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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Been waiting for this game since October 21st, 2008...I am thoroughly disappointed Bioware. 1.2 is shaping up to be too little, too late. Don't get me wrong, we all appreciate the MAJOR updates you are bringing to the game. However it has been mutually agreed upon amongst those I've spoken to that 1.2 should have been the games launch version. Dropping ranked warzones at the last minute from this update makes it far less significant to many players. My guild, and myself, are devastated by this decision. The current PVP system is completely and utterly broken, plain and simple. By not offering us an estimate release date for the wanked warzones leaves me feeling like it may never come at this point. I don't want to jump on the bandwagon and unsubscribe; but to be honest, I can't see myself purchasing another month of this game until it is fixed.
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I did not take part in the Public Test, but from what I have gathered from people who did, it would appear that Rated Warzones were simply NOT ready for live release.


Now I'm going to go out on a limb here and pretty much assume that if they had just simply released them today, then the complaints would be that "Bioware releases content that is broken".


I'm sure they probably look at this as a "lose/lose" situation with tons of whining regardless... so they did the right thing and held it back. Do you want to know why? Not because they wanted to "swindle" people into resubbing. They wanted to make damn sure it was stable before releasing it live.


A live release of unstable content means TONS of constant and extended maintenance.


I played WoW pretty consistantly from vanilla up until SWTOR was released, and i can tell you major content patches (even for the giant monster that is known as "Blizzard") never go 100% according to plan.


Ye, could you imagine if they released it and it was bugged. cos the pvp crowd hasnt complained about a bugged pvp content before have they. ( shush dont mention illum)

Edited by Shingara
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this was the only thing that many people were looking forward to. and to take it out from under them mere hours before it was supposed to come out? this will be the last straw for a lot of people.
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I'm supprised that no one has complained about the grind they are about to undertake. 3/1 conversion ratio. Guess the people who play all day get to wear all the omgiwanttovomit gear first anyway. At least there is finaly somthing to grind for
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So let's get this right. New warzone-check. New PVP gear-check. But...no Ranking system so that you can feel some sort of personal pride in your pvp achievements yet ABSOLUTELY no game or gear advances lost. Get over the fifteen dollars. If you really think that somehow the game has lost something because you can't get a ranking system for your premades, then you are in the wrong age group to be playing this game anyway. They make plenty of easy, colorful, playful games for pre-teens and immature young adults that give you cool numbers to show how many times you win pvp matches. Go find one and stop blowing up 200+ pages of forum QQ-ing.
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If Blizzard was smart, they'd take this opportunity to announce, "Hey! We got our PVP system working and PVP will now be included with the launch of D3!"


I would quit SW immeditely, without even testing the 1.2 stuff for myself, simply because they removed the "fun" sorc pvp spec and now that I'm ready for rateds they are ....... Biowhere?....

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^ that is hilarious. read why they shut this thread down.


Again I will say this: I am more upset that they are not bringing out a "pre" season at all....when in the end it will not matter like the "season" why they do not release it broken I do not know. Considering it did not stop them from the forced December launch.


Obviously somebody is making money and other people are pulling their hair out.


I just wanted to have 8 man pre mades. sick of having four scrubs loose the match for me and my guild ...

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Unsubbed. Can't believe it. Epic failure. If I told my boss "I'm going to have this for you on this date" and I didn't...I'd be fired. If the milk man didn't deliver to the grocery store when he said he would.... he'd be fired. Bioware...you should be fired. How dare you make me pay 15 dollars a month for the crap you have released to us. That is nearly theft. Goodbye.
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How is it that Trion could get all the WZs and x-server pvp going so quickly and a giant like BW and EA not?


sorry did you just say the giants EA and Bioware who have made so many MMO's before.


It took the mighty blizzard with something like 4000 devs 6/7 months to even get warzones in and then close to 5 years to sort out arenas and then another year for ranked battlegrounds.

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How is it that Trion could get all the WZs and x-server pvp going so quickly and a giant like BW and EA not?


Trion is an anomaly. There is no other developer as good in all the right places as they are. If they hadn't created such a huge gear disparity at end game, they'd still be growing.

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So how do we know that Bioware will ever release Ranked Warzones at all? You push so much hype around, making 1.2 seem like the "God" patch, but for myself and many others I'm sure, the only content me and my guild have been looking forward to was Ranked PvP. Does this really mean my Valor Rank 82 is going to wait for another major patch for COMPETITIVE play? This is the reason a high majority of PvP'ers play... For COMPETITION, and as of right now, there is ZERO. Unless you count a grind-fest as competition. I'm sorry Bioware, but this right here, will surely cause this game to collapse.


I just don't get why you would announce RWZ's at all if you didn't plan or have any intention of releasing it, hopefully you decided this more than a few hours from shutting the servers down.

I absolutely despise people who go back on their word, and you did just that. Thank you Bioware for taking our money and giving all of us false hopes & lying to our face.




Can anyone else not wait for GW2? :)

-Baucesauce, Hyperspace Cannon

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I'm more pvp than pve so this is a big disappointment. But seriously, get a grip people. It's not the end of the world and will be with us soon enough.


Would you rather they potentially released something as broken as the ilum valour exploit? Let's get it right then release. Just don't take too long! :p

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I'm supprised that no one has complained about the grind they are about to undertake. 3/1 conversion ratio. Guess the people who play all day get to wear all the omgiwanttovomit gear first anyway. At least there is finaly somthing to grind for


Don't worry, in 3-4 months when everyone has all their gear, they will release the ranked WZs and the costs will be only be 1/3. Not like they have a history of doing stuff like that.

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Who says they did it purposly, do you think this was a master plan or something, there is every possibilty that bioware thought they could fix it for the patch, they found out it wasnt possible and informed us.


The fact that they waited so late shows that there were working hammer and tong to try and make it work but couldnt.


But here is the question, do you want something that works or something that doesnt.


you obviously didnt read the post very well thay have had time to make changes so u can stil learn the new pvp gear, thay have had time to remove RWZ from the patch, thay had time to inform its playerbase

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Unsubbed. Can't believe it. Epic failure. If I told my boss "I'm going to have this for you on this date" and I didn't...I'd be fired. If the milk man didn't deliver to the grocery store when he said he would.... he'd be fired. Bioware...you should be fired. How dare you make me pay 15 dollars a month for the crap you have released to us. That is nearly theft. Goodbye.




One of the best posts so far in 210 pages, but hey some people like to be tricked and ripped off then argue its validity.

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