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Please make OCEANIC Servers (West Coast servers - Titled OCEANIC)


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Umm no it isnt


only 2 very small guilds even went on jekk jekk tarr that are actually oceanic guilds


trust me guilds are not the only people playing swtor, call out in any zone, any oceanic players on? and you'll get ALOT of response than any other server apart from the swifsure and the harbringer. It is a oceanic server, and let's try keep it that way we need more than 2

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Anything that happens after launch is practically useless in mitigating the situation; the damage is already done. As others said, despite oceanic servers opening later in WoW, nobody left Blackrock and it was absolutely bogged down for years and years.


It was so ludicrously obvious that this was going to happen, it just boggles the mind that EA/Bioware decided it wasn't worth addressing.


Seems to me that Bioware was trying to give you all a hint, by putting you all in the red zone.


But many complained, so they said they wouldn't block ip's and you all could play....on the US or European servers.


Don't get me wrong, if they don't open your own servers, then I'm all for giving one to ya. I just think it's premature to ask for one now.

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It's going to be disappointing if Bioware fails to do anything about the issue.


I admit, I don't understand why the game was not released here with a few US-West servers tagged as oceanic.

Edited by Seriant
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Yeah, I wanted to jump on the Oceanic servers, but then I saw the queues last night. Now they are over 2 hours long. Man!


I rolled on Wound of the Force, but even so I've got a 30 minute wait.


Anyway. I think it makes perfect sense to label a few servers as Oceanic, so that they don't end up doubling up on the population. If/when you deploy servers in the Oceanic region, there isn't any real reason why you couldn't deploy them with the same names as the original US Oceanic home servers, and migrate the population across.

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Anything that happens after launch is practically useless in mitigating the situation; the damage is already done. As others said, despite oceanic servers opening later in WoW, nobody left Blackrock and it was absolutely bogged down for years and years.


It was so ludicrously obvious that this was going to happen, it just boggles the mind that EA/Bioware decided it wasn't worth addressing.


What would you suggest Bioware do? Region block all the red zoner areas forcing them to wait until the game is released for them? I am sure at least a couple of these servers wouldnt be bogged down if they did that.


For the record, those servers are not labeled Oceanic, they are north american servers the fact that Oceanic players are jumping on them does not change that fact.

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trust me guilds are not the only people playing swtor, call out in any zone, any oceanic players on? and you'll get ALOT of response than any other server apart from the swifsure and the harbringer. It is a oceanic server, and let's try keep it that way we need more than 2


There are almost none of there and any on their are stupid it isnt the Unofficial server your wasting your time



We had a big meeting all the oceanic guilds got together we decided on Harbinger


im sure theres a few oceanic on the EU servers lets call them aussie ones to?



No it was decided by everyone that harbinger is the aussie pve server and swift is the pvp.

Edited by Shraptical
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Agree fully, but we also need a second PVP Server as a backup for those wanting PVP - For that I would suggest Madalorian the Indomintable as the unofficial backup Oceanic PVP server (and even that is filling to max).


Please fix this situation, the biggest thing to hurt a launch (as with all other AAA MMO releases) is long que times. People who have to waiti to get in lose interest and are less likeley to subscribe (rolling on another server isnt always viable - especially if you are Oceanic and want to play with your fellows).



Please BIOWARE take note of this post and have a solution by launch. Thankyou.

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For the record, those servers are not labeled Oceanic, they are north american servers the fact that Oceanic players are jumping on them does not change that fact.


Youre right it doenst change the fact. Instead it simply causes confusion for both the US players looking for a server at off peak oceanic times, and oceanic players looking for a server and being told "swiftsure for oceanic PVP"

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What would you suggest Bioware do? Region block all the red zoner areas forcing them to wait until the game is released for them? I am sure at least a couple of these servers wouldnt be bogged down if they did that.


For the record, those servers are not labeled Oceanic, they are north american servers the fact that Oceanic players are jumping on them does not change that fact.


Uh, if you read the thread, I think you'll find that the suggestion was just to label it Oceanic, so that Americans are less likely to jump on them. Yes the servers are situation in America, as was every Oceanic WoW server. It just makes sense that NZ/Aus online communities would nominate a few servers to be our unofficial home, because we want to play with each other. If we are treating them like this, why not give them the Oceanic label? Ideally, they would have thrown in the labels from the start. It's not like they didn't know that there would be a lot of people from this region playing as well.

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Seems to me that Bioware was trying to give you all a hint, by putting you all in the red zone.


But many complained, so they said they wouldn't block ip's and you all could play....on the US or European servers.


Don't get me wrong, if they don't open your own servers, then I'm all for giving one to ya. I just think it's premature to ask for one now.


skoobie you fail so badly at trolling that i shouldn't even highlight because it is so obvious we may not be mentioned in release zones but we are all still playing and i will be recieveing my collectors edition on the 19th-21st so hardly not released here just harder to get stop the useless trolling and go smack your little sister around cause ur bullying here is not working

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couldnt be that hard to xfer that server downunder? could it?

Yes, its money. Even Blizzard/WoW doesnt have servers. West Coast is usually the closest game servers in nearly all games. Think the last mmo that was Australian servers in Australia was Dark Age of Camelot. That was long long time ago.


Why, if they're still U.S. servers? Especially considering the time difference leads to very little player overlap?


The designations (U.S. and EU) aren't an indication of who's playing on them, they're an indication of where the servers are located. U.S. servers are U.S. servers, and I don't see much to be gained just from calling them something else.

But by designating who is playing on them, they are adding "population control" by making the choice for the players they are seperating the two groups and removing the "double population" stress that is causing the most problem for these servers. A simple change in title can do a lot for population management, and at this point in time, its sorely needed.


Please stop mentioning these servers on the forums, they are already full and more people keep joining them because they are "oceanic" despite having hour long queues. I knew it was a bad idea because of what happened with wow, This is the last time I will ever join an oceanic server, I just want my character off there now.

Doesnt matter, you google it, you get pages and pages telling you Swiftsure. Its too late.

And more people are coming, as they arrive they will ask "Where are my friends ? On Harbinger/Swiftsure and go their" people will wait hours to play with friends.


As I said, they need Oceanic servers before the population becomes entrenched.


What they need to do is add Oceanic servers and stop this. and stop this soon, especially with new players coming. Also with Oceanic servers they can actually statistically monitor those servers independent of the Americans and determine how many Oceanic players they have, what times they play, what are the busy times etc. Its a population control measure to have servers matching timezones.


Yeah thats never going to happen, they will simply use the logic that as the game has not actually come out in the region yet, and people are playing this game outside of normal means they shouldnt bother.

That logic, is illogical, its plain ignorance. They know there are Oceanic players here, cause we told them. Amazon.com told them they are shipping copies to Australia, EA/Bioware admitted it in their own posts about physical copy deliveries and grace periods.


Denying we are here, would be the worse mistake, Harbinger and Swiftsure queues are all the proof they need we are here.

Edited by Dirtyshadow
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What would you suggest Bioware do? Region block all the red zoner areas forcing them to wait until the game is released for them? I am sure at least a couple of these servers wouldnt be bogged down if they did that.

Labelling a server as oceanic means that less American players play on them. The American players are redistributed to generally less packed generic servers, while the oceanic players concentrate on oceanic servers. As a result, all the servers in question get an equal loading, rather than one getting a double loading and another getting nothing.


For the record, those servers are not labeled Oceanic, they are north american servers the fact that Oceanic players are jumping on them does not change that fact.

I don't know what you mean by this. If you mean Blackrock, Harbinger and Swiftsure, no ****. They are unoffcial choices made by oceanic communities, necessitated by lazy developers. If you mean that Blizzard doesn't have oceanic servers, wanna bet?




It makes absolutely NO sense for EA not to instigate Oceanic servers at this point, DESPITE their policy of American/EU only. The reality is, there are a ******** of Oceanic players, and we are *********** up the servers by necessity, not by choice.

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The "oceanic" servers are only oceanic because we all decided they were. So the 2 nominated Oceanic servers are choice by us the gaming population.


If the queues are too big lets just dominate some more servers till we have a good population to queue time ratio.


A bunch of us Aussies have already moved to Mandalore the indominable.

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There are almost none of there and any on their are stupid it isnt the Unofficial server your wasting your time



We had a big meeting all the oceanic guilds got together we decided on Harbinger


im sure theres a few oceanic on the EU servers lets call them aussie ones to?



No it was decided by everyone that harbinger is the aussie pve server and swift is the pvp.

can you (or more likely the people who actually did participate in said meeting) please have another meeting and sort out the fact you ALSO underestimated demand and helped create this situation by insisting that everyone camps on 1 pvp and 1 pve server. Thanks.


We really shouldnt have to wait on bioware to figure this out. We're all grown ups, we can solve many of our own problems.

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Uh, if you read the thread, I think you'll find that the suggestion was just to label it Oceanic, so that Americans are less likely to jump on them. Yes the servers are situation in America, as was every Oceanic WoW server. It just makes sense that NZ/Aus online communities would nominate a few servers to be our unofficial home, because we want to play with each other. If we are treating them like this, why not give them the Oceanic label? Ideally, they would have thrown in the labels from the start. It's not like they didn't know that there would be a lot of people from this region playing as well.


So what you're suggesting is that the US-West players give up their servers to the Oceanic players, rather than the oceanic players (who are not technically suppose to have the game yet) wait for their own designated servers when the game is officially released for them?


Kinda greedy.

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skoobie you fail so badly at trolling that i shouldn't even highlight because it is so obvious we may not be mentioned in release zones but we are all still playing and i will be recieveing my collectors edition on the 19th-21st so hardly not released here just harder to get stop the useless trolling and go smack your little sister around cause ur bullying here is not working


Hiya young one.


I wan't you to have your own servers. I said that in the post you quoted.

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