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there no point staying in a losing WZ anymore.


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Im about to quit the game and the Solution is giving me a penalty ?



Are you out of ur mind ?


Yea. Here's what some people think:


1. queue for warzone

2. get wtfbbqpwned, stay because of penalty


Here's what happens instead:


1. queue for warzone

2. get wtfbbqpwned and decide to leave

3. get a long penalty

4. rejoice because *** who cares and who wants to get pwned again for nothing

5. log off and ***

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I have just unsubbed because of this. I'm not usually one to talk about it when I do but in this case they have so clearly broken a key part of the game that it cannot be tolerated. Right now it is all about leaving WZs and looking for the winning ones... Please vote with your wallets, it's the one thing no company can ignore.


A real shame that a day that was supposed to fix the game ended up destroying it :rod_frown_p:

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somebody on another thread posted many, many threads in the tester forum about the problem.


it's not a lack of testers speaking up. it's a lack of Bioware listening to them.


Very poorly done Bio....not only has this upped the quiters but people who normally don't quit get stuck in twice as many already lost causes..W T H are you thinking.

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In 2nd grade, we all (most of us) learned that when you multiply any number by 0, the result is "0".


Patch 1.2 PvP rewards are now dependent on your SCORE. (i.e. 6-0, 5-4, 1-1, etc.).


Obviously you didn't pay enough attention at school:


(medals * (0.5 + score / maxscore) is still dependent on your SCORE.

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And anyone think that even if expensive the old system was much better to get bm gear like: 1000wz and 100 merc for 1 bm token?

the last one or the old one was much better than this disaster they made, and even the first was acceptable, even taking much time but now.....

i Miss already so much the old one, getting medals according objectives ( healing done, damage done, defense, number of kills, etc) :(

Edited by Zez-Kai-Ell
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ah just saw your reply. ok lets take street fighter, when you lost you started again with full health, now how about every time you put a quarter in, you started with 3%percent less health?, how many time of losing do you think it would take, before you said stuff it I will go do something better.


Yeah, this is pretty simple logic, so I don't understand why some people can't grasp it.


I've been complaining about this rich getting richer/poor getting poorer PvP philosophy for a while now (not just in regards to this game). It gets worse, though, when you get little to no reward for playing and giving it your all just because your team happened to lose. Especially if it's a nail biter.

Edited by thewatcheruatu
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Bioware never listened in WAR and they wont here, theyre arrogant ******* who cant run an MMO to save their lives.

30 comms for a competitive losing game? No thanks, go **** yourselves im off to guildwars 2 and will never play another bioware game in the rest of my life.

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Maybe today it will... <.<


Like I said, it wasn't like that when I was a kid.



I definately give this person the commendation for the most ludicrous repeated comment ever. YES you got something for losing when you 'were a kid'. it was say, a SILVER medal or even a 'bronze'.


Imagine if our competitions were based on 'you win....everyone else, you suck...you lose'. Imagnie how many people would continue to compete in anything.

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You just need to calm down and wait for 1-2 days..

There is no wonder that expirienced hardcore players are eager to test new 1.2 on live..

So as i understand, joining the WZs right after the patch is applied have a very big chaces to pick on very good opposing team..

A little after you`ll be joining Wzs against such people as you are..


that sounds a bit pompous...


anyways, i am a decent PvPer... in fact sod it i am a real good PvPer, my only fault is starting this game later that the ones LIKE ME and now they are far up in the food chain and BIOWARE has left me with a minimal hope of being actually with the ones LIKE ME with their ingenius new application of PVP system...


So what i go back to PvE? that is an urban legend that do not exist beyond a mediocre single player RPG game...


/rant off


honestly lad no offense intended towards you in person...

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No, his logic was correct, yours is flawed. The old system did not reward losing; the old system rewarded participation with additional rewards for meeting certain objectives and winning the match. The new system removes the reward for participating and meeting objectives, leaving only the reward for winning. By removing the reward for participation and only rewarding winning, BW has removed the incentive to continue to participate if the player does not think he can win.


Your logic is undeniable - perfect description of the issue post 1.2,



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No, his logic was correct, yours is flawed. The old system did not reward losing; the old system rewarded participation with additional rewards for meeting certain objectives and winning the match. The new system removes the reward for participating and meeting objectives, leaving only the reward for winning. By removing the reward for participation and only rewarding winning, BW has removed the incentive to continue to participate if the player does not think he can win.


I'll be the first to admit that when I was tired, doing something else, or simply bored of the game and it's grinding I would get my 4 medals in the first 2 minutes of the game and then semi-AFK the rest while the game continues.


Rewarding for participation is OK, but not to the extent that it was. I could play for 10% of the game and get full reward. That is broken.


The new system will reward winning which I don't see as "bad design" however it will result in A LOT of unhappy baddies. A happy medium would be somewhere in the middle of the old design which was WAY too generous and the current 0,0,0,0,0 reward design they have in place for skunks.

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People!!! stop complaining about pvp. Bioware is NOT going to change it cause they can do whatever they want. We have to deal with the changes.


Ah, no you don't. I dropped my sub down to monthly (whew, dodged that bullet). And if this doesn't get fixed, then I'll drop this game like a bad habit. We already lost most of our guild, only the sw fan base is left. GW2 beta is open in April. Tick-Toc.

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Quote from patch notes:


"The amount of Valor, Commendations, and credits awarded at the end of a Warzone is now based on your team's score, with a bonus for the winning team. Experience rewards are still based on the amount of time spent in the Warzone."


Stop spreading false information! Losing teams DO get rewards!


..and what is the problem with the winning team gaining extra rewards? If you take away that, you take away the incentive to even want to win a warzone to begin with.


In no way does this nerf the rest of us, or specifically the brand new level 50's in anyway (as many have claimed, its just not true). Omg esspecially when for less than 100k you can gain near ~900 expertise with the new Recruit PvP gear! My fresh lvl 50 PT BH does just fine with Recruit + Centurion set. Just fine.


The part of this thread I DO agree with, is they need to offer a brief penalty for deserters. 15 minutes would be ideal (so its like they have to sit one out). However, it's not any bigger of an issue now than it was when the game debuted.


Also, the new warzone is a blast. If you guys consistantly hate this game, what are u still doing here?


Wait, so if I do a good job but my team is terrible, and we lose a huttball 6-1, I'm supposed to eat this loss? When I can do the same job on a winning team (luck of the draw) and get way more rewards?


Why would anyone fight through a losing battle when you absolutely KNOW your time is wasted from a reward standpoint?

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even winning you barely make enough commendations to pay for the med pacs used during the battle


1 medpac costs 20 wz coms. If match lasts 9 minutes you will potentially use 6 med pacs or 120 commendations worth.


How many of you have gotten 120 commendations in 1 wz today?


They broke it, hope like hell they are working on a hotfix

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Make losses reward you based off performance, not off the game result - that way you have incentive to play well even with a crap game you know you'll lose.


even winning you barely make enough commendations to pay for the med pacs used during the battle


1 medpac costs 20 wz coms. If match lasts 9 minutes you will potentially use 6 med pacs or 120 commendations worth.


How many of you have gotten 120 commendations in 1 wz today?


They broke it, hope like hell they are working on a hotfix


Got 100 in a few, just gotta play it right.

Edited by Harsisus
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bioware: oh no we want to discourage people rage quitting warzones.... lets remove 90% of the rewards from loosing warzones! that will keep the loosing team around!


........... *facepalm*


im not usually a warzone quitter unless its under extreme circumstances, but now that i get virtually nothing from loosing thats going to change real fast

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even winning you barely make enough commendations to pay for the med pacs used during the battle


1 medpac costs 20 wz coms. If match lasts 9 minutes you will potentially use 6 med pacs or 120 commendations worth.


How many of you have gotten 120 commendations in 1 wz today?


They broke it, hope like hell they are working on a hotfix


Yeah, this is a change I didn't quite understand. I guess I just kind of considered warzone medpacks a given, since it's not exactly as if you can spam them or anything. My mistake, I guess. They're a privilege--I see that now. I just hate wasting my crafted medpacs in warzones, since it's such a pain in the butt to get the mats for them.

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Yeah, this is a change I didn't quite understand. I guess I just kind of considered warzone medpacks a given, since it's not exactly as if you can spam them or anything. My mistake, I guess. They're a privilege--I see that now. I just hate wasting my crafted medpacs in warzones, since it's such a pain in the butt to get the mats for them.


Maybe you can buy medpacs off the GTN with all the phat lewtz you make off of WZ now... Oh Wait! LOL

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