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Very disappointed in Digital Deluxe items. Not as Advertised.


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I'd have to join the "I'm not satisfied" crowd on this.


While the black/yellow crystal looks good, IMO, in a blaster, it looks hideous in a lightsaber, and the first chance I got to replace it with a better stat crystal, it was history.


The training droid is complete waste of time to use. I was looking forward to having a "pet" but it's only function is to mark an enemy, and then it can be easily overlooked because it's so small.


I knew what I was getting with the STAP - a level 25, 90% speed, mount with a different skin than the vendors in game. The value of it is not having to spend the credits to buy one in game.


The worst part is that these items take up valuable inventory space. I'd suggest changing them to abilities, like the speeders.

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at no point did they ever say the DDE/CE mount was going to only be the same as the gurbby level 25 mount and then pretty much worthless after 40.


I;m sure if they had actaully told people the reality of the mount and the glowing turd crystal, or even the useless training droid or the inventory space using print screen button, they would of have only a fraction of the DDE versions sold.


Ahhh... so you assumed it would be better. There is your issue. It was always going to be a Level 25 mount, and assuming otherwise is foolish.

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Ahhh... so you assumed it would be better. There is your issue. It was always going to be a Level 25 mount, and assuming otherwise is foolish.


STAP (Virtual Vehicle)


The STAP is a sleek and unique in-game vehicle you will acquire during your journeys



thats from the pre-order site - where does it say its just a 90% speed useless after 40 mount????

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Ahhh... so you assumed it would be better. There is your issue. It was always going to be a Level 25 mount, and assuming otherwise is foolish.


Oh okay, so maybe BioWare ASSUMED that after I pre-order and REDEEM my pre-order code I will BUY their game. The deal was only that I PRE-ORDER however, and I might simply not get the game at ALL and play for absolutely free for 7 seven days, grace period including.


After all, they gave me a grace period based on ASSUMING I will buy their game. But why should I?


Heck, maybe I'll go play on a private server instead. This game is very story-oriented with lots of singleplayer segments, so community isn't that big of a deal. After all, there's nowhere I said that I will actually play on their LEGITIMATE servers after buying their game (not that that's a requirement).

Edited by BrainSplatter
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I totally agree with this post. Also the stuff on the CE store was such a letdown, the gear I can buy does not fit my character at all. I payed lots of cash for the CE mostly for the digital items, and they are such low quality.


Also i want to add, the CE unboxing video said that we would get a mouse droid, it is not named a mouse droid and i have yet to hear it make the iconic mous droid sound.

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I totally agree with this post. Also the stuff on the CE store was such a letdown, the gear I can buy does not fit my character at all. I payed lots of cash for the CE mostly for the digital items, and they are such low quality.


Also i want to add, the CE unboxing video said that we would get a mouse droid, it is not named a mouse droid and i have yet to hear it make the iconic mous droid sound.


The CE store isn't even finished. Just look at what's in each store between the two factions.


The Imperials get 7 customizations for one guy, a ton of customizations for a bunch of other companions. And the Republic gets only two customization items, one for Corso Riggs (Trooper.), and one for T-7 (Knight.). You're talking several pages worth of content for one faction, and not even a page for the other.


And even then, the Imperial side is pretty obviously missing a ton of customization options, if you're familiar with the companion listings. It looks like they either forgot to finish this feature, or have it on hold for now.



Also, there's this: This was the VIP vendor in beta, immediately prior to release.



Note the pages on pages of items for the Republic VIP vendor.



Now, as of this version, there's only one item there. A speeder. Something is definitely up.



Basically, the only thing we, as players, can do, is try to get Bioware's attention about this, and hope for the best. It's pretty obvious that both stores are seriously screwed up, and one isn't even finished yet, what with the CE vendor not having all the cosmetic armor items they said it'd have.


The VIP vendor, which is what DDE/VIP lounge members get access too, did appear to be finished. But the items were stripped out in the version we have access too. Maybe due to this being an earlier build then the last? Bioware has quietly rolled back to earlier build versions in the past, during beta for one reason or another. I really don't know.

Edited by Radiatonia
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I agree with the OP as well, the item description is very vague and opens the door for misunderstandings, as we are getting our first look at the items many people feel like they did not get what they payed for, and may have changed their order if they had a better description of the pre order packages. Edited by Odacon
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I wasn't aware that the Mount wasn't the fastest type available in game.


Had I known this, I would have purchased a Standard rather than a Digital version of the game.


Caveat Emptor. Let the Buyer Beware. Suck it up and move on, guys. This is the least of Bioware's concerns right now.

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i wasn't aware that the mount wasn't the fastest type available in game.


Had i known this, i would have purchased a standard rather than a digital version of the game.


Caveat emptor. Let the buyer beware. Suck it up and move on, guys. This is the least of bioware's concerns right now.


omg it's a mature rational response. The end of times!!

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I wasn't aware that the Mount wasn't the fastest type available in game.


Had I known this, I would have purchased a Standard rather than a Digital version of the game.


Caveat Emptor. Let the Buyer Beware. Suck it up and move on, guys. This is the least of Bioware's concerns right now.


Except that's bad business. I knew the mount probably wouldn't scale going in. But Bioware promised certain things in the other features that they haven't delivered on.


It's only Caveat Emptor if you assumed. They just didn't deliver on a few things, like the CE vendor. Which is what i'll keep bringing up until it gets fixed or we get a reply.

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Glad I just bought the standard version, I like it better that way anyway see I need to find everything instead of getting some junk that I actually paid real money for, well except that black/yellow crystal which btw I am still using in my blaster cause its the best one I have come across so far at level 17. :D Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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The CE/ DD items are underwhelming, at best. It's fine if they're all cosmetic -- there are just so bloody few of them. Calling the current selection half-arsed is overly generous, by about a quarter of an arse.


If I had it to do over again, I would have bought the standard edition.

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They're going to want to sell mounts and pets etc later down the line, so they're not going to be giving away an infinitely upgradable mount and a pet that fights for you forever and a buffing stone that levels with you, for like $20...this is just not going to happen. So that said, this thread is patently ridiculous.


Regarding the mount there are workarounds. Trion did it right with RIFT.


CE owners get a mount, quite common feature. It doesn't freely upgrade as you level up: it actually matches the speed of your best mount which means that you still need to spend money for a better speed. It is fair for everyone, CE owners still have to pay the same amount than regular players to get the epic speed but they still can use their CE mount.


It's the same issue with the crystal, there should be a way to turn it to a vendor and pay for a better version. On top of that to remove my CE crystal from my first pistol in order to get it back I had to pay 200 credits (which is a lot at a low lvl), nice move, thanks I guess?


That's the point: everything we get becomes obsolete with no possibility to upgrade. No one is asking for free upgrades, we are just asking for upgrades.


In the end, all my CE goodies remain in my lock unused since it is taking room in my inventory (this also is an issue). The only thing that will be put to use is my vehicle.

Edited by demotivator
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Is the mount lvl1 usable like the RIFT DDE mount? Should of done like that, would be cool and get a bunch of extra DDE sales, I bought DDE in rift just for the mount from level 1 alone.


I completely thought that the mount would be immediately usable (like the CE mount is in Rift). Mainly because the advertisements do not in any way suggest that it would not be usable immediately, much less level 25.


Many of the other digital items are equally disappointing. I completely regret buying the CE (I have always had zero interest in that statue of Darth Whoever), and would not have wasted $150 on it had the descriptions of the digital items been more accurate. And they could/should have been. I knew exactly (to my disappointment) what these digital items actually did the moment I moused over their descriptions in my in-game mailbox before even claiming them into my inventory. Simply based on the briefest of descriptions in their tooltips. So, obviously it is possible for Bioware to write accurate short descriptions when they're not attempting to be misleading with a product.


Very disappointed and feeling cheated.

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Your fault for expecting some super-mega-awesome items everyone would be jealous of.


In about two months no one will give a ****, neither will you.


I don't give a **** now. I just put em in the bank and went on about my business. Only FTP games give you useful items for cash. Fluff is fluff.

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I agree about the DDE items.


Brilliant game but worst pre-order/dde items ever I've experienced in any mmo.


Holodancer- got bored of it after spawning it 2 times.

Camera- Umm theres a PrintScreen button Bioware.

Flare gun- Not as awesome as I thought it would be.

Training Droid- 30 seconds really Bioware?

Stap Speeder- Cant use till 25 and gets useless real quick.

Color crystal- makes the lightsaber look like a glowing vibroblade or something.


So apparently the pre-order was £5 which is fair as I did get early access and am loving the game.


But the rest £15 was for a bunch of worthless items that I already placed in storage instead of finding it important to keep in my inventory.


Could've easily saved £15 for some decent steam games.

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