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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Moving Battlemaster chest piece gear to orange doesnt transfer set bonus


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So people who worried about augments breaking the game should not be worried in the end...

Kinda sucks. I like how my character look, but I was very eager to see new appearances in WZs.


Yeah I actually like the look of the BM Bounty Hunter Ware Hero gear. I was stoked honestly. Just sucks now without the set bonus, especially as a Bodyguard healer. We were hella nerfed this path, which made burst healing harder to do. Healing is a total different story in 1.2, so the set bonus is pretty substantial to not have, especially on your fastest cast heal.

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Yeah basically it's down to this.


If you worked really hard grinding forever to get valor 60 or 70 or whatever, just to get your full BM gear...not only does your valor rank not mean anything anymore, because anybody can wear your armour now...


But now, they teased you with custom armour, then took it away last minute. And the only thing you can do now is grind endlessly for new War Hero gear which is ridiculously ugly, just to spend a million credits to pull all the mods out and put it into something you enjoy wearing...


all at the risk of having ALL of your armour useless again because you switched the mods around, so the next time Bioware completely revamps the system your old gear won't transfer over to the new system and you will be left with subpar crap that any level 50 can have for a few hundred thousand credits.




I feel exactly the same way. I got every single piece of gear/valor the hard way (i.e. playing thru **** gear status and getting valor from 2-3 hour ilum runs getting outnumbered by imps in our base) and now it's all down the drain.


They should've stuck to the old system of BM gear requiring BM valor and WH gear requiring WH gear. The previous patch made it so easy to get valor most people levelled to 50 and had rank 50 valor on ding.

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Not sure if this is accurate or not, but looks like this could be a bug and a possible fix is inc. This would be nice if it happens to be true. Not sure why the communications person with Bioware said otherwise. Here is the twitter link that another forum member posted.




Nice find. I hope its sooner rather then later. I went broke crafting the Orange PVP gear and putting it on the AH.

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Scratch that. I just read a twitter from an hour ago and it said that it is only to apply to new armor pieces. Bioware employees need to get on the same page. here is the twitter link.




The last post on the issue leads me to believe they think it works as intended. Think I've honestly had enough from this game. They can keep the free month.

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Sorry to say this but...


I followed the 1.2 patch from development, predicted what was going to happen, and never wasted anytime grinding my 50 and instead leveled up some alts. For me, 1.2 is excellent but i guess thats because i planned ahead.


Cant wait to finish collecing my bm set so i can pull all the mods out of the trash gear and put them in my awesome pre 50 mando gear :D

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Sorry to say this but...


I followed the 1.2 patch from development, predicted what was going to happen, and never wasted anytime grinding my 50 and instead leveled up some alts. For me, 1.2 is excellent but i guess thats because i planned ahead.


Cant wait to finish collecing my bm set so i can pull all the mods out of the trash gear and put them in my awesome pre 50 mando gear :D


I have a ton of alts as well, but crappy is crappy. Not gonna worry about it I unsubed our accounts. I'm not a Guild Wars fan, but think I'll give it an honest shot and try it out.

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so i need to farm a second armor set of bm for the crafted orange gear to have set bonus ?

or just farm warhero gear 2k+ rated coms

(6k+ warzone coms per piece ~ 75 warzones aka ~80 warzone com per -> ~18.7h per piece)

(daily worth 396 warzone coms)


BM Gloves 875

BM Boots 875

BM Legs 975

BM Head 1075

= 3800 warzone coms -> ~12h grind for 4p set bonus on crafted gear



Edit: kinda sucks for all ppl who grinded full set of bm for weeks and now re grind it again

Edited by gwrtheyn
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I'm pretty sure it said right on the patch notes that set bonuses were NOT transferring to items when you remove the mods at this time. (Not sure if anyone said this already but I skimmed all posts and didn't notice it being mentioned)


All I did was take the mods out of my BM chest item and put it in something cuter. That way I still get my set bonus and I don't look like everyone else.


I was very disappointed on the "color customization" front, but when you sync your gear up to your chest piece and the colors sort of match...I guess it's better than nothing.

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so i need to farm a second armor set of bm for the crafted orange gear to have set bonus ?

or just farm warhero gear 2k+ rated coms

(6k+ warzone coms per piece ~ 75 warzones aka ~80 warzone com per -> ~18.7h per piece)

(daily worth 396 warzone coms)


BM Gloves 875

BM Boots 875

BM Legs 975

BM Head 1075

= 2220 warzone coms -> ~7h grind for 4p set bonus on crafted gear


Dont forget that you need to spend another 200k-600k to pull the mods. Depending if it is actually on the armor mod.

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Dont forget that you need to spend another 200k-600k to pull the mods. Depending if it is actually on the armor mod.


Well, money is money. There's no excuse for whining about costs. It's not like they were raised. They've always been there. Go run dailies, save the wasted tears.

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sry got it wrong the frist time


BM Gloves 875

BM Boots 875

BM Legs 975

BM Head 1075

= 3800 warzone coms -> ~12h grind for 4p set bonus on crafted gear


+37k per mod -> 3 mods per piece -> min 440k credits


(even if you get 4k credits each warzone you only get 190k from the warzones needed to grind the coms)

Edited by gwrtheyn
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Full set:

BM: 12475 coms -> 39h playtime to get bm

Unrated warhero: 28250 +1000 Normal ->85750 coms -> 268h playtime to get full warhero


(not counting dailys,avg 80 coms per warzone,15min per warzone)

ref4 costs: http://dulfy.net/2012/03/22/pvp-gearing-in-1-2/


Your forgot to factor in that if you're in the less populace faction on a low pop server, that you are lesss likely to win and thus could get nothing half the time in WZs.



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