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1.2 - Spec Discussion


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I've decided to remain in my comfort zone for a while so I'm sticking with Watchman. Although, once I get a tier 3 saber, I might consider Combat.


I could be wrong but I feel that Combat is very gear oriented. Feels like a super end game spec.


I like what they did with the spec and went with 33/8/0




If you have any comments on Combat and Focus, post it here and share your experience. I don't expect anyone to come up with a pro review today but I know that a lot of Sentinels are dying for some feedback and information.


Tonight, my guild will be pvping the entire night, we're finally going to tryout of full Battlemaster/War hero team.


- 3 Sage

- 2 troopers

- 1 Sentinel

- 1 Guardian

- 1 Scoundrel



I'm the lucky sentinel assisted by 2 healers ;)

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My spec is slightly different and mostly geared for PVE, although I think it will do well in PVP.




I like the focus generation over the longer force camo and would rather take that over the snare lower in the tree. I also put one point in jedi crusader to get more focus, I can never have enough.


I'm not terribly crazy about the points in Master Focus, but don't have anywhere else that stands out to me. Master Strike has not been a part of my rotation to date, but I'm going to work it in now when all my focus spenders are on CD. I briefly toyed with going up the focus tree for Swift Slash but decided I gave up to much in the combat tree to make it worth it.


I'm still bummed about giving up 100% damage reduction in force camo, but the shorter CD on pacify and kick are probably worth it.

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With the 1.2 update I am hoping that combat is viable enough to play now as I find it to be the most fun spec I have played in the game so far.


This is the spec I am planning on using when I get home from work.




The final 10 points are subject to debate to get second wind, but I have found the ability to be relatively lack luster 90% of the time I use it and the 10% where it is life saving just isn't enough for me to not take the increased utility of other talents.

Edited by Wotch
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I'm trying http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/sentinel#9f2888elc-k-22 seems to be working pretty well for PvP, the AoE damage increase is very usefull for Novare and Voidstar so far. The buff to Master Strike is very nice aswell, maybe alittle to nice.


How does Force Sweep fit into your rotation? I agree a 20% buff there is solid, but just not sure when to use it.


To the previous poster, I agree that Insight is not very useful for a WM when we're popping zen like mad.

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With the 1.2 update I am hoping that combat is viable enough to play now as I find it to be the most fun spec I have played in the game so far.


This is the spec I am planning on using when I get home from work.




The final 10 points are subject to debate to get second wind, but I have found the ability to be relatively lack luster 90% of the time I use it and the 10% where it is life saving just isn't enough for me to not take the increased utility of other talents.


It's been a long time since I have played Combat, but am toying with the idea of going back. Would it make sense to take the 3 points out of Focused Slash and use them in the Master Strike root and damage boost? I don't remember focus management or rotation well on Combat

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How does Force Sweep fit into your rotation? I agree a 20% buff there is solid, but just not sure when to use it.


To the previous poster, I agree that Insight is not very useful for a WM when we're popping zen like mad.


I'll use that spec for PvP, as to when to use in it PvP, when theres 3 or more people around silly! As to PvE, it wont be as useful.

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Should I take my points out of Master Focus and put them in Swelling Winds?


In PVP I think Swelling Winds is better, in PVE I think Master Focus is better.


I like that Master Strike costs no focus so is a great filler in PVE, but like the AOE and shorter burst on Force Sweep.



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Keep in mind that with the loss of the Quick Recovery talent, Force Sweep now costs 3 focus to execute. That alone makes it a terrible filler for PvE; it's just far too expensive without the rest of the Focus tree to beef it up.
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For Combat I'll be doing this




Unless I decide I want to play up the Zen-Cyclone-AOE-Spam, in which case itll be




Currently Im not crazy about the AOE aspect though, Cyclone Slash and Sweep are pretty blah for for the cost without quick recovery (in Combat), even with swelling winds. In order to get any noteworth mileage out of their damage you have to give your self Precision first, which already costs 3 focus... add on 3 more for a sweep, or 2 per cyclone spam (3 if not in Zen) its just not worth it to me. Its especially a gamble when you consider how disruptable Sweep is. The primary thing I use either of those specials for in Combat is to AOE disrupt captures/plants.

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For Combat I'll be doing this




Unless I decide I want to play up the Zen-Cyclone-AOE-Spam, in which case itll be




Currently Im not crazy about the AOE aspect though, Cyclone Slash and Sweep are pretty blah for for the cost without quick recovery (in Combat), even with swelling winds. In order to get any noteworth mileage out of their damage you have to give your self Precision first, which already costs 3 focus... add on 3 more for a sweep, or 2 per cyclone spam (3 if not in Zen) its just not worth it to me. Its especially a gamble when you consider how disruptable Sweep is. The primary thing I use either of those specials for in Combat is to AOE disrupt captures/plants.


The first looks like a good build to me. I might decrease steadfast and put into stagger for pvp. For PVE I'd drop fleetfooted or displacement and put it into the focus tree.

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The first looks like a good build to me. I might decrease steadfast and put into stagger for pvp. For PVE I'd drop fleetfooted or displacement and put it into the focus tree.


In my opinion, Stagger is unneeded given that Ataru runs faster than most targets, can root in 2 different ways, has super trasendence, can perma snare with legslash, and still remain effective at up to 10m. So the 1 extra second for 2 poitns just doesnt strike me as a sound investment. Ive dabbled with with Stagger before, and honestly couldnt tell a difference. I like steadfast because having accuracy in my skill tree means that much more I can gut out of my gear mods and replace without loseing any.


For PVE you need less of the moment themed stuff, but I PVP enough to keep it around (plus 80% transendence is fun no matter what youre doing). Especially since I play on a PVP server, so PVP can happen while Im out PVE'ing or helping friends..so I always have to be in "PVP mode" when Im out and about.

Edited by thepilk
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Just following up on my sentinel spec. Pretty happy the spec and taking master focus over swelling winds feels like the right move in terms of dps, for pve it is a no brainer and for pvp if my target doesn't get out of MS they are burning down fast. No switch to combat for me yet. Also the 6 sec CD on force kick is more useful in the new pve content.
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Switched to Combat from Anni yesterday and holy **** does the burst do insane damage. The only gripe I have with the new combat spec is it is still so dam squishy compared to Watchman.


2.5k, 2.5k, 4k master strike stacked with a 3.5k blade storm on the last hit is insane. If a healer doesn't have a guard they are pretty much dead.

Edited by JustinxDuff
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I like Watchman more with new patch i can do alot more damage and many more burst damage than before.Because kick cause no focus and pacify is not in GCD.


Though never try combat spec before but I think I kinda like Watchman alot.


I'm with 34/7/0

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I like Watchman more with new patch i can do alot more damage and many more burst damage than before.Because kick costs no focus and pacify is not in GCD.


This alone was enough for me to stay Watchman, can I get an Amen

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Okay, my guild ran 16 man normal mode Explosive Conflict last night. I used the spec I mentioned earlier in the thread:




We wiped several times on the first boss before downing him, and I was always either the last or next to last DPS left alive, so it seems Watchman survivability is still very good.


We haven't messed with any damage logs yet, so I have no way of knowing how my damage output compared to others. Based on doing the new Flashpoint I'm going to go out on a limb and guess I'll still be near the top, but that's based on pretty scant evidence at this point.


Looking at the new gear, I'm definitely going to need to respec to put some points in Steadfast. I've already yanked out a bunch of enhancements from my complete set of Rakata gear and replaced them with Columi enhancements, leaving me at around 98.5% accuracy, but about half of my gear still has the original +accuracy enhancements. First piece of new gear I get that replaces one of those is going to drop me beneath the magic 98% threshold.


The first two points I take out will come out of Watchguard. If I need to put a 3rd point in, I'll take it out of Dual Wield Mastery. That would leave me with:



Edited by andrew_b_gross
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I just downloaded a combat file parser, and I'm going to spend the majority of the day figuring out what deals the best dps.


I'm only going to compare Watchman and Focus, because that's what I'm familiar with atm. I'll try and figure out combat (though, that weapon based damage looks pretty appealing) at a later date.

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Purely anecdotal here, so, enjoy your mountain of salt.


I played for about 45 minutes last night. I was Combat spec before, and I'm still Combat. I think the rotation "flows" better for me, and it's overall better - for me.


First thing to mention is the fact that the UI change makes a HUUUUUUUGE difference. I can put Riposte back on a toolbar, so I can actually use it from time to time. I know, I know, keybinds, but I use the number row and about 4 other keys, and don't have enough hands to add more. and still be able to keep up with interrupts, etc.


Second, overall damage. Good freaking lord. All I did was run the Belsavis dailies (My char is poor) for the creds, and .. 45 minutes to run both the south and north dailies from start to finish - with about 5 mins of chat time in there also. I was tearing mobs apart like there's no tomorrow.


Thumbs way up on the Combat tweaks. It'll take some getting used to - the reduced-cost Bladestorm being gone makes me sad, but it's balanced by the free Force Kick now, so I don't have to hit Strike in my rotiation as much to make sure I keep a couple extra focus.

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