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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Straw-man. I related the absurdity of your point of view to arguing against physics, and suggested if you speak sarcastically enough you could convince people.


You mention scientific polls with a very small margin of error, then juxtaposition them to political polls. Don't confuse my logic with yours.


i just like that you used the word juxtaposition. good book by piers anthony. lol

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not having Ranked WZ is not the end of the world. Almost everything else that was supposed to come out is. Why bring out something that would be abused right now?


You're right! Its the end of SWTOR not the world.

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I must say I am very disappointed. Giving a 3 days notice before the patch hits, a 12 hour notice that ranked wz's will not be implemented.


As far as customer service goes, this is very bad in my honest opinion.


So, what are you going to implement for grouped PvP in 1.2?

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id like to point out that i love pvp. i find the pvp in star wars pretty cool. im a little sick of huttball though. rated isnt a concern. i just like to duke it out whether its a blaster or a saber.. either way, im not wondering if im gonna be the best.. i am chasing the guy running around the pole to get out of line of sight so i can jack his @#$@#$ up.. whether im rated or not isnt important.. with all that being said, im a little sick of huttball
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Well there is a reason i'm in a 25+ GW2 guild were most of the players

are former swtor pvp players.I can understand not wanting to release

something if it needs more work.But after reading what they say it's clear from the

"future" thing they are saying when it comes to releasing ranked WZ, this may have been done on purpose.I mean do they really need 2-3 more months to fix this ? i dont think so.

My guess is they will release it when GW2 comes out.If that is the case then that will not save them.But what ever the truth is non of us will wait anymore, this is by hart a singel player PvE game with no space combat no minigames no group finder and were players

are forced to stand around in fleet like zombies with nothing to do.


You make the PvP player base again very mad BioWare :mad:

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Well what can i say...thay did it! Thay made all us pvp'er PAY 1 more month....amazing well done :( waste of money...Can i get them back ? would be nice since i only play pvp and the only real deal for me was ranked cuz im not pro player :(


(I know i wont get them back!)


well i want revenge and since im noob my targets can only be low ****...since i can get that i WZ ill have to hunt them down xD ...... I know no valor but i get a good feeling. 5 year old ..... thay ruin my pvp ill try to f...up pve...afterall it is a open pvp server!


Hope u pvp'er will follow my evil way of showing this is not accepteble!

Edited by Razzgor
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5 Stages of Overcoming Grief:


1. Denial

"Everything is fine!"

"They'll fix it eventually."

"There are no problems with server populations."

"Its your computer's graphics problems, don't blame the game's engine."

"Just wait until the next patch...you'll see!"

"Oh well, maybe they'll add Ranked Warzones within a week."


2. Anger

"I love Star Wars! I love MMOs! MAKE THIS GAME BETTER!"

"***? YOU LIED TO US ABOUT 1.2!"

"I resubbed just for Ranked Warzones, and now you remove them?"

"WHY DOESN'T THIS GAME HAVE <basic MMO feature>?"


3. Depression

"I can't believe I spent over $100 to be a beta tester."

"<Other MMO> is looking pretty good now..."

"Why should I even log in?"

"All my friends have stopped playing on my server."

"This game had so much potential..."


4. Bargaining

"Add <feature> or else I am leaving!"


"Give us free character transfers to save server populations."

"Well maybe if I write a forum post, they'll listen."


5. Acceptance

"Can you send me a Scroll of Ressurection?"




Feel free to make/add your own.

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Plain stupid to cancel it, like most people would have prefered it broken than none at all.. we'll have to fight people with full new PVE gear on top of that.. unsuscribing until they add some real content to pvp :/ Maybe in a few months
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5 Stages of Overcoming Grief:


1. Denial

"Everything is fine!"

"They'll fix it eventually."

"There are no problems with server populations."

"Its your computer's graphics problems, don't blame the game's engine."

"Just wait until the next patch...you'll see!"

"Oh well, maybe they'll add Ranked Warzones within a week."


2. Anger

"I love Star Wars! I love MMOs! MAKE THIS GAME BETTER!"

"***? YOU LIED TO US ABOUT 1.2!"

"I resubbed just for Ranked Warzones, and now you remove them?"

"WHY DOESN'T THIS GAME HAVE <basic MMO feature>?"


3. Depression

"I can't believe I spent over $100 to be a beta tester."

"<Other MMO> is looking pretty good now..."

"Why should I even log in?"

"All my friends have stopped playing on my server."

"This game had so much potential..."


4. Bargaining

"Add <feature> or else I am leaving!"


"Give us free character transfers to save server populations."

"Well maybe if I write a forum post, they'll listen."


5. Acceptance

"Can you send me a Scroll of Ressurection?"




Feel free to make/add your own.


Wow great idea .. Give us a free month!!!! :p

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"Good game developers want to make their games better; and that means holding some things back until their ready. It's a very common story in this industry. Yet in this case, we still have this huge mountain of content to see while we wait for this feature to come out."


I honestly would of waited even longer for a launch but after they released a P2P BETA, what you said doesn't apply to the genius we call Bioware.


First, thanks for quoting that, because I discovered a typo.


Second, any pressure for a releasing the game when they did came from the publisher hearing the same complainers on this thread about a release date throughout 2011. There's always dialogue between developers and publishers before a game's release. The developers want to put out a complete product, while the publishers want to make sure the game releases in a timely fashion in order to maximize profits.


What happened with SWTOR's release was their attempted balance between the two. Was it perfect, no. Is any MMO launch perfect, no. Have they been busting their asses trying to improve the game, absolutely. Does improving the game involve holding some features back until they are ready, absolutely.

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Ha yea sure sure tell that to the people who resubbed FOR ranked wz a few days ago then had this announcement dropped on them, very impatient


If the only reason they resubbed was for Ranked Warzones then SWTOR is definitely not the game they're looking for. Best to move on and play something else.

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This is getting quite silly now. people are talking like pvp had been switched off not that ranked warzones wernt in yet. There is a new warzone and more warzones have had the faction V same faction implimented. So ranked and pre mades are not in yet you can still get the hero gear and you can still pvp.


That said we would have been in pre season anyhows so it really makes no difference at this time.


Also the size of this patch is immense, nothing shy of an expantion and the work bioware has put into this is insane when you think about it, so they slipped on one thing. Seriously chill out or go away.

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I did not take part in the Public Test, but from what I have gathered from people who did, it would appear that Rated Warzones were simply NOT ready for live release.


Now I'm going to go out on a limb here and pretty much assume that if they had just simply released them today, then the complaints would be that "Bioware releases content that is broken".


I'm sure they probably look at this as a "lose/lose" situation with tons of whining regardless... so they did the right thing and held it back. Do you want to know why? Not because they wanted to "swindle" people into resubbing. They wanted to make damn sure it was stable before releasing it live.


A live release of unstable content means TONS of constant and extended maintenance.


I played WoW pretty consistantly from vanilla up until SWTOR was released, and i can tell you major content patches (even for the giant monster that is known as "Blizzard") never go 100% according to plan.

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Hello Bioware, and fellow SWTOR players here are my feelings on this matter :


To be frank and completely honest as an avid PVPer I'm not that disappointed about waiting a few weeks for Rated Warzones, I am quite content just learning and perfecting new tactics in Novare Coast.


The thing that bothers me though is the fact that Bioware has given the community such short notice on such a humongous decision on top of the the incredibly short notice of 1.2's release date which albeit was very good news to most and perhaps therefore is forgiveable. I'm quite certain that many people took time off work to ensure they would be there for the start of Rated WZs and this news must be a bitterly hard pill for those people to swallow. I think that Bioware needs to just show a bit more consideration for their community as a whole and try to be a more open about their development progress.


Setting false ETA's will simply make people disillusioned and MMO players, especially with the MMO market today, will only tolerate a certain amount of disappointment before moving on to seemingly greener pastures ( not talking about the SW fanboys). I am not disregarding the factors at work that have contributed to this decision and have only respect for those who made this difficult decision which was in all likelihood the correct one, but would just like a more well-informed community. If there are doubts let the community know in advance if at all possible.


As a sidenote however I do plan to stick around for a long time and do regard myself as a SW fanboy. For better or worse.



TLDR : I think that Bioware should try to communicate more openly with the community rather than dropping bombshells.

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