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Very disappointed in Digital Deluxe items. Not as Advertised.


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This is the exact reason I've always just ordered standard edition before because the crap you get it exactly that. CRAP.


I liked Rift's collector's edition. The mount scaled with your riding skill and was usable at level 1. And I am a vanity pet collector, so getting that was nice too. You also got a larger starting inventory bag and "founder" pricing for subscriptions ($2 cheaper per month than regular price).


What sold me on the SWTOR Digital Deluxe was the vanity pet and the speeder. The droid sits in my bank and the speeder will save me some credits... but 8k credits is not that much at that level. I don't necessarily think it needs to be usable at level 1, but if it scaled with riding skill that would be awesome. Really hope they turn the droid into a pet.


So yea... I would like to see some improvements made to the digital items as well. Awesome post to the OP - very well written.


That being said, the game is very fun and I am enjoying it!

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I couldn't Agree with you more....If you haven'nt noticed by now, CE items in almost ALL MMO are utterly useless. I dont know why but if I had to guess it would be because of the QQers complaining that they're gimped because they aren't as rich as the CE havers. Just my opinion.


Too bad you have to put a disclaimer before your post otherwise the fanbois jump all over you.

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Scaling mounts are NOT some magical thing that, just cuz "WoW did it" it suddenly needs to be in every game!


Because no other game has ever had scaleable items/mounts right.


Has anyone ever noticed that the anti-WoW crowd tends to bring up WoW way more than the people who actually played it?


Give it a rest. WoW was informed by many MMOs before it, just like SWTOR is informed by WoW and many MMO's since.


This is how genre's work, people. Get over it.

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I have the pre order crystal and the advertisment is very misleading as it does give the impression that you can change the colour of your lightsaber to anything you like. It should have said change the coulr to yellow and black. I happen to know that in the UK they would be fined for this false advertising and as a customer I could get a full refund.
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I have the pre order crystal and the advertisment is very misleading as it does give the impression that you can change the colour of your lightsaber to anything you like. It should have said change the coulr to yellow and black. I happen to know that in the UK they would be fined for this false advertising and as a customer I could get a full refund.


Honestly it's useless to cry about that crystal. Soon as you reach lvl 20 it's useless for the stats anyway.

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I thought it would have been neat if you could use the holocam to fly, move the camera around and take better and cooler screenshots.


Now that's a good suggestion.


Nothing wrong with suggesting stuff, it's this constant crying like a bunch of little children that gets old.


Good idea.

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Not as advertised? They are what I expected, and what they listed. No one lied to you.


The troll is strong with this one.


Seriously -- you don't need to bump the thread with consecutive posts. Yeah, the CE/DE items are pretty much garbage, and a lot of us feel cheated. Maybe you don't, but this thread isn't about you.

Edited by AJediKnight
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Like a lot of people said, the real problem for me is the droid. I always thought that it was a companion pet or something similar, the only real use is for marking targets, but ***?


And also, the Holocam, I got really pissed when I found out that the only thing it does is putting you in first person and "taking a screenshot", and it doesnt even save the screenshot to the folder, so whats the f ing point to that? lol

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I agree with the OP. I was disappointed. All my items from this are actually in the bank and will probably stay there, except for the STAP. A little mad face about the droid and the color stone (wanted to be able to change to whatever color I wanted... not just yellow-black). :p Edited by Koosiyh
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I couldn't agree more with everything you said. I'm pretty much a Bioware fanboy, but I sure do get pissed when I'm lied to via semantics.


Advertisement "You get to change the color of your bolts" (Shows Crystal)

Reality: Crystal is useless in the game, and is one ugly black/yellow color that is unchangeable.


Mount: Advertised as a digital/collector mount.

Reality: Give it crappy speed so it becomes obsolete making the mount worthless.


Wait until patches start rolling out and they start giving us stuff we told them in beta should be in release, stuff that we knew people would complain about at release. We told them the AH was crap, the UI needed more customizations, target of target, a dye system so we don't look like clowns,....so much stuff they probably put on hold just so they can use it as future patches to try and make us feel like they're listening. I hate feeling tricked, but this is exactly what BW will do.

Edited by Tiam
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Having bought other MMO's at launch and seen what people get as "exclusive" mounts and pets I knew from the get go that all the pre-order items would become obsolete fast. They always do and always have to. If these items weren't obsolete fast they would be almost game breaking to have/not have. You cant give a game breaking mount or pet away as a collectors edition bonus or else the rest of your player base gets very annoyed and doesn't play a game they have a disadvantage in.


Sorry guys but I have to say next time think about the benefit of getting a clearly overpriced collectors edition with useless perks before you waste your money on it.

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Having bought other MMO's at launch and seen what people get as "exclusive" mounts and pets I knew from the get go that all the pre-order items would become obsolete fast. They always do and always have to. If these items weren't obsolete fast they would be almost game breaking to have/not have. You cant give a game breaking mount or pet away as a collectors edition bonus or else the rest of your player base gets very annoyed and doesn't play a game they have a disadvantage in.


Sorry guys but I have to say next time think about the benefit of getting a clearly overpriced collectors edition with useless perks before you waste your money on it.



This is untrue, when you upgraded in Rift your mount scaled to your riding ability. Also, I believe that in WoW that is how it works now too. I didn't upgrade but thought it was important to point out that for an additional $20 it is perfectly reasonable to assume you would receive a mount that you could use at level 50 if you desired.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again, the only problems I have are minor. Those being:


The training droid not what was advertised. Honestly I was expecting something that maybe hovered around your character and shot little bolts that did like 1 point of damage at YOU, hence the "Training" part that you either dodge or block with a lightsaber. Like Luke from EP. 4.


The Holo-dancer not lasting long enough, 20-30 seconds it really short. I knew exactly -what- it was beforehand so no complaints there.


Holocam is a glorified screenshot button (but we were told that in a way I suppose).



Everything else is fine.


The flaregun I love.


The STAP couldn't possibly level with training because that's even more of a monetary advantage over other players.



As for the colour stone, anyone who thought it would let them have ANY colour were just deluding themselves.

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I do slightly agree with the training droid. I imagined a non combat pet, like the mouse droid. I slightly regret the deluxe edition. The only things worthwhile, to me, are now the STARP the VIP access (I just wish the VIP vendor had more stuff!).


I'm of the same opinion. The VIP access at least ensures that the VIP speeder costs 1 million credits less, as those without will have to buy the VIP access first if they want the speeder. Is it worth an extra £15.00 for that? I dunno, it depends how hard it is to get 1 million credits at 50.

Edited by Mandrax
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As a little side note: Did not want the full collector's edition. Nice as it is it was very expensive for a lot of real life items we have nowhere to stash.. BUT would have loved if the Digital Deluxe choice had come with the option to purchase the digital in game store access. I am really sad to get to the VIP lounge and find CE people have a cool in game store but DD people have nothing but a couple benches.... please give us a chance to pay 5 or 8 dollars or something for access to the cool virtual items.


I agree about the Droid and the STAP, but as someone who bought a CE, I don't think that my paying $150 and your paying $80 entitles you to the store, frankly, that's all we really have, oh, and a Darth Treehugger (really poor quality IMO, and I'm not even a collector). I am pretty disappointed at the content of the Physical CE, so I feel like an ally cat, determined to defend any shred of something that I paid for! Rest assured, however, it will all likely be homogenized soon. People who bought the regular edition will likely have Non combat pets with simply a different skin than the CE//DD Owners.


Although since this happens in every game I buy, and I too am a Bioware fanboy, I've already lubed up in the appropriate areas and am just steadfastly enjoying the game.

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I think a handful of relatively minor fixes could make players happy.


The STAP really does need to scale with riding speed. Especially for a special Deluxe/Collector's edition mount, it really shouldn't be so limited. This is easily in line with most other MMOs. It doesn't give an additional advantage beyond the presence of the mount itself; one still has to level up high enough and pay for the license to ride faster.


Holodancer could have a handful of dancer options. At very least the twi'lek female model could have multiple dances selected randomly, but how about adding a male twi'lek for those inclined as such? Heck. put a Wookie in there doing "The Monkey"! Put a Gamorrean doing "The Running Man"! Have some fun with it!


Training Droid...I'm not sure what to do about this exactly but other suggestions are viable.


Flare Gun should work indoors without passing through the ceiling as if it wasn't there; it would also be neat to have multiple color flares. Sell some colored flare "ammo" from the VIP vendor for cheap - white, red, blue, green etc... that when used makes the next 1, 5, or 10 shots from your flare gun that color instead of the default. The ability to fire grounded smoke flares would be helpful too, for raid positioning planning.

Edited by Ellipsys
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