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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Well, This is a total failure. I dont understand how they realize about this issue 12 hours before the release!!


Now you said that RWZ will be available in the next mayor patch?!


Thank god i have preordered GW2 today.


Ps: Sorry about my writing, english is not my native languaje

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All you guys that unsubbed, good for you for following your principles, even if I do not agree with them. You feel duped, mislead, lied to, and responded by unsubscribing.




Now stop posting here. You're not part of the community anymore, now go away.


If they paid for one month they get access to everything for one month, the momen you unsub, it's not like you're banned from the game, it's not canceling your ISP or telecom or something like that. They paid for a month's worth of service and they get it. YOU do not get to decide who is and is not part of the community, Bioware does, and they have decided they are until their sub runs up.

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people complain that its taking too long? they said 1.2 aka rateds would be out in may. Then they postpone it to early april, now its mid april and hours before the patch is supposed to hit they get rid of rated warzones, and didnt announce it until the last second in order to keep people subbed.


they said they are "hopeful" they will be out before 1.3, that could be months from now, so no **** people are complaining, this is a complete joke


Yeah, you're right. It's all a big conspiracy. BioWare is purposely trying to trick you. I'm sure upsetting your customers into rage quitting seems like a good business plan. Yeeeaaaah..... :rolleyes:

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People are really complaining this much because they wont have a number beside their name declaring them to be better than another at Huttball? You are still going to play the same amount of war zones regardless of whether you have a rating or not. You are still going to grind to War Hero gear.


So why do we have different difficulties for PvE? The items just have different stats and dont really matter. And the content is identical as well.


I personally dont want to crush my opponents, and I also dont want to be crushed. I want to have a chance of success, but also a chance of failure.

The same logic can be applied to PvE: "Storymode is too easy for me, so only having storymode is bad" and "Nightmare is too hard for me, so only having nightmare is bad".


For PvP a rating system is needed. Some people are better geared or just better players than others.

Which is why I'm actually glad that they dont allow 8man queueing in 1.2.

Because if I queue as 8 man and meet a group of undergeared solo players. Yes, we win. But it's no fun.

And if I queue solo (or with 1-2 friends) and get grouped with bad players against a full 8 man group we will lose. Again - no fun.


Ranked matches just mean:

You will have a reasonable chance to win. And to lose. That's all. I could care less about ranked rewards tbh.



A bit more on topic:

I will look at the new flashpoint (I'm not interested in operations), at some of the new crafting (which will be entirely useless for me, since I cannot pull out armoring from my pvp armor...) and a bit at the legacy system. Then my sub will run out.

I'll be back when I'm up for a rpg again (to play some new alts) or if ranked warzones are in and enough of those people who I've met until now still play.

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Yeah, you're right. It's all a big conspiracy. BioWare is purposely trying to trick you. I'm sure upsetting your customers into rage quitting seems like a good business plan. Yeeeaaaah..... :rolleyes:


It wouldn't be the first time a company has done it...

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You promise, then deliver. That's what builds company reputation and customer loyalty.

Repeatedly promise, and then repeatedly fail to deliver, and you do the opposite.


Bioware should never have made these promises. The should never have set a timeline without knowing whether they could meet it or not; certainly not without doing a little preliminary work on identifying the scope of the problems.


This is a business mistake par excellence. It is a textbook case of amateur business practice; poor planning; poor understanding of customer base and consumer expectations. Consequently, the focus in 1.2. has been misapplied, and the whole process botched.


To notify expectant paying customers that a hotly anticipated feature is delayed for the foreseeable future a few hours before due release is the sort of stuff that sinks games. These days people are not going to wait - Bioware needs to learn quick smart that we are not living in the bad old days when content was only ever released on CD, and people would wait for years for expansions and updates. We live in a digital age where paying customers expect efficiency and promises to be delivered.


People will not continue forking out money month-after-month without getting what they were promised. Bioware has failed, spectacularly. They will learn that word-of-mouth will warn off prospective new customers, and that existing customers pull the plug.


Bioware needs to get professional administrators and customer-service gurus onto their team to avoid making textbook business mistakes. And all within less than 12 months of initial release!


Exceptionally well worded and right on point.

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Like they care that people are running on here to post that they UNSUBBED. Go play WoW or GW, or whatever, they dont care if 100 people bounce cause they want to QQ. It will come eventually, im pissed about it but life goes on. If you UNSUBB, just do it and go away, we could care less if you do or not.
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"In the meantime we have provided an alternate purchase route for War Hero gear so you can start building your set while figuring out your teams."


So my questions is, does anyone know what this "alternate route" might be? Obvously it will not require ranked comms since there will be no ranked games, but will it require you to turn in BM gear for it as well? Also, not sure if I like this because a lot of ppl will have full War Hero gear without having to do any ranked games, and that kind of defeat the whole purpose. Not sure if anyone knows the answer, but wanted to ask.

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"In the meantime we have provided an alternate purchase route for War Hero gear so you can start building your set while figuring out your teams."


So my questions is, does anyone know what this "alternate route" might be? Obvously it will not require ranked comms since there will be no ranked games, but will it require you to turn in BM gear for it as well? Also, not sure if I like this because a lot of ppl will have full War Hero gear without having to do any ranked games, and that kind of defeat the whole purpose. Not sure if anyone knows the answer, but wanted to ask.


You will trade in your warzone commendation for Ranked warzone commendation. Ratio 3:1.

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Wait i just realised. When did BW ever say the word 'promise' at the end of any of the 1.2 notes? they never so hence they never broke a promise.


Furthermore if you checked the PTS notes they showed: THESE ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND NOT FINALISED"


Stop using false words in your rage posts.

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I hate to say it, I've defended this game a lot and had high hopes for it but it's time to move on... No rage /quit necessary but failure is failure.. I guess it's on to D3 for me, the whole MMO template has been worn out for years anyway, WOW did a good job of burning every aspect of it for many people already. I've cancelled, I'll log in after patch day just to try the new warzone but you won't find me grinding gear at a 3:1 ratio anymore and there's not enough people anymore to enjoy pve content even though I don't enjoy it much...


I've seen this happen with other MMO's, plenty of people are in denile because they don't want to accept the game is failing since they enjoy it and want it to work out but swtor is going down... Just like the other MMO's that just couldn't get it together.. Being someone who has worked for a couple gaming companies myself, I put most of the blame on EA/Marketing for putting pressure on forcing a game out so they can fill their pockets, being impatient.. This is common in the game industry, putting devs in choke holds and forcing games out that just aren't ready...


SWTOR is one of the biggest MMO let downs.. For those of you who keep playing, I hope you still have someone to play with.


Tera, GW2.. Yea both of those games look like washed up crap as well, it's just a safer bet to stay away from MMOs / sub to play, all together now days.



Edited by djcetra
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Wait i just realised. When did BW ever say the word 'promise' at the end of any of the 1.2 notes? they never so hence they never broke a promise.


Furthermore if you checked the PTS notes they showed: THESE ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND NOT FINALISED"


Stop using false words in your rage posts.


Oh to be so young and naive....

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Wait i just realised. When did BW ever say the word 'promise' at the end of any of the 1.2 notes? they never so hence they never broke a promise.


Furthermore if you checked the PTS notes they showed: THESE ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND NOT FINALISED"


Stop using false words in your rage posts.


Did you check their 1.2 trailer?

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I love that people think they "promised" this. When in fact they didn't. 100 some odd pages of people whining, and griping that they want their money back (which you aren't going to get btw).


Nobody bothers to read patch notes anymore, in that things aren't finalized until officially released. They hoped to get it in (big difference from promised), and pulled it because it was obviously not ready and not working to the point where it would likely cause all kinds of issues with the game itself (nevermind breaking queues somehow or creating unfair teams).


Next time, wait until the patch goes live before you resub.

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"In the meantime we have provided an alternate purchase route for War Hero gear so you can start building your set while figuring out your teams."


So my questions is, does anyone know what this "alternate route" might be? Obvously it will not require ranked comms since there will be no ranked games, but will it require you to turn in BM gear for it as well? Also, not sure if I like this because a lot of ppl will have full War Hero gear without having to do any ranked games, and that kind of defeat the whole purpose. Not sure if anyone knows the answer, but wanted to ask.


probs lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of cash... or mercenary coms, lots of em'. who know, guess we'l find out 2morow.

Edited by swifferdude
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Heartfelt lulz. You may as well advertise GW2 on your website from now on. No ranked wzs, no open world pvp, you must really have no interest in keeping us pvpers subbed to your game. :D


Maybe they had a result that only 10% of the whole playerbase is interested in PVP so they ditched us?

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You promise, then deliver. That's what builds company reputation and customer loyalty.

Repeatedly promise, and then repeatedly fail to deliver, and you do the opposite.


Bioware should never have made these promises. The should never have set a timeline without knowing whether they could meet it or not; certainly not without doing a little preliminary work on identifying the scope of the problems.


This is a business mistake par excellence. It is a textbook case of amateur business practice; poor planning; poor understanding of customer base and consumer expectations. Consequently, the focus in 1.2. has been misapplied, and the whole process botched.


To notify expectant paying customers that a hotly anticipated feature is delayed for the foreseeable future a few hours before due release is the sort of stuff that sinks games. These days people are not going to wait - Bioware needs to learn quick smart that we are not living in the bad old days when content was only ever released on CD, and people would wait for years for expansions and updates. We live in a digital age where paying customers expect efficiency and promises to be delivered.


People will not continue forking out money month-after-month without getting what they were promised. Bioware has failed, spectacularly. They will learn that word-of-mouth will warn off prospective new customers, and that existing customers pull the plug.


Bioware needs to get professional administrators and customer-service gurus onto their team to avoid making textbook business mistakes. And all within less than 12 months of initial release!


Where was this "promise" you speak of? I don't ever remember reading


"Patch 1.2 coming with Ranked Warzones!..... We promise"

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I'm glad they waited until the last minute. I have a feeling they new weeks ago that it wouldn't go live.


It'll be interesting what else is broken in this patch, I'm not holding my breath. 1.1 Screwed over a lot of people, 1.2 may just cover the hole TOR has already dug.

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