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Ranked Warzone Preseason Solo should go Frist


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On the Community News Daniel Erickson said,


"In the future we'll be rolling the Ranked Warzone Preseason out in phases, listening carefully to player feedback and making adjustments as we go. The first phase will be full team, eight-player queuing only and from there we'll look at next steps as Preseason progresses."


This is wrong they should start out with Solo ques first. It will be hard on some server to get 8 people to test it. You will get more with the Solo Que than all ways having to find 8 people.


And since if you are on a low pop server and can not server transfer you would have to reroll a whole new toon on a different server. Some people do PvP on PvE servers but the rest of the guild could not care about PvP or rest of the server.


Thus it will be hard on some servers to get 8 people to play it when they could do Solo Que and get more people and have a bigger test than with the 8 player.


I know on my server I have que up for just regular WF and wait for 2 hours because no one will que for it. Now try to get 8 people all on at same time on same server. And cross realm PvP in no were in the works soon if they can not even get this in at patch 1.2 or even server transfers or even Dual Specs.

Edited by Molatova
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If you want to solo q you can easily do that live with up to a group of 4 people.


However, there is no possible way for a group of more than 4 to Q for warzones.


Bioware says they are going to do it, but flat out 8 man ranked WZ's are more important.

Edited by BendakStarkiller
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I agree solo queue is very important. Honestly I like the stat tracking and ranking functions best. A season/preseason is just fluff and very tertiary. Giving us kill counts, damage/healing numbers, wins/losses, and the ranking within the server community are the really cool things.


Having 8-man teams would be great but ranked solo is just as important.

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Even though i love queing with my premade, I agree with adding ranked solo que asap. from their post, it seems the BW is having issues with queing groups sizes of 5-7 people. i may be wrong but it also seems like it would be the easiest part of ranked wzs to implement...so easy that you can get it in during this downtime or before the weekend maybe? one can only hope lol. Edited by ForsakenKing
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If you want to solo q you can easily do that live with up to a group of 4 people.


However, there is no possible way for a group of more than 4 to Q for warzones.


Bioware says they are going to do it, but flat out 8 man ranked WZ's are more important.



I know but on some servers that is getting 16 people to que up on my server you are lucky to see 35-40 people at most at the fleet and that is low lvl people and high lvl people how am i going to get 8 people when there is no one there on the pve server that even want to do pvp.


For me and my server going to be a pain to get 8 people on my side to even care or even want to do ranked. Like i said before 2 hour lvl 50 que times for just regular sucks.

Edited by Molatova
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Look, im as dissapointed with them excluding RWZ as anyone, but think about it. The servers that are already dead would feel even more dead if everyone was off playing RWZ. five guilds competing in RWZ would render the regular wzs completley dead. As hard as it is to admit, they made the right move.


cross server que needs to come hand in hand with RWZ unfortunatly

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I also think that the solo queue is the more important one, and I'm not playing a a nearly dead server. SoWhy do I think so, because not every one is in a guild that can support a full team, not everyone can play at the same time his/her friends are online.
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Reroll on a more populated server stop crying when transfers come u in can play ur main again omg DINGDING


I do Not want to have to go Re Roll on a different server than the guild i PvE with. I do not want to spend all that TIME re lvling re getting money and gear to just pvp on a different sever that you may not like. You should never have to re roll ever. And anyone who says they should well that is just lame and the WoW mentality. Just because you might of done that in WoW does not mean YOU SHOULD HAVE TO DO IT IN SW:ToR.


This is the year 2012 they had Years to see what works and what does not work in MMO's from EQ, WoW, Guild Wars, Conan, Aion, Rift, and countless free to play MMO's.


The game should be better than this 200 million no server transfers no dual specs. Dropping the ball on the goal line here is what BW is doing right now.

Edited by Molatova
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Solo queue is most likely the reason that it got pulled....


They just don't have a team-balancing mechanic that actively considers tank/heal/dps. As such, you'd get teams of 8 dps against 4 tank 4 healers. 8-man queues are player-balanced and significantly easier to manage as a result.

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I can understand that the solo queue for ranked warzones can be quite problematic to program an good matchmaking system, so that one gets into teams with equal good players. And that no one would like to play with a solo queued team against a team that queued in full 8 man (the mixed matches). But BioWare put all your effort into this, because solo ranked warzones is the most important thing right now!
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Solo queue is most likely the reason that it got pulled....


They just don't have a team-balancing mechanic that actively considers tank/heal/dps. As such, you'd get teams of 8 dps against 4 tank 4 healers. 8-man queues are player-balanced and significantly easier to manage as a result.


You know its probley huttball that they cant balance. If they cant balance huttball then do the other 3 WF and not put in Huttball in Rated because face it that is prob the biggest one to balance for Rated 2 classes can just run wild in that WF compared to the other 3.


How is solo queue rated any different from non rated besides a bunch of meaningless stats?


The rated system is meant to facilitate coordinated competitive pvp which is why full 8 player teams should be a priority.



Yeah and then they want to do Mix Matches yeah that not cool 8 in a group vs solo que and then if not enough of them hey we put you 8 vs reg WF que yeah gg there that would be like me Que for Heroic FP and get reg BP yeah thats not what i que for.


And Mixed Matches is going to be another big problem if they go that way.

Edited by Molatova
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Look, im as dissapointed with them excluding RWZ as anyone, but think about it. The servers that are already dead would feel even more dead if everyone was off playing RWZ. five guilds competing in RWZ would render the regular wzs completley dead. As hard as it is to admit, they made the right move.


cross server que needs to come hand in hand with RWZ unfortunatly


besides BW stating that cross-server is coming in 1.3 (meaning that rated will come before unrated) i completely disagree with this. As a full BM, i would much rather play against other people that are in BM gear (aka entry lvl ranked gear) rather than the scrubs that i usually play against normally. makes the game more fun for me and im sure more fun for the fresh 50s who i can kill so quickly and easily.

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How is solo queue rated any different from non rated besides a bunch of meaningless stats?

In non-rated it is not that bad to play with a team that has solo queued while the other came in with a premade (sure you lose, but it won't affect any ranking). And in rated matches you want to be in teams with people who are about equal skillful playing against people who are also not too much better, so that one has a chance to win the games, that means BioWare have a working system for that (which they currently don't).

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Reroll on a more populated server stop crying when transfers come u in can play ur main again omg DINGDING


You have to be kidding. Just jump up reroll, grind all new gear, lave the premade guild that you was put in with all your RL friends just to pvp in a 8v8 with new people you don't know. I would say more about IQ points on this post but i would just get into more trouble, I meen for real you said this ?

Edited by Misspriss
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Reroll on a more populated server stop crying when transfers come u in can play ur main again omg DINGDING


I really hope, Hope, this is a troll post and nothing more. If this isn't I can tell from your comment that you don't belong to a pvp guild or have not made friends with any diehard pvpers on your server.

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Rated 8 player WZs on my server will be 2 Empire PvP guilds that play each other 24/7. No Republic guild has enough active PvPers on at one time to field 8 players. Enjoy yourselves, Imps.


Here is a crazy idea, play with people from other guilds that are having the same issue. Problem solved. I am one of 2 in my guild and have no issues finding premades to group with but I pass because its just not fun to win all the time. But if we could have 8v8's everyone is in a voice chat, its way more fun than have 8 solo people doing their own thing.

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