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Everything posted by HHGofAntioch

  1. /facepalm. That explains last night. We were wondering what was going on.
  2. The only problem I see would be in games like Alderaan (haven't gotten a chance to play the new one yet, but I understand it's fairly similar). Say none of my team bothers to go left even after I or someone else posts up asking for two left, rest right or center. It's an objective match, not a K/D ratio match. I go left, even though I'm usually more valuable as a player wherever the fight's going on. I'm not a great player by any means, but all it takes is pinpointing whoever's trying to get the objective and being enough of a PITA to serve as a distraction for the better players to swoop in. Say I get stuck at left though, and they never come to attack. I'm doing my job, watching for attackers (have 'stealth incoming') already typed into ops chat and ready for an enter. I won't get very many medals if no one attacks, but that spot will be defended adequately. I'll just be very, very bored and usually facepalming at the rest of my team's tactics (don't get a chance to play with premades very often). I do like the general idea you're going for - but it would nail alot of players stuck in defense. And honestly, there's only been a handful of matches out of the hundreds I've played where the enemy has continually left a node alone. That fixes AFKers right there. From playing last night on a pve server, our biggest issue is going to be people quitting. We had one guy proclaim that the game was over right at the front because they got two nodes and we had one. The problem, in his case, was that he didn't quit - he just refused to do anything else. It of course didn't help that we were playing Republic and were outmanned 6-8. Then it was 5-8. Then we had a continuous exchange of people coming in and out, but we never got back up to 6. He ended up going afk on left node (without telling anyone) - I left a healer buddy with him and took off to center.Two of us pulled enough of them off center to think center was under threat, and someone ended up taking right. It was too late by that point. Because he'd gone afk, an enemy killed the healer and took left. We ended the match with only three players. What I didn't understand is why the match didn't end early.
  3. Crichton on Sith Mediation Sphere. And I found out the other day that no one had taken Juan.
  4. Cos the server's down. I'll hit y'all up tomorrow. Well... in a few hours. Also, that's one of the funniest guild tags I've seen. Outside of <Spaceballs the Guild>. Tumri, I'm really interested to see the play goes now that you say that.
  5. May have to give y'all a shot. I've been mucking around with the pvp on Fatman. There is a whole lot of... whining in the chats (outside of that one Firefly conversation that spiraled out of control once). The only upside is that pvp pops almost constantly. I'm assuming that most of the WZ's aren't only Huttball when they do pop? Are there strong Republic pvp guilds that accept lowbies? I do enjoy the pve content, but I'm on a pvp kick. Actually being able to roll with guildies would be awesome.
  6. I ground my way through the planets on my first character - a juggernaut. I had no desire to do so again. I appreciate the fact that I can level up other toons through a combination of pvp, space, class quests, and flashpoints. The only downside is I will be lacking in gear at certain level increments - but it's a downside I'm more than willing to accept. Even as a brand spanking new level 10 (Sniper, Gunslinger, Mercenary, Vanguard) I only really feel the level difference if I'm facing a geared 45+. Yeah, I'm squishier... But yeah, I can still deal a fair bit of damage and rack up a fair number of kills, valor, and medals. I'm okay with that trade off if it means skipping Taris. If this is more about landing into 50 PVP and getting squished instantly, it's not that hard to get the gear to start dealing out enough damage. I hit 50 on a sniper a few weeks ago. I was only able to play for a limited amount of time but got halfway geared up before getting distracted by another toon. If you do your weeklies and dailies, you'll be fine.
  7. Same here. Tried it today a few times and it wouldn't work.
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