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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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"In the meantime we have provided an alternate purchase route for War Hero gear so you can start building your set while figuring out your teams."


So my questions is, does anyone know what this "alternate route" might be? Obvously it will not require ranked comms since there will be no ranked games, but will it require you to turn in BM gear for it as well? Also, not sure if I like this because a lot of ppl will have full War Hero gear without having to do any ranked games, and that kind of defeat the whole purpose. Not sure if anyone knows the answer, but wanted to ask.


For the ranked WH gear, you need a certain rating from ranked WZ's, so yes there will be something that players can save up for after the release but it won't last long.

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Wait i just realised. When did BW ever say the word 'promise' at the end of any of the 1.2 notes? they never so hence they never broke a promise.


Furthermore if you checked the PTS notes they showed: THESE ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND NOT FINALISED"


Stop using false words in your rage posts.




When they announce that they are releasing the patch in a couple of days - and then point you to the patch notes and tell you it's pretty much all going in except for a few things. Then less then 10 hours tell you a major feature of that game is NOT going in, AFTER people resubbed ---- you are telling me that's appropriate????


Do you let everyone walk over you like this??? If you had this kind of customer service anywhere else in life, whether at a restaurant, hotel, etc., I hope to God you wouldn't accept terrible service. Mistakes happen but these guys are liars and deceive on purpose and it's been proven several times already.

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This is actually rather hilarious. Bioware needs to take a hard look at the team working on this game. Considering all the money spent the actual progress this team makes is horrible. They took forever to release a game that was very feature incomplete. Now they can't even add the missing features in a timely manner.


I cancelled nearly a month ago and see no reason to resubscribe now. Server was dead and no ranked WZ's means it will remain dead.

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6 year development and 4 month live service without any meaningful PVP content cannot really be called rushing something can it?


again its not a PvP game, its simply has PvP in it..... Why is that concept so hard to grasp?

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i really cant understand why a videogame company kills its own game........

they really are pushing people away with lazy and lame excuses for everything......


Swtor dont have dualspec, server transfers, lvl50 premades to actually test the new content, cross server warzones, cross server Looking for Dungeon,and the excuse is that they dont have the Tech....

rofl i've played cross server bgs for atleast 5 years in WoW.... had dual spec and LFD for atleast 3 years...how can BIOWARE dont have the tech? its been done before im a much older game.....are BW that lame/lazy?


and now they dont have honest people running the game because waiting untill patch night to say that one of the most important updates (ranked WZ) is not going to be on this patch......

I know so many many MANY people that only still play because of the ranked Wz's patch....


BW is trying to make you hang around in this game by releasing things that every other mmo out there, and making that the major thing on a patch.... like making us wait for dual spec and cross server WZ and LFD untill 1.3... selling that features that every other game have in amjor patches is lame and bad business...

im not going to play in 1.3 because in my server there is nothing to do ...the whole server dies at 00h... no pvp queues, no flashpoints , nothing....with cross server wz atleast i could play some pvp.....and im getting bored of running aroud the Imperial Fleet with nothing to do...


and its a joke when they say that they dont have the tech to do server transfers and cross server WZ.....WoW has done for atleast 5+ years.... BW dont have 5+ years tech?


i dont know how many ppl will enjoy that thing because i think that not that many people like to wait for a feature that should been there from start....


I like many others dont care about making Alts....i want to play with my main, so i dont really care about legacy...

i wonder WHO is calling the shotts at Bioware, but if the goal was creating a good game and then killing it, they are doing a good job....


How long do YOU BIOWARE think we are going to play a game that dont offer NOTHING diferent from other MMO and dont have the same features that any other mmo have??

in the hands of a competent company this could be a great game but BW and EA are acting like autists and living in their pretty little world of milking money from subs,releasing features that should be in game from start like great adictions in great patches ....rofl....


I still have 1 month left in my sub....then i´m out....


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Well, as much as I respect Bioware and their decision to abandon Ranked Warzones from 1.2, they have had plenty of time to test and implement them. To be honest they should have been in for launch if they had any hopes of maintaining a solid PvP community. They were not in for launch but most members were happy waiting for 1.2 for Ranked Warzones whilst gearing up pre-rateds.

However, the fact that they have been removed can only be blamed on Bioware because they have no way of copying your characters to the PTS other than the Manual Transferral used for people who applied. I'm sure, in fact almost certain that if they had given players some way of transferring their characters or even creating characters on the PTS instantly at level 50 that the testing required would have been done.

Seriously Bioware, how hard is it to have a vendor which instantly gives the player a certain amount of experience points to get them to level 50? Surely you could have also had a vendor which sells the PvP gear tiers at no cost in order to allow players to test competitive matches? You only have yourselves to blame, and whilst I thoroughly enjoy this game there is only a certain amount of this we can take before we lose all faith in you. PTS Character copying should have been in at launch, that would have prevented this by adding more testing.

The moral is Bioware, there is no such thing as "too much", better to have too many people test something then only allow certain people across and say "that's enough". Because it sure shows now...

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I love that people think they "promised" this. When in fact they didn't. 100 some odd pages of people whining, and griping that they want their money back (which you aren't going to get btw).


Nobody bothers to read patch notes anymore, in that things aren't finalized until officially released. They hoped to get it in (big difference from promised), and pulled it because it was obviously not ready and not working to the point where it would likely cause all kinds of issues with the game itself (nevermind breaking queues somehow or creating unfair teams).


Next time, wait until the patch goes live before you resub.


Finally someone with smarts!!!!!! This person is SPOT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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mmmmmmmm the tears they are delicious.



thats too bad they had to pull a small portion of the 1.2 update. really lame for the PvP only crowd, good thing there is a ton of other content for EVERYONE ELSE to pick thru and enjoy.


if youre single reason for playing this game is the PvP thats a bummer. but you are not the majority of the player base,(thank god) if the vocal minority of qq kids would apply the wasted energy towards actually participating in the test server instead of whining from the sidelines, then the bugs and issues with rated WZ might have been ironed out earlier.


think about that, if you didnt participate in the test server, or in rated WZ portions, then you really have no leg to stand on much less any soapbox to make "im holding my breath til i turn blue" rants.


no where did bioware promise anything, thats a myth that every disgruntled adhd kid uses online to complain about something they expected to happen when it dosent happen for them.


bioware didnt lie about anything. no promises, when someone says "we plan on such and such around such and such time" that dosent = a promised date or content..... no matter how many times you post it it will never mean what YOU want it to mean.


i am glad all these impatient rude and obviously out of touch with mmorpg gaming are unsubbing, im glad that a few servers are having low populations. because of people unsubbing due to some convoluted reason they read on some one elses comment.


leaves more room for people who enjoy games for what they are, time sinks, escapes from reality for a while. when all the burnouts unsub that just means its time for the smaller (only by a few hundred accounts ) community to gather and sing songs around the campfire. without all of the noise and trolls and flamebaiting argumentative children that have populates and populate every online game for the first 6 months.



hoorah for that at least. less lag on fleet and less people with dozen alts farming loot containers.


hurry up and fix rated warzones bioware, you know thats gotta be a major plan, get EVERYONE on that project asap.


Bioware needs to get the rated stuff out real soon that i agree, but all the "unsubbed" "bioware fails" bandwagon BS really is just lame.




learn to read.

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When they announce that they are releasing the patch in a couple of days - and then point you to the patch notes and tell you it's pretty much all going in except for a few things. Then less then 10 hours tell you a major feature of that game is NOT going in, AFTER people resubbed ---- you are telling me that's appropriate????


Do you let everyone walk over you like this??? If you had this kind of customer service anywhere else in life, whether at a restaurant, hotel, etc., I hope to God you wouldn't accept terrible service. Mistakes happen but these guys are liars and deceive on purpose and it's been proven several times already.


"The sky is falling... the sky is falling!" Run Chicken Little run!

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Where was this "promise" you speak of? I don't ever remember reading


"Patch 1.2 coming with Ranked Warzones!..... We promise"


considering they said multiple times that rated warzones were coming in 1.2, that they were testing rated wz's on the PTR for 2 months, and that they were advertising rated warzones in the 1.2 trailer i think most people assumed 1.2 would include rated warzones

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So, just to be clear, most of 1.2 is going to be farming 4 bosses, grinding forever for war hero gear, and more stupid dailies? Why do I play this game? Oh, that's right, ranked competition. Wait a second...


For the record, I'm still torqued about the lack of achievements, or for that matter a bugged as hell codex.

Edited by cardiac
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I hate to say it, I've defended this game a lot and had high hopes for it but it's time to move on... No rage /quit necessary but failure is failure.. I guess it's on to D3 for me, the whole MMO template has been worn out for years anyway, WOW did a good job of burning every aspect of it for many people already. I've cancelled, I'll log in after patch day just to try the new warzone but you won't find me grinding gear at a 3:1 ratio anymore and there's not enough people anymore to enjoy pve content even though I don't enjoy it much...


I've seen this happen with other MMO's, plenty of people are in denile because they don't want to accept the game is failing since they enjoy it and want it to work out but swtor is going down... Just like the other MMO's that just couldn't get it together.. Being someone who has worked for a couple gaming companies myself, I put most of the blame on EA/Marketing for putting pressure on forcing a game out so they can fill their pockets, being impatient.. This is common in the game industry, putting devs in choke holds and forcing games out that just aren't ready...


SWTOR is one of the biggest MMO let downs.. For those of you who keep playing, I hope you still have someone to play with.


Tera, GW2.. Yea both of those games look like washed up crap as well, it's just a safer bet to stay away from MMOs / sub to play, all together now days.




Not sure which server your on, but we got lots of ppl on ours... I'm part of a PVP guild, so every WZ i join is a premade, and we all have fun playing it. As far as waiting longer to bring the game out, dont blame bio or ea for that... blame all the ppl that asked them to come out with the game a million times. They just wanted to make the ppl happy. If you go back to vanilla wow, they had no raids, no bgs, and the game was buggy as hell. Took them almost a year to make it playable, and fun, and it's still going strong today. Go play your D3, and watch how fast you will be bored with it.

Edited by Iamm
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Wow just wow...


This is like the NGE all over again...


oh yeah buy our expansion, pay for more game time. We promise a ton of new stuff for you to do...


(1 day before launch...) oh yeah did we mention that we took out all the content, removed most of the classes and all that other stuff is useless now?


Too bad you already paid suckers!


SOE got sued and was forced to reimburse people for their subs, wonder if anyone will do the same to Bioware.


On the plus side I finally made my decision to buy GW2... I was going to wait and see how ranked WZ"s turned out...but that decision is no longer valid.

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These are facts I give you, you can even check the PTS ad 1.2 notes themselves to quote me. Also please do quote where they say 'promise'



@DarkZeron, the trailer never said 'we promise' either



Sure they did not. It just happened to be there at the 1.2 Additional features. Oh wait, its not a feature?

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It really is like watching a sinking ship...


except that your taking a sample size of about 6000-7000 people out of a couple million and assuming that they are all acting like this, and, by that same token, assume that every one of those 6000-7000 people are quiting, which they arent. so to me thats like a 1/10 of the ship sinking..or less but yeah your right...i guess

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The irony of the people crying in this thread cracks me up.


Average MMO player "God you stupid MMO company, why you always release broken crap that doesn't work, don't you fools test this junk!!!!"


10 Mins laters


Average MMO player "God you stupid MMO company, why don't you ever release crap you say you're going to release, i'm quitting because you're not releasing this new system right bloody now!!!"

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