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1.2 Sith Marauder PVP Builds


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I'm experimenting with all three. There's some synergy talents which have been moved around to favour carnage and the extra 20% to smash makes rage viable so going to give them all a go :-)


My rage build is now doing about 30% LESS dmg than pre patch. I just got EATEN against a Guardian bad. Seems their DMG just got UPPED by alot and we can barely scratch them.


Somewhere marauders got screwed. My rage is building 1/2 as fast as well.

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My rage build is now doing about 30% LESS dmg than pre patch. I just got EATEN against a Guardian bad. Seems their DMG just got UPPED by alot and we can barely scratch them.


Somewhere marauders got screwed. My rage is building 1/2 as fast as well.


cant speak for the damage part cause it does look as if i am still putting good numbers up. i can say i feel as if rage buidling is way slower and needs to be adjusted big time.

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My rage build is now doing about 30% LESS dmg than pre patch. I just got EATEN against a Guardian bad. Seems their DMG just got UPPED by alot and we can barely scratch them.


Somewhere marauders got screwed. My rage is building 1/2 as fast as well.


SAME HERE! Sentinel. I can barely break 5k! I've done it only once. And that is once I've popped everything. My surge has been nerged to 66%. Im just not sure if I should take the expertise hit as I drop way faster now. So squishy..


Must try other specs.

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So far what I've mainly noticed that that Carnage became more PvP viable. Carnage is a single target PvE spec, but with 1.2 it's now a decent PvP spec., but it has it's draw-backs.


First off is that you are single target, and only have Force Charge to close distances. The changes the how we build Fury in this spec. makes Massacre spamming do a crapload more damage, esp. when stacked with Berserk.


Rage will give you more stuns and another ability to close the gap on ranged opponents. The trade off for the damage nerf is increased survivability. Rage Marauders/Sentinels are slightly annoying, you just have to really focus fire them down.



Being that my guild is mainly PvE oriented I went Carnage, my squishiness depends solely on how many people are attacking me...in 1v1 fights I do really well, and I've also noticed that I can burn down people faster than they can be single healed (Bloodthirst + Berserk).


I haven't tried Annihilation yet.

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Well my first try so far is 33/3/5 build.


I've been Anni from the start and loved it for both PVE and pvp...

I felt like a God whenever I had a pocket healer and like a Spartan when I didn't.


It seems my stats got a big hit after the patch though.I had 1700+ str pre patch.. I was using Power Augements because of diminished returns on Str.. and had 500+ power. Now I barely scratch 1539... and my power is down to 489


So it feels like I lost... in stats, but I guess that goes for everyone somehow.


I played PVP and although i got Screwed on the BM gear (since I remodded it and didn't know you could get the new mods in it if you just put it back to original prepatch) and lost about 50 Expertise points there.. I gained overal and went from 400+ to 700+


PVP feels fluent... and I feel even more destructive as before.. Annihilation is really burning people down now it seems.. at the same time I feel more squishy myself at times.. where I could withstand a decent beating prepatch without CD's... defensive CD's are now a MUST if I want to survive a fight with more than 2 people.


All in all it feels the game got quicker..


I'm content.. but would love to try out Rage / Carnage later.

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This is my current build just for those interested :)




My Old build for Comparison:





Some side notes:

- For PVP I had 2 points in the Predation Buff... giving 80% speed increase to self and party.

It seems they removed this, although I didn't see it in the patch notes.......

It's a loss. Because it was awesome for PVP especially huttball.

However Predation now effects the whole raid... which doesn't add much utility to my opinion, but well atleast at the start of maps the whole raid can get a speed buff.


- Force Camo got nerfed and it's certainly something I notice. The 0 damage after Camo was awesome for Raids (Gharj pounce never hit me... ) and pvp alike (go Camo and survive always...).. however I keep dying a lot more now despite force camo, DOTS keep going even though they have 50% reduction and seem to kill me more often.

Edited by Aragorrius
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Some side notes:

- For PVP I had 2 points in the Predation Buff... giving 80% speed increase to self and party.

It seems they removed this, although I didn't see it in the patch notes.......

It's a loss. Because it was awesome for PVP especially huttball.

However Predation now effects the whole raid... which doesn't add much utility to my opinion, but well atleast at the start of maps the whole raid can get a speed buff.


It was moved to a high level tier in the Carnage tree

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im a marauder with full BM and ive tried every spec since 1.2 came out yesterday, ive found that rage is best for my play style now with the 20% smash buff. u can hit 4.5k's with smash and im sure that with war hero gear i will be able to hit well over 5k. i recomend it but the spec itself is pretty self explanatory when ur looking in the rage tree, u should try it out.
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Here is the facts. They secretly nerfed the hell out of maras by "OPTIMIZING" battlemaster gear. Currently there are no mods that give anything but accuracy which is bogus. You have to hold out for war hero gear for surge increase. The only spec that is still effective is annihilation. Its not currently worth ot to spec any other spec. They really trashed maras. Broken gear they reqlly need to fix this crap.
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This is my current build just for those interested :)




My Old build for Comparison:





Some side notes:

- For PVP I had 2 points in the Predation Buff... giving 80% speed increase to self and party.

It seems they removed this, although I didn't see it in the patch notes.......

It's a loss. Because it was awesome for PVP especially huttball.

However Predation now effects the whole raid... which doesn't add much utility to my opinion, but well atleast at the start of maps the whole raid can get a speed buff.


- Force Camo got nerfed and it's certainly something I notice. The 0 damage after Camo was awesome for Raids (Gharj pounce never hit me... ) and pvp alike (go Camo and survive always...).. however I keep dying a lot more now despite force camo, DOTS keep going even though they have 50% reduction and seem to kill me more often.


They moved Predation into Carnage, as part of "unbound"


Force Camo was OP, so they fixed it.


Concerning your builds, I don't really see why you would spend 3 points to get a 6% chance for force crits, which will only affect Choke, Charge, Kick, Smash and Scream. Other than Charge, why would anni marauder use these abilities? Better things to do with your rage and global cooldowns. I suggest taking defensive roles / defensive forms instead.

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Im kinda new as mara (took 50 2 days before 1.2)

so dont really know what build to use (anni right now)

i have pretty bad gear at the moment since im new dinged (Recruit with 2 bm parts)

i leveled in Anni have tried carnage alittle but cant say what i feel is best.

my Main is a guardian on another server so i know the rage specc pretty well but wanted to use 1 of the other speccs instead since i got bored of it as a guardian and did not wanna use it again here.

As a Low geared marauder what would u say to be the best specc for survival/dmg in pvp Atm.

I loved the survivability of the marauder (1 of the reasons i took a marauder over my guardian)

but it seems its taken a hit in Anni due to the Stealth nerf.

I saw somone saying that rage had the best surivability atm is that true?

Thanks for any advice / tips guys =)

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They moved Predation into Carnage, as part of "unbound"


Force Camo was OP, so they fixed it.


Concerning your builds, I don't really see why you would spend 3 points to get a 6% chance for force crits, which will only affect Choke, Charge, Kick, Smash and Scream. Other than Charge, why would anni marauder use these abilities? Better things to do with your rage and global cooldowns. I suggest taking defensive roles / defensive forms instead.


It bothers me how many marauders don't know malice affects your bleeds.....

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I;ve specced rage again after 1.2 & noticed a considerable drop in my performance but i;m a noob when it comes to skill points. Could any rage maras post their 1.2 tree? I wanna compare to mine & make sure i've done it right!


I'm considering re-spec to Annhi instead after reading everyone elses experiences. Could someone explain the rotation a bit more? I'm used to charge - choke - smash - crush - smash etc...

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  • 2 months later...
I;ve specced rage again after 1.2 & noticed a considerable drop in my performance but i;m a noob when it comes to skill points. Could any rage maras post their 1.2 tree? I wanna compare to mine & make sure i've done it right!


I'm considering re-spec to Annhi instead after reading everyone elses experiences. Could someone explain the rotation a bit more? I'm used to charge - choke - smash - crush - smash etc...


You need to make sure you get your 100% Smash crit from Charge/Obliterate!


I've been a Marauder since the beginning and I noticed that I'm very squishy, so I switched to Rage for the dmg reduction, even though I love Carnage for its movement management (immobilizing Deadly Throw, longer immobilize from Charge, free of immob effects on Cloak), but Force Scream hits like a baby nowadays with the stat nerf, and dmg intake is huge again but I'm enjoying rage because of the hard hits, slows & distance closers.

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