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Everything posted by Empathicone

  1. I have not tried the Assassin tank, but for leveling the Powertech was great and easy to learn. It had few buttons for the rotation also. That is all I have to say. (Powertechs look epic)
  2. We have 2 people on my server that are over Valor 70. That should be fun for them. My server is kinda dead with.... EVERYTHING
  3. On my server we get no chance some times. When one of the popular guilds is not in the PvP is the only time we have a chance so I try my best.
  4. I agree PvP became pretty boring. The problem is my server is too dead to do anything else so I pretty much have to get ***** by Republic people. I try to make it as fun as possible.
  5. The level 50 PvP is Republic Controlled on my server and I went Imperial. I have to agree that getting no reward is VERY VERY frustrating. If you like PvP, you will be playing PvP alot to get the Comms anyways, it will just take longer. If you hate PvP, why complain about not getting a reward? It is a free ticket out of PvPing. You don't have to quit the game over PvP. Now the healers on the other hand, some are over powered. Some healers actually got nerfed so bad they can't PvP. I have pretty much just lost my train of thought so: Discuss this please.
  6. I used Carnage for leveling and under 50 PvP. When I got 50 I went to anni and it had great damage because of the top skill at the tree.
  7. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRrorfsZhZG.1 That is mine. It works very well.
  8. Only Juggernaughts get Force Push, sadly.
  9. With the third body type the top part of the helmet goes through the hood. I don't know if anyone has made a thread about this but I have not seen a third body type Warrior since I got it. Is it going like this for everyone?
  10. I think it was around somewhere in the 30's and both Juggernaught and Marauder get it.
  11. So I get 60 days now? Or if I didn't have a 50 I would have gotten 30 days?
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