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What do you want the most in 1.3?


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1. LFD tool


2. Dual Spec


3. Gear that doesn't look like someone was on crack when they made it



Pretty much if all of those 3 don't make it in 1.3 I'm done. Also if it takes too long for it too hit I'm not gonna be around anyways. Tired of waiting on basic game features that are only being drug out to maximize sub retention.

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i got another one


A Jedi/Sith class that focuses on lightsaber AND melee attacks. A lot more martial arts like fighting. where 50% or more of your attacks are kicks/punches strengthened by the force. Class name Jedi Sword/ Sith Gladiator.

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Server Transfers

I love this game more than any MMo ever and prob any MMo ever to come, just because of hw huge a SW fan I am and how great i think the game is. there is not much of anything i woukd change, at least not major and i cant complain about anything that is currently in the system. I just want server transfers to be aailable more than anything in the world. It would completely allow me to fix all my characters spread out all over the place and let me have a more complete full family with the new legacy system. This is very important to me and anyone else who would like to see this please say so, because we need to ge the word out as much as possible that we want this to be available, if we do nothing, then nothing will change. So please post if you want or agree with serer transfers becoming available

Edited by ChinamanAthena
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I'll confess, I haven't played PTS, but these are things I think are not in it (wrong with it). I'm not going to talk about class balance, that seems to be a person opinion thing, at best.


Space Combat: Love the quoted idea.


3.) Let Other players ride with you on Space missions and shoot turret lasers, or just watch (this would allow them to get pointers on missions they cant beat themselves.)


Personally, I also want to see "competence" at space combat add minor Credit/XP rewards. Finishing space missions requires little thought or input. Finishing them without taking a scratch of hull damage (as an example) is at least something you have to consider when playing, even if it still doesn't really push the boundaries. Give me challenging bonus missions!


Oh, and some nice things to spend fleet commendations on.


Legacy: Swappable companions. When you've maxed two companions of the same Class-type, you can swap between them. I don't really like Tharan, but Doc Lorkin is kinda cool. If you do it when they're maxed only, you don't have to worry about story elements messing up.


The "Neutral GTN" on spaceships doesn't strike me as being worth 5 million credits. It if granted you access to lots placed on any GTN terminal, THEN I'd think 5 million an appropriate price. Otherwise, I'd barely use it if it was free.


Dual spec already! I hate the constant respeccing to healing for Raid night, and then DPS because soloing Dailies as a healer is so much slower.


Faction swap: I'd actually like it if you keep you base class while doing this, although I don't know how story-lines would work. Possibly only allow the swap in between chapters, and have a small quest chain to place you at the right point in your mirror class' storyline.


Power replacement. I would love to be a Jedi who RP's going a bit evil and picks up Force lightning to replace Telekinetic throw. Or a trooper who could swap his Ion Pulse for Flame Burst. Maybe limit it to 5 skills swapped out at any one time to keep the basic feel of the class, but add somecustomizable personality to it. Mercenary who trades in his dual pistols passive for a Ruddy-big-cannon™ one (although that would be harder to do).


Loads more crazy ideas, but will stop here.

Edited by Tyrias
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- Remodel all gear. (Current gear doesn't look epic enough)


- Unique crafted gear


- More lightsaber colours


- Open zone events (To make it more living)


Rak Ghouls have gone wild and you need to stop them from taking over outposts etc.


A huge sandworm has been spotted and the Lord (Name) has offered a great reward for those who can bring me it's heart.


- Space battle GvG/PvP


- Space battle flashpoints


- Free flying in Space battles


- Class specific Sprint abillities. (Bounty Hunters can fly with their jetpack. Sith Inqusitors float on a lightning cloud etc.


- Beast Master abillity. (Let's you tame a beast and use it as your pet in combat. This pet will buff some of your stats and if you're out of combat you can mount it.) To get the skill you must do a long questline.


- LFF (looking for flashpoint)


- Dual talent specc


- Free server transfers (Restricted to once a month)


- New races (From legacy)

Edited by SweetZoid
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The one thing I want above all else is more hotbars. 48 slots simply isn't enough for all of a level 50's abilities, relics, stims, adrenals, PvE and PvP health packs, speeder, travel abilities, "throw the huttball", buffs (which could be 4 soon).


After that I'd like more operations. Larger, longer, more fun, ideally for 32 people but I know that's a pipe-dream, with a new tier of gear. Something involved like a series of trials that you have to get flagged from in order to progress, akin to the Muramite Proving Grounds and unlocking Citadel of Anguish in EQ1.


And finally cross-server PvP queues to keep the wait times down.


Don't give a stuff about ranked PvP, Flashpoints.


Oh and the whole 'bring a friend' mechanic... get rid of it. Use aggro ranges and let us have some proper pulling abilities that make or break raids.

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LFG Tool. Preferably cross-server.


Goddammit a PvE LFG tool should be the only real focus in the delopment of this game for now. And even then it would just be the first step to converting SWTOR to an MMO.


All other efforts are completely pointless until it's in place, the only multiplayer features that are actually working now besides WZs is GTN and raids/HM FPs - and then only if you're lucky enough to have a decent guild, which most of the players don't. LFG cryouts on fleets/planets have always met nothing but silence on most servers, and have faded away completely out of General chat as of now. IMO the Bio-person who came up with the idea "let them LFG through chat so as to boost socializing" should be shamefully fired and not let into the industry again.


"1.2: Legacy"?! LMAO. Legacy at present is a concept that's sole purpose is to further emphasize soloplay, all the features encourage you to roll more alts and make them intercommunicate. It's not even a vanity feature as no one but you can actually see your tree and whatnot.


So what's the fracking point of having an Internet connection for this game at all, blast it?!

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I would like this game went F2P so i dont have conscience pangs for paying for it.


They should address fps and sound issues.


Content wise, i dont know. I only have one lvl 50, so plenty of stories to experience. I would like them to rebuild planets to encourage more (much more) open world pvp.


New flahpoints and operations with more interesting mechanics, alternate routes, puzzles and hidden things you can use/activate to gain adventage like droids, traps etc. More story (like black talon/esseles) in flashpoints and operations also.


I would like they change vehicles so they move more naturally - ie no strafing, some acceleration


Some stuff for roleplayers like playable pazaak, sabbac and other mini games in cantinas.


I wont even mention chat bubbles becouse they should be implemented from the beginning.


Just few sugestions from top of my head. Anyway this thread is pointless as BW is unable to run this game like it should be run.


EDIT: same server LFG tool

Edited by Satanski
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1) Server Merges. Despite what Bioware seems to think, they do NOT have a healthy server population. Rather than ONE Server that is overpopulated (Fatman), ALL servers should be healthy. No reason why Fatman should have 1000+ online, while, say Veeboo Lunx has >100. Numbers may be exagerrated, but on Veeboo, I once flew to every planet, and found single digit numbers on ALL planets, and 17 players on the fleet. You can't call that healthy.


2) More creation options, as well as post creation customization. Even if the post creation customization is simply a place where you can change hair, makeup, tattoos, scars, and the like. I'm fine with keeping the same body/facial structure, but I would like to make changes to my hairstyle...such as removing my Padawan braid once I become a Master, and things like that.


3) Cross Server LFG/PVP Warzones. This one has been beat to death, not going to go into detail here.


4) Rated Warzones. Enough Said.


5) More options for Social Points. Players should receive Social Points for more than just conversations. Completing quests, grouping PVP, and even remaining in an ACTIVE group for periods of time should count for points. Along with this, I would recommend raising the requirements for Social Levels, to maintain balance.


6) Social Gear for all armor levels. Either make it scale to what your character wears, or release 3 sets of each model, one in each armor level.


7) Remove Sith Corruption for Troopers, Smugglers, Agents, and Bounty Hunters. I know the button is there, but for these 4 classes, it should not be an option. Dark Side corruption is tied directly to Force users.

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#1 Repair costs lowered

#2 LFG tool

#3 Duel spec

#4 Full color palate tool to change all garments what ever color or combination there of.

#5 Better looking garments for the Consular. :)


lol repair costs lowered lol just lol man - if u dont got the money for it u done som ting wrong -- i am pay close to 80k wen my gear is close to break but i dont got ar problem wed it - got 15.2mill so i dont see eny problem on the price for it - is so easy to get money in thes game so

Edited by Zoggel
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More Character Slots per server. Even if we have to buy them, I would like to be able to experience the universe as each class and variations thereof, but I don't want to roll out on another server to do this.

I like where I am. I like my guild, my firends are here.


If the above was provided it would make me very happy.


I looove this game, Yes theres bugs and faults but name me a MMo that wasn't buggy at launch.


Well done Bioware, Keep it up.


For the future I would like to see:


-Tailor/Barbershop type deal,

-Dual spec (1 free respec a week is great for now, Thanks!)

- More Customisation, Its always good being able to be you.


Take your time, I'd much rather see more of the excellent quality that we've seen so far than rushing through things.



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LFG option is a bad Idea. It's what helped destroy WoW. What I really wanna see is more races SW has tons of them and they need to capitalize on it.


These are two different games. WoW is far more expansive, and it is far easier to find fellow players willing to group up. That's why their LFG system 'helped destroy WoW' (which, by the way, is hardly destroyed).

However, in this game, because it is so hard to find other players (on many and most servers), and the game is much smaller, a LFG system would actually be a good idea.

The fact isn't that you think that the system destroyed WoW, you're one of those who look at the popular opinion of people who don't play WoW saying it's a terribad game, it's dead, and if we don't want to be there, we need to stray from all things like this. No.

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More work on Illum and open world pvp, currently this game has none. Give a point to it and make it fun, also with balanced numbers :/


Anyway, the cross realm LFG system in wow did destroy the community. Pretty much everyone who was around in vanilla agrees on that, with such a big pool of players everyone became anonymous. If they add one to TOR I think they should keep it to the same server.

Edited by NasherUK
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And to answer:


*Barber shop

*Hood up/down option (though I'd preferably like to see that far before)

*Group finder system

*Cross-Server PVP and grouping system (flashpoints only, of course)

*Animation swap up (example: use the running animation of the juggernaut for knight)

*Less expansive chat range (seeing the chat of another player far off)

*Chat bubbles

*Additional races (example: cathar knight, kel'dor trooper, etc)

*The ability to search for specific armor in the GTN (example: show only helms)

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