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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Launch without it, not remove it from an already existing game.


I wasn't aware Ranked Warzones were on the live servers at this point?


if I recall, they were on the Test Servers, which are kind of like Beta Servers in Diablo 3.

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I said "In this case". This is not, in fact, false advertizement nor bait and switching. "This" being them pulling out the RWZ. I'm not responsible for your reading comprehension.


Everything is subject to change, including your ability to play the game at all. You acknowledge that when you hit the "I have read and understood the EULA and ToS". The company explicitly declares that every single thing about the product is subject to change at their leisure, which you agree to.


Go read what you actually said, you are mischarecterizing your statement, intentionally.

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I resubbed yesterday for 1.2.... And now you just remove basically why I resubbed? Honestly like you coulda at least told us earlier in the week. I don't mind it getting pushed back to be fixed but like I didn't need to pay 15.00$ if you were just gonna push it back...


welcome to EA may i take your order

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Lets look at the track record of pvp whiners shall we, " Illum is broken why did you put it in the game" and now "Ranked warzones arnt ready, thats it im quiting because your not putting in a bugged system into the game thats not ready"

Yup i think that just proves that pvpers will cry no matter what.

Edited by Shingara
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As mentioned, the timing of this makes NO sense.


They decided a few hours before RELEASE that Rateds won't work? Okay, I can believe that. Must be a relatively small issue that came up in the last few hours of testing right? So that means it should be resolved quickly, right?


Wait...it'll take WEEKS/MONTHS?

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Yeah because there was a huge media-circus and Blizzard had to pay millions in settlements about dance studies in WoTLK and Path of the Titans feature, right?


You know I don't even know if people bothered to try and take Blizzard to court over that. Would be interesting to know if it did.


I actually can't remember a games company getting this hammered in the courts/media since Sony and their outright failures last year. Can't recall anything prior to that either.

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wow i hope all you QQers dont get this pissy when your kids dont do a good job at a spelling bee or some kind of event that would make you proud of them. I think it was good for BW to spot the problem let us know and make the decision to wait and fix it. But really wow quit the game LOL ok hey its your money you do what you want.


I'd be proud of my kid no matter what failure of a company he or she works for. And if people want to quit the game, i doubt it's JUST because of this....this was probably the final straw for them. Just cause you won't quit doesn't mean others don't have a good reason to quit.

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Fair point, but this isn't some nuance that they didn't expect because of a lack of information prior to launch. This is a major feature (proven by the amount of people "raging" these threads) that has failed to live up to expectations hours before launch. I am not willing to just say "it is what it is." Is that really what you get for $200 mil these days?


Sure, in a vacuum they could've anticipated this and had the feature ready by tomorrow. But that's not what we're dealing with and my original point was to look at their development cycle in context.

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The wording of his comments doesn't seem to bode well for solo ratings.


That's another thing - at level 50 there is currently, quite literally, nothing besides pvp to do solo. I am not unwilling to group but I dont really want to join a guild, making operations unattainable, which is fine, if there was something else to do.


Bioware, please do something for solo players. AoC's solo instances would work fantastically with TOR's storytelling mechanics. But the fact that you exclude solo players from ranked warzones? What? Are you trying to make me rage quit?

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You know I don't even know if people bothered to try and take Blizzard to court over that. Would be interesting to know if it did.


I actually can't remember a games company getting this hammered in the courts/media since Sony and their outright failures last year. Can't recall anything prior to that either.


Because any lawyer with an ounce of intelligence will say "****" and any judge will give you a fine for wasting his time.

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Sure, in a vacuum they could've anticipated this and had the feature ready by tomorrow. But that's not what we're dealing with and my original point was to look at their development cycle in context.


I gotta go, otherwise I'd really enjoy keeping this up. I'll leave you with this:


It should be better.

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So I know a lot of us resubbed because 1.2....But now that we have been LIED too, and deceived by false advertisement ...its only right that as consumers they offer refunds....


Lets all remember that they first said that this patch would be releasing in MARCH. Not only that, but now they claim that rank warzones are bugged. You know what, Ilum EV, a good portion of the flashpoints were also bugged ...BUT THEY WERE STILL RELEASED...


I'm so sick and tired of EA marketing ploys just to make a quick buck....and with the community already dwindling (low server populations) ....its only fair to our community to offer up refunds.

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I'd be proud of my kid no matter what failure of a company he or she works for. And if people want to quit the game, i doubt it's JUST because of this....this was probably the final straw for them. Just cause you won't quit doesn't mean others don't have a good reason to quit.


first of all if you read my post i said i dont care what you do wtih your money, it was basically being sarcastic.

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