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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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I'm not trying to sound snide or anything, but you must have not played many MMO's. I could write a rather long list of things that the devs of many games have said that simply wasn't true or that they just went ahead and removed features without any warning.


My lesson from SWG was: Never expect anything, believe anything, count on anything or anticipate anything. When a game developer just deletes something you've put months into without any compensation, you kinda learn not to care because you will only be disappointed.


I have played Lineage 2, EQ2, Warhammer Online, Age of Conan, WoW, AIon and finally.. SWTOR.


Let me rephrase.. I have never seen a developer be so unprofessional in their timing to release such information. They have been marketing rated warzones since they first started talking about 1.2. This is very poor timing on their part. In the past I have never seen any other game break news like this only hours before the patch goes live.. If you have plz share.

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It's been like 7 years or so and I'm still bitter about my Jedi. I promised I would never pay for anything with Sony on it, and I haven't. I sold my PS2, that's how pissed off I was at the time.


I feel the same, i lost my musician and after that my creature handler bh and got some grull keyrings.


Went to mxo and left simply becuase warner sold the license to soe, i still think matrix online would have been on of the best games going if soe hadnt got the license, it was an insanly revolutionary combat engine for its time, probably still is now.

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Why is it if you do a cursory google for swtor 1.2 rated warzones you can find all sorts of BW connected sites making touting reference to the Rated Warzones in 1.2 up until about 4/9, then magically all the advertising and hype starting around 4/10 suddenly has no reference to removed content. Man, those guys must really have the insight track...but hey, this was a last minute decision right? Communicated to the player base ASAP? Yes sir!


Who says they did it purposly, do you think this was a master plan or something, there is every possibilty that bioware thought they could fix it for the patch, they found out it wasnt possible and informed us.


The fact that they waited so late shows that there were working hammer and tong to try and make it work but couldnt.


But here is the question, do you want something that works or something that doesnt.

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And possibly the reason they have no eta is because they dont know, it could be fixed right now by one dev altering one line of code and put in on an emergency patch on friday, it could be in 3 weeks.


They should have delayed the patch a week or so in that case - something they did not do - instead of jumping the trap on us like this.


I applaud you for your positive take on the situation though (really do no joke)

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WoW pulled Path of the Titans well before the release. I have never seen/heard of anything getting pulled 3 hours before a patch/xpac.


Mind you i never really played SWG and cant comment on the particulars you mentioned in your post.


Wish i had though.


Well the key is pulled and delayed, ranked warzones havnt been pulled just simply delayed, and path kept me in wow for close to a year and nothing else. I mean you remember how arc and all that was meant to tie into paths, now that was a so called feature that i bet kept close to half there subs happy for a long time.

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Wow, the way things are going for bioware we may wake up tomorrow and hear that 1.2 is postponed for another month....I understand things need to be polished before release but all due respect this content should of been ready months ago...Bioware needs to talk to trion about how to run an MMO
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They made you grind for roughly 6 months for multiple hours a day to first get and then to cap your jedi. Then they removed the class. Are you still sure you wish you had?


that sounds horrible


I keep hearing great stories of the pre-cu days - once the community picked up a bit


and i saw people/friends play the game.


Oh well

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Right, and this was a last minute discovery was it? I have no doubt, given their track record, that there were all manner of bugs and inconsistencies. But really, waiting until the last minute to tell the player base that it's been pulled from the patch? Cmon, you seriously think this was nothing else but a money grab?


It's a good thing that ranked warzones are delayed. There were just too many issues with them, including the potential of having uneven numbers and some even nastier things.

A very brave and good call to delay them and especially listening to the community feedback in order to make thins right and not delay the whole game update any further.


I just hope the delay won't cause an option to toggle on Chat Bubbles to be delayed until after 1.3.

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Wow, the way things are going for bioware we may wake up tomorrow and hear that 1.2 is postponed for another month....I understand things need to be polished before release but all due respect this content should of been ready months ago...Bioware needs to talk to trion about how to run an MMO


The way people are talking about it you would think that they had deleted force users and made them play gungans and ewoks.

Edited by Shingara
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This huge patch was a rediculous fantasy anyways, it should have always atleast been two patches Legacy then Warzones maybe even three patches (The new Ops). they would have had new stuff out way earlier and servers wouldnt have turned to ghost towns. Lets just hope that bioware is learning from all these mistakes.
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This thread is now the single longest running thread in ALL of SWTOR's forums, and it has been up for 7 hours only.


NVM continue to be in denial.


Stick your fingers in your ears LALALALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU.


This kind of unprecedented response from the community should be a big enough sign that this issue demands immediate response and action from EA.

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wow, do you all hate PvP'ers or what?? I could care less about Legecy and playing alts...big whoop! I personally would like to see way more WZ's, Open PvP rewards, lower que times, and PvP balanced before I worry about playing alts. I might add my alts are 50 also already, so kinda pointless.
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Who says they did it purposly, do you think this was a master plan or something, there is every possibilty that bioware thought they could fix it for the patch, they found out it wasnt possible and informed us.


The fact that they waited so late shows that there were working hammer and tong to try and make it work but couldnt.


But here is the question, do you want something that works or something that doesnt.


The issue is that you just don't decide 6 hours before a major patch like this to not include a huge chunk of game-altering code... you don't even do that 24 hours before... the decision, was more likely made last week, so that they could get the patch build ready and make sure they didn't break something by taking out the rated warzone code. BW making it sound like this was a last-minute thing that was decided today is just an out and out lie.


The way people are talking about it you would think that they had deleted force users and made them play gungans and ewoks.



Those Gungans would probably be better than Guardians/Juggernauts are in 1.2.

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