys whether its a starcraft, wow arena hell even pokemon.


Pvp make or breaks games and its proven that in ever game with ad without a succesful pvp system.


When will developers learn


pure opinion. I know pve games that thrived with no pvp content at all. (well thrived until the developer decided have a brian fart and stop doing content for a year)


That being said the rate at which bioware is adding pve content, I think the majority of pve players are/will be content.


That being said, my first wz was 96 coms. Not sure how you people are not earning coms... Maybe its operator error?

Edited by Brool
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Its not at all, it is terrible.


Sadly you are right. Sticking for a whole wz to get 30 coms and zero credits or getting 80 coms for a 11 medal win, add to that the ridicoulous prizes for wh gear (87k coms with THAT speed? Not gonna happen) and it really seems that they want to kill PvP completely.

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pure opinion. I know pve games that thrived with no pvp content at all. (well thrived until the developer decided have a brian fart and stop doing content for a year)


That being said the rate at which bioware is adding pve content, I think the majority of pve players are/will be content.


That being said, my first wz was 96 coms. Not sure how you people are not earning coms... Maybe its operator error?


Try losing one and see how many you get than...

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my sub is up next friday i give them one week to fix this crap. Seriously if you lose a match you get ZERO credits and even if you pull out 8 comms which is what they said they expected you MIGHT get 40 comms. Sometimes you get less than 4 and you work your *** off to try to win but it penalizes you so hard you lose comms awarded for medals. Honestly a loss should award no less than 80 and no less than 5k credits if you can pull even 6 comms. I've never left voluntarily a warzone before and now if we are going to lose its not even worth staying in to try give a wz a few minutes if not leave and requeue. Like i said they got a week then i'm out i play 12+ hours a day all my friends are pretty much quitting as well since they only pvp and if you lose its now going to take you tens of thousands of games to get a piece of war hero. The damage nerfs the crappy system in place for legacy hell i spent 7 million unlocking almost anything i care about except rocket boots. if war zones the single thing i spend the majority of my time playing is ****ed up this badly i have no reason to stay. They need to make sure you get no less than 5k credits if you stay till completion stop starting war zones with less than an 8 on 8 match and make sure even if you lose but squeeze out 6 medals you walk away with 80 comms and more for wins or this game is dead likely this april 20th. It SUCKS to lose but being penalized when your doing your best to win and trying to accept the changes they gave us with some grace to get this **** thrown in our faces and told to suck it up. We WILL suck it up we'll take our money and leave over something this badly done.
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Sadly you are right. Sticking for a whole wz to get 30 coms and zero credits or getting 80 coms for a 11 medal win, add to that the ridicoulous prizes for wh gear (87k coms with THAT speed? Not gonna happen) and it really seems that they want to kill PvP completely.


I love your sig.

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Well at least the WZs are shorter. Did the new one, lost two cannons and 3 people left, 2 more left, then I left. Did a Huttball, went down 3 to nothing 2 people left then 2 more and then I left again. Better to leave early I guess that stay for nothing. Edited by Greyelf
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haha yep GW2 is going to save you all from MMO disaster, it really will!


I just can't wait until they realize that GW2 is going to be even more skill-based + fast-paced and that their losses will just mount even more quickly there (and they won't even have gear to use as an excuse)... not to mention, no MMO is perfect or flawless. These people seem to think it's going to be some magic bullet to MMO woes... :rolleyes:.


P.S. Whole thread can be summed up as: "I don't have the ability to win, so I'll complain that the rewards aren't being given to me anyway and clearly I deserve them because I want them!"

Edited by Ancen
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Bioware needs to stop breakingpvp with dailies about pvp item and comms. We have wzs for comms. Make dailies that pay like pve dailies do so that pvpers can go and try to collect chest with items that spawn every 30 minutes in a zone and you can collect a certain amoun or have to collect a certain amount each day. Dont add kills just make it so if you pvp and need money you can go to a zone and fight off people for a chest. After you guard a chest for 2 mins u become imune and can open it even with others around.


This would make wpvp happen but also wont allow gear cheats since u need wzs for gear. So now youd have people in wzs for gear and ohers in the world when they need money. Plus u couldnt farm chests without defending them so it would eliminate the ability to keep farming money and u could pu a limit of 1 chest per person per zone and have 3 zones with them. The zones need to be small also. Ilums biggest failure was u had a zone that was too big and a game engine that couldnt handle more then 40 people. So not only did you have bad latency but also even when busy it looked empty.


Learn devs just like servers peoplethink the game sucks when its empty. Thats why dead servers keep dying and why zones like ilum donr work unless it can hold hundreds of players at once.


U have a awesome smal zone in tatoine. Put a couplr chests there that have 50k in them allow peopl to get 3 a day and they hve to defend it for 2 to 5 mins thn become immune and can open. So you couldt solo defend and need a group tht could be 4v4 and they fight for 30 mins but also once they got the limi they would not benefit to sty there which would allow other groups to cycle in one fter the other. Then still keep wzs as the place to get the gear. Simple stop trying to reinvent the wheel bioware because u still havent got an engine in ur car to even drive it. Focus on what u can do right not on fixing what u cant so at all.

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