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Why legacy is amazing!


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Its pretty clear at this point that legacy was just a big waste of time and resources. Its adds absolutely nothing to the game. BW should be embarrassed.


Double this. They needed to introduce new combat abilities that were only accessible via legacy, or something. Its just a lot of cooldown reductions and blandness. They couldn't even add playable rodian race.

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Its pretty clear at this point that legacy was just a big waste of time and resources. Its adds absolutely nothing to the game. BW should be embarrassed.


It's nothing. I thought they were promoting a system, but instead we got shops that unlock with levels, just not the normal level.

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There are multiple types of players; some are in it for the story and for the lighthearted fun, and others treat it with the same amount of fun as they would treat a bookkeeping job.


To me, the notion of grinding away for months and days just so you can get the nebulous payoff of some worthless bit of skill or an unlock or five is just a glimpse into hell, whereas for some that's the very reason they play.


I'll enjoy the perks as they come but hardly go out of my way to spend precious minutes of my life grinding them out as quickly as possible.

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As soon as legacy was announced I went to work! I leveled ~25 toons to 20 (deleting and recreating) to grind my legacy level to max, I used the 1.2 million creds my sorc had and invested in the GTN buying cheap mats to make low end implants and I made somewhere over 30 million creds I started DLing the patch last night and now have almost all the unlockables and IT IS AMAZING



For the people who are QQing about it, DO WORK ---> REAP REWARDS


Also, low end implant prices will now stabilize on Space Slug now that I am retiring from 100% control of the market.


If you spend just 3 - 7 days grinding out that money you can have literally MILLIONS of credits. DO WORK!


EDIT FOR: My favorite mentality on the web

"When I play checkers I have to move my pieces... No thanks, I already have a job. I play to win not move stuff."


Very impressive. But, I have to admit, I wondered to myself (and now typing it) why? Then again, I have done similar things in other games that seemed fun and important to me at the time and, to be honest, I don't know that I have ever regretted it either. To each gamer, their own! :)


However, I will not be doing this in SW. Not that you care... not that I care... I don't even know why I wrote it cause... quite frankly, no one cares! :D

Edited by Meldwyn
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There are multiple types of players; some are in it for the story and for the lighthearted fun, and others treat it with the same amount of fun as they would treat a bookkeeping job.


To me, the notion of grinding away for months and days just so you can get the nebulous payoff of some worthless bit of skill or an unlock or five is just a glimpse into hell, whereas for some that's the very reason they play.


I'll enjoy the perks as they come but hardly go out of my way to spend precious minutes of my life grinding them out as quickly as possible.



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So why is Legacy amazing again?




Yeah my biggest issue is what is the point of unlocking and grinding XP for it if you still need to purchase it all. I thought it was going to be an either or system?


Why even have it be required to unlock? Its not like anyone new to the game is going to be running around with millions of credits anyways.


Hell I was expecting a grind, not two at one time.




I have a job already, games are supposed to be fun.


QTF! and definately THIS!

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There is no excuse for any aspect of a game to be tedious, dull or to have a terrible effort to reward ratio. This is not a sim or tycoon game. It's not Eve or SWG. It will never have a dynamic economy that's worth the ridiculous amount of time the OP and some others are willing to invest in it.
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Posted this in another topic, but fits here so:


Ya the high costs are becuase they want you to feel like you earned it and since they go to all characters on server and can be unlocked by any of your characters it really not so bad. If they said every character has to pay 1mil to unlock this thing than ya that be bs and funny as hell to those that have tons of characters.


Also they have to wait and see what happens to the economy with the players (in game not real life). Now that you can send stuff to yourself easily and the lame guild banks and fact people do non-stop pvp grinding especily these days which pay off countless credits as above said, it really should not be all to hard to get the $ at some point.


--->That said unless the game's economy comes back to how it was long ago, I do fear unless you in a big guild you will be kind of screwed.

----->My 2 characters:

#43 jedi knight that has ~1million credits, 1 full cargo bay of w/e (back than would have had 2x that) and a 2nd empty cargo bay, also did not get 2nd speeder licen as dont want.

#~37 Imp Agent that only has a weak ~90,000 credits and 1 full cargo of w/e and not leveling every ability as I dont have the $ (back than probably would have had ~800k by now)


So don't worry just yet, wait a month for them to fix it up and also to see if the game's economy bombs or rises back up a bit.

Though the one guy was right about them not telling the truth on some of it being earnable it seems and they do need to fix that part.

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this excuse is pathetic. We all have jobs im sure, but gaming is not about "i want it, so give me it" not at all. Do you log onto a game and scream because you have to work to complete said game. Let me guess, hard modes are a no go area for you.


This attitude stinks, it really does.



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