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Very disappointed in Digital Deluxe items. Not as Advertised.


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I have the Digital Deluxe ed. and also pretty dissapointed.


I agree with the OP.

The training droid is indeed NOT as advertised. It's a useless item, as I read the advertisement it suggested you would get a sort of combat pet.


The VIP store aswell is pretty useless with only buff food, stims and a 1.5 million item to increase movement speed. What about that VIP bracelet aswell? Why would I buy one for a million if I already have one? Since its BoP you can't sell or gift it and you need one to get up to the VIP store so I'm missing the point to it.


About the STAP I sure hope it will scale to my speeder riding skill but reading the tooltip I doubt it, so pretty useless indeed. Saves you like 8.000 credits ingame, something that takes only a few hours on lvl 17 to get by questing and prolly at lvl 25 even less time to earn that.


Holo-dancer is cool but the time it stays is way too short. Why not make it like 3 minutes and increase the cooldown aswell.


Flare gun could use some better graphics and more 'intensity' aswell imo, I got everything on high on graphics and I don't see it that clearly, bit more smoke and more intense light might do the trick.


I like this game very much, after palying WoW for many years I think this game is better in many ways so to make it even better the changes above would help :)

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The color crystal was my biggest disappointment. I just looted a lightsaber with an equal quality crystal in the Esseles, at level 11. I also thought it would be any color i desired. If you guys made it black with the option of changing the outer halo any color we would like would make it awesome, and unique from normal crystals. Also change it to be like match armor, where it would take on the quality of the highest quality crystal we own, would be nice.


"position 144 in Fatman que..."

Edited by Karikma
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Yup, I also agree the DDE extras were a waste of money. Only the STAP is of any real use, the rest are rubbish. I think they probably spent about 5 minutes on developing those items and charged everyone an extra £20. Easy money from BioWare's point of view.
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I was let down as well. Thinking that the combat bot was a non combat companion and that the STAP would function like Rift's digital collectors mount. Being an altoholic I wanted a free low level mount :(

Only reason I didn't cancel was for the VIP lounge and I think $15(from $5 non refundable) I would have gotten back was probably worth the million credits.

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I mean, I guess you could play suicide alphabet by jumping off of the lounge and dying. Which is good for a few chuckles when the station is full of people. But something tells me spelling out LOL in a place where it's supposed to be impossible to die, with a few group mates, to freak people out is hardly an intended feature that we were supposed to be given.


LOL I was thinking the same thing, we should get all CE and DDE guys upthere and jump together LMAO

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You know they released details about the digital items in a video some time ago that pretty much said they were nothing more than vanity items. The stuff you get is as advertised - you just read more into the descriptions that was appropriate.


Stuff in deluxe and CE copies is always nothing more than cosmetic.

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I didn't expect the training droid to be a combat pet. That just seems unrealistic to me, and I can't imagine why anyone would expect to be given an item that would actually confer an in-game combat advantage.


I did, however, expect it to be a normal vanity pet, which is why I spent the extra cash on this version. I'm extremely disappointed with it.

Edited by belialle
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But they work as intended, only people always read more in text than they should.


Work as intended huh, clearly you don't have the Training Droid, just used it on a group of humanoid enemies and all it did was hover around it... If it works as intended then what is the 'combat assistance' in the fact it just hoovers there?


And it says it hoovers by OUR side not a humanoid enemy..


Working as intended in your deluded little world perhaps.

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I didn't expect the training droid to be a combat pet. That just seems unrealistic to me, and I can't imagine why anyone would expect to be given an item that would actually confer an in-game combat advantage.


I did, however, expect it to be a normal vanity pet, which is why I spent the extra cash on this version. I'm extremely disappointed with it.



Well it clearly stated COMBAT ASSISTANCE so in your opinion what does that mean?


Assist in combat... exactly... so what assistance is it that a droid just hoovers there and the enemy doesn't even notice it .


Offcourse I don't expect a godmode training droid that 1 shots enemies but I expect a little more then just hoover around enemy with NO EFFECT what so ever.

Edited by Neomale
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It's all distinctly underwhelming for $20 though.


The Holodancer is the same one you see in all the cantinas and stuff, you can just place it anywhere.


The training droid seems to have the sole purpose of harassing (or amusing) hostile players, as it is only usable on enemy humanoids, and all it does is circle them while blinking some lights.


The holocam is just a screenshot function that goes first person.


The flare gun is kinda neat, actually seems like it casts light too...but it shoots up so high in the air that it's hard to get any kind of use out of it at all. On taris, for example, if you're standing next to one of the undercity pillars, it'll go right through the floor above. Using it anywhere indoors is thus right out, since it goes straight through the ceiling.


The color stone is ugly, and equivalent (and better) normal crystals can be acquired around level 15. (but all pre-orders get it, not just DD/CE).


The VIP Wristband? I can't see how it's worth 1 mill at the moment if I'm honest. All that's up there are a bunch of NPCs, a jukebox, a cantina vendor that sells the same things as the one downstairs, a 'VIP Vendor' that sells a level 50 landspeeder for 1.5 mill, and the CE vendor. So far as I can tell, the wristband basically just lets you buy that speeder.


So the only thing in the entire package that's actually worth anything substantial is the STAP...and that only because they made the Lhosan Racer level 40 instead of 25 right before launch.


I Agree 600%


Makes me think I should send back my CE version from what I hear it is definitely not worth what I paid. I was loving this game actually until this came up.


Money already came out of my account as well, you would think I would have access to the deluxe content as well. Not happy at all with these developments.


Please Bioware / EA do not become another Blizztard.

Edited by Brokeone
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Should be allowed a refund on this.


Terribly misleading, I only wanted the droid that was meant to "Hover by my side" and "Provide combat assistance" and guess what? it does neither of those things.


Overall the items feels like little effort was put into producing them and I feel conned out of my $20.

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