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Very disappointed in Digital Deluxe items. Not as Advertised.


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You all should've gone for the standard edition. 20 dollars for just 3-4 in-game items is plain stupid and wrong. You wonder yourselves why they are doing what they're doing ? Because you, the customers, are supporting this model by BUYING it. The moment you gave them your money (+20 dollars) you said you like it. That's how voting works in capitalism.


Learn and next time order standard edition unless the deluxe offers some really good items. Even if it's unique to that edition, it's not worth money if it's crap. And it's not like YOU are unique since 2 in 4 people have the deluxe edition...

Actually at the time I pre-ordered there wasn't a digital download for standard edition. THAT was why I bought the Deluxe Digital Download. The items given by the versions were misrepresented.


  • Crystal is gawd awful ugly. Hell if the color was purple you'd of had less complaints.
  • Holo Recorder is a screenshot taker. I thought it'd of made those funky holo recording you see in game that blue translucent thing but still MOTION VIDEO.
  • Training Droid was described as a non combat pet that follows you around.


Those 3 items are what most people are disappointed about concerning pre-order stuff and DD or CE. I can't talk about the store because I didn't get CE.

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Hm, my two biggest gripes are along the lines of most of the folks in here.


I love "pets". In the 'other large and popular mmo' that I used to play, I had almost all the small, non-combat pets you could find or buy (without spending real $$). Believe it or not, that was the main draw to the DDE for me. I thought that the training droid 'pet' was a great idea. Instead, it's a waste of an inventory slot.


I thought that the color crystals would be just that. Colors. I could have a stat crystal, and/or a color crystal. I thought that would be a great thing to have. So that no matter what the stats of your saber/bolts were, you could have a consistent, desired color (following the color restrictions, of course) and I find that's not what I thought, either.


Ah, well. I don't know if Bioware will change any of this. But...I am quite enjoying the game. I have just likely bought my first and last "extra/bonus" version of anything from them.

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One quick thing about the Training Droid item: I have killed a few near-dead players in PvP who'd insist on running away from my friendly saber, with it.


Against strong enemies, the droid provides a minor DPS bonus, all things considered. Not too powerful, but I don't think it was ever Bioware's intention to give DD/CE players a significant advantage over normal customers.

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Most overblown game add-on content I have played for the amount I payed....and I even played that 10minute "Kasumi" addon for ME2.


Ha, no doubt. The words 'Horse Armor' come to mind when I look at my items taking up slots in my inventory. I didn't get the transport vehicle yet, but from the looks of this thread, there isn't a whole lot to be excited for. I was hoping it would redeem this pack and maybe be worth $20. This content is worth $5, not $20.

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Ok, I ponied up for the CE and am wondering if I wasted my money. At least I get some physical shwag for my extra dough. Anyway, I just watched this unboxing videoand was wondering, do I get the security key with it? The video clearly shows it in the box, and I had never read/heard that this would be included. Any answers, appreciated.



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I received the CE as a gift but I probably would have purchased it anyway. First my son likes little statues like it comes with. Second he likes to listen to score music from movies and such in the car and I'll do anything to keep him happy while I drive. And Third I wanted access to the CE items vendor.


That being said I think the color crystal is ugly and not something I'd chose if given a choice. I mean Pittsburgh Penguin colors? Come on, I want a Red/Blue one for my Rangers!


The 90% speeder should be at least 100% if not scalable, and the other items are exactly what I expected: useless but slightly amusing. Although sometimes when I have my mouse droid out the mobs try to attack it instead of me...very amusing walking around with a parade of mods glaring at my little droid while I just stand there unmolested.

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I'm kind of a pet whore and when I found out the tracking droid wasn't a companion pet I felt very cheated because that's pretty much why I spent the extra $20 for the DE. Yes I know that makes me a total dork but a disappointed dork nonetheless.
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Lots of trolls in this thread.


While most of the items are what was expected (less than fluff) the droid was clearly an outright lie.


Training Droid. A small but advanced piece of machinery, the Training Droid will hover by your side as you explore the galaxy.


It's right there in black and white. The droid in game behaves nothing like that. It's clearly false advertising and it is technically illegal.


That said, taking legal action over that would be a joke.


Complaining in the forums and wanting a change though, is much more reasonable.

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Lots of trolls in this thread.


While most of the items are what was expected (less than fluff) the droid was clearly an outright lie.




It's right there in black and white. The droid in game behaves nothing like that. It's clearly false advertising and it is technically illegal.


That said, taking legal action over that would be a joke.


Complaining in the forums and wanting a change though, is much more reasonable.

HoloCam was kinda a rip off also.

Keep visual records of your in-game adventures as you travel the Star Wars galaxy.
Basically they deliberately left out a basic function like taking screenshots and toss that in as a "Deluxe Edition and Collectors Edition "Bonus".
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I agree. I should have either spent the big money for the CE or bought the basic level. AND to the two friends I am recommending this to as they are leaving another MMO for this one... I will recommend they just buy the basic game. The extra money spent is just fluff and not worth it for the Digital Deluxe... unless something changes. Edited by NarroSienar
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It's all distinctly underwhelming for $20 though.


The Holodancer is the same one you see in all the cantinas and stuff, you can just place it anywhere.


The training droid seems to have the sole purpose of harassing (or amusing) hostile players, as it is only usable on enemy humanoids, and all it does is circle them while blinking some lights.


The holocam is just a screenshot function that goes first person.


The flare gun is kinda neat, actually seems like it casts light too...but it shoots up so high in the air that it's hard to get any kind of use out of it at all. On taris, for example, if you're standing next to one of the undercity pillars, it'll go right through the floor above. Using it anywhere indoors is thus right out, since it goes straight through the ceiling.


The color stone is ugly, and equivalent (and better) normal crystals can be acquired around level 15. (but all pre-orders get it, not just DD/CE).


The VIP Wristband? I can't see how it's worth 1 mill at the moment if I'm honest. All that's up there are a bunch of NPCs, a jukebox, a cantina vendor that sells the same things as the one downstairs, a 'VIP Vendor' that sells a level 50 landspeeder for 1.5 mill, and the CE vendor. So far as I can tell, the wristband basically just lets you buy that speeder.


So the only thing in the entire package that's actually worth anything substantial is the STAP...and that only because they made the Lhosan Racer level 40 instead of 25 right before launch.


Thanks for that, now I know to just get the standard edition. :-D

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Firstly: I love SWtOR. I am enjoying the game thoroughly with friends.


I am however very very disappointed in the digital deluxe items. Specifically: The training droid is -not- as advertised. In the comparison chart here http://buy.swtor.com/us/ you can see and click on the training droid question button. The training droid is listed as a virtual pet that will hover at your side to assist in combat. Instead we got a silly item that does NOT act as a pet and can just be used to float around an enemy. The training droid is nigh on useless this way. Enemies die so fast whats the point? Please please reconsider this Bioware and give us our training droid as the virtual pet it was promised as.


Also the STAP transport is disappointing too. The STAP has gorgeous artwork and is an awesome transport but becomes useless very quickly as it is only a 90% mount. Between the pre-order color crystal and the STAP our big ticket items are useless by level 20 and 40, its very very disappointing. Please consider making the STAP scale with our riding level. (Would also have loved to see color crystals be just that.. color crystals, not stat crystals)


And the color crystal... is even more useless than it was rendered when it became a stat stone. With the item modification system now most items you receive in low levels cannot have their color crystal changed.. by the time you get to use your fancy pre-order color crystal it is nearly obsolete. Please consider at least letting all weapons have a color crystal mod slot... even greens.



Again, I love SWTOR. I know a lot of people (especially CE buyers) Will think that the extra 20 dollars spent on the digital deluxe is nothing.. but I also know there are a LOT of people to whom 20 dollars is a lot... we'd really like our 20 dollars worth and at the very least get the items we were promised (i.e the training droid virtual pet)


As a little side note: Did not want the full collector's edition. Nice as it is it was very expensive for a lot of real life items we have nowhere to stash.. BUT would have loved if the Digital Deluxe choice had come with the option to purchase the digital in game store access. I am really sad to get to the VIP lounge and find CE people have a cool in game store but DD people have nothing but a couple benches.... please give us a chance to pay 5 or 8 dollars or something for access to the cool virtual items.



edit: a Link to the training droid picture http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/525/trainingdroid.png/





Actually you are wrong all thru .If you read properly you see its all as advertised ,i never seen them say that the STAP will remain upgrade more then 90% anywhere.

Sorry but you knew that it was mostly fluff items and a mount which if you asked or bothered to check was a level 25 one.

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Lots of trolls in this thread.


While most of the items are what was expected (less than fluff) the droid was clearly an outright lie.




It's right there in black and white. The droid in game behaves nothing like that. It's clearly false advertising and it is technically illegal.


That said, taking legal action over that would be a joke.


Complaining in the forums and wanting a change though, is much more reasonable.


That's my only issue with the DD items. Bioware needs to implement a fix for this and I think most people would be ok.

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It's all distinctly underwhelming for $20 though.


The Holodancer is the same one you see in all the cantinas and stuff, you can just place it anywhere.


The training droid seems to have the sole purpose of harassing (or amusing) hostile players, as it is only usable on enemy humanoids, and all it does is circle them while blinking some lights.


The holocam is just a screenshot function that goes first person.


The flare gun is kinda neat, actually seems like it casts light too...but it shoots up so high in the air that it's hard to get any kind of use out of it at all. On taris, for example, if you're standing next to one of the undercity pillars, it'll go right through the floor above. Using it anywhere indoors is thus right out, since it goes straight through the ceiling.


The color stone is ugly, and equivalent (and better) normal crystals can be acquired around level 15. (but all pre-orders get it, not just DD/CE).


The VIP Wristband? I can't see how it's worth 1 mill at the moment if I'm honest. All that's up there are a bunch of NPCs, a jukebox, a cantina vendor that sells the same things as the one downstairs, a 'VIP Vendor' that sells a level 50 landspeeder for 1.5 mill, and the CE vendor. So far as I can tell, the wristband basically just lets you buy that speeder.


So the only thing in the entire package that's actually worth anything substantial is the STAP...and that only because they made the Lhosan Racer level 40 instead of 25 right before launch.


What do you mean $20?



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Most of the digital deluxe stuff was a bit of a letdown. What I care about the most though, was that the droid is not a pet as advertized. I bought this for three folks on the assumption that this was a pet. Well, and the crystal is pretty disappointing also.


I guess we'll get some use out of the speeder for a bit, but I agree with the folks who said please make these items learnable so they don't take up all that space in our bank.


I would not have ordered the digital deluxe edition x3 (or even x1) if the descriptions had been accurate.


Love the game, but the digital deluxe edition was not worth it at all.

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