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1.2 patch has renwed my faith, post if you agree


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WRONG.. SO WRONG.. This morning before I left for work I redid part of my UI.. ALL 4 action bars are horizontal at the bottom of my screen.. LOOK HARDER instead of just running to the forums and CRYING.


That is good news!

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They really need to restrict posting privileges to people who are currently subscribed. There's no reason for us to have to deal with people who have unsubscribed but still have remaining sub time left.


This sooooooo needs to happen ... +1!

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If your not a sage/sorc or merc/mando you will like the changes. To me it feels like a SWG moment. Not a fan of nerfs especially when it effects our hardmode healer. Eh, just another annoying nerf and more will come. Time to jump ship.


I have a Sorc main and I am killing everything WAY too easily? did my talent tree get buffed or something? went into PvP and killed five in a row, with just shock and force lightning, why the hell am I so powerful?

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Sadly I was filled with much disappointment with the legacy system, which honestly was the only thing I really cared about in the patch. That's all I'll say tho in this thread.


I too expected more. I made it to legacy 23 having fun with the story lines, and I was hoping there would be some interesting things to do. 600k to reduce fleet pass by 3 hours, nah. I think they played it too safe with the inherited abilities, and I'm really just not that excited about anything that's been added.


A million credits for a level 10 orange set? Who's going to buy that when they can just level up and get normal oranges and save the million credits. I just don't understand I guess, maybe a little more gamebreaking would have added some fire, it feels like the emperor has no clothes.

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Nope, 1.2 hasn't renewed my faith. In fact, 1.2 has only served to push me toward the crowd of people who think Bioware's in over their heads with their accidental patch deployment snafu and the additional mistake in giving us false information until maintenance was over.


That said, I'm still a sucker and can't wait to get back onto the game to play with my friends. :rolleyes:

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The highlight for me is the legacy stuff, its greatly done and I am about to start my second char now and its really usefull to get a stronger companion due my lvl 50.


Compared to wow, where you get only overpowered items this rocks and Blizz should add something like that too, its way better and more balanced than the BOA stuff at wow.



Since there are no solo ranked pvp queues I dont bother with pvp atm, still sad that it was put back :( I just cant find it fun to play vs. premades and this happens all the time atm.



The promised "graphics" I still dont see, yes my char does have a less blurry armor now, but overall its still not showing the same texture quality like in cutscenes or the small preview windows ingame.


To colour the whole equipment into the colour of the chest piece works tho, its just that my chest piece which should be red and black, is pink... really strange.


I do also miss the slider for foliage distance, the grass does still pop up.



Ui I dont care, the old was sufficent for me - fps are still 100 nothing changed there for me.


Overall a decent patch, but I did expect a bit more in pvp and graphics.

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Like others, my faith never needed renewing, but nevertheless I am very pleased with the patch. My only personal qualm is that I don't have enough credits to fully enjoy the legacy system. But still, I'm very happy with everything, save for the several bugs which I've already reported.


What irritates me is how these whiny trolls flood the forums with "x should have been in at launch", "this patch sucks, bioware should fire someone", "bioware broke the game when it was already good".


I have honestly seen people who say that 1.2 broke the game. First of all, the servers came online less then five hours ago! How do you know that?! Second, these people are the same trolls who were complaining less then a week ago about how this game totally sucked, but now they're saying that 1.2 made a good game terrible?! Get your priorities straight! Either it was good before the patch or it wasn't!


I subscribe to the SUGO philosophy; Shut Up and Get Out. If you don't like the game, cancel your subscription, don't log back in, and don't complain with your remaining few days.


Don't like 1.2? SUGO. 'nuff said.

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The 16 man hardmode content has been cleared literally before I could download the patch, along with the nice kick in the nuts announcement of no ranked warzones, this patch has failed for me before I have even logged in.
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Never had a doubt in my faith in BioWare, from the moment I set foot in the Thanksgiving Beta weekend.


But this patch just proves that they deserve more credit than they receive on these forums. Here's hoping to a long history of this game with many years ahead...

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To be honest... no i'm not pleased with the patch so far.


It feels like a lot of nice ideas but most of it: half done, no more.

Legacy feels incomplete... okay you told us its only the beginning, so i'm fine with the legacy.


The "you can take out armoring" joke.... seriosly? what the hell were you guys thinking? THIS IS NOT WHAT WE ASKED FOR !!!!oneoneelevenone!

No one wants to take out the f****ng armoring mod if the set boni still remains inside the stupid item!!

Already searched the board because i thought it was a bug, but it isn't, its really intended...



Design... i've just checked out the "Campaign Force-Mystic's Robe" at the vendor.... looks like s**t. Wo made that crap? I would like to kill the guy/girl very slowly. I DO NOT WANT to wear that crap, no no no!

Why can't you guys just make something eye-candy?



And what the hell is this "Customize Appearance" button for? Its a "make everything in same color as chest" button, nothing more! Incomplete, fail!



User interface customization... it is.... wow yes almost complete! No kidding, you really did a great job on this one. I'm only missing color customization and more quickbars - nothing important.



Edit: just read the guy above.... one of my chars is neutral too


Edited by alexkahle
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You're entire post is a joke...


The UI overhaul is a MASSIVE improvement. Its leagues beyond what other games have out of the box and it competes easily with custom UIs in other games.


The only things you are complaining about are the few things YOU wanted to use in a UI. Sorry to burst your bubble pal but the UI changes weren't made to just suit you. The truth of the matter is the UI suits 90% of the population and I am sure the other 10% are getting along just fine.


I don't need any of the stuff you mentioned though I can't wait to get in there and move some stuff around.


You people are the angriest bunch of "me first" entitled gamers I have ever seen.


Ever since WoW allowed custom UIs you think every single developer has to include all the features of the custom UI that you like.


Well, it doesn't. Get Over It.


this right here

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Never had a loss of faith. I'd played KOTR 1 & 2 before, so I knew what type of environment to expect. Wife and I wanted a game we could play cooperatively and enjoy, and this game provides that. This is our first MMO, save the trial game on WoW (which she didn't care for).


From what my wife reports, the 1.2 features are good. Looking forward to seeing what all it provides. And darn close to reaching Level 50 on my first character!

Edited by GreySix
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Actually noone gets to whine about the game. Bioware is not a new company and here is what bioware is known for;

Bugs in their games and lack of customer service.


Customer service is actually not bad in this game. I'm greatly surprised about that.

However, bugs are a whole different world. Every single part of the game is buggy and it will keep being buggy. That is just a fact about bioware. Fact because we have many examples of bioware games. Pick one and read about its bugs in google. You'll be amazed if you haven't read/experienced them before. Graph glitces, acceptable. Disconnects, acceptable. Queue times, acceptable. These are all expected things.


The only thing I'm not satisfied about is the lack of vision/work about PVP. A new warzone means nothing if there is no ranked play. Also, since we have dozens of servers it is highly unlikely the ranked play wil be decent enough to be considered a ranked play. Bİoware will not be able to fill all those servers. And the players will begin to give up playing sooner than later. PVP will die shortly after that and when that happens PVE will also die since unlike WoW the gear in this game sucks balls. And it is not hard to get that gear. In WoW players had to try it hard to get gear. And when they did they actually made an impact, both in damage/survivability/heals and on the other players who happens to notice you.

The bad thing about MMOs are, when they begin to lose players those lost players causes the game to lose more players and this keeps going. The dead end is that when there are enough players lost those lost players will keep new players from joining the game.

Swtor made a huge start with a great attendence. and they have lost so many players in so short time that I'm finding it very hard to believe that things will get better. I may be over pessimistic about all these but still. This is what I think.


I hope I'm wrong and we get to play a good game. Currently, we are "far far away" from being a good game.

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Let me see. . .


- Legacy has 0 pvp utility


- You can now make your character look better with higher res textures, just like it was in beta. the old high res was medium res in beta. So nop, no gain there, we were supposed to have high res at launch, not at 1.2


- My only character, sage healer, got huge nerfs, and I wasn't even enjoying it that much before the nerfs.


- New armor looks really bad.


- Ranked Warzones arent up yet, and WZ queues are still crap.


- Still can't bring myself to spam general chats to go check out "instances"


Now bring all that to the fact that I'm one of those guys who hated Bioware for those Mass Effect 3 Endings.


Result, finally cancelling my account on swtor. It was better than SW Galaxies, but its not better than other mmos. Sure the new story telling was great, but it not good enough to head to head vs other singleplay roleplaying games. (give more gifts to your companions so you can just talk to them some more? no quests? nothing?)


Waited to 1.2 to decide, and yeah thats it for me. Might come back later to check if they introduce some new "single player" story to the game, cause that's where it was the most fun for me.

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