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1.2 patch has renwed my faith, post if you agree


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All I can say is wow. This game has gone from a game I like to a game i frikkin love.


Solid job Bioware, its awesome now. everything feels so much better. ONE thing I want to add on the ui refurbishment is that your target window should dissapear when not targetting anything, that is all i can nitpick on.


love it.

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Jeeze you are easy to please the UI mod is a fail fail fail

We have no more action slots then we had prior to 1.2 and the 2 vertical rows can not be rotated so they could be stacked on the horizontal ones, as I wished to do. Well what i really wanted to do was leave the vertical columns where they are and stretch the lower 2 rows creating more action slots.The UI is a fail when compared to the Rift UI, SWTOR is a poor copy it.


It earley days yet but so far 1.2 fails to impress

Edited by Balthazod
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Jeeze you are easy to please the UI mod is a fail fail fail

We have no more action slots then we had prior to 1.2 and the 2 vertical rows can not be rotated so they could be stacked on the horizontal ones, as I wished to do. Well what i really wanted to do was leave the vertical columns where they are and stretch the lower 2 rows creating more action slots.The UI is a fail when compared to the Rift UI, SWTOR is a poor copy it.


It earley days yet but so far 1.2 fails to impress


Did you try it out first before you complain? you can make the sidebars horizontal and put it with your main ones UFAIL!!

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The entire UI is a joke, all you get to do is move stuff around and hide or make it visible.

You can sometimes Flip something, but you cant flip the Action Bar 3 and 4, you can scale entire frames, but you cant change their height or length.


You cant hide portraits, you cant increase the font size on player names, there is no visible class indicator, you cant change the colors of health bars depending on the class, you cant change the color of the text depending on the hostility and so on.




You cant see debuffs on you detatched from your frame, you cant scale your own debuffs, so when there are 4 afflictions on the target you have no idea which is yours.


You cant change the graphics of the UI, so its still the same thing, but now you can move it around and hide things...


There are many many other things you cant do, that any decent warcraft UI addon like AGUF or Xperl or pitbull or nurfed allowed you to do, and remember those were made by fans who got no money for them.


This is just a gimmick, not a real UI modification.


So no, just this one thing made me realise how ****** this game is.

Edited by Adderdin
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I haven't tried it yet, but i'm amp'd up, looking forward to try all the new things. The only bad thing i have to say at this point is, BAD BIOWARE! for making the trouble last night, and giving bad info, on how to not download or download to play today. Because i stopped my re- install and now i have to wait even more to play my game... Otherwise YAY 1.2!!!! :D
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I am 47 my parent would not be much use.


Like i said its early days I am not impressed we get to grind dailies to buy legacy not my idea of progressive gaming. If the columns can be rotated i have not found how to yet and they still can mot be stretched to create new action slots so for me its a fail.

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I am 47 my parent would not be much use.


Like i said its early days I am not impressed we get to grind dailies to buy legacy not my idea of progressive gaming. If the columns can be rotated i have not found how to yet and they still can mot be stretched to create new action slots so for me its a fail.


You may be 47, but you come across as a spoiled child. I'm not saying this to flame you: It's just the impression you project, in case you were not aware of it.


Calm down, go figure out how to rotate the bars, and if a feature you want is missing, put a civilly worded post in the suggestion forum. That's what I would expect a 47-year old to do.

Edited by Kthx
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as im stuck at work for the next few hours can somenoe tell me if there's an option to make the tooltip fade out instead of instantly disappearing?


would like to be able to hover over something be able to read the tooltip before it disappears if my mouse moves off it (moving players in the distance for example)


man.. im so going to be spending the whole evening messing about with my UI :D

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Upto now the UI changes are excellent. I'm just a little sad that we can't scale windows like we can in windows itself if you know what I mean (on the fly) but that prolly would have been a tall order because of the icons having to resize and the performace issues along with that.


Overall I can't really comment on legacy because I'm still messing with it and I'm only level 2 legacy.


At the end of the day, it is what it is and if people no longer enjoy a game then they should find a new game to play and leave the people alone who do enjoy playing it. I mean if you hated your job then you would look for a new job.

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Jeeze you are easy to please the UI mod is a fail fail fail

We have no more action slots then we had prior to 1.2 and the 2 vertical rows can not be rotated so they could be stacked on the horizontal ones, as I wished to do. Well what i really wanted to do was leave the vertical columns where they are and stretch the lower 2 rows creating more action slots.The UI is a fail when compared to the Rift UI, SWTOR is a poor copy it.


It earley days yet but so far 1.2 fails to impress


I find your lack of faith disturbing.

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