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  1. This ^ Also, since I've not used my droid in combat yet (been sending him on missions only so far and using my Khem Val tankbot mostly) I've not experienced this yet. Still though, he is a droid and they are quite chatty usually. I like his little robot voice though so I don't think I will want to club him with a spanner
  2. Its fine. Actually having to move around through places gives a sense of how big things are etc. We are supposed to be travelling across a galaxy, not the other side of your living room! In the 'other MMO', everything was 'speed here, speed there, screw 99.99% of the game world' and to do that here would be a mistake. Please don't pander to the lazy 'we cba' brigade Bioware, its fine as it is!
  3. You may hate pvp in SW:TOR, but I actually quite like it. I've not seen it at the highest level yet, so I cannot comment, but certainly at lower levels it is much better. As I quit WoW, low level bg's were 'one shot or be one shot', an absolute farce. No tactics, no thought goes into it. Spam every button on your bar and chances are you just killed someone, grats! There is no point even mentioning low level WPVP since it had died a death in WoW by the time I quit. Whereas I could have levelled a character up and done loads of it right up to the end of TBC, and early WOTLK, my newest characters ran around unchallenged mostly and my WPVP kills were usually in the single digits by the time I was eligible for Wintergrasp etc etc. Anyway, OP, I assume you have played SW:TOR to level 50, done weeks of PVP research to justify your post?
  4. And you base your figures on what exactly? Oh wait, I forgot, its the internet and 98% of all statistics on the internet are made up. Also as for paying, you pre order to get early access. If you have even logged in once on any server, then you have had early access. The game is not released, therefore you are not actually paying for what you are receiving at the moment.
  5. It's mainly because most of the people who are putting forward 'criticism' are whining. Their point may be valid, but they tend to say things like '**** FIX THIS NOW' and basically threaten to cancel their sub or such like. This creates a Bioware Defence Force squad, that then descend to squash anyone who oppose them.
  6. I'd like to add to this 'Extended maintenance' also. Half the time the maintenance on the 'other MMO' would last well into the morning too. Oh OP Its basically a pre launch maintenance. Get over yourself seriously. We've been given early access and its been great, now let them sort out the game ready for the new influx of people.
  7. I do enjoy when someone takes the time to put forward a well thought out and informative post on a subject..... Edit - Pretty much this.
  8. I like the look of the UI, but not the way it works. It doesn't work well at all and has a lot of issues and bugs that really should have (and were) spotted in Beta but have not been fixed as yet. Still, its early days. I actually like the way Warzones work. As it is at level 17 I can queue up with and play with my guildies who are level 23 and 24 because they got in a day or two earlier than me.
  9. Having played a lot into the small hours in the last 2 days, I'd say its really not going to be a problem at all.
  10. He has a point though. At level 10 you pick your class basically, not a specific 'spec' etc. Changing this later would be as ridiculous as changing a priest into a death knight.
  11. This. If there is a 'LFG' then please do not ever add auto teleporting in please, as it completely depopulates servers everywhere apart from the main cities.
  12. Disappointed that my 'Training droid pet' is not really a pet at all. I had hoped the Holo cam would create an in game slideshow of some sorts that would store pics, not just a bad version of *Screenshot* A bit underwhelming for the money yes, since I only upgraded from normal edition to get these items, they really don't feel worth it nor are they all completely as advertised imo. As for the pre order gem, I refused to use it as it is a horrible colour. Vanity made me keep my red lightsaber, much like it made me buy the useless DDE items. Edit - as for the VIP vendor, its early days. I expect it will get some more items added to it. This is one thing I am not disappointed about at all. Sure, I'm slightly miffed that those with CE get more, but hey they paid more for it. I just hope some nice (and more affordable) items will be added soon.
  13. WoW will kill itself... PANDAS HELLO?
  14. Time to tidy up my flat a bit and hoover, have some food, get clothes ready for Saxon/Hammerfall tonight. I'll wait patiently as always for access. 13th here < lol @ me
  15. Yeah, I know I'm going to love it. I played on the second last open beta, but only enough to see if it was good, not enough to ruin it! I reckon tomorrow yeah
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