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Dear Bioware - 8 Man PVP


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I can understand not pushing out Ranked Warzones right away. Good, fine, I get it.


However, give us something as consolation or PvP will take a drastic turn for the worse. Please give us 8 man queues for unranked warzones so that we can "practice" our teams.



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This would entail Bioware doing one thing that dedicated organized PvPers would actually cheer, and they are plainly assiduously avoiding such a thing. It's baffling, but they actually managed to make 1.2 less attractive for PvP than it was before: less to do (killing Ilum), while adding only a new gear treadmill through more forced half-pugs.
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I can understand not pushing out Ranked Warzones right away. Good, fine, I get it.


However, give us something as consolation or PvP will take a drastic turn for the worse. Please give us 8 man queues for unranked warzones so that we can "practice" our teams.




hahahaha no It would make casuals and PvE heroes cry so that's not going to happen.

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Couldn't agree more.







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funny thing is everybody calling bioware, but bioware isn't the only one behind this game, they probably want to perfect their game, but EA is distributing this, so they have to go through a lot of balance within their network in terms of creatives and marketing
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That, or they have more than 3 friends that they want to be able to pvp with.


do people still believe this? PvP with "friends"...only if your friends are as well geared as you, otherwise..they are an acquaintance?



I get you need to grind for gear, but how much is too much? I have been 50 for 2 days, yes two days. I am currently at a 1 for 23 win ratio since .....haven't even been able to complete a daily(save kill 30)


the only win came on a low group number termination where we accidently got the hutball with 6 sces left because of a bad pass to stealth.


Not here to complain about gear or grind, just a shot at the sad sacks that think that farming pugs is their right or something.


business: your little group of 6-10 pay what $100/150 month...yet 30-40 don't want to pay to be farmed...so consumerly speaking....piss off.

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Or god forbid we learn how to make a warzone that has more than eight people on a team. I guess the only issue with that would be though is you would have to enable specific queuing, and I know my server doesnt have enough people on the republic fleet to fit a 12 to 16 person team in peak hours, much less 50s who want to que.
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do people still believe this? PvP with "friends"...only if your friends are as well geared as you, otherwise..they are an acquaintance?



I get you need to grind for gear, but how much is too much? I have been 50 for 2 days, yes two days. I am currently at a 1 for 23 win ratio since .....haven't even been able to complete a daily(save kill 30)


the only win came on a low group number termination where we accidently got the hutball with 6 sces left because of a bad pass to stealth.


Not here to complain about gear or grind, just a shot at the sad sacks that think that farming pugs is their right or something.


business: your little group of 6-10 pay what $100/150 month...yet 30-40 don't want to pay to be farmed...so consumerly speaking....piss off.


Maybe you don't have any friends and only care about gear, but a lot of us would rather spend time with friends and guildies than with strangers.

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do people still believe this? PvP with "friends"...only if your friends are as well geared as you, otherwise..they are an acquaintance?



I get you need to grind for gear, but how much is too much? I have been 50 for 2 days, yes two days. I am currently at a 1 for 23 win ratio since .....haven't even been able to complete a daily(save kill 30)


the only win came on a low group number termination where we accidently got the hutball with 6 sces left because of a bad pass to stealth.


Not here to complain about gear or grind, just a shot at the sad sacks that think that farming pugs is their right or something.


business: your little group of 6-10 pay what $100/150 month...yet 30-40 don't want to pay to be farmed...so consumerly speaking....piss off.


Let me guess......you have no friends and solo que..gotcha! You are describing a perfect "catch 22". I can't win at WZ but am against queuing with other people that I enjoy playing with and can help me get better at the game. OK, I may have seemed a bit harsh but seriously find others you can que with, join a guild, do something about it.

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considering how the pvp queue is done it is more probable that your 8 man will come up against another 8 man more often than a pug.


Solo queue pops quicker than a 4 man queue due to available slots and place in queue.

8 man automatically fills up all the slots so no need to wait for singles to fill up the slots.


All warzones can now be same faction so no need to wait for huttball or worry about server faction imbalance.


MOST guilds can field 8 man teams at somepoint makes sense to allow us the opportunity to try this out before the ranked system comes into play

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8 man teams would not be a problem on full servers but on less crowded ones it will just lead to more frustration and probably excessive queues.


The whole ranked WZ thing isn't a technical issue as far as I am aware its a practical one in which they feel introducing it would result in problems within the community. Putting a system in place to allow people to queue as a group of eight and calculate a ranking isn't exactly rocket science its more the unintended consequences of having such a system in place particularly on unbalanced or less populated servers that will cause problems.

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It would have been to good to be true, to have 8 man queues in this patch. Not Ranked, just 8 man queue.


But then again, imagine how 80% of the population that actually PvP's would cry BW a river, well an ocean. How i see it :


I would have enjoyed the game a lot more with 8 man queues. My 7 mates from the guild that I'm queuing with would have enjoyed it.


The 8 people from the opposite team wouldn't get even a kill or to cap a point or to score a goal or to plant a bomb. They would be cannon food and they would quit PvP'ing in a matter of days cause they are destroyed each and every time they face 8 man premades.


Premades vs Premades would have been the only great moments when everyone could enjoy the game cause there would be competition.


And sorry to brake it but this game doesn't encourage competition. For obvious marketing reasons ( Hardcore vs Casual )

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This needs to happen ASAP.


I am on a RP server and we have been ready for Rated WZ's for WEEKS. Only thing stopping us was inability to play 8 of us together. Often times we ended up queuing up to 3 groups of 4 and ending up playing against each other which is fun and challenging but does not help build chemistry and macro-strategies all that much.


I for one want 8 MAN UNRANKED Q ASAP hopefully within two weeks. I feel it won't happen though. BW will probably delay it for longer than a month and I don't even know if they are planning on releasing 8 man Unranked grouping.


I feel like they tend to cater to the 'casual' crybabies who are scrubs and don't want to get wrecked against premades and therefore did not implement unranked 8 man queuing in the test server, this was one of the main reasons why Rated WZ's came out of PTS testing so horribly.


It really is not that hard to increase your skill ceiling in terms of PVP all you need to do is do some research talk to a few people who play your class well and think about it internally. But no, most of these people will rather break their mice and spend more time logging onto these forums and complain about class imbalance / itemization or premades resulting in all the people who put in the time to increase their skill ceiling and learn their class lose out due to BW reverting on a lot of promises they initially made by catering to these scrubs.


PVP is by its nature MEANT TO BE COMPETITIVE. It is survival of the fittest and in order to do that you logically require to move into forming packs of 8 and compete. Please don't Q solo get wrecked and then complain about not having enough 'friends' to compete against the premades. If you have been a 50 for a while (Say 2 to 3 Months) and have not been able to make enough friends to even start a 'casual 8 man premade' not a guilded one then you are probably not making any effort in the first place. Nearly all servers will have a PVP custom channel you can get access to to form premades right now. Socialize more get acquainted with your fellow PVP-ers instead of whining and raging and flaming these forums.


I don't even want to talk about the viability of eventual progression from Rated WZ's into E-Sports and tournaments which is just another solid avenue of marketing and advertising for BW if they looked into it.




I know this is a bit premature but this post is meant for everyone who is going to come to these forums and Q.Q if and once they do implement 8man Unranked queuing.


P.S. I was more gutted about the revert on the reitemized stats than the removal of rated WZ's

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