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Bored with PvP? Reroll on Vulkar Highway


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Looking for PvP? Looking for rivalry in warzones? Is Ilum a ghost town on your server? Looking for players to duel and talk smack? Want 8 man premades if they are ever added? Guild moving on to Tera and your staying with Swtor?


The answer is Vulkar Highway PvP server. Its worth rerolling on this server and in the future transferring when they allow it. Server has a very active pvp population that with, limited tools from Bioware, has made a community of vocal players that have fun pvping.


Let the QQ begin below

Edited by Raist-
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Looking for PvP? Looking for rivalry in warzones? Is Ilum a ghost town on your server? Looking for players to duel and talk smack? Want 8 man premades if they are ever added? Guild moving on to Tera and your staying with Swtor?


The answer is Vulkar Highway PvP server. Its worth rerolling on this server and in the future transferring when they allow it. Server has a very active pvp population that with, limited tools from Bioware, has made a community of vocal players that have fun pvping.


Let the QQ begin below


I know of a whole guild that left Vulkar because it was Imp vs Imp most of the time and re rerolled to Ajunta Pall,i think they just need to consolidate some servers.

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Not sure who this is. This is Roofus Stormborne of Valkar, and Raist is dead on. PvP on Valkar is solid. PvE is fairly awful if you are not in a guild. But PvP is solid. Most nights there is limited down time between games. And in prime time, the enter PvP window pops almost as soon as you exit your last PvP.


So if you love PvP just reroll Valkar, or keep it in mind when we get a server merge or server swapping.



p.s. Raist it's Valkar, not Vulkar. ;)

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PvP rivalries are definitely the main highlight of Vulkar Highway. Everyone knows everyone and there's a fairly decent supply of skilled players. The reason this server has such a good community is the abundance of bloggers and podcasters that got assigned to this server pre-launch. <Nothing Gaming> does a podcast. There are around 10-20 bloggers on the server. There used to be a decent number of hardcore raiders but they mostly went into hibernation due to boredom but should be back with 1.2 and Explosive Conflict. There used to be a huge population imbalance and there used to be a fleet population of 200+ as compared to ~50 on the republic side but 4-5 entire guilds rerolled republic and now the fleet population is typically ~100-150 on each side during prime time and nearly 200 each on tuesdays. The server isn't overly crowded but certainly isn't empty either. We could definitely use more good players on the server but I sincerely hope most of the server community will stay as is since I know of a few servers communities that were ruined as a result of Reddit and Forum posts advertising them. I like knowing everyone on the fleet and knowing all the good players on each side. Games are a lot more intense when it's not just random people you don't know.


@ The Fatman comment - "The Fatman" is a cess pool of trolls and refugees from crap servers. There's no real community on The Fatman and the only advantage to the server seems to be a gigantic recruitment pool for guilds. There's not a single great raiding guild on the server and from the few hours I spent on the fleet there it seems that /1 is absolutely horrid compared to most other servers. There's just too many terrible players on that server. The ratio is just messed up because most of the people willing to fully reroll are players that aren't skilled and in decent guilds already. The result is a constant fresh supply of nobodies that reroll on the US's so called "best server". The PvP and PvE scenes on The Fatman are terrible. It's likely when server transfers become available and Ranked Cross-server WZs become a big part of the game people will move away to servers with more skillful players. The raiding scene isn't fully developed yet but "The Fatman" doesn't have any notable 16-man hardcore guilds. The server has a lot of people but it lacks TALENTED people. The anonymity of having so many people on the same server also breeds trolls.

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you couldnt post this 2 weeks ago when i started of fatman...now im going to have to maybe convince friends to reroll again onto this server because as stated above, the fatman has a horrible community. think i will roll first to make sure you arent just pulling my chain before i invite my premade :)
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May have to give y'all a shot. I've been mucking around with the pvp on Fatman. There is a whole lot of... whining in the chats (outside of that one Firefly conversation that spiraled out of control once). The only upside is that pvp pops almost constantly.


I'm assuming that most of the WZ's aren't only Huttball when they do pop?


Are there strong Republic pvp guilds that accept lowbies? I do enjoy the pve content, but I'm on a pvp kick. Actually being able to roll with guildies would be awesome.

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May have to give y'all a shot. I've been mucking around with the pvp on Fatman. There is a whole lot of... whining in the chats (outside of that one Firefly conversation that spiraled out of control once). The only upside is that pvp pops almost constantly.


I'm assuming that most of the WZ's aren't only Huttball when they do pop?


Are there strong Republic pvp guilds that accept lowbies? I do enjoy the pve content, but I'm on a pvp kick. Actually being able to roll with guildies would be awesome.


Can't speak for loser Imps. But freedom loving Reps that fight for honor and the Rule of Law don't care about guild affiliation.


We have few purposes in life:


1) To have awesome cut up manly Statue of David bodies.


2) To smash freedom loving Imperials in their face nuts.


3) To take beautiful women home with us because we have #1 and smash the faces of #2.


I guess if you're an Imp maybe it works out similarly with cut up troll women on the other side too. I can't speak to that.


Alls I know is, why are you still reading this and not making a class on Valkar?


p.s. If you do need a PvP focused guild. <Sith On My Face> i.e. My guild is recruiting as of 1.2 launch....any level. You'll eventually be 50 so it works out nicely like that.

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May have to give y'all a shot. I've been mucking around with the pvp on Fatman. There is a whole lot of... whining in the chats (outside of that one Firefly conversation that spiraled out of control once). The only upside is that pvp pops almost constantly.


I'm assuming that most of the WZ's aren't only Huttball when they do pop?


Are there strong Republic pvp guilds that accept lowbies? I do enjoy the pve content, but I'm on a pvp kick. Actually being able to roll with guildies would be awesome.


2 months ago it was nothing but huttball. Yesterday I had one single huttball out of a total 9 WZs. It's almost always repub vs imp these days because I think the Queue prioritizes imp v repub matches over imp v imp or repub v repub. There's some great rivalries between various pre-mades that tend to just group up. People typically have a set of friends they almost always queue with. Queues pop within 2-3 minutes all day long. The longest queue I've ever been in was a 10m queue at 3AM in the morning when I had a bit of insomnia.


Most guilds at this point don't care about your level of gear as much as your desire to play well and your ability to learn. The game's gear progression is quick and it isn't hard to gear someone out if they're going to be worth the effort. PvP guilds generally take anyone that's competent but the ranked WZ teams forming up do have gear and skill standards for obvious reasons.




For those of you considering Vulkar Highway please realize that the server is VERY harsh towards bad players. PvP is going to be unforgiving if you're from a server with an unskilled population. There are 2-3 pre-mades that have aspirations of being among the top ranked WZ teams in the world when season 1 starts. Expect to get stomped if you're not the type that plays to win. This is NOT the server for you casual PvPers and PUG Story/Normal Mode raiders. There's few normal mode PuGs because nearly every guild has been clearing Nightmare since January and the #2 16M server guild is in the top 30 US while the top server guild <Wrath> is 4th in the US and 7th in the world. Most PUG groups are for HM 8-man for those that missed their weekly guild clear for whatever reason. Most Normal/Story mode raids are made up of alts from good guilds. In /1 you may see me ranting about bads but it's nowhere near as bad as other servers here.


TL;DR - If you're a very casual player that doesn't have a competitive attitude and a desire to be good in either PvP or PvE you'll feel out of place here.

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Alls I know is, why are you still reading this and not making a class on Valkar?


p.s. If you do need a PvP focused guild. <Sith On My Face> i.e. My guild is recruiting as of 1.2 launch....any level. You'll eventually be 50 so it works out nicely like that.


Cos the server's down. I'll hit y'all up tomorrow. Well... in a few hours. Also, that's one of the funniest guild tags I've seen. Outside of <Spaceballs the Guild>.


Tumri, I'm really interested to see the play goes now that you say that.

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I know of a whole guild that left Vulkar because it was Imp vs Imp most of the time and re rerolled to Ajunta Pall,i think they just need to consolidate some servers.


That makes no sense at all, did that guild even attempt to pvp? Most nights in ilum there are more repub than empire. There are plenty of repub premades going every night and its easy to setup fights on planets for epeen contests.


The reason pvp is good is because most know who is who now. It changes how everyone fights and makes pvp much better and more competitive. There is not one guild with everyone in it also.

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NO! The secret is out!


Please, if you do reroll to Valkur Highway, please bring a good attitude with you. The community is pretty decent and we want to keep it that way! :)


Also, the Republic's population does need a boost more so than the Imps.

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The first night of warzones after 1.2 was epic. If your server sucks reroll here for sure.


Yeah the fleet was as full as I have seen it in weeks. Only 1 match of huttball which was a nice break. Also I was digging the new warzone.

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Just a bump to this thread. Everything the resident people from Vulkar are saying is true. There is a large amount of skill in the PvP front and it's no longer Huttball only anymore. It has to be almost a dead even population with many good premades running on both sides. It's also a fairly friendly server and if your a half decent team oriented player you will be noticed.
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