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Aussie Character Transfers


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After todays effort I can see characters being lost, reset, altered...who knows. I'll wait a week after they give it to us (my bet is on late May) so thye can screw it up for a bit first


At this rate we wont see it until next year.

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We were promised when the Asia-Pacific went live we would be able to transfer our characters for free. We were then told two week, then April. We all have characters rotting away on servers with 200+ping that we were told we could transfer to our nice 20ping servers.


It should be a high priority, as our legacy system is moot since have might be wiped. Saying soon still after 2 months of patiently waiting is not acceptable anymore.


Hey don't blame me ... I have other toons I want to bring to the aus servers myself but I'm not hopeful.


Go ask them on twitter @swtor why they haven't done it yet. Too many plans for the game and not enough staff and well who gives a rats kaboose about a few thousand Aussies ..


But still , more complaints there would boost our discomfort.

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My U.S server is basically empty whenever I play it, so if this transfer doesn't happen, it's the nail in the coffin for my particular subscription, as its hard/impossible to find a raid guild that has realistic hours for me.
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After the mess of 1.2 I severly doubt that transfers will happen this year.


They do not have a stable enough patching system to enable moving characters around, as shown by this latest push toward an updated game.


With the risk of the corruption moving characters could cause given the state of the game at the moment, I feel they will have to put transfers on the back bench for a while.

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I'm waiting for the "Due to specific problems associated with transferring characters we have decided to cancel them for the foreseeable future. All Oceanic subscriptions started and active before 'insert date here' will have 7 days game time added to their account" reply.:rolleyes:
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I'm waiting for the "Due to specific problems associated with transferring characters we have decided to cancel them for the foreseeable future. All Oceanic subscriptions started and active before 'insert date here' will have 7 days game time added to their account" reply.:rolleyes:


Where there is a will there is away, also once they setup moves they could make a lot more money from people wanting to move. Its in their best interest to get this up and running asap.

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They should of done a server mirror transfer right at the start (which is now not possible). So we would of got all chars from one server to another server, not single transfers. This would then have no issue with legacy. But like I said that is not possible now because I am sure all of us have have at least one character on the new servers. *sigh*
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Come on BW. First you lead us to believe they would be available "soon" after the OC launch. Then you stretched the meaning of "soon" to include a nine week time frame and said late April.

Please just give us a real update on what's going on. At least pretend you care.

Edited by Roonerpsism
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In their defence it is the weekend and if you check Dev Tracker history you will rarely see responses on the weekend.


I would love my 4 Imps to be transferred across. I have made 4 Republic toons whilst been waiting as I didn't want to create anymore Imp toons, just created name holders for them so names weren't taken.


Oh well maybe we will here something this week..."not holding breath"

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They said late April - we are just going over the mid April barely


But we are getting no info beside the copy and paste soon. If a system for transferring our characters in our next week, you think they would have told us by now don't you?

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