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1.2 Ugly Gear, What Were You Thinking?!


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Forgive me Bioware, I love the game, but I have to get this off of my chest before I can feel right about playing tomorrow.


This looks like WoW just ran through a burning building! Specifically the Inquisitors! You don't see Darth Nihilus or Talon running around with moss growing out of their heads! What were you thinking?!


This is how STAR WARS Sith look! No one wants to look like the Swampthing got ran over!


If the gear wasn't moddable (or mods able to be removed and put in STAR WARS-looking gear than I would be done).


Half of the fun of ANY game is looking awesome, especially on an RP server. Any self-respecting Sith would finish burning those scraps!


This kind of design process should be reviewed and approved by a small panel of BOTH SW canon experts AND fashionistas. What would Dooku say if he had to wear that to be any good against others?


Please don't lose sight of what you are making and the universe there-in; also it's obsessively detail-oriented fan-base.


And the Agents look like Jeeps.

Edited by DaniSparks
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I got to see this in game and it looks a lot better on players than in the low rez preview screens. Never judge armor by the way it looks in images like this.


It's true-- these low-rez images make it all look like complete ***. I saw a series of high rez, in-game images of a bunch of armor sets that looked really cool, but the low-res lineup sort of short looked horrible.

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I relent. I am excited to check it out in full rez.


They could have just loosely basing it off of actual Sith in the time-line.


They may have been going for orbalisk armor, like Bane's. But seriously, that kind of armor is for tanks.


Makes me so sad.


And having to re-attain all of the new gear after a lot of people grind for ages to get full Battlemaster gear. It's just not right.

Edited by DaniSparks
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I relent. I am excited to check it out in full rez.


They could have just loosely basing it off of actual Sith in the time-line.


They may have been going for orbalisk armor, like Bane's. But seriously, that kind of armor is for tanks.


Makes me so sad.


And having to re-attain all of the new gear after a lot of people grind for ages to get full Battlemaster gear. It's just not right.


You mean the armor second from the bottom right corner?


Looks like they did get some inspiration.

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I relent. I am excited to check it out in full rez.


They could have just loosely basing it off of actual Sith in the time-line.


They may have been going for orbalisk armor, like Bane's. But seriously, that kind of armor is for tanks.


Makes me so sad.


And having to re-attain all of the new gear after a lot of people grind for ages to get full Battlemaster gear. It's just not right.


Christ quit crying, get a nice custom set to suit your needs and move the mods onto that, /endwaterworks.

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What is the fascination devs seem to have with ridiculous, ugly, silly headgear!? It's not just TOR that's guilty of this, it seems to be a common theme in alot of MMO's over the past 5 years.


It does make me appreciate orange moddable gear that much more though.

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I think the sith armour is a bit too heavy plated. I understand during a war, even sith lords would wear armour to battle, but they sure don't wear armour as heavy as mercs would. It would be better if they wear a cloak over a tight body armour. I think my jugg would look better wearing a large bed sheet than these. Sidious wear nothing but the cloak? The jedis all wear cloak over leather jackets/ vest like clothing. The heaviest armour sith in the movies would be Vader only because he had to.


But if we talk Expand Universe, I suppose Freedon Nadd would be a good example of heavy armour Sith. However at least his got a very sovereignty aura about it. If you're going to make Sith heavy armour, make it like that. But i think the best way to do is still do the cloak over armour and/or add more more cloth piece to the armour to make it look less like a trooper armour with cape. As for the light armour, that just looks like some tribal cultist wear. Again, it doesn't have that majestic and prestigious feel Jedis and Sith has.


I like the trooper one the most out of these, and the BH to a lesser extent. I just don't know what the hell is going on with the Smuggler and Agent.

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Its not the smell, it's the burning of my eyes!


Seriously BW, this is the best you could come up with? Only a couple of classes get something that remotely looks good (not epic). Most of it looks like a blind retarded one fingered artiest threw up boiled yack guts onto a badly modded Jeep. Just the worst art design in MMO history, hands down!


Here is how you can fix it. Find however is responsible and fire them. Hire a western fashion designer and go over the lore with them so they can buy a $1 clue with $5 in the dollar clue store. Have somebody with eyes check out the designs before you spend money on creating swamp-jeep again. Prostrate your management in front of your building and make them beg for their jobs. Make them pass an eye exam!

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What is the fascination devs seem to have with ridiculous, ugly, silly headgear!? It's not just TOR that's guilty of this, it seems to be a common theme in alot of MMO's over the past 5 years.


It does make me appreciate orange moddable gear that much more though.


I agree, but within the logic of those game settings -- it can make sense. World of Warcraft, for instance, is a good example. The armor/headgear in that game makes sense relative to the overall cartoony and high-fantasy setting of the game. In Tor, not only is it ugly, but it's out of place. The consular PvP headgear has me wondering if the art team accidentally received some model files from the Age of Conan development team.

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On the Republic Side the Trooper Gear looks pretty cool.... The rest.. Meh....


Bioware has never really been that great at making cool looking gear... Mass Effect it's all basically the same, in Dragon Age the gear was really bad, thank God you could d/led player made skins to add to the game....


Bioware makes great stories but they suck at making cool looking gear...

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Bioware armor design team needs to be fired... along with their animation and PvP teams. All doing a horrible job. What kind of Jedi Knight armor is that, the scuba diving version? I wasn't aware we still used the brass helmets connected to a long hose that pumped down air. Seen "Men of Honor" just a few too many times, have we?
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It seems to me as if Bioware doesn't believe that endgame gear design is as important as other aspects of the game, and that makes me sad. I already dislike the current pvp gear and was really hoping they would make a change for the better...

The armor keeps getting more ridiculous and impractical, and I'd really prefer if there was armor that was based around the classes.


I think they tried to make the jedi and sith look like sci-fi space warriors...

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Some of the worst designs I've seen in a long time. They could have done better by just going to DeviantArt and randomly picking some designs from the Character Models section.


No, thats what they should of done to Tali on Mass Effect 3, not some google stock photo. Eh sorry off-topic but yeah the armor designs are... bleh.

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