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1.2 first impressions


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It's not quite as bad as I expected it to be, but only by a smidgen. My sages and my sorc were the only thing really keeping me in the game any more... and now I really don't want to play them either.


I had unsubscribed with 3 months left. I'm going to try to get them to suspend the account, so I can reactivate those 3 months at a later date. If not, it'll be 3 months worth of subs down the drain and that will make me feel even less amenable to returning in future.


I'm sure plenty of others will have fun. I'm waiting on TSW and mebbe some GW2 thrown in there too.






Well funcom did this with Anarchy online Graphics engine update for 3 Years and as far as i know it still not out, i read somewhere they are shutting down the servers in January of next year.


Nonsense. AO is implementing a whole range of updates and just released the latest engine up-date video. Sure... it's taking forever - but they're getting there. :)

Edited by XtremJedi
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I kind of wanted more from this patch, mainly stuff that probably will come in 1.3 or so. Cross server lfg for fp's and wz's, dualspec etc.

It is still a very nice upgrade especially with the UI customization and most of them bug fixes.

I however find the legacy system a bit pointless even I have several alts on my account, 2 of them lvl 50.

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Well... I am Glad they got it out before my sub ran out.


Looks better but still not what I personally had built it up to.

The hype and my own dream of what SWTOR would be has left me feeling bad.


I will un-sub and may come back at a later time.....


But for now it was fun and new games are coming....


Thanks for the ride...


Dog out ..........

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The Columi / Rakata chest plate Hood skin is laaammmeeee, give me back my old one =(


also my Hardened Flexglass headgear DOESNT show weither or not I have head slot showing or not =(


Otherwise awsome patch ... but still PUT THE MARAUDER HOOD BACK TO WHAT IT WAS BEFORE ... please =)

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I am dissatisfied that so much effort is being made to close out "negative" threads. There must be an army of censors on the forums right now. I wish this same effort was put into fixing the bugs that were introduced in this version, patch, or whatever they call it.
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I don't really care too much for the change. Things are way too expensive now. And my abilities are lacking, the bonus set did not come over from one gear to another which I was told it would.

Oh well. I may stop playing for awhile. Sometime change is bleh. And not worth all the hype. Maybe my expectations were too high? I dunno.

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How does everyone feel about the new PVP? Honestly im pretty irritated at the fact that you get next to nothing if your team losses and even the rewards for winning arent all that great. Maybe im just spoiled on the way it was. :) opinions?
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How does everyone feel about the new PVP? Honestly im pretty irritated at the fact that you get next to nothing if your team losses and even the rewards for winning arent all that great. Maybe im just spoiled on the way it was. :) opinions?


I get where there intentions are with it. However, it seems to me that it will take something that was already skewed Empire and make it even more-so. It's already tough getting spawned with folks that outclass you for the most part playing Republic but at least you used to get some credit for taking the time to do it... now it's a time sink with no real reward.

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How does everyone feel about the new PVP? Honestly im pretty irritated at the fact that you get next to nothing if your team losses and even the rewards for winning arent all that great. Maybe im just spoiled on the way it was. :) opinions?


If you play 2hours a day, it will take you 6months to get the WH set, i would say that you pretty spot on.


Its ridiculius.

Edited by davidpop
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I think there's an issue with the colour matching, none of the helmets for my Bounty Hunter colour change to match the armour, not even a little, especially the mando helmets nothing happens to them, hope this is a bug, anyone else having this issue?


my trooper's helmet doesnt color match either

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My first impressions of 1.2 is that it's meh. It doesn't really offer me anything. There are some new dungeons I'll likely never see, an interface editor I'll probably never use because I think the current UI looks fine and the Legacy system is a huge disappointment with boring unlocks and everything costing a ton of credits.
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This patch is complete and utter crap. This shows nothing but utter incompetence by Bioware, not only that, but that little slick move they did, 2 hrs before midnight the previous day, announcing that rated WZ's won't be in, only pissed my whole guild off.


Lets see.


1. Legacy is useless and pointless since 99% of it is purely cosmetic. Not only that but it's about 1/4th the overall stuff they promised in their bragging videos and to buy even the basic things, you better be ready to spam some daily missions for money. Of course, their non-existent economy is to blame for this. What other way is there to spend money in this game then useless crap, so they decided to throw some more useless crap in our faces to spend some more money on. What idiot actually places training dummies in a game, that cost half a million creds, that don't work properly?


2. PVP... is absolutely horrible. After healing for majority of my play time before 1.2, I've just joined the masses and started DPS'ing full time. Never in ANY MMO have I felt so alienated and insulted by the dev team, who show almost no understanding of their own game and how ridiculously difficult it is to be a healer, ranging from ****** medals, way to many stuns and interrupts and overall alienation by anyone who wants to beat you over the head with a glow stick, since they all think that the grass is greener on the other side and one healer should die to them in 3 sec after they leap to the healer. Now, everyone and their mom can basically kill me in seconds, which means that I can't really fight back at all, or can I heal myself, since my heals take so long to cast. Mara/Assassins/PT are doing such ridiculous damage that most people have actually given up on healing as well and we've rolled full DPS parties, which generally net a much higher per cent of wins then rolling with a healer. To say that this patch reminds me of Rift's 1.5-6 and WAR's pathetic patches, would be an understatement. I just can't fathom how they can have actually looked at data and said, "OK", this is ready to roll.


3. Ranked WZ are non-existent. Actually, even with their announcement, mere hours before the supposed release of the patch, I feel totally lied to. This is the only reason my guild has stayed to play this game and of course, it's not existent right now and there isn't a hint from them when it will be. Their pathetic attempt to sort off cool off the situation by giving everyone a free month is nothing more then a admittance of guild before ANYONE said anything to them. They knew this patch was horrible even before they released it.


4. The crafting system... well, this is not new. This was the same exact crafting system that they had in their beta, which they removed because they taught it was way to complicated for their players, which then apparently wasn't to complicated for their players, so now they're re-introducing it as new content. Same applies to, "Match Color To Chest Piece", option, which was in the beta and which is again, being introduced as some sort off new content. I guess the overall mod changes aren't bad but... they totally and completely screw ever ANYONE who doesn't dry hump these forums and read things such as, "having any custom mods means that your gear won't updated", or don't drop your slicing or artifice for biochem because in reality, both of those will be good eventually, while we make biochem the most useless crew skill.


5. PVP rewards are absolutely atrocious. I'm an elite player that plays premade all day, yet I'm disgusted by the way they're treating their loyal and less hardcore customers. Seriously, people who aren't on vent, or can't devote 5-10 hrs of play time per day, get shafted. Even if they have the patience to actually stay in a losing WZ, if they don't manage to pull 8 medals out of their rear, they just basically wasted 15 minutes of their life. This also applies to everyone else, even if doing everything possible to win. You can tie Voidstar and Hutt Ball and if by some chance you get the lesser end of the stick, you get almost NOTHING.



What's good in this patch?



Really, the new WZ is half decent. However, you can't specifically que for it at all so you're stuck doing the same old Hutt Ball and Voidstar and Alderaan, over and over again, while you're wondering when this and ONLY NEW content will appear.


There is nothing fun or good about 1.2. Actually, to me it seems it isn't even 1/8th of the stuff they promised, even the basic stuff... This is sad to see because I've had this feeling that this game is nothing more then Warhammer Online, when it comes to the devs, and they're basically proving me right.


Guess it's time to pre-order guild wars 2 to get into the beta weekends.

Edited by Balmuck
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Not as worthless as your empty "/unsub" threats


Eventually when enough people unsub, you get empty servers. Oh wait, we have those. Doh!


My biggest problem with 1.2 is class balancing. PvP is completely borked. My class was never OP and now it's worse. I get cc'd and steamrolled every game. It's just not fun. The commendations system is stupid now. No comms on a losing game??? How many times do you lose when it's not your fault?? Cant get a full team and it's 5v8, pugs vs premades, healing is a joke now. The list goes on. I'm not going to reroll, half the servers are empty and their priority is a diagram that shows how my toons are related. In any case, if you like the game, more power to you, pay and play and have at it mate, but from the look of the servers, the empty worlds, empty guilds and diminishing fleets....most of those unsub threats are not as worthless as you may think. Enjoy your game, perhaps we'll meet at the next one.

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