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Very disappointed in Digital Deluxe items. Not as Advertised.


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The DDE items at least have a novelty use. The stores linked to CE/DDE/VIP players are busted, and are all but empty at the moment. Which is where the real gain comes from. You don't have to pay a million credits to get access to the VIP vendor. And if you got the CE, you were supposed to get another vendor full of unique social armors and other interesting things. Neither of those vendors have their intended items at the moment.


I wouldn't bother putting a million credits down for lounge access as things are. There's just no point to it.



I mean, I guess you could play suicide alphabet by jumping off of the lounge and dying. Which is good for a few chuckles when the station is full of people. But something tells me spelling out LOL in a place where it's supposed to be impossible to die, with a few group mates, to freak people out is hardly an intended feature that we were supposed to be given.

Edited by Radiatonia
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It's all distinctly underwhelming for $20 though.


The Holodancer is the same one you see in all the cantinas and stuff, you can just place it anywhere.


The training droid seems to have the sole purpose of harassing (or amusing) hostile players, as it is only usable on enemy humanoids, and all it does is circle them while blinking some lights.


The holocam is just a screenshot function that goes first person.


The flare gun is kinda neat, actually seems like it casts light too...but it shoots up so high in the air that it's hard to get any kind of use out of it at all. On taris, for example, if you're standing next to one of the undercity pillars, it'll go right through the floor above. Using it anywhere indoors is thus right out, since it goes straight through the ceiling.


The color stone is ugly, and equivalent (and better) normal crystals can be acquired around level 15. (but all pre-orders get it, not just DD/CE).


The VIP Wristband? I can't see how it's worth 1 mill at the moment if I'm honest. All that's up there are a bunch of NPCs, a jukebox, a cantina vendor that sells the same things as the one downstairs, a 'VIP Vendor' that sells a level 50 landspeeder for 1.5 mill, and the CE vendor. So far as I can tell, the wristband basically just lets you buy that speeder.


So the only thing in the entire package that's actually worth anything substantial is the STAP...and that only because they made the Lhosan Racer level 40 instead of 25 right before launch.


You didn't expect to get a real advantage in combat for thoose 20 bucks, did ya?

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And the color crystal... is even more useless than it was rendered when it became a stat stone. With the item modification system now most items you receive in low levels cannot have their color crystal changed.. by the time you get to use your fancy pre-order color crystal it is nearly obsolete. Please consider at least letting all weapons have a color crystal mod slot... even greens.


Amen. The color crystal, while neat, was replaced by my crafting by level 16. I got maybe 7 levels of use out of it...



As for the CE stuff... wait a week and go to a local game shop... I notice several "collectors" boxes for many games in Gamestops (I was in last week and still saw a Halo Reach collector's box) after the launch date from cancelled preorders, or over-orders (thinking they might sell more). They generally get marked down in price. That's how I plan on getting my CE.

Edited by JefferyClark
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I ordered the CE and my wife ordered the DDE. I ended up cancelling my Amazon CE order last week because of the grace period flap (before the update to give two days) and was going to order the DDE at launch. I did not really need or greatly want the statue and for the life of me am not sure why I ordered the CE in the first place. I think that after reading the posts on this thread, I will just go with the digital SE.


PS - Absolutely great game with a lot of potential. I hope BW makes it happen.

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Disappointed that my 'Training droid pet' is not really a pet at all.


I had hoped the Holo cam would create an in game slideshow of some sorts that would store pics, not just a bad version of *Screenshot*


A bit underwhelming for the money yes, since I only upgraded from normal edition to get these items, they really don't feel worth it nor are they all completely as advertised imo.


As for the pre order gem, I refused to use it as it is a horrible colour. Vanity made me keep my red lightsaber, much like it made me buy the useless DDE items. :(


Edit - as for the VIP vendor, its early days. I expect it will get some more items added to it. This is one thing I am not disappointed about at all. Sure, I'm slightly miffed that those with CE get more, but hey they paid more for it. I just hope some nice (and more affordable) items will be added soon.

Edited by TheRealMallidon
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neither of those are you being lied too...

the crystal does change the color of your bolts/lightsaber.

and it IS a digital/ce exclusive mount. They never said it would be GOOD, or even useful.




I have the CE, and I'm seeing the same whining comments about what's in the CE store.


The virtual items are not 'better' than anything you can find / buy in game.


You don't have to find / buy them though.


So.... get over it, and enjoy the rest of the game.

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I am really glad to see so much support. I really hope Bioware is listening to this.




Give us the training droid pet we purchased.

Consider letting speeders scale with your training level.

Do something with the holo camera other than making it take up an item slot for a print screen button

Fix the VIP lounge somehow. Make it worth using for DD, CE, and wrist band buyers

Do something about the color crystal. Give us color choices, take stats off all color crystals, make the pre-order crystals have a sliding scale to retain some usefulness, something.

Give us a 5 minute timer on the holo dancer or make it stay there until the owner gets out of range. Something more than a few seconds use.


No one in this thread has asked for an iwin button. No one in this thread has asked for a combat advantage. Everyone in this thread just wants what was advertised and what they paid for. All the people being negative or attacking the posters need to read more thoroughly. Also the people saying "Its just 20 bucks" need to learn the value of money as well as truth in marketing. Twenty dollars is twenty dollars. There is no law that says if your purchase is under twenty dollars the company need not give you what you actually bought because.. its only twenty dollars.

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The training droid is worse than useless. You have to stop fighting in combat to click on it so it hovers around an enemy for the 1.5 seconds before they die.


It does not "hover at your side" as advertised. The description was flatly false.


The standard the Federal Trade Commission uses for false advertising is whether a person of "below average intelligence" would be confused. I don't think there's a single person who read the description and thought it would not hover at your side like a non-combat pet. If anyone bothered to file an FTC complaint or sue (not saying I would, but if it were to happen), Bioware would lose. Summary judgement.


And yes, the mount should be as fast as your fastest mount, and the crystal is butt-ugly.

Edited by Felioats
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As long as each editions exclusives remain exclusive then I'll be happy. Reasoning: STO different pre-orders gave different "exclusives" also a lifetime sub did too within months anything you had paid for was available to buy from the c-store at a much reduced rate.


Don't make anything game breaking. Although a good idea for the training droid would have been an attackable but unkillable target so you could tweak your toon by obtaining stats for each power/gear combo ???


P.S. OP don't assume because someone has spent extra on something (CE) they don't think $20 isn't a meaningful amount of money (says me who has no idea how much $20 really is since I work in £ :-p)

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I started a similar post sometimes earlier last night and I agree 100% with what is being said.


I knew there would be some vanity items that would be just for show but I was expecting more from some of these items. Especially the Droid.


And for those saying that Deluxe Edition items are not always as advertised or that MMO all do this, I bought the Deluxe Edition of Star Trek Online when it came out and EVERYTHING that came was has advertise and some of these items were useful in the game. So it's not true that you always get lame crap.


Personnally, if I could get a refund for those items I would, anytime.


I love the game but this has really left a bad taste on the experience.

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Only thing I want is for the training droid to actually act like a training droid (aka target dummy)


I don't care about it being a pet, or whatever, I just want to be able to practice on it. I mean if you can't do that it's not really a training droid now is it?

Edited by Jnight
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Rather than making the speeders scale with your current ''riding skill'' just like that...

Make an ingame workshop in...say...Nar Shaddaa, that can 'rig' your speeders to match current riding skill that you have...for a price.


Makes more sense than the magical 'scaling'.

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My question is, where are all these items at? I purchased the DD copy but so far the only thing I have recieved in the mail or have in my inventory is the color changing cyrstal. I have none of the other things promised to me. Is there a particular level I get these things at or have I "really" been lied to?
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neither of those are you being lied too...

the crystal does change the color of your bolts/lightsaber.

and it IS a digital/ce exclusive mount. They never said it would be GOOD, or even useful.


Yes, of course, but people expect them to be worth additional $20 and BioWare knows that. What people complain is that the items are not worth to pay $20 for them because the items does not have the value expected.

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I agree with the OP. I'm loving the game, but I feel like I spent 20$ on really useless stuff. If I'd known it before hand I would have just pre-ordered normally to get the early access and been done with it.




Usually when I see people with bonus items in games I didn't order the special editions of I am jealous. Seeing those cool pets or mounts (the usuals) always makes me say "oooh shinie! I want!" Not this time, Due to the lack of training droid pet and speeder being outclasses so quickly, I wouldn't be the least bit jealous if I had chosen the standard edition. Thats what makes me sad.

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My question is, where are all these items at? I purchased the DD copy but so far the only thing I have recieved in the mail or have in my inventory is the color changing cyrstal. I have none of the other things promised to me. Is there a particular level I get these things at or have I "really" been lied to?


You need to enter your game Serial to access the DD items.


It's the same place where you entered your pre-order code.

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You all should've gone for the standard edition. 20 dollars for just 3-4 in-game items is plain stupid and wrong. You wonder yourselves why they are doing what they're doing ? Because you, the customers, are supporting this model by BUYING it. The moment you gave them your money (+20 dollars) you said you like it. That's how voting works in capitalism.


Learn and next time order standard edition unless the deluxe offers some really good items. Even if it's unique to that edition, it's not worth money if it's crap. And it's not like YOU are unique since 2 in 4 people have the deluxe edition...


Hey guy, way to miss the entire point of the post. I will ask you to re-read the OP's post and then respond based on what the OP's point/post was in regard to.

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