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Cancellation of Ranked Warzones for 1.2 and subscription renewals


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everyone thought that ranked warzones would be in 1.2, it has been announced for a long time. to cancel RW 8 hours before the patch goes live is definitely sub catching and cheating.

they should offer a free refund for everyone who subbed since april 1st.

Edited by Rikeryo
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So I'm not a hardcore PvPer and my main excitement for 1.2 wasn't the Ranked WZs. However since the moment I read the blog entry about the cancellation, I've beginning to wonder why was it announced at the last second, after Ranked WZs being advertised so heavily for 1.2 launch.


As I understand a lot of people renewed their subscription a couple of days ago just to check the new content. A part of those people (maybe the minority but that doesn't matter) did this for Ranked Warzones.


As a result, these people paid money to experience those ranked warzones and they are not gonna get them. If you apply this situtation into other "Real Life" stuff, replacing the Ranked Warzones with another product, I think the guy who claimed to sell that product would be accused of deceit.


I'm not accusing the developpers/Bioware/EA for anything. All I care is an answer to why did you wait for the last second to announce it and what are you gonna do for those people who subbed for these Ranked WZs?


well pvp seems to be a secondary focus to pve in this game , so who cares if we lose some pvp players who were pinning their hopes and dreams on a 1.2 pvp revival.


anywho I dont think the number of people who would have re-subbed specificaly for 1.2's pvp content is a large amount of players as anyone thinks,... but they are just the loudest.


I enjoy the game, (i qq with the best of em also.) i support the game as such I have 300+ days sub, and that ensures sooner or later i'll get the content, and i dont have to go wah wah wah about another EA letdown. when have bioware actualy done anything they said without backflipping?


examples ...grace period no grace period. ip blocking , no ip blocking. unable to buy from within australia at "global" launch... imported copies wont work, imported copies will be ok .. and so forth.


hope for the best, prepare for the wor.... Normal, if people are that upset about it, write off the 14 dollars or whatever the heck it is, and leave. dont buy another ea/biowre product. and tell your friend... thats more effective that forum qq.... .

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everyone thought that ranked warzones would be in 1.2, it has been announced for a long time. to cancel RW 8 hours before the patch goes live is definitely sub catching and cheating.

they should offer a free refund for everyone who subbed since april 1st.


not everyone who resubscribed did so for 1.2 pvp changes. does the word legacy bring anything to mind???


furthermore "ranked warzones" were preseason anyway , anything you achieved in them was going to be RESET at the offical launch of season one.soo... people are upset that ranked warzones that get reset at the launch of season one were delayed? you can still play the warzone..... so all your actualy missing out on is limited time period rankings.......

Edited by falcon_Xtreme
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everyone thought that ranked warzones would be in 1.2, it has been announced for a long time. to cancel RW 8 hours before the patch goes live is definitely sub catching and cheating.

they should offer a free refund for everyone who subbed since april 1st.


Aye, it's like McDonalds to advertise that on X day they're going to have a Buy-1-Get-1-Free Big-Mac sale, then have a nation-wide outage of "special sauce" that day and be unable to sell any Big-Mac's.


It's called a Bait-and-Switch.

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Aye, it's like McDonalds to advertise that on X day they're going to have a Buy-1-Get-1-Free Big-Mac sale, then have a nation-wide outage of "special sauce" that day and be unable to sell any Big-Mac's.


It's called a Bait-and-Switch.


no more accurately, its like macdonalds saying a "big mac with special sauce is coming out on this day".... then before the day arrives they say "sorry special sauce is not available until further notice. you can however still have the big mac. we are aware it doesnt taste the same. but we are working on it".

Edited by falcon_Xtreme
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they didnt trick anyone. Everyone knows anything in the patchnotes is subject to change before it goes live. And obviously people didnt resub a few days ago for Ranked warzones, they didnt exist yet, would have made more sense to resub today, or read live patchnotes and then resub.


You don't seem to know what patch notes are. Patch notes describe the actual changes that have been done on something. They are not blueprints to some possible feature that could be done in future.


As for your claim that it's "making more sense to sub later", that's not really applicable. For example I didn't cancel my sub last week because my clan consisting of good rl friends didn't quit because they had hopes that 1.2 would fix pvp. Now they all cancelled and I just wished we'd knew that in time to not have paid another month.


Others might have decided to farm some gear with their 60+ valor char before the system gets changed so they get a good start at ranked WZs.


There are many reasons. So please don't over simplify things to make your arguments fit your preference of this game.


6 flags has allot of rides, you can read about them all before you go. You can drive for hours to get there just so you can ride the superman all day long. maybe it was the only reason you wanted to go there at all. But if that one ride is down for maintainance...guess what you dont get ur day pass back, the park is still open.


You forgot to mention that 6 flags advertised the launch of that ride heavily for that day, so yes you should get your money back if they can't deliver what they advertised.

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not everyone who resubscribed did so for 1.2 pvp changes. furthermore "ranked warzones" were preseason anyway , anything you achieved in them was going to be RESET at the offical launch of season one.


soo... people are upset that ranked warzones that get reset at the launch of season one were delayed? you can still play the warzone..... so all your actualy missing out on is limited time period rankings.......


Actually you're not getting the bigger picture from hard-core pvper's.


Ranked Warzones would bring in a system that provides consistently challenging warzones for pvpers, as currently the best one can hope for is a 4-man premade (of good players) and 4 good pugs on both teams for there to be a challenging pvp match. With those odds, it rarely happens, even on high population servers. Currently warzone skill match-ups are 99% weighted for one team or the other and face-rolling/being rolled = BORING PVP.


Who cares if the rankings get wiped in 3, 6 or 9 months. When that happens those same people who were at the top, will then face-roll 10 warzones to get high-ranking and be offered the same challenging matches as the pre-season.

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- Ilum? No serious PvPer cares about it.

- It may be faulty, but even a kid could program a basic premade-vs-premade warzone. Ops leader -> right click on other ops leader (or via \ranked LeaderName or other command) -> queue ranked warzone. If other ops accepts it and they are both made of 8 players they start (or are queued for) a random warzone. Was this SO difficult? It's really simple, but would be a great beginning for organized PvP.


And let me say, PvP IS GvG.


Thats your view , i see real pvp as in orvr guild v guild or small scale gvg but over large terrain areas with objectives with and realm faction effects on ,


not wzs in stale enviorments where nothing changes,

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Actually you're not getting the bigger picture from hard-core pvper's.


Ranked Warzones would bring in a system that provides consistently challenging warzones for pvpers, as currently the best one can hope for is a 4-man premade (of good players) and 4 good pugs on both teams for there to be a challenging pvp match. With those odds, it rarely happens, even on high population servers. Currently warzone skill match-ups are 99% weighted for one team or the other and face-rolling/being rolled = BORING PVP.


Who cares if the rankings get wiped in 3, 6 or 9 months. When that happens those same people who were at the top, will then face-roll 10 warzones to get high-ranking and be offered the same challenging matches as the pre-season.


All my Characters are pvpers, I log in I pvp. and im not even concerned about a delay of ranked wz's. for all we know it could be next week. would you rather a failed wz rank system or a decent one a little later?

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So I'm not a hardcore PvPer and my main excitement for 1.2 wasn't the Ranked WZs. However since the moment I read the blog entry about the cancellation, I've beginning to wonder why was it announced at the last second, after Ranked WZs being advertised so heavily for 1.2 launch.


As I understand a lot of people renewed their subscription a couple of days ago just to check the new content. A part of those people (maybe the minority but that doesn't matter) did this for Ranked Warzones.


As a result, these people paid money to experience those ranked warzones and they are not gonna get them. If you apply this situtation into other "Real Life" stuff, replacing the Ranked Warzones with another product, I think the guy who claimed to sell that product would be accused of deceit.


I'm not accusing the developpers/Bioware/EA for anything. All I care is an answer to why did you wait for the last second to announce it and what are you gonna do for those people who subbed for these Ranked WZs?


yes if they decided to cancell ranked warzones then this was a good idea and i mean a good idea by bioware/EA.


the ranked warzones would of just turned into a grief fest and wouldnt work to well in the games current class balance state.


the combat system and class balance would need to be fixed 1st before the ranked warzones would work.

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Lol... You do realize that EA has the honor of being 'The worst company in America 2012'. according to who? you?

If you like giving good money away for a sub-standard game feel free to. obviously you are too... why are you here? if you dont like the game why are you still here? is this a love-hate relationship? Don't get upset with others who choose not to like shoddy design, features, and content (or lack of). no not upset just wondering if you hate the game so much why are you here? why do you feel the need to even type on a forum of a game you hate? LOL maybe you have specific issues. Psychologist can help talk things out with you. Seriously if a game bothers you this much that you have to show so much hatred on a forum... maybe it is you who has the problem. Your anti-rage post smacks of irony. again you have problems.. showing anger to people who actually like this game... The title of the thread indicates that this is the place to voice opinions and feelings related to the topic lol. yeah so stay on topic... so you are mad they cancelled and took out the rated warzones.. worst things have happened in the world... I CAN BET YOU... that if they just pushed it out with bugs and problems with it.. YOU would be here also stating anger towards bioware... are you sure its everybody else or just you? being upset about a cancellation shouldnt be that big of a deal to be honest... they arent going to leave it out forever... its going to be put in... at most the next patch.. is this SO TERRIBLE? seriously... this would be a personal issue... maybe your age? maybe your age mentality? or maybe there is something else. But to get this worked up over a problem with rated warzone and not implementing it. LOL seriuosly man. face it. You like to complain. Do you actually work for EA or are you just another fanboi? or you just an EA hater? because you do show a lot of hatred just in your first statement.. if you think EA is such a bad company.. then why did you even buy this game? whose fault is this anyway? I would have to say look in the mirror bud... again you call the company names and belittle it yet... who is teh one stupid enough to still buy their product? LOL and then you belittle everybody else because they dont follow your ideals.. LOL problems problems Just because you like being treated like a last generation gamer doesn't mean other people have to like it. They pay the same as you to have their say. just because you were stupid enough to buy this game on a company you dont like doesnt mean other people need to follow your ways. we pay the same as you and should be allowed to voice what we have to say... the question still stands... if you hate this game and this company so much.. why are you still here?


im in blue you have issues by the way... buying a game from a company you dont like in the first place... then playing the game from a company you dont like in the first place... then stay here complaining about the game from a company you dont like in the first place.....


LOVE-HATE relationship... dont worry we still love you

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All my Characters are pvpers, I log in I pvp. and im not even concerned about a delay of ranked wz's. for all we know it could be next week. would you rather a failed wz rank system or a decent one a little later?


I'd rather the proper allocation of resources to incorporate ranked warzones to be delivered when the company advertises them to be delivered.


The problem is BW and EA promised us this, have stated multiple times that "PVP is a big focus of the player base and we're going to work on getting these features in-place to please the PVP player base" then acted in a deceptive manner, at best, over a feature that is clearly a big selling point to their PVP community (what's left of it).

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BioWare: Ok so we are releasing 1.1 Ilum.

Bads: 1.1 Ilum was not ready to be released!



Bioware: 1.2 Rated warzones are not ready to be released.


Bioware: It's Not ready, we are not going to make the same mistake that we did with 1.1 Ilum (you complained about it)



Grow up, give them some credit, stop crying, and get over it.

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im in blue you have issues by the way... buying a game from a company you dont like in the first place... then playing the game from a company you dont like in the first place... then stay here complaining about the game from a company you dont like in the first place.....


LOVE-HATE relationship... dont worry we still love you




They beat out Bank of America. That takes a lot of skill ( and a hefty Marketing department )

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It was pulled because without x-server play it was going to end up being an epic fail, and probably leading to even more QQ from this community every time an 8m ran train on you or you were stuck sitting on the fleet for hours waiting for a que to pop. Don't expect to see RWZs rolled out anytime before some sort of x-server play and/or server merges are implemented. Edited by bklynfinest
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BioWare: Grow up, give them some credit, stop crying, and get over it.


Give them credits for cancelling major feature a few hours before they go live? How does accepting overrushed (bound to include many bugs and issues due to no testing time) last minute major changes (or marking lies if the changes are not overrushed) make you a grown up?

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I'd rather the proper allocation of resources to incorporate ranked warzones to be delivered when the company advertises them to be delivered.


The problem is BW and EA promised us this, have stated multiple times that "PVP is a big focus of the player base and we're going to work on getting these features in-place to please the PVP player base" then acted in a deceptive manner, at best, over a feature that is clearly a big selling point to their PVP community (what's left of it).


welcome to the redzone. now you know exactly how we felt when news about "global launch" came through.

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Let me give you an example, say you go to a restaurant and you order a steak and baked potato. Your server tells you that your dinner will be ready in 30 minutes. After an hour your server brings the baked potato to your table and tells you at that time your steak is not ready because they don't have an oven to broil it. They then tell you that you will get your stake some time in the future, maybe tomorrow maybe next week. Do you as a paying customer eat your potato with a smile and sit there and wait indefinitely for your steak ( and don't forget you have already paid for that steak). Or do you get upset, complain to the management, and never return to that business because they failed to deliver the service that they advertised?




Which restaurant do you sit down and pay for your meal before you have it? >.<


But OP I agree the night before they launch the patch is terrible tact. I was really looking forward to the RWZs too :mad:

Edited by DJYSD
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Its a billion times better to not realease Ranked WZs if they dont feel comfortable with how it is atm, than just tossing out something unfinnihsed. They cant affort another ilum.


Good call IMO.

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