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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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I have played Lineage 2, EQ2, Warhammer Online, Age of Conan, WoW, AIon and finally.. SWTOR.


Let me rephrase.. I have never seen a developer be so unprofessional in their timing to release such information. They have been marketing rated warzones since they first started talking about 1.2. This is very poor timing on their part. In the past I have never seen any other game break news like this only hours before the patch goes live.. If you have plz share.


I know why they did what they did, and what led to this but it's irrelevant. People are angry regardless. I don't remember off the top of my head if there has ever been such a thing happen so close to a patch, but as far as things getting changed and delayed with very little notice? Yes.

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They made you grind for roughly 6 months for multiple hours a day to first get and then to cap your jedi. Then they removed the class. Are you still sure you wish you had?


Bet i can bring a tear to your eye jandi, my musician had done 27 of the 32 in swg for jedi unlock when the force grind hit.

Edited by Shingara
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I will be unsubbing. My level 50 (valor 73 War Hero ) sorc is already in full Battlemaster gear. Was looking forward to start working on my Ware Hero gear. While the move to full 8 man teams is probably the right move, I'm not seeing more than one or two team on at a time.

Finding a PUG PVP team and waiting for hours for a Rated WZ, will be terrible game play. By the time they figure out Rated Warzones, there will be so players interested in rated games.


Haven't run any Operations or heroic flashpoints and not interested in PUG them, so its unlikely that will be starting anytime soon.


The legacy system seems interesting, but I've lost interest in leveling anymore toons.

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I have to say, well said.


Not really well said at all.


It seems safe to assume that 1.2 was very ready to go with the exception of Rated. And I think it is also safe to assume that Rated worked how they wanted except for one hang up. Because of the nature of this hang up they went back and forth all day before launch as to whether or not to pull it. And finally they decided they would rather not release it broke.


It will likely be in next week.


Typical 13 year old gimme now bull crap.

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Same, what's the deal on this?


No you will not be alble to queue 8 mans. And that is how it should be unless you get cross server pvp. 8 mans rolling the same pugs over and over is only fun for half the people.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Unfortunately, this is the case. You will be able to queue in an eight-man team when Ranked Warzones are implemented.


Regarding the timing of this announcement, the decision was made late in our testing for Game Update 1.2, after the team had examined the data and done additional internal testing. There was no deliberate delay. As soon as the decision was made, we communicated that to you. We realize it's a late announcement, but we felt it was only fair to communicate the change before Game Update 1.2 was pushed live.


Work on re-instating Ranked Warzones has already begun, and is the highest priority for the PvP team right now. They all want to bring the feature to you as soon as possible. However, we will not compromise on quality by rushing it to launch. As Daniel said, once we are satisfied Ranked Warzones work well and are fun for all who want to take part in them, we'll launch them.



I appreciate the communication now... I honestly have a hard time believing that the announcment to cut rated warzones was made AFTER the decision to push 1.2 to live on Thursday. If it was actually made that late, and this was some kind of emergency flip-flop, it's indicative of other problems in the development processes.


I honestly don't think they said, "So rated warzones are ready for live right? Yeah... oh wait no!!"

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So much rage, lol.


If rated WZs had come out and been broken trash like Ilum... Instant unsub from me, and I'd have never looked back.


I'm actually more optimistic about the future of the PvP in this game now because they're obviously being more careful with this and are focused on getting it right. It is disapointing it's not done yet, but it'd be way worse if they'd released it full of bugs and terribleness.

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LOL! Matrix online had to be the biggest POS ever to hit the interwebz. And the combat system, revolutionary??! lol, you betcha! The kind of revolution where everyone dies from the pox. Worse game ever.


I feel the same, i lost my musician and after that my creature handler bh and got some grull keyrings.


Went to mxo and left simply becuase warner sold the license to soe, i still think matrix online would have been on of the best games going if soe hadnt got the license, it was an insanly revolutionary combat engine for its time, probably still is now.

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i'm floored with disapointment. PVP has become stale with how you killed Ilum and the same old 3 warzones. Now we get 1 more warzone but how long do you expect us to play these? for another 3 months till 1.3 and we get 1 more warzone?


I also always fight the same sith players because our server is about dead and they are way more geared than republic so we get smashed most of the time. How bout some cross server atleast???


I can't hang on much longer to be honest....

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The issue is that you just don't decide 6 hours before a major patch like this to not include a huge chunk of game-altering code... you don't even do that 24 hours before... the decision, was more likely made last week, so that they could get the patch build ready and make sure they didn't break something by taking out the rated warzone code. BW making it sound like this was a last-minute thing that was decided today is just an out and out lie.





Those Gungans would probably be better than Guardians/Juggernauts are in 1.2.


SR has already said what happened an i believe him, but its not like you got a rating before the season started anyhows was it so what is the difference as we would have been in pre season anyhows.


Lol to the last bit btw.

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Oh well... guess what, I just cancel SWTOR suscription and I just prepurchase GW2... THIS SUCKS... only one REAL active server (the fatman), 80% are ghost servers, no world pvp, no people to do hard modes and operations... I just want to say


F$#$% very much Bioware, ty for making us paying a montlhy fee for a SINGLE PLAYER GAME.


I'm done... only way I return will be for the next reasons:

1- GW2 fails

2- Server transfer, merge server, warzone across servers

3- No monthly fee or at least drop it to $5.00


I was an advocate defender of this game, now I can say screw this game

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It is a bit rediculous. Most of us have been working our butts off gearing up for ranked. How is it our fault that 3 months into this game people cant find an 8 man group? You mean to tell me people can't find 8 friends to que? my friends list is almost 100 and we only have about 40 in the guild ON AN RP SERVER. We arent even a pvp server or pve? I know if i was on the pvp servers I would be extraordinarily pissed. First taking away the rating requirement and now getting rid of ranked for the time being AND not being able to que with 8 AND dropping the amount of coms per match? Expect alot of unsubs and pissed off people. This forum has been up like 7 hours and has the most posts I have seen. Oh and one more thing. Isn't the pvp team the same team from Warhammer which was one of the best MMO PvP teams of all time? Big disappointment thats for sure.
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that sounds horrible


I keep hearing great stories of the pre-cu days - once the community picked up a bit


and i saw people/friends play the game.


Oh well


It was great, pre-cu and pre-NGE. CU was equivalent to if they removed levels from this game and made it so you get skill exp instead, kinda like Skyrim. Then, a bit later, completely changed the game again to remove any choice from what skills you could pick. My original point was that I learned then to never put any stock into anything developers of an MMO say. I believe it when it hits live and I haven't been disappointed or angry at a change since. :) It's just not worth it.

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Unsubbing cuz Bioware wants to make sure rated WZ's work properly? wow... i bet these same people would be on the forums complaining about how broken it is if Bioware decided to release it in its current state


yes, they are unsubbing because they pulled out at the last second. They lured people through false advertise (1.2 trailer) and because, it is likely, they kept this issue in the shadow.


If they wanted to wait for a perfect (or near perfect) product, they shouldn't have released the game at all in December. This game has at this moment, tons of bugs that frustrate people.

Don't lie to yourselves, the reason they released the game 4 months ago was money, the reason they didn't delayed 1.2 is money (stop people unsubbing and hope to bring people back)


It is not really about ranked wz, it is about how you manage a mmo community....The hype and lightsabers will only last a bit, lying/misleading will get you no-where

Edited by Saint-Exupery
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SR has already said what happened an i believe him, but its not like you got a rating before the season started anyhows was it so what is the difference as we would have been in pre season anyhows.


Lol to the last bit btw.


For a lot of us, it wasn't about the rating... it was being able to queue up as a guild with 8-man teams and actually being able to play pvp with our guildmates.

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