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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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It's going to be interesting to see the convertion rate for Warzone Comms to Ranked Comms. If it's 1:1 everyone will be in full War Hero before ranked matches get added at this rate.


Its the same 3:1 ratio WZ to Rated WZ comms. Merc comms all over again as I said earlier.

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Buhahahaha, i wont even bother to express what i think of you BW. Crapiest game engine in mmo history, lack of fundamental features like chat bubbles, non existant customer service and and now this. Thanks god i dont care about warzones. lol
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Well, maybe getting outside a little and getting some fresh air could help im just saying $15 doesnt go far these days and there isnt anything else you can do for $15 bucks that you can do 24 hours a day for a whole month, all in all its not the end of the world, it will be out soon im sure, just unsub until it comes out, its really not that big of a deal. IJS ;/


Uh, you can save that money and get a decent game... Truth is, servers are light and the game and players on those servers are suffering. Now with this patch, the patch that was suppose to change things, is now going to be one more reason to leave. I'll be honest if the population on my server drops any more I'll be out of here too. Sorry, I really enjoyed playing but I'll take this as a sign of things to come.(Or not come, however you wanna take it)


Swtor = Another irrelevant star wars game.

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I think it should be noted that YOUR theology is wrong. A house cannot be compared to an MMO. MMO's need time to be stable and develop, unlike all those FPS out there, they are the ones that need to be better than the previous game. If you can Name me ONE MMO that when it came out had ALL the features and MORE of the BIGGEST MMO at the TIME of it's LAUNCH, I will give you a cookie.


When SWTOR was released, aside from the pure Star Wars fans, the majority of the players were ex-WoW players seeking something better. SWTOR has failed to deliver superior content in both PvE and PvP aspects, and after 4 months of hopeful waiting, people have already had enough. This is why servers went from Heavy/Full in January to the Light/Standard mess we have now.


I don't have to name you another MMO that trumps WoW, because it honestly does not exist yet. Everyone had hope that SWTOR with its strong franchise name could finally compete with WoW, but whether it is poor decision from game designers and developers, or poor decisions from the distribution and production companies, every MMO has come and gone while WoW remains number one.

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Biggest bait and switch in MMO history ever.

Not only no rated warzones with 1.2, but also premades only rated warzones.

I am not playing swtor to do 8 man arena.


Also feedback from PTS? You mean all those PvE raid guids doing warzones?

Edited by Karenai
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To be honest I played WoW for six months in it's Newest state and was bored ******** at endgame, PvP was fun but only doing that bored me to the max, as raids were not so good. In this game I have been playing 5months and it has much more potential than that of WoW, so if you want to unsub and re-sub when the game is at it's prime, go ahead, just know you have to catch up to those of us that waited patiently and enjoyed that which makes this game what it is.


That patience costs 15$ a month. Like I said, comparing a game released in 2012 with a game released in 2004 is damn insane. Technology is different, ideas are different. EAware had YEARS to see what works and what doesn't.

Like others have pointed out, comparing cars made 30 years ago (OH MY GOD NO GPS!) with cars made nowadays.


The STANDARDS are different than they were 10 years ago. Deal with it.

Edited by cyberfreaq
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Ok. And? How long it took Blizzard is completely irrelevant, as this has become a standard for many players. Technology is not a hinder, not even close. As someone said, this game isn't competing with WoW at launch - it's competing with how WoW is today.

You might as well point out how long it took Ultima Online, Everquest or Anarchy Online to implement certain things. It has nothing to do with games developed/released in 2011/2012.


Let's say Samsung released a new mobile phone, which has the same features as Nokia phones had in the 90s. Would you buy it and then say "But it took Nokia YEARS to implement this technology (touch screen, 3g/4g etc)!". No you would not. You'd expect new phones to have the basic features of any other phone on the market.


But some people seem to have problems understanding this.


Spot on. People seem to have a real problem understanding this and they use that to justify the lack of content. Guess they wouldn't mind waiting 7 years as well for Bioware to have rated warzones then.

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To be honest I played WoW for six months in it's Newest state and was bored ******** at endgame, PvP was fun but only doing that bored me to the max, as raids were not so good. In this game I have been playing 5months and it has much more potential than that of WoW, so if you want to unsub and re-sub when the game is at it's prime, go ahead, just know you have to catch up to those of us that waited patiently and enjoyed that which makes this game what it is.


considering this i believe that maybe just maybe resubbing in six months may work, because i believe its 6 months away from being "prime" we need to scare bioware with half there players leaving due to their lies. They need to learn that they CANNOT promise something and then less than 24 hrs before release of a MAJOR update remove it. A LIE is a LIE, don't support anyone or anything that bases itself upon it.

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Man i feel like a fool, i told all my friends that quit to come back cause 1.2 was gonna be awesome and to have faith in SWTOR.............and now i'm gonna be the one being made fun of.........thx.


Don't feel bad. Everyone else did the exact same thing ;)

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SO based on your logic, simply because others failed to deliver hyped products, that means that we should totally be fine with that never happening? Good to see that people care about what they pay for.


No, I am saying that you stupidly expected this game to be all that of WoW and more in it's prime. I am pretty Sure when WoW came out it hardly stood up to the biggest MMO around that time. IF there was an MMO that did such a thing as be better than all MMO's in it's launch, then there would only be one MMO, because everyone would logically Transfer to the Best MMO. This wasn't, isn't and never will be the case. If you are disappointed with the content in this game and can't wait for content to be released then go back to WoW.

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i'm not going to cry about it because ranked warzones were nothing more than an additional pvp gear grinding method to keep pvp players busy. i am expecting BW to complete this year their open world pvp concept. Hopefully when i will not be busy with work at the end of september i will be active again. I do have faith for this game, i know they will add lots of nice things and while people are waiting for the preparation, i suggest if they can't wait till then, there's no need to rage. There are lots of games to play with till it's ready and done. Let's not forget that this is just a game and we should have fun playing it.


Keep up the good work BW, i will join once soon enough again o/

Edited by kantnerfme
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Man i feel like a fool, i told all my friends that quit to come back cause 1.2 was gonna be awesome and to have faith in SWTOR.............and now i'm gonna be the one being made fun of.........thx.


Correction that will be Bioware, exhibit A through to ZZZZZZ right here.

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No, I am saying that you stupidly expected this game to be all that of WoW and more in it's prime. I am pretty Sure when WoW came out it hardly stood up to the biggest MMO around that time. IF there was an MMO that did such a thing as be better than all MMO's in it's launch, then there would only be one MMO, because everyone would logically Transfer to the Best MMO. This wasn't, isn't and never will be the case. If you are disappointed with the content in this game and can't wait for content to be released then go back to WoW.


No, I do not expect this game to be like WOW. In fact I expect this game to be ANYTHING LIKE WOW = DIFFERENT. I do not care how WoW was at launch because that was EIGHT (8!) - FRIGGIN' - YEARS - AGO!.

Why in the name of all that's holy would I compare a product released back when I entered Highschool to a product released in 2012?!


PS: And what the heck is with this assumption that if I do not like this game I should go back to playing WoW?

It's like saying: Oh #$%& you don't like COD 3. GO BACK AND PLAY QUAKE 2! What are these people smoking?

Edited by cyberfreaq
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i want to work at bio-ware cuz i don't think you can get fired from there
LOl funny, well maybe they were too busy playing WOW all these years and forgot a few things in this game. lol j/k Anyways, I think EA was telling them to release it or else they will pulll the plug, thats just how big daddy EA is. BIOWARE had to get an income stream coming before they could add all the cool things they wanted to, if they get more subscribers things will progress fast, if not...well we know the rest.


Look up UO2 and see what i am talking about. In the end they had no choice but to release an unfinished game, thats just the nature of MMOs unfortunately, got to wait and give it some time, i think updates and new content has been coming out at a good rate so far, dont you?

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Unsubsribed last night when I read this (made a post about it earlier in the thred, but then I didn't mention I was leaving.


Reason is simple, I am a PVP'er, PVP is what I enjoy the most with games. I would never play a MMO without PVP, simple as that.


SW:TOR had the best opportunity to make THE most epic PVP in the world. Built from the Star Wars Universe, two epic factions with planets that could host some wonderful battles.


So, I bought the game, enrolled on a PVP server and joined the guild I played RIFT with.


What happened, well, I have lvl'd two chars to 50 (and yes, the questing in SW is great) but I have not killed or been killed more than 10 times in quest areas in total lvl'ing these two chars.


Fair enough, when I was lvl'ing Sengrella (my first char) I was told that once at 50, there is this PVP zone that is always packed with rep's to kill. It was laghell, and after 2 months of Ilum BW/EA realized that the zone sucked, so they killed it forcing me to grind WZ's instead.


So, grinded WZ's instead, grinded to get my BM gear and valor ranks and read about the wonders of 1.2 - Ranked Warzones. Sounds yummy, to battle off against the best, climbing in rank, battle 8guildies against 8 from another guild.


1.2 is what kept me in the game (and I haven't played since release, so I feel sorry for those that have waited longer than me).


Then on the night prior to the patch with capital P - they removed the only thing that kept me in the game.


I understand that BW/EA are reluctant releasing something buggy, they should not release something buggy - But announcing it 12 hours before patch, when people have started to resub is ****** to say the least.


I am sure that these bugs were discovererd earlier than 12 hours ago, and I am sure that they knew that the bugs were not going to be fixed today long before 12 hours ago.


I am lucky, my subscription ends in 5 days, so atlest I haven't recently paid for a new month.


Don't get me wrong, SWTOR is a good game(Story, questing - never had as fun lvling a char to 50 as I had in SWTOR), but once at 50 it is dull, 3 WZ (yes a forth is coming today, that will be fun for 3 days) only goes as far.


I have done my share of raiding, and sure it can be fun to some extent, but I am not a PVE player as such, not since the EQ1 days when raiding was hard - now all the guides are on the web and any chimp with enough gear can down X raid-boss.


This is not to pick on PVE players, if you enjoy it, by all means PVE the **** out of the game, and I have to say it was nice to raid against bots instead of the neverending stream of fantasy creatures - after having killed all the raidbosses a few times, then the fun is gone for me from the PVE side of things.


But, now they removed the only thing worth looking forward to in 1.2.


So, now I wait for Tera and GW2, hopefully one of those games that satisfy my need to gank unsuspecting questers.

Edited by Sengie
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LOl funny, well maybe they were too busy playing WOW all these years and forgot a few things in this game. lol j/k Anyways, I think EA was telling them to release it or else they will pulll the plug, thats just how big daddy EA is. BIOWARE had to get an income stream coming before they could add all the cool things they wanted to, if they get more subscribers things will progress fast, if not...well we know the rest.


Look up UO2 and see what i am talking about. In the end they had no choice but to release an unfinished game, thats just the nature of MMOs unfortunately, got to wait and give it some time, i think updates and new content has been coming out at a good rate so far, dont you?


the issue is not with content it's with their honesty and TIMING of honesty

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No, I do not expect this game to be like WOW. In fact I expect this game to be ANYTHING LIKE WOW = DIFFERENT. I do not care how WoW was at launch because that was EIGHT (8!) - FRIGGIN' - YEARS - AGO!.

Why in the name of all that's holy would I compare a product released back when I entered Highschool to a product released in 2012?!


Expecting a New game that is unstable in it's stage to be better than a well commemorated and very stable game that has been around for some time is also mad.

It is like working on Windows XP, very stable, and then imminently jumping onto Vista when it comes out... which of-course was a bad mistake for most lol.

I am not saying Swtor is Vista... no way, I am saying it just isn't stable yet, and if you do not have the patience to wait then don't bother telling anyone you are going, just GO!

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No, I do not expect this game to be like WOW. In fact I expect this game to be ANYTHING LIKE WOW = DIFFERENT. I do not care how WoW was at launch because that was EIGHT (8!) - FRIGGIN' - YEARS - AGO!.

Why in the name of all that's holy would I compare a product released back when I entered Highschool to a product released in 2012?!


Yes this point comes up alot. Best to compare with MMOs of the last 2 years and with GW2 and Tera when they comesout.

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